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RP: 188604 Official hiring thread for Ty

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Nath Tower> 188604

"So, from what I understand you're looking for new work?" Uso asked, picking up a candybar from the center table of the table and taking a bite. The Penthouse room of Nath tower had a few more S6 guards in it than normal. It was almost like they didn't trust Ty's request for a meeting. "And not just 'new work' but like, 'a whole new outfit to get work from'. I take it the private sector isn't bringing in enough for you and yours? Or maybe its that you just hate your old boss?"

Ty would nod to uso, "it's not exactly that simple ma'am. I've been dead a long time and out of practice and since a lot of s6 guys don't really trust a sudo undead assassin with them it's extremely hard to find work. Besides Frank mentioned I could find work with you and your units." ty said in his slightly monotone synthetic voice.

"Something like that, they'd rather you join them rather than be your own thing under them. Your uh... armor proclivities I think make that a bit harder. I suppose we have a few milk runs that we can send you on to get a feel for how your team works. It is your team right? Not like, you work for frank? Or you guys work for someone else?" Uso asked.

Ty nodded , "yes somthsome like that I've worked with them enough to were they are reqesreque me to join them as their team leader" ty would tap a few buttons near the face plate on his suit to remove the plate leaving the glass visor reveiling what remains of his face
"As for the comment on my armor it keeps me alive and I rather not tramatise the new recruits and become a ghost story."

"You could just get a new body, trade up to something with fewer kilometers on it," Uso said, posing a partial question to gauge his reaction.

"Sorry ma'am but I prefer to have this body the way it is to remind myself my mistakes and not to get cocky on missions"

"So then what do you bring to the table besides this reminder that you once died?" Uso asked, "And like... 3? 4 bodies? How big is your crew?"

Ty passed her the file of his leadership role when he was alive his skills a both a sniper and close quarter silent killer "that is files on my feats alive and this is now " he said handing her a list of 20 confirmed assassinations with photographic proof of his deeds

It would only take Uso a moment to read the document, her eyes lookign like they were twitching as they recorded the document and stored it in her memory. "I suppose that is enough to get you in the door. We've got an operation coming up... low tech level world that is suitable for us to uplift. Gonna pay it a visit and take it over. That's going to require a lot of people and a lot of capable ops guys to handle the details."
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