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Of Commerce and Profit


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Location: Orbit above Yamatai

Hikaru, the CEO of TC sat at the control console of the Hikiuma shuttle he was flying in. The new shuttle streaked upwards through the blue sky which was rapidly darkening as it entered the upper atmosphere. It was good to actually be piloting it, most of the time he had to allow others to operate the craft. But today was too important to him and his security team had no reason to insist that one of them flew the shuttle. The flight from the surface has been uneventful and their destination waited just ahead. The sensors showed the flotilla of corporate ships waiting in high orbit. They were a collection of Ge-F6 and Ge-F7 freighters. He had hoped to be able to use the Ge-L4 but they were still in development.

Adjusting his course he took a higher trajectory, which brought him into a position to see the pride of the Tamahagane Corporation. The TCS Urufu was bathed in sunlight as it moved into the periphery, a brilliant sword in the tradition of the clan. Her paint scheme was the new corporate color scheme they had decided the month prior. She was the first ship in their fleet to sport it. He looked upon her with a sense of pride; she was a symbol of his clan’s strength, and their burgeoning new destiny.

Hikaru maneuvered the shuttle down towards the Urufu, and brought her around to the port side. With experienced hands he rotated the Hikiuma around so that he could back her into the shuttle bay. Once in he initiated the power down. “Not bad. If I say so myself.” He said to no one in particular.

Bridge of the Urufu

Hikaru stood at the rear of the bridge a silent feature observing the crew. While the bridge was a restricted area his position allowed him to be present. His eyes settled upon Bernard Thompson, the newly appointed captain of the Urufu. While he was new to the ship, he knew that Bernard had years of experience aboard ships, and commanding them.

The brown haired Nepleslian turned to face Hikaru “Tamahagane-Shuhan, all the Urufu systems are green across the boards. The flotilla reports they are ready to get underway. We are awaiting your orders to move out, sir.”

Hikaru stepped forward, he did not want to make a long speech, but he did feel that he needed so something.
“This is a great day for our Clan and our Corporation. It marks the beginning of our grown as a company and an economic force in this area. When we formed this corporation we made assurances that we would honor prior agreements. Today we fulfill those assurances. Our trip to Nepleslia marks out commitment to them, and if we are fortunately, new business opportunities as well.

Captain Thompson, signal the flotilla, onward to Nepleslia Prime.”
Bernard turned to his crew, “You heard the man. Communications signal the flotilla. Engage hyperspace fold for Nepleslia Prime.”

A few minutes later a series of teal spheres began forming around the Urufu and the freighters. Once they were fully formed, the flotilla vanished in a flash of light as they entered FTL together.

Nepleslia Prime Star System
The Tamahagane flotilla dropped back into STL space outside of the Nepleslian defense network. Knowing it would not be prudent to approach without approval. The Urufu with its size and distinctive shape was in front of the flotilla, its thrusters holding it in its current position.
On the bridge of the Urufu, Bernard had his communications person open a channel.

He broadcasted.
It only took half a minute for the Urufu to receive a response on their open channel. A soft feminine voice made the answer over the line.

This is Orbital Communications Savtech Proia. We welcome you to the Nepleslia Prime system, and have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. I am patching you through to the proper channels now. Please wait.

The feed closed, and a small tune played in it's place to signify that the flotilla was, in fact, on hold. It was an almost amusing prospect considering the level prestige meeting together at that moment, but the Savtech was indeed doing her job as she did with any ship or grouping that entered the system. After another minute or so of waiting for the channel, the viewscreen, if it would support it, opened a video feed of a young man with an eye-patch and a nasty scar just under the eye accessory appeared. His eye popped a bit when it connected, and he quickly adjusted his microphone.

"Greetings, TCS Urufu." his voice cracked, indicating a certain extent of restless fatigue in his voice. One of the other people operating screens in the background looked over the man's shoulder, and seem to call on some of the other operators in the room. Two more looked over his shoulder to get a look at the CEO meeting the Premier. "I am Traffic Coordinator Terry Nichols of the Prime City Starport. Proia has notified me that your flotilla has high-orbital clearance for the duration of your stay. The Public Relations Corps requests you land by shuttle at Gate 3 of Shuttle Terminal A. A PR Corps representative will be there to meet you at the gate. Follow the navigation coordinates being uploaded to you, and everything will be smooth and steady. Please enjoy your stay."

With that, the TCS Urufu received the designated landing point for the planet's surface. Along with it came an orbital 'ticket', which served to be their piece of data to quickly clarify their authenticity to any of the defensive fleets.
Upon receiving clearance Bernard told his helmsman to take them in to the planet, and to instruct the other ships to follow.

He then picked up the handset and dialed the Owners Suite.

"Yes, Captain." came Hikaru's voice.

"We have received orbital clearance sir. Their instructions once we are in orbit is for you to come down in a shuttle." he replied.

"Okay, have the Hikiuma prepared for departure. One of the shuttle pilots can take us down." Hikaru replied and hung up.

The Urufu moved smoothly through the system towards their destination. When challenged the ship transmitted their authorization and continued unhindered.

When the ship slid into its assigned orbital position, Hikaru and his staff walked into the shuttle. Once they were seated the red headed female pilot shut the door. "We'll be departing in a moment sir."

The Hikiuma-class shuttle slid out of its berth, and started its descent towards Prime City Starport. The shuttle's descent caused the shields to glow as they deflected the superheated air of re-entry. Helena the pilot adjusted their trajectory and speed so their velocity would be slow enough to not pose any threat when they entered the lower atmosphere. She set her final course towards the starport, signaled to their controller their approach, and touched down light a feather at the designated gate.

Once the shuttle's primary systems were shut down. The door on the side opened. Two suited individuals stepped out and looked around. A moment later Hikaru stepped out and was joined by several other people including his wife.

They made their way over to the gate, and one of the gentlemen spoke to the person standing there. "This is Tamahagane Hikaru, here to meet with the Sky Marshal." he said with a curt bow.
"Welcome, sir!" said the animated woman that waited for them, raising up a DataJockey in one hand, and nothing in the other. She was somewhat short, if not stout, with short, curly blonde hair. She was wearing a Naval dress unifrom with a large P.R. armband. "My name Lieutenant Sheva Miles of the Public Relations Corps, and I'm going to be your escort out to the cars, and your official greeter to industrious Prime City!" She threw her hand out to a bustling Terminal with a little flourish, her hair bobbing as she moved.

The Terminal itself was bustling with life at the exception of the one gate they had arrived at. Prime City's starport was a sturdy, high built structural marvel. Walls of white stretched high, making one feel dwarfed at their magnitude, several green and jade structures reached up to support them and gave the place a gothic feel. Though, the lifeless power of the architecture was offset by intense natural lighting and holo-ad boards lining the walls the entire way. There was also small shops, gun stores, and fast-food vendors ingrained every spot where there wasn't an ad-board. Hanging from the ceiling were thick yarvex banners which held the patriotic green, white, and blue. Right under those banners were holo-plates which gave one directions where to go.

"If you would just follow me." said Sheva, taking the lead at a fast pace, and walking right through a group of twelve rather gruff looking Marines, who immediately fell in behind her and flanked the Tamahagane group. Ten men, and two women, all in green berets and pullovers, the standard wear of the NSMC.

"This is your very own squad contingent of Veteran Marines." went the Public Relations Lieutenant, looking back at Hikaru, his wife, and his retinue as if she was describing a gift from god. "Each soldier has been in the service since YE 28, and all hail from the highly decorated 1st Assault Fleet! Each was hand-picked by the Premier himself for your protection! Not that you'll need it, of course, but he looks after people." She quickly guided the group towards the exits, bypassing a split group of onlookers who couldn't help but watch them all go by.

"Today's weather calls for slightly cloudy, with a 2% chance of rain." said Sheva, looking at her DataJockey as she walked through the sliding glass doors into a nice warm day, and cleared, very wide array of stairs down to the street into three hover-limos. Flanking both sides were reporters from several news organizations snapping photography of the Yamataian based CEO and his wife as they made their way down the steps. Several of the reports turned to their cameras making their statements.

"Highs are in the mid 70s, lows are in upper 60s. Oh! And just to let you know, Nepleslia Prime's gravity is ten-percent less than that of Yamatai's, so you may feel lighter. The days are eighteen hours long, so it may seem like that sun is moving a little fast." yelled Sheva over the crowd back to Hikaru, making sure at least he could hear her.

The woman quickly made her way down to the middle limo, and opened the door, while the other Marines opened the doors on the limos ahead and behind.

"This car is for you and your wife Mr. Tamahagane!" she gestured them both in, making her voice just loud enough so it would be audible. "Your retinue will ride in the other limos, and don't worry! We have a few more cars coming up if they don't fit!"

Inside the car was a nice, leather interior, which would seem relatively sound proof once they would enter. There was I wide space between the two couch-like seats facing one another. As soon as Hikaru and his wife would choose to notice, they'd see the limousine had one other person sitting on the seat facing the back seat, Pyros Thrull Westwood. He wore a nice, dark green, double-breasted suit with a green/white/blue pin on his collar. Across his lap was a gilded cane which seemed iconic of political leaders in Nepleslia. The premier greeted them with a nice, wide grin, on a slightly wrinkled face.
Hikaru followed Sheva, and allowed their escort to serve their purpose. He sub-vocallized a message to his security telling them to remain alert but take no overt posture.

There is a reason that the Sky Marshal's people are putting on this display, he thought. He did say this Sheva was their PR person, it seemed that this display of protection and all was just that. Especially after passing the cameras of the new people. Well if the sky marshal feels the need, then we can play along. Hikaru was used to being in the public and so he simply maintained a calm appearance and smiled pleasantly from time to time at random people.

Once in the car he took note of the interior in a measured fashion, and upon seeing the person waiting for them he gave a slight nod in Pyros' direction.

Since the door was still open and it was apparent that the Sky Marshal, did not want his presence here known, "The vehicle appears to be satisfactory Miss Miles and well stocked." Hikaru said as he leaned back into his seat; took his wife's hand casually and waited for Sheva to either join them or close the door.
"Why, thank you Mr. Tamahagane! I did my utmost to make sure your ride wa--..." Sheva stopped mid-sentence as she got a better look inside the car. She went pale almost instantly when she spotted Pyros grinning back at her. Despite being the coordinator for their needs, Lieutenant Miles seemed a little too shocked at this sight. With a ruffled sense of panic, she began to quickly go over her DataJockey. While she did this, Pyros leaned over and pulled the door shut with his cane. "W-wait! Sir!" went the muffled voice of Sheva outside the window.

"Jenks, get the car rollin', will ya?" said Pyros, as he gave a little wave to Sheva with a small wink. The driver at the front, dressed in dark-green, and splendid attire for a simple driver only nodded his head. It took a moment, but as soon as the first three limos were pressed with passengers, the motorcade took off.

"Ha ha!" laughed the Premier boisterously patting his knee as he held the cane in his other hand. "I love pulling a fast one on those P.R. kids. A security nightmare, but always worth the look on their faces." His face tightened a bit as he looked at Hikaru, "I'm sorry, I must seem terribly irresponsible. Partially true, but let me amend that."

The leader extended his hand out to the CEO for a firm shake.

"Pyros Thrull Westwood, Premier and Sky Marshall of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Let me be the fourth or fifth to welcome you to the humble city of Prime City." he said with a chuckle, as he nodded his head towards the window.

To someone from Yamatai, the city likely seemed little along the lines of 'humble'. There were literal pillars of industry and metal, Nepleslian civilization stretching tall towards the sky in the center of the city. There was intense traffic flowing in and out, with roaring sounds of progress and the humdrum of mega-city life carrying on. Likely, it's 'humble' title came from the fact that you could still see trees off the distance, which seemed to be the destination of the motorcade.
Hikaru took the proffered hand gave it a good firm shake while adding his deep bass laughter to Pyros'.

"I do believe I am going to enjoy working with you. I have the same problems with the Samurai assigned to protect me. Which is why I take trips on my yacht back at Kyousou. They can follow on another boat, but no one steps on the Enkatsu unless I say so."

Sitting back Hikaru pointed to his wife, "Mr Premier allow me to introduce my wife, and best friend Otome."

Otome smiled, "It is an honor to meet you Sky Marshal. You have an impressive city. Very different from our home. You could probably put the entire population of our town in one of your magnificent towers."

"Sadly I have not spent much time at our home. I miss our mountain. Will there a formal meeting or are going to dispense with such things? I do have a few things to present to you." Hikaru inquired,
"The pleasure is all mine!" laughed Pyros in his bursting warmth, leaning back against the seat. The man brought up his hand and gently formed his wispy chin-hair into a loose spike. "Prime is slowly becoming the next jewel in our growing Imperium, and now it serves as the seat of power. Expect it to get bigger and unnecessarily better in the future." He looked between Otome and Hikaru.

"I figured I'd come meet you in person, to knock the pleasantries out of the way. I'm not a man of noble blood, just a lucky son of a bi--..." Pyros stopped himself there, glancing at Otome. "...--a lucky man. Never been one for the intricacies of wealthy and high-political living. So I figure before we cut to business, I'd like to get to know you more."

As they spoke, the car strode quietly and rather quickly over the road. The couple would notice that the roads they were traveling were actually quite clear of traffic compared to the rest of the city. The industrious and high-imperial landscape gave way to the low industry and minor residential areas. The sub-urban area was almost quite pleasant in the late morning sun, were not for that simple grittiness that made it ideally a city suburb.

"As you know, for the five to six years of our existence, Nepleslia hasn't had the best of relations with Yamatai." noted Pyros, taking on a bit of a more serious tone. "I'd like to rectify that by making one of our first overt deals with a Yamataian based company as welcome as possible. Ideally, I'd like to know more about the Tamahaganes, their clan and their corporation. Your factory will be one of the first direct links to Yamatai that our people will have experienced in this last half-decade. In my best guess, this move will do more for Nepleslia than business."
Hikaru listened to Pyros sizing up the man by his demeanor and words. "Well, let me begin with the basics....

Tamahagane is a small but very old clan, most of us live in Kyousou. A mountain town that the clan founded more than 200 years ago. There are currently 1,075 families within the clan. We are a very traditional people, descended from a long line of warriors and artisans. Sword making has been a fundamental art within our clan and a way to help preserve the traditions. Core to our clan beliefs are quality, integrity, and the quest for excellence."

Hikaru paused to look briefly out the window, "In general the clan avoids politics, but we are loyalists. We have a number of members who have chosen military service as a path to personal growth. We also have our own Samurai, who server as body guards for high placed clan members. And they will figure prominently in our new security force we are assembling.

For years our clan has operated a sword manufacturing company as a means of selling our products. A small portion of the clan actually worked there and other have had jobs elsewhere and some have operated small personal businesses."
"Mmm hmm." replied the Premier, his mind ripe with interest as Hikaru painted a picture of the Tamahagane for him. The older man leaned back in his chair, setting his ankle on his knee. Though his curiosity seemed to pique when it came to the nature of their business. "Now, how exactly did you expand so far as to buy in on Emrys industries?"
Hikaru smiled at the question, it was one he had heard many times since the clan formed the corporation and and purchased several small companies.

"Well, that was a two step process. First the clan made the decision to expand our business ventures into something much larger, and something that more of the clan would be involved in.

The first part was arranging for the financials. A clan being over 200 years old means we've had quite a few long term investments. Though most of those were just turned over into new investments. So we have always had a sizable cash reserve at the clan's disposal. Then every one of the families bought into the corporation by donating a large portion of each families savings.

After that it was a matter of selecting companies. Emrys Industries just like Geshrinari Shipyards had both been in serious decline. We realized that with an influx of revenue and revitalizing the product lines they could reach new heights. Most of Emrys' divisions had no significant sales in years, only their pharmaceuticals were keeping them solvent.

So we contacted the owner and made him a very lucrative offer and bought him out. As for the shipyards, we purchased all the stock that was available. It was rather devalued so it was not hard to acquire.

Since acquiring them we started evaluating the current products, determined what had potential and what should be discontinued. Also for the present we kept all the current infrastructure for them."

He stopped for a moment, pulled out his datapad and tapped a few buttons.

"So far the acquisitions have been doing well, we recently acquired a contract to build a new class of ship for the Star Army of Yamatai, which should help fund other efforts."
Sunlight flickered on by inside the car as the hovercade made their way into the forest surrounding Prime City. Occasionally a logging truck and a car or two would go by, but for the most part, traffic was minor. It seemed that nature, was thick in the area they were traveling to. The scenery, was not magnificent, but the large, ancient trees were eye-catchers for those paying attention. It was certainly a change from the industrious livelihood of the city they had just left, and much so from aerospace society.

"Amazing!" said Pyros, hunching back over onto his cane to get a little more into it. "Using the unity of a family and their assets to put the name up into a corporation. Does this mean that everyone in the Tamahagane Clan is a stockholder? Or do you hold the majority of the assets?"
Hikaru smiled, "Actually every member of the clan is a stockholder. Every clan member received shares first because they were members of the clan. Everyone received an equal base number. Then they received addition shares commensurate with how much they were able to personally contribute.

I am the largest individual share holder, but by a negligible amount. Although as the Clan Leader I have a 5% share of stocks that I have proxy privileges for, but I can only use them in certain cases, such as if a vote is being called and there is not at least a 1% margin of consensus, I may vote with the proxy. So far I have not needed to, and I honestly do not expect to have to very often; if at all. Those stocks though do not belong to me, whenever I decide to step down as Clan Leader and CEO or should I die. They will automatically be given to my successor."
The car slowed to a stop on the road, as the car ahead of turned into a gatehouse that led down what looked like a private road deeper into the woods. Pyros looked over his shoulder to see where they were, and then looked back forward at Hikaru. The lead car in the hovercade moved forward, and their car stopped at the gatehouse, the driver and guard exchanged a few words, before showing his I.D. to him.

"That must make you awfully important, then." said Pyros, resting back in his seat. "Does that mean you've got to go through something like this every time you go home?" He thumbed off to the guard, as the hover-limo pushed on down the road, catching up with the other car ahead. "Security at the road, security at the gate, security in the house, security in the trunk of the car, security in the bathroom. The moment you win one of these elections are make it to the top, you suddenly lose all your privacy."
Hikaru could empathize with Pyros, "Not to such extremes. After all I am only the leader of a Corporation. Not the leader of a government. My security mainly gets involved when I leave Kyousou. When in our home town my security tends to be one Samurai who travels with me. Although I am sure there are others nearby, but they do not make their presence know. Within the walls of the house there is only the immediate family, a few family retainers. Security monitors the exterior.

Given the unfortunate incidents back at the Senate, I can see though why your people are in a heightened sense of protection. Hopefully with time, they will draw back to a more tolerable level.

How goes the moving of the government and building up this world?"
The hover car passed a small barracks on the road leading towards the mansion. A few ID-SOLs and two nepleslians were next to the front door, playing cards as they went by. The soldiers looked up at the limos as they went by, and subsequently dropped their cards and filed into the barracks. A few hundred yards up the road, was the mansion itself, surrounded by a tall, concrete wall with a set of guards posted at the main gate. The Star of Nepleslia was emblazoned in bronze on the front door, reflected the glory of the mid-day sun, as a single, well-dressed butler polished it's edges.

"The city itself has been booming ever since the Alliance cleaned the place out. But! Ever since we moved the capitol here, we've seen a boom in numbers." noted Pyros, before the limo slowed to a stop at the roundabout in front of the gate. One of the guards shuffled up to the door to let the group out, but the Premier was one step ahead, opening one side of the car. He got out on Otome's side, allowing her to step out first.

"They're still working out the kinks in the senatorial chambers, and the other political offices. So, for now, we handle senatorial meetings at army bases, and occasionally my place." noted the man, before looking at the solid gates, which blocked sight of the actual home, but offered eye-candy enough with their ornate design. "At any rate, we're here! We'll go straight to dining room after this, and discuss business over lunch."
Otome got out of the vehicle turned to Pyros, "Thank you Premier. I was wondering Premier do you have a wife?"

"I can well imagine the problems, we're still working out the logistics of meetings within our various holdings. So I can well imagine the issues logistically, and security wise trying to conduct Senate business in a safe and secure fashion." Hikaru replied.
Pyros gave a gentle smile to Otome at that question, his hands wrapped around his cane, and he settled himself on it until Hikaru stepped out of the car. The old soldier of politician brought a knuckle to his lip, thinking about how he should respond to that.

"I did, once." was all he could come up with as an answer.

The gates opened at that, and out came an immaculately, tall and muscle-bound, yet well-dressed butler, with cropped hair and a well-maintained, curly mustache. It was easy to tell that this man was all for his job, as he quickly approached the couple. The green-suited butler strode over the paved entrance way with a suited grace before stopping in front of the three. With a graceful bow, he introduced himself.

"Welcome, to the Westwood Manor! Home of Premier Westwood, his blood, his friends, and all of his guests! My name is Sherman Evergreen." He shifted his mustache side to side with that, and stood back up, straight as a ruler. "I am the Head Butler of this manor. I do hope your ride was comfortable and smooth, and I doubly hope you brought your appetites. The Chefs are almost done preparing a meal of steaks, potatoes, beans, and various sides. Now, before we enter, I am required to inform you--..."

"Skip the cautionary bits, Sherman." waved Pyros, walking past the man. This left the butler a little breathless, somewhat leaving his duty as a butler as half done.

"Ah, well... Then in we go!" picked up Sherman beckoning the Tamahaganes to follow him into the front gardens of the manse. The gardens were lush and green, but nothing to high as to obstruct the view of the solidly built manor. Boxwood bushes lined the pathways, which encircled the central area where a fountain or statue would normally be. Instead, there was a hi-powered anti-aircraft weapon, pointed high into the sky, being polished by a maid in a dark green maid's outfit. She was struggling with reaching a certain part of the machine, as was bent over one of the seats. This gave a nice, full view of her athletically toned thighs, but more important, a Styrling Silver Special holstered to that thigh as well.

One thing to notice of the grounds was that every singly member of the house staff seemed not only well-fit, but also armed. Butlers seemed to carry around .45 Zen Arms, and the maids were strapped with Styrling Silver Specials, it was a well-guarded place.

Though, even more guarded was the mansion itself. It seemed to resemble a bunker that was done up for high-class living. It had a splash of traditional style in window shutters, and earthy designs etched in on the doorway and capitals above the windows. Pyros lived much like a Nepleslian would want, how exactly he wanted it.

"I wouldn't mind seeing what your home is like, one day, Hikaru. Maybe see what your house staff is packing." chuckled Pyros, tacking his cane all the way to the front door.
Otome was uncertain how to respond to Pyros' statement about having had a wife. She choose to stay silent and let the men speak.

Hikaru took note of the Nepleslian staff, and the obvious presence of weaponry. The Nepleslian people do like their display of weapons, the simple straight forward manner of letting people know they are armed. Of course I have to wonder what weapons are not so visible. After all how better to distract people by having plenty of weapons in plain site. he thought.

Hikaru followed in Pyros' wake, the man had a penchant for frustrating his staff. "The invitation is always open Premier, so what percentage of your staff are still active duty." he said with a chuckle.
"Percentage? Zero, if that surprises you." noted Pyros, stepping up to the door with Sherman flanking his right. It was notable that Mr. Evergreen was much taller and muscular in comparison to Pyros, though he seemed to have a smaller presence than the man. The butler reached for the door to open it for the Premier, and got his hand slapped by the man. "I got it, no need to go doin' everything for me, Sherman."

Sherman wiggled his mustache at that.

"Sherman here is a faithful fellow that's been in my service since I was serving as Master General in 28." said Pyros to Hikaru, opening the door and making his way in, Sherman simply bowed his head in respect to the Tamahaganes, letting them enter first. "One of the two lieutenants who served in my personal retinue for purposes of fielding and strategy. They got quite attached to me, it seems. The others, are mostly just kids I've drummed up off the streets. Most don't have homes, others just have shitty families, but all of them know how to kill each other. So, I give them a job, a new home, and some discipline, then write it all off as a split expense to Child Services and the Unemployment Bureau."

The inside of the manor was a little more decorative than the outsides more defensive exterior. There were paintings of wide land-scapes, some of particularly famous people, but most of all guns. Between every painting or two, there was a rifle, pistol, shotgun, or machine gun of varying calibers and ammo type, with actual batteries, boxes, and magazines flanking the sides of each weapon. Upon closer inspection, it looked like each weapon of relatively modern quality was loaded and primed.

Besides decoration, there were the young maids and butlers moving to and fro, some carrying dishes, some carrying laundry, some moving along to get their next thing to do. For a large house that contained one man, the house staff always seemed to have something to do.

Pyros lead the way to a wide dining room that had four small tables and three large dining tables, one large one in the center and two flanking it. Standing by the chair at the head of the table was particular made of intimidating beauty, she was curvy, with wide hips. She was as tall as the Head Butler, sharing his rather decent height, and appeared a little thick. Though, a look at her arms and legs would reveal that it was all toned, athletic muscle.

"Welcome home, Pyros and guests." bowed the maid, a smile on her soft face, and barely noticeable scar on her jawline. Her hair, curled on the end, bobbed as she moved. "My name is Gwendolyn Evergreen, I am the Head Maid of the Westwood Manor, and it is a pleasure to meet you all." She pulled out the chair at the head of one of the small tables that seemed fit for six people. It was decorated with white table cloth with gold-threaded trim. Porcelain plates with little geometric designs of them sat at each of the six chairs on the square table, with corresponding silverware that shined a reflective sheen. "If you would select your seats, the staff will accommodate your choice as much as possible."

With that, two maids entered into the room rather hurriedly, and a little winded, as if they had run all the way from the gatehouse. They took a standing spot at each side of the table, waiting on the Tamahaganes, smiling as they caught their breath. Gwendolyn seemed to cast each of them a judging glance, which the two did their best to ignore, keeping their eyes on solely anyone but the Head Maid.
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