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Ocean Sunrise

I have an new idea of a forum/site theme: It'd feature a friendly orange sun rising over a teal ocean at the top. Most of the content areas would be a light teal with black text, while the background would be a deeper teal. All exterior corners would be rounded and links contained within little rounded rectangles.


(Inspired by this topic)
The navy blue does seem a bit dark too dark, now that you mention it. And the black background when posting a reply. But if you mix brighter colors the wrong way you can often be distracting or hard on the eyes. Thats why many forums perfer neutral colors like whites, cool greys, one or two faded colors.

But teal and orange? There are just certain colors that don't mix. I guess theres no accounting for taste.
But teal and orange? There are just certain colors that don't mix. I guess theres no accounting for taste.
Tell that to the Miami Dolphins!

Like said, it'd be mostly shades of teal/aqua.

And the black background when posting a reply.
Huh? There's no pages on the forums that have black backgrounds (unless you are using the old, unsupported theme Solaris).
Oh, I always thought of it as Navy blue, lol.

I prefer the dark background. Hurts my eyes less. I spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen, so, the less bright it is while having acceptable contrasts, the less painful it is for me.
My monitor is so dark that the background is black, not blue.

I'd go with black text, no matter what. It's easier to read.
I use the Solaris background because white on black is very easy to read for me. As long as that's still there I'm happy.
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