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RP: Lorath Occhestian Front - Warnings


War is a terrible thing- it brings out the best and the worst in our chaotic nature. It transcends beyond all known boundaries of time and space. What happened in the Occhestian worlds was truly no different, hidden far away from the prying and well-meaning eyes of the United Outer Colonies Peacekeeping Forces the vengeful wrath of the Fyunnen cast against the betrayers of their Matriarchy- the radical Occhestians. Several war parties ran through the less fragged planets searching for hidden bunkers and survivors, those that yet might be saved and brought home to their mothers and sisters of the New Tur’lista.

Honor grimaced behind the facemask of her environmental suit as she led the way into the wreckage of what was left of a temple. All around her were twisted forms indistinguishable from the charred stone and metal, save for the burning scent of flesh and the metallic taste of blood in the air, which marked the remains of something that used to breathe. Even through the filters of her canister, she could taste it between breaths of stale filtered air. Grimacing, she held her rifle’s grips more tightly as she kept it up at ready to shoot if she needed to.

“Something wrong, Sister?” A male voice crackled over the comm link, noticing that Honor’s blip had paused on his readouts.

“Nothings wrong, proceeding forward, nothing out here but charcoal and scrap,” Honor muttered as she advanced deeper into the ruins. She spotted a flash of silver in the hazy sunlight that seemed out of place in the blackened landscape. “I think I found something, I’m checking it out.”

“Give a shout if you find something you can’t handle. We’re right here behind you, Sister,” the male voice replied, reassuringly.

Honor went through the motions of checking the environment for any signs of danger just as she was trained her whole life. The basic principles of situational awareness hadn’t changed, just the environment. She felt creeped out by the whole thing. She jumped as she heard something crack behind her and swirled around to find nothing there. Her suit’s scanners told her that there was nothing electronic or organic behind her. She shook her head and turned around in time to see a large beam slam into her faceplate and breech the suit’s structural integrity.

Honor woke unsure of what had happened. Everything was black and it hurt her eyes to open them, they felt like they were glued shut. She groaned as pain assailed her senses, slowly creeping up her body. Her body felt hot against the chill of whatever she was. “Brother, help,” she rasped as she tried to make an assessment of how injured she really was. She couldn’t move and she smelled that similar irony sweet scent she recognized from earlier, “…Blood? Someone help!” She tried to scream but her throat felt dry and raw o her screams came out more like rasps. “Oh sweet Mother, please…”

“We captured one of the invaders!” An excited young Occhestian exclaimed as she jumped up and down. Her black wings were rapidly flapping with joy and pride, as she was the one who spotted and incapacitated the intruder.

“Excellent, did you see any others?” A much older Occhestian woman replied, smiling despite the gravity of the situation before them. She watched her daughter’s excitable nature bursting forth and worried for her. There wasn’t much time left for them here but she didn’t want to worry her; she wanted her pretty little daughter to have some hope.

“No, just that girl. What do you want to do with her? We could interrogate her?” The girl replied, taking a moment to pause in her bouncing.

“We could but she’s probably just one of the advance party looking for survivors. We have to hurry before the rest of her team comes looking for us,” the mother replied as she looked at Honor appraisingly from the other side of the “glass” barrier that separated them from the makeshift prisoner cell. She lamented that they wouldn’t be able to use the shower before they made their hasty escape but it’d make clean-up much faster. “Little One, tell the others that we need to leave right away. I’ll take care of this invader but you need to make sure you get everyone out before they come for her, do you understand me?”

The girl nodded, “Yes, Mother!” She smiled brightly and ran off, her black wings flapping happily as she left.

Her mother watched her go with a smile but her expression darkened as her daughter’s wings disappeared around the corner. Her gaze turned cold and conniving as she turned towards the injured Fyunnen in the cell. She took a deep breath and entered the chamber. Her senses were assaulted by the stench of blood and fear from the Fyunnen secured spread eagle to the wall by improvised shackles.

Honor heard the footsteps and the woman’s breathing, “Please,” she begged, “help me. I can’t see. I think might be really hurt.”

The woman watched Honor appraisingly. Her prisoner’s wings were once a shiny black but now, dried blood and grime tarnished them. Honor’s eyelids were encrusted with blood but her entire face was a gigantic mess of bruised flesh and dried blood, the woman knew that Hope had most likely broken this woman’s nose and probably eye socket with that beam. She would’ve been very pretty once, she mused as she moved closer. There were other injuries of course, caused by rough handling and disarming of the Fyunnen through Hope’s inexperience and excitement at being inside a mech for the third time in her life. “What is your name, Fyunnen? Tell it t me quickly or it will be too late.”

“Fy'lad 'Honor' Lilith Fyunnen,” Honor whispered, “Please let me go. There is no honor in killing me like this.”

“I fail to see how carpet bombing a planet is any better, child. It’s too bad,” the woman said very softly as she gripped the handle of her knife and went to work.

It was several hours since Honor’s team had lost contact with her. Her older brother, Maelstrom was in a panic as he searched for some sign of his sister’s signal in the ruins where she disappeared. He felt sick at the memory of her screams and the sickening crunch that had been her last known broadcast. “Anyone find her yet?”

“Not yet, we have some movement down there… there’s a large group emerging from what might be an underground tunnel about 100 yards south of the ruins. We’re checking it out,” a calm female voice replied as she motioned for the team to circle around to cut off the Occhestians escape.
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