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RP: 188604 Of Meetings, Deals, and Rockets



It was one of the higher end resturants on Dawn Station, the kind that normally would have been beyond the means of the former Colonel Dean Lang. Although his latest employer had been more then generous in the venue of raising his standard of living. He was formly a Red soldier turned mercenary, the Paragon Initiative being his home for a few years before that folded. Of course the core of them, Lang managing to keep the core of his former military unit together through the years. Their latest endevor and employer both intriguing the military man.... and frightening him to his core after his first face to face meeting with his benefactor.

But these thoughts where pushed to the back of his mind as he took another drag off of the glass of five year old bourbon. The eyes of the bald Nepleslian raising to greet the recent arrival in the modestly sized dining room.

Uso would waste little time going right to the table and pulling out her seat, the woman flopping down into her chair, clad in the usual tight fitting bodysuit, datapad clipped to her hip.

"So," She said, putting her hands together and pointing them over at the man on the other side of the table,

"I hear you've got the shit"

She would pause for a moment, "Missiles, a bit small, but better than anything else on the market. Since its a pain in the ass to get anyone on my payroll to build a fucking missile you're poised to make a big sale right now."

The white coated man smirked for a moment at the directness of a being he'd heard of, rumors are rumors afterall, but never actually laid eyes on.

"Cutting to the chase, then again when one runs their own little empire." He said, his hand reaching into the tailored suit and coming free with a datapad of his own roughly the size of a notebook paper. Pressing his thumb into it, the fingerprint and arteries underneath unlocking the thing, he put it down and slit it across the smooth wooden table to the neko.

"A complete selection of my employer's various products, do feel free to browse."

The neko would find that the 'catalog' was in common trade, a symbol from a faction she'd never laid eyes on.

"I really didn't mean to, that whole thing kinda snowballed... Now I'm doing milk-runs for missiles I'm not even going to fire myself." Uso explained, pulling the datapad up to her line of sight as soon as it reached her, her free hand sliding through the menu options even though her eyes were focused on the man sitting across from her.

"So what do you guys take as payment? Currency? Resources? Tech? I'd love to license production of these things... now... since that's apparently a thing I've been told I can do... or are you going to insist on maintaining some kind amanufacturing privacy?"

A slight bit of disappointment crossed his expression at the worlds of licensing, something the neko could clearly see. "I'm afraid this would be a strict supplier and user sort of arrangement, they didn't seem keen on the production of these assets crossing over the galactic gap." He reached into a pocket and dragged out a cigar that had clearly been lit before.

"As far as what they take in trade I've been told hard currency but they're also asking for intelligence and basing options in the area you have under your.... thumb?" His other hand found the lighter and ignited the slightly tinged end, his eyes slightly dialating as he took in a drag of the sweet scented smoke.

Uso wringled her nose a bit at the smell of the cigar, her enhanced senses certainly smelling a whole lot more of it than the vendor she was sitting across from. "Ugh... normally I know better than to ask who I'm getting this kinda stuff from but if you're wanting that then you're wanting some level of entanglement so..."

A waiter would come up, and before he could offer menus or discuss the specials Uso would cut him off,

"Just bring me whatever you normally eat... He'll have the same thing."

Uso would then go right back into talking to her friend across the table.

"... So, lets do that then. Who'm I dealing with here? I get that these," she said gesturing to the tablet. "Are not from around here but just how far out of the way and who are these guys?"

The man seemed to smirk again before tapping the cigar on the glass, letting some of the ash fall into the empty container. Then he shrugged, "I've only met one of them, and as far as I know there somewhere below the galactic plain compared to the rest of the sector." He leaned forward, "Scary guy at that even by my standards." The nepleslian gesturing to a long scar running from his eye to his chin.

Sitting back up and away he finally asked, "So are you interested in dealing?"

"Yeaaaaah.... Sure they don't want to license though? I'll make it worth their while.... " Uso said, watching his face, frowning, then continuing, "Fiiiiine. Bulk buy, a hundred thousand units... what'll that cost me and is that decent enough for a price break? Or do you have to go ask your far-off overlords regarding your product?

"I mean, "

"We're not dealing with Kuvexians right? Lot a heat on those guys right now."

"As far as I can tell they're human as can be to a fault," Lang said, crooking the cigar in his mouth before speaking again, this time bringing the tablet back into his hands.

"One hundred thousand total pieces of ordinance or per missile type?" He asked, looking up.

"To a fault? What does that even mean? Like... Kikyo sector humans tend to be really good at killing people... I gotta 'just kinda avoid those humans' policy. But if they are the Nepleslian kind... you know, just cyborgs and others who can't get enough of killing one another that's a whole different kinda human...


... what kinda price break am I looking at if I get 100k of each?" Uso asked.

The man shrugged, "The price is the price, afterall your getting something not many in the sector have." A truth in more then one form.

"The price is the price," Uso repeated mockingly, "Come on, what kinda salesman are you? You think your shit is so hot shit you can get away with not cutting a deal?"

"Well does the NH unit want a steady supply of anti-ship and anti-strike craft missiles without having to reduce herself to buying Zen Arms assets?" He quipped back.

"Obviously to blow up ships and strike crafts... What the shit are people buying these missiles for if not that? Come on now." Uso said, crossing her arms, "... Fine, whatever, lets full price the first sets. 100k each type."

There was a slight bit of relief in the mans face as he began running something through the tablet before extending it again, a large box indicating it needed a hand print.

"If you would ever so kindly." He said, smirking again.

"Cash huh?" Uso asked.

"Not quite, just an acknowledgement, someone else will receive payment at the transfer site of your choosing." He said, nodding to the tablet.

"Right then," Uso said, picking up the pad and pressing her palm down on it.

It beeped a moment later as Lang gestured for her to lift her hand, taking the pad back he examined it for a moment before looking up at the catsuited well... 'cat'.

"I do believe this will conclude us, you'll be contacted in a day or so to coordinate, do you have any questions?" He asked as he stood, his free hand dropping a few fifty KS notes on the table.

"Yeah, mind if I stay here and eat? Just let me mknow when the things are ready and we'll go from there...

I mean... I guess that isn't really a question. You're paying for lunch."

The Nepleslian seemed to shrug as the waiter appeared, something in her hands as he waved to her and then bowed to the neko comically.

"Then by your leave ruler of a world." He said before turning and exiting the restaurant, vanishing into the crowd beyond.
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