Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: Lorath [Nyli System] Igniting The Forge


Inactive Member
.5 AU From Nyli Star

Inky blackness and the shimmer of a star in the distance, thats what was visible from the point where the Lorath's future would really take a leap into the better. The bulky forms of cargo ships and Harvester-Class ships zipped about, completing the last minute movements required for the show which was about to start. However, to an outside observer, it seemed that these ships were just playing a silly game of stop and go.

"The final load of materials has been moved off the ship." Came a voice from one of the cargo ships to the sizable form of an Antaeus Battleship which watched over the dance of ships.

"Unload confirmed, all ships return to holding positions." The Antaeus' communications operator stated as they took pause for the time being to wait for the order which would make their efforts worth while.


Nyli III Settlement

"Mm, I love times like these." Velor whispered as he smoothed out his robes. He had left his sister in the bed chamber for the time being as she watched over their children.

After a final check in a hallway mirror, Velor strode into the conference and broadcasting room which was built into the new palace. He took his place behind a podium and straightened out a thin stack of papers upon it before he gave a nod to the New Tur'lista operator which went about opening a comm-line to the Matriarchy Associated Network, and through them, a channel to the United Outer Colonies.

"Good people of Nyli, Lor, and all those which have made their home here in the cluster. I speak to you today as a person which wishes to ensure the future prosperity of our beloved home. We live on the frontier, away from the comforting hands of our respective homelands, and due to this, we must make due for ourselves. We've turned rock into homes, soil into foods, and we've even tried to claim the skies around our homes and keep them safe. For that, we should be commended, but our efforts for now have been lacking a key point.

"Stability. We have been relying upon what we've had at our disposal which has been given to us from the comforts of home. Now that we are far away, it is time for us to make for ourselves, just as we have with our new homes. To do this, we must make sure that we have the means to make for ourselves, both for nourishment and survival.

"As we well know, in these troubled times, food, water, sun, and air are not all we need to survive anymore. We need to have steel, plasma, and the engines of progress behind us to survive. We can not simply grow such things, we can not simply use our bare hands for such things. To ensure that we have the vital backbone which we need to prosper, we need a tool. This tool can not come from our comforting home, so, we give ourselves this tool, us, as the United Outer Colonies."

Velor tapped a button on the bottom of the podium with his boot, sending a message which notified the LSDF of the progress of his speech.


.5 AU From Nyli Star

At the High Priest's command, a number of active stealth systems were de-activated. In what seemed to be the empty space that the cargo ships were dancing around, came five box-like massive metallic shapes. Each one of these boxes had a gaping maw, and inside of each maw was what could be recognized as ships, ships of various classes.

This very image was broadcast to the Matriarchy Associated Network, and then to the United Outer Colonies.


Nyli III Settlement

"Good friends, allies, and family; I give to you the forge which will allow us to build and protect our future, The Wh'ki Shipyard System. As I speak, one of these shipyards is being moved to the Jiyuu system to be used by our Yamataian friends, along with what is needed to know how to utilize the shipyard. We give this tool to the good people of Jiyuu as a gift to them, and our Empress Katsuko. With these tools, we will ensure our survival and our prosperity well into the future. Thank you my friends, may the Goddess bless you all."

With that, the communication was closed and Velor stepped down from the podium. He opened his private communicator and spoke into it. "Velor here... make sure the shipyard's production manifest remains on schedule. I receive ill news from our eyes in the North which makes me uneasy."