Star Army

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[Ohara] Fort Ohara

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A Nekovalkyrja captain, holding a cup of warm milk, sat in a large couch in her personal suite. The portholes in the room were opened to maximum aperture. The main planet of the Ohara system loomed large in the view through the portholes, as the ship was orbiting the planet. The captain smiled as she saw several Star Army ships approach the planet.

Several aging supply ships, heavily modified for construction tasks, entered Ohara orbit. After disgorging several space station modules from their hangar bays, the constructor ships proceeded to the delicate task of linking them together. Like a puzzle that was slowly being pieced together, one section of the space station began to take shape.

The construction of Fort Ohara had begun.

In the mean time, calls went out to all of the elite military units on Ohara for volunteers. There was no shortage of Phodian soldiers who wanted to join the planetary defense force, and only the best among them would be chosen.

[edit: added location tag to title]
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The news of the construction of fort Ohara spread relatively quickly, or at least as far as some of the major corporations where concerned. Seru Emrys, of Emrys Industries, who had been interested with the Ohara for a while, given his pet project of helping rising nations. And so he decided to take a break from Nepleslia, his other focus of concentration, something only possible due to the recent decrease in hostility in the Drug War.

Ordering Ghed to contact him if anything untoward happened, he took one of his Jilanth's and set course for the Ohara system, sending the following message when he got in range, which didn't take very long:

To Fort Ohara Command Officer

Greetings, I am Seru Emrys, here representing the interests of Emrys Industries, requesting permission to come aboard either your fortress, or wherever is more convenient and discuss possible business ventures that will be profitable for all concerned parties, and how myself, and my corporation can be most useful.

With many regards,

Seru Emrys

The Jilanth waited stationary, not wanting to risk a confrontation.


NovaCorp also had an interest in Fort Ohara, not so much for the planet, due to the technology restrictions in place, but the Fort interested certain members, and they thought that a representative should at least be there. As such they sent Epirus, an agent of there's, and his body guard, a Custodian type android, Ral. They too used a Jilanth shuttle, and sent this message, arriving only a few minutes after Seru by a strange coincidence.

To the Captain of Fort Ohara,

We of the Nova Corporation wish to extend our offer of assistance with the construction of your fortress, as well as inquire about possible financial potential it holds for us. To this end we would be grateful if you would allow our representative, Epirus, and his bodyguard, to talk with you in order to explore the situation.

Yours Sincerely,

Nova Corporation Council.

Their Jilanth remained stationary also.
Both Jilanth shuttles soon received this message:

Esteemed corporate representative, you and your party have permission to board the YSS Ayame II. Taisa Jeiriel Kemitha will see you personally. Please remember to power down your weapon systems, if any, before you approach Star Army ships.

The shuttles also received the coordinates of the Ayame II, which was also orbiting Ohara, near the construction site.

The construction of Fort Ohara was proceeding at a brisk pace. Nekos in Mindy armor were already flying around inside the completed sections of the space station, making mechanical adjustments and connecting together components that were too delicate to be handled by the constructor ships.
Seru made sure that the Jilanth's weapons systems where down, despite knowing that its weaponry wasn't really a threat, and approached the Ayame II, wondering idly what docking procedures would be used for a shuttle the size of a Jilanth. While he was waiting he looked out on the planet of Ohara, he had seen too few planets he thought, and this one was quite a beauty.


Epirus deactivated the Xasers on the shuttle, and turned to Ral, "You think they meant yours too?"

"The armament for my Xasers are currently in my back pocket, and my Keel is at the minimum setting. I can not lower my weapons lower without being unable to talk." Ral's voice certainly sounded human, but his body language was always stiff, which made Epirus, part of whose trade was reading body language, rather uncomfortable, which he of course didn't show.

"And we wouldn't want that would we." Epirus thought, piloting the Jilanth up to the Ayame, and only hoping they wouldn't have to go EVA to get in.
As the shuttles approached the Ayame II, both shuttles received an audio transmission. The voice was distinctly female.

"Hi there, Mr. Emrys and Mr. Epirus, this is Chui Ishihara. We have the shuttle bay open and depressurized for you. Your pilots should be able to locate it by scanning for our landing beacons. Mr. Epirus, please allow Mr. Emrys's shuttle to enter the shuttle bay first, so we can avoid a collusion, okay? Thanks! Please let me know when you've landed."

Meanwhile, the governments of Ohara were contacting the few hundred Phodian soldiers who were lucky and skilled enough to make the cut for the planetary defense force. Since the vast majority of them were NCOs, technically speaking, most of them would end up receiving demotions. Also, most of them would probably see a hefty increase in salary. However, there was only one thing that everyone on Ohara talked about:

Those soldiers were going to be in space.
That broadcast took both parties somewhat by surprise, mostly Epirus.

"Seru's here? Damn, that does put a slightly different face on things." he muttered, but kept the shuttle back like the woman had asked.

Seru on the other hand was trying to think who Epirus might be. He quickly wracked his brains over every possible place he had heard the name, and eventually thought he had read it in an obscure trading document related to NovaCorp. So they where there, all the better.

Seru locked onto the beacon, steered the Jilanth into the shuttlebay, taking into account its relatively large size, and set it down gently, before waiting for the shuttlebay to presurise. He was dressed in a well tailored dark blue/black suit, with leather gloves, and rather nice shoes. His face held a rather bemused expression, but then it usually did.

Epirus then came in, steering his Jilanth in masterfully, and putting it down with a grace that few could match. He had been one of the people who had flown the Jilanth first, and for the longest. He sat in Jilanth for a few moments, preparing himself. He was dressed in a rather nondescript suit that fell between casual and formal to a degree where it could be worn to either without creating any trouble. He had a pleasant face, the sort that made people at ease, and generally like him, something he found extremely useful. When he stood up and made for the back, he stashed his Xaser pistol in the weapon locker, just to make sure there would be no unpleasantness. Ral on the other hand was dressed in a standard black body-suit, made of heavy duty polymer, and with micro-camera's over it allowing for the Custodians 360 vision to be unimpaired. On its left breast was a Chiliagon, one of Ephesus' new symbols. They both waited for the shuttlebay to be hospitible for Epirus.
Giant hatches slowly slid over the shuttle bay's outer entryways, sealing it off from the cold vacuum outside. After a few moments, the occupants of both Jilanth shuttles soon heard the same female voice as before:

"Mr. Emrys and Mr. Epirus, this is Chui Ishihara again. I've restored the atmosphere inside the shuttle bay, so feel free to leave your shuttles if you wish. An officer will be along shortly to escort you to Taisa Kemitha."

The Nekos were certainly efficient. A Neko communications officer was already walking toward one of the several airlocks that connected the shuttle bay to the rest of the ship while the Jilanth shuttles landed. She entered the shuttle bay the moment the atmosphere inside returned the normal. The Neko had blue hair and light blue eyes, and wore a gray officer's uniform with a Taii rank pin.
At pretty much the same time, Epirus and Seru opened their shuttle doors, and walked out, Seru striding imediatly towards the communications officer, while Epirus waited a moment to evalutate his suroundings, Ral standing behind his right shoulder.

"I am Seru Emrys, it is a pleasure to be on this station, and to recieve such a warm welcome." Seru said walmly, bowing slightly.
The Neko returned the bow. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Emrys. I am Taii Matsuda. Taisa Kemitha is waiting for you and Mr. Epirus. I will take you to her."

She then turned to Epirus. "Mr. Epirus, your... robot, may accompany you if you wish. Please follow me."

Taii Matsuda led Seru, Epirus, and Ral through an airlock, and down several brightly lit corridors, eventually stopping at a set of doors that automatically slid open at their approach. Seru, Epirus, and Ral could see a fairly non-descript conference room on the other side of the doors, as well as the room's occupants.

A muscular Elysian female sat at the end of the long conference table. She had long white hair and large white wings that folded behind her. The Elysian wore a white captain's uniform with a Taisa pin, and a face that was completely expressionless. Her eyes were light blue but piercing.

A red-haired, green-eyed Neko sat to her left, who wore a gray officer's uniform with a Chui pin.

And the creature sitting to her right was a strange one indeed. At first glance, he had the appearance of a small, pig-like, fur-covered humanoid, only instead of forearms, he had the sweeping wings of a bird-of-prey, and his feet were talons, which dangled off the floor due to his short stature. Two small tusks protruded from the sides of his mouth, which curved into a jovial smile beneath his pig-snout and his small, beady eyes. He wore nothing besides a pair of red shorts with white leather belts. Strangest of all, a Taisa pin dangled from the gold necklace on his neck.
Seru smiled and inclined his head in acknowledgement, and also nodded to Epirus simply as an acknowledgement of his existence.

"I'm sure Ral will be happy to come to." Epirus answered, although at that point Ral was actually wondering whether he was a Robot or not based on the translation of the root 'robota' meaning forced labor. It probably didn't matter, but it gave him something to occupy his mind while constantly on the look out for threats.

Once they where in the conference room Seru bowed again, significantly deeper this time, and acknowledged all three, "Greetings Taisa, Chuii, and you Taisa," he said acknowledging the Phod, "Who I presume are the representative of your people here. I am Seru Emrys, at your service."

Epirus who had entered after Seru waited for him to finish, and for the immediate responses from the other people. This greeting face would allow him to evaluate everyone. The Elysians expressionless face was a great amount of information already, but he had no experience reading a Phod's body language. Ral, his size making him a very notable figure, combined with his marble like flesh and nigh perfect features, stood behind Epirus' shoulders, his arms behind his back, and quickly evaluated that there was no real danger from any of them.
The Elysian stood up and returned a deep bow to Seru. The red-haired Neko followed suit immediately. The Phod reluctantly roused himself from his seat, and sent a traditional military salute in Seru and Epirus's general direction. His smile remained as jovial as ever, but one couldn't help but get the impression that he was not big on ceremony.

"Welcome aboard my ship, Mr. Emrys, Mr. Epirus," said the Elysian. "As you probably have guessed, I am Taisa Jeiriel Kemitha. I am also in charge of the construction project at Fort Ohara. To my right is Taisa Bim Walik, who will be the commanding officer of the Phodian garrison at Fort Ohara once it is completed. As you have correctly surmised, he will represent the interests of the Phodian people here for all practical purposes. To my left is Chui Inoue Misako, my logistics officer. Now, I have been told that your companies are interested in discussing the possible business opportunities at Fort Ohara. But please, have a seat first." She gestured to the many seats still left empty at the conference table, and remained standing as a point of courtesy. One couldn't help but get the impression that Taisa Kemitha was very big on ceremony.

Chui Inoue remained standing as well, being as courteous as most Nekos. Taisa Walik was wondering why the heck everyone had to stand while Jeiriel gave her speech.
Seru saluted in response to Taisa Walik, a perfectly per functionary salute, but perhaps not as crisp as if he had been in the military. Or had any military training. Or in fact hung around very often in the presence of those people he would need to salute, with few social peers. For the rest of Taisa Kemitha's talk he listened with what certainly appeared to be rapt attention, and when it was indicated that he should take a seat he did so, choosing the seat next to Taisa Walik, on Taisa Kemitha's right.

Epirus bowed in response to Taisa Walik's salute, judging it the safest thing to do. While someone of the importance of Seru could get away with such eccentricity, a civilian saluting, Epirus, while in a more powerful corporation in terms of economic power and technology, if not in involvement, was still only a representative and a diplomat, and in these sensitive situations where even a little thing could sway the balance, he decided it would be a good idea just to give a 30 degree bow. While for the rest of Taisa Kemitha's talk he, much as Seru, looked to be in rapt attention, he was also looking at the Phod discreetly out of the corner of his eye, judging his body language. He was trying to get to terms with it, but not knowing any based to judge it from, it was very very hard. He could not even tell right now whether he was happy to see them, complacent, calm, or had taken an instant dislike to any or all of them and was restraining himself from killing them. He of course thought the last a very small possibility, but who knew? A smile was not always an indication of happiness, in some species it was an excuse to show off the teeth, a threat, or a show of unhappiness. Taisa Kemitha was easier to read, from what Epirus could see. She was clearly proud of her position, both the rank and posting, which reflected itself in her formality and use of ceremony, which didn't bother Epirus in the least, knowing that with formality came a layout of discussion that was useful, and could be manipulated. As for Chui Misako, she did not seem to be all that different from the average Neko, but with the way she was holding herself she was hard to read. Epirus took a seat opposite Seru, silently cursing that Seru had gotten the prime seat first.

Ral gave the perfect military salute in response to Taisa Walik's, he was designed to be in the military after all, and salutes where a big thing in the military. Ephesus had all sorts of different salutes in the data bank, choosing the one where the palm of the hand faces the receiver. For the rest of the talk he stood to attention, his arms behind him, silently exceeding them in height. When Epirus sat down, Ral took his position as body guard at his left shoulder.
As the corporate representatives took their seats, Jeiriel and Misako sat down as well. Bim's chair was a little too tall for someone of his height, but the Phod, with his back facing his seat, deftly lifted himself up with the dexterity and strength of a gymnast. His wings must look quite muscular underneath the feathers.

Misako quietly took out a data pad, probably intending to jot down notes.

"Before we began," said Jeiriel, "I must inform you that the Star Army has already made the proper arrangements for the construction of the outer structure of the space station, as well as some basic interior utilities. In addition, plans for much of the interior of the station has been designed and drawn. However, the task of constructing the interior of the station is very much up for bidding. Having said that, Mr. Epirus, Mr. Emrys, please inform me of the kinds of services that NovaCorp and Emrys Industries are prepared to offer to the Third Expeditionary Fleet."
There was a quick and barely noticeable flourish of body language between Epirus and Seru over who would speak first, with the agreement being made that Epirus would speak first.

"Taisa, what NovaCorp has to offer you is considerable, given our interest in aiding both the interests of the Empire, and the Phods. With your permission we will aid your construction benefits as much as is possible with the transference of a Hephaestus type Fleet Yard, which can easily make the materials needed for this form of construction facility. Although we can not make Xentronium, or Zezuaim, we believe that our Carbon-ring is sufficiently strong to use in the construction of a space facility. Along with these would be the use of our Construction Drones, both Alpha and Beta variety designed specifically for construction in space, and capable of working most efficiently. We can also offer a g-pair construction system, which is what we use to repair our ships. However, if these services are indeed not required, as you say, then we will gladly aid in the construction of the inner station, and using our own technology to provide those systems which are required. Be it shielding, life support systems, sensors, weapon systems, decking, walls, flooring, we can most likely supply it. Anything you require we can most likely make for you, Ephesus loves a challenge.â€
Jeiriel nodded. "We are only in the beginning stages of training our Phodian personnel, and so the space station currently being constructed should satisfy our needs for the short term. However, I will pass on your kind offer regarding other possible projects to my superiors, Mr. Epirus. We should be in need of ship repair facilities in this system eventually. And of course, the Star Army appreciates the continued support of NovaCorp, as always."

She then turned her attention to Seru. "Mr. Emrys, please, speak your mind."

Misako listened to the conversation intently, occasionally jotting something down on her data pad. Considering that Nekos have photographic memories, the notes were probably being taken for someone else's benefit. Bim, meanwhile, was staring at Ral, having never seen an android before.
Seru stepped forward with a warm smile, "What can I say to rival that of might NovaCorp? Little perhaps, but the resources of Emrys Industries are at your proposal, and they are not perhaps insignificant. Especially to interest us your people Taisho,â€
"I'm afraid, Mr. Emrys," said Bim with a slight Russian accent, "that the treaty between Yamatai and Ohara forbids the importation of technology that Ohara cannot produce herself. It is to preserve our culture, or something to that effect." Bim snorted, possibly to show his personal disapproval of the reason just given.

"However," added Jeiriel, "the ban does not cover the space station currently being constructed, since it is not planetside. The Star Army is especially interested in the services and products that Emrys Industries can provide for the soldiers, Phodian or otherwise, who will be garrisoned at the station. For example, we will be in need of Yamataian technology level medicines that are physiologically compatible with our Phodian personnel."

A sprite Neko, wearing an orange Star Army uniform, and carrying a pitcher of water and several empty cups upon a tray, entered the room. She began setting the pitcher and cups upon the conference table.

"Ah. Refreshments," said Jeiriel. "Could I get you gentlemen something other than water to drink?"
Seru took the fact that Emrys Industries couldn't sell anything directly to the Phod's well, if they wanted a law which meant that they could not take advantage of advanced medicine he didn't mind. Their choice, and Seru respected conviction as long as it was for some abstract or pragmatic, unless the abstract concept was really obtuse, and the pragmatics was ridiculous. In this case he expected neither was true, and Seru had nothing but deference for custom. But he noted the snort wondering how it would benefit him or the Oharan people in the future. Of course none of this showed on Seru's face or body language, which simply had a pleasant smile, "I would not want to damage your culture Taisho, it is too fascinating to risk the contamination your people fear. I will keep to part of if not my culture, than that of my peoples, and have a cup of Sake, if that is available. On the other hand if you have a local beverage then I would love to sample that.â€
Jeiriel nodded. "The Star Army has Phodian DNA on file. We will transmit it to Emrys Industries. In addition, I do believe we have sake aboard. We shall find some for you," She said to Emrys, and waved away the sprite.

"Sake?" Asked Bim. "Ah. I remember now: the Yamataian rice wine. It's very good," he said, smiling and nodding enthusiastically to Emrys. "If you like sake, try the Red Sunset if you ever visit Ohara. It's chilled, fermented pacilla root juice. Now, ignoring their colors, you'll only notice differences between the two drinks when..."

"Taisa Walik," said Jeiriel, interrupting the Phod.


"I do believe your soldiers have... special requirements, when it comes to weapons?"

"Ah, yes. Phodians use our wings as you humans would use your arms and hands," said Bim, gesturing with his large wings for full effect. "Thus, Phodian weapons usually have larger grips than human weapons. Also, you humans are much taller than us, and make your weapons tall as well. Most human-made rifles, for example, stand taller than almost all Phodian soldiers. This makes your rifles very hard to handle in battle. We can use most human-made pistols after some minor modifications, but the only rifles we currently use are the ones we've designed and manufactured ourselves. It'd be really great to get firepower more on par with Yamataian weapons. We would be very interested in weapon designs that are more forgiving on our heights."

"The Phodians are a resourceful people," added Jeiriel. "We have blueprints for several Phodian-designed weapons on file. We will transmit them to Emrys Industries as well. Perhaps they will prove helpful in the design of more... modern weapons."

A sprite walked in, carrying a ceramic sake bottle and several small ceramic cups on a tray. She set the tray on the table and backed away from the table, waiting for further instructions.

"Allow me," said Jeiriel, pouring sake into a cup and presenting it to Emrys. "Ah. Mr. Epirus, I do hope you have not been feeling too neglected... How soon could NovaCorp begin construction on the station interiors? We have several sections of the station ready for you. More sections are being completed in the near future."

"Your anatomical difference will make an interesting task for our research and development teams.â€
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