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RP: OIF Atuan [OIF Atuan] Episode 1: Party Crashers


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Hinoki Pagoda buzzed with activity, a number of small ships docked within its four docking bays, as well as even more ships anchored about the wandering station. Inside the grand hall, tables and chairs were set up, with fancy food being served to fancy guests. three of the windows were open to the stars, the views showing beautiful expanses of stars, none of which could be identified from this particular point in space. A fourth window was covered by a large divider made of some heavy fabric, obscuring whatever was behind from the guests. Just in front of this was a podium and a large open space, cleared of tables. At the moment this open space was being used as a dance floor, but that would soon change as a man appeared on the stage, cutting the music and shooing the dancers back to their tables. The Man, Murakami Kensuke, smiled at the crowd gathered, his face magnified hundreds of times on hundreds of volumetric displays floating about the place.

"Now you all must be wondering why we're here..."


Arah, at a one of three tables on the opposite side of the open are from most of the people present, sipped at her 8th glass of Lorath wine, looking a bit rosy. She seemed bored and tired of what was going on, but that was normal for her. What was abnormal was that she appeared to actually be paying attention to the blather her boss was spouting at the moment, about years of work and determination and BLAH BLAH BLAH. she closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, muttering that she was "too young for this shit" and looking vaguely incensed.

Shinji leaned over in his seat, whispering to Zenny "So, aftah this ol' man's speech, we gonna get a show. Meena an two othas is gonna do the first demonstration. They's the lucky ones." This wasn't his smartest move, the Rage Zenny was not really suppressing was extremely apparent on his face.
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

Zenny's brain was fizzled with the overwhelming amount of frustration he'd been forced through over the past couple days. Rather than being dazzled by the fearless, macho, charismatic Awesome of Zenny, about 90% of them immediately found it best to ignore his existence. The rest merely tolerated him. Things were not going the way he had anticipated. Despite his attempts at pushing through the hostility, Zenny was beginning to consider... alternative methods. The level of Awesome Justice that would be wrought was completely contingent on how much they offended him. And right about now, Kensuke was at the top of that list.

The only thing that was holding back the Awesome Justice at this very moment was Arah. Intrigued by his Female Lead Role counterpart, he watched her spacily, his eyes glazed over like he wasn't actually looking at anything. In truth he wasn't, he was caught up in his attempts at forming vague thoughts over the Storm of Justice raging in his brain. The chaotic state of mind came out feeling like static on a screen; background noise drowned out any coherent signals.
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

The last couple of days was great! She got to know the others a little better, and couldn't wait to pilot mecha! Well, except for Zenny, it wasn't great for him apparently. But enough about him; he'd recover, wouldn't he? And the sights here! It was only in her dreams she'd end up here! But then again, she was already getting bored of staring at the stars...there wasn't anything she could do, was there? She would have to sit and wait...and wait...and wait until the President finished up and pulled back the darn curtains. Hurry up already! I wanna get my mecha!
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

Linda was sitting at a work station near the stage, bright screens lit up all around her, with a keyboard on her lap and two more near by with more buttons than you could shake a stick at. There were dials and controls and electronic readouts, volumetric displays, the work, all of them shining and reflecting off of heres.

"Let's get sssssssstarted!" she announced, "As you should already know, I'm Linda Fark, and I'll be coordinanting this demonstration. Our pilots are Mitch Tedzinski, Meena Vershan and Tud Rumblo and they'll be showing off the capabilities of Origin's bright new shining star, the Ashigaru."

A former neko, Linda found it easily to process all the information coming her way, though she missed having a direct interface through SPINE. She hadn't dressed up at all for the occasion, and though it looked like she was wearing a different Yamataian-print shirt, it looked like she was still wearing the same clothes from the other day. She grabbed a cup sitting next to one of the monitors and sucked some delicious warm caffiene through a straw, letting the taste settle in her mouth before swallowing and continuing.

"Now, let's get started!"
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

Kensuke smiled at Linda, and moved out of the way, as the divider fell away to reveal Six Ashigaru powered frames, three of which powered up and began moving. The first stepped over the stage, and began to demonstrate some basic motions, showing off all the extra moving parts and weapons, and the like. It's movements seemed a little unpracticed, but still very well controlled.

The other two Frames just milled about, but the way the first was, standing in the center, it looked as if the other two were supposed to be flanking it. Obviously, something was wrong, but only to those who were really paying attention. The two Ashigaru, suddenly, and without warning, began walking off, towards one of the larger ways out, and when the third suddenly turned towards them and followed after, clearly distraught, the duo ganged up on the machine and pushed it over, causing it to smash the stage, launching splinters of wood and metal shrapnel all over the huge interior. It was at about this point that most of the occupants began screaming, and running for the exit.

Kensuke, getting up and dusting himself off, yelled for the other pilots to get to their machines and stop the two, who were now making an attempt for the exit. The doors began closing, and managed to shut just as the rouge frames arrived. They promptly began beating on it, trying to get out.

Shinji was quick to the draw, Jumping up from the table and running over the shattered stage, using his Yamataian gravity manipulation abalilites to give him a bit of a glide over the rubble. Upon landing, he scrabbled over to the frame assigned to him, marked "06" and scrambled up the ladder, getting into the cockpit and initiating the startup sequence.
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

They pushed her. She fell. "Meena!". Something was wrong, so very, very wrong. But the Ex-Neko didn't need orders; she knew what to do from watching those old school mecha shows! Following close behind Shinji, she quickly navigated the fleeing people, the giant shards of metal and wood. She finally reached her steed, her precious Zero-Two, went up the ladder, jumped in, started to power up. The Ashigaru's hand came to life, and clenched into a tight fist, showering sparks. The thrum of it's reactor briefly filled the cockpit as it flared to life. The running lights came on, the Ashigaru's eyes afire. Slowly, the head turned and fell upon the rouges. It was just like the shows! Action!

She moved slowly like an earthen golem, easing into a dramatic pose, a runner's stance, ready to sprint. The little brunette willed herself forward, and boom! Her body leaped forward, tearing away at the floor below her with each step, quickly closing the 400 meter gap. She then pounced with glee at the back of the nearest rouge, and kicked it in the back of a knee. Yoshiko quickly tried to follow up with one of the wrestling moves Mr. Greer used on her, metal screeched and paint scratched as she did so. Her knees pushed into the pits of the rouge's legs, arms under the armpits and angled up. Lock and key! Wait...She was getting a face full of the back of it's head. She couldn't see a thing with this lock! How the hell did Greer put up with this, especially with all her hair!? Something else was moving. Was the other one coming for her? She panicked a little. "Shinji! I need help!" It started to struggle in her grip, and started to slip...Oh no...
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

[Placeholder. Post was unfinished and had problems. Poster also needs to talk to Kai about the surroundings, Because the poster obviously did not read the provided links, nor did he pay attention to Kai's older post.]
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

(because teddo is gone and I'm tired of waiting, I will be NPCing his character along to move the story.)

Zenny was in no mood for games. The instant the first Ashigaru went toppling to the ground, his chair went flying into the back wall of the room, with him headed in the opposite direction. He shoved people aside, causing more than a couple people to fall into tables or across chairs. He was driven by a singular, base impulse. Making a huge leap to circumvent the rubble of the stage, Zenny was up the side of the Asigaru 01 like a lizard. Cutting past the standard startup diagnostics, Zenny threw his mech into high gear. He tried to move forward and, Nothing. it didn't move. Frustrated, he slammed on the controls, and some light motion happened in the form of Hydraulic lines exploding and throwing fluid through the air at high rates of pressure until the tanks ran out, and suddenly the Nanomuscle began to fizzle and crackle, having been Severed. Unit 01 had been sabotaged, and fell to the ground helpless, its cockpit locked and the pilot stuck inside.


Shinji made his way forward, following more cautiously behind Yoshiko's unit 02, until he noticed she had gotten herself into a bit of trouble. Shinji did what he could, grabbing at the rogue Ashigaru, trying to pry it off of of his squadmate. it didn't hurt that he barely knew the other pilot, those two had been strangely quiet and suspicious anyway. Shinji's Unit 06 began straining, the interlocked powered frames not wanting to come apart, when he was tackled by the second rogue frame, tearing the first off of Yoshiko long enough to let her up, but putting himself into a bit of trouble with two armors starting to pound him with their pulse and phased lasers, eating away at his armor. "Shoot, I need help now, Yoshiko!"
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

She winced as Shinji yelled for help. Something passed down to Yoshiko from her Nepleslian mentor sort of slammed open. Yoshiko may have been a ditz, but she wasn't stupid. She read the goddamn manual for this thing to make up for it! She simply waltzed right up to one of the Ashigaru units and, again, kicked it in the back of the knee. This time, Yoshiko was going to make sure the jerk inside wet himself with fear! Both her hands clasped onto the shoulders of her victim, forcing it onto the knees, herself kneeling onto a leg of it's. Yoshiko smiled as she jolted it to the right with the same deft movement. Her shoulder cannons opened up; every other shot plugged right into the back of the skull or splashed across the chest of the other. Yoshiko clumsily shifted into the same lock from earlier and gave it a nice warm bear hug! Her Ashigaru's fingers started to playfully screech across the pilot's entry point, tearing away at lesser plates and paint. "Meeooowww! Hehehe. Heee. Hehe." She chuckled unevenly over the speaker. With the head blasted off and the still struggling body lifted up to her chest, Yoshiko zapped away at the other Ashigaru with her visor laser to distract it. "Finish your meal Shinji...pretty please?"
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

Shinji was totally confused at what the hell was coming over the Comms; this chick was crazy, but at least she was on their side. which side was that again? It didn't really matter, he figured theirs was the good side. Anyway, he had to focus his attention on his enemy, and had just righted himself to try an attack when the doors that had been closed suddenly opened themselves. The rogue, noting his chance, jumped out of Shinji's way and towards Yoshiko's 02, punching the mech in the head, ruining its visor laser and destroying a few sensors before pulling the other, damaged Rogue away from her and dragging it out the door. Shinji rushed to right Yoshiko so that maybe she could get beck in the fight. he began relaying his sensor info to her, as all his sensors were intact.
Re: Episode 1: Party Crashers

Unfortunately for the two rouges, a burst of hot drive plasma, with an Ashigaru behind it, was coming through the door the opposite way. The frame, hovering a few inches off the ground, was heading right for the lead enemy, its fists curled up and ready to strike, the three fuel binders hinged down to streamline the frame in the station's atmosphere.

Yoshiko gave out a sharp "Eep!" as her face was caved in. Well, it wasn't her face technically, but it was close enough. Vision was restored just in the nick of time for her to see another frame burst onto the scene. Maybe I should have done that too, she pouted in thought. With Shinji's tactical data streaming in, Yoshiko quickly rotated her arm like a windmill, making sure she could compensate for the altered perception she had. She started to walk towards the enemy, and casually vented plasma nearby the cockpit of the semi-crippled Ashigaru frame, just until it's panicked movements were slowing down. "Half dead I hope. Now." She turned to the last standing rouge. Yoshiko's fist clenched. She gave a little smile at the screen. "This is going to be so much fun!"

A new voice crackled over the comms as the new Ashigaru smashed its palm into the still standing rouge's face, crushing it as he vented plasma from that palm. "Yoshiko, Shinji, we need to take this one alive. Go for it's binders and rip them off!"

The upright frame reeled, but the other frame kept it steady, standing up itself and punching the newcomer in the face, even harder, and giving it a sweeping kick, trying to knock it off balance so they could get around it.

Yoshiko bellowed in frustration at the headless Ashigaru. She missed. She missed a sitting target! How could she miss? Baka Shinji, she pouted mentally. Her perception was off, so something less...precise had to suffice. She reached out one arm to make sure she was on target; the other fired up and tried to melt the arm joint solid. "Hold still!"

Kelly smiled as his ashigaru jumped back from the punch, grabbing the attacking frame and tossing it over his frame's shoulder as he used the gravimetric engines to give him extra leverage. His mind raced as he tried to come up with the best possible plan, keying up the comm for Shinji and Yoshiko. "Tachibana, Inakura, change of plans. We let the one I just tossed get away, take care of this one here, and find out where the rat runs too."

She watched as her target was hurled away. Goddamn, he was mine! Orders were orders. Yoshiko's fist swung at the intact frame, trying to grind her fist into the joints and melt it. She hissed aloud as she attempted to reach the target. It felt so close, but she just couldn't reach it. Like those mirrors that say something's closer than it looked, except in reverse! Change of strategy. Yoshiko flared her engines and sailed at it, arms wide for a bear hug. "Give. Me. A hug!"

"Alright. But first, uhh, how'dya know ours names, sir?" Shinji asked, as the thrown frame scrambled and ran away, heading for the hills, so to speak. it made it to a landing bay and boarded a small ship, which took off quickly and made an FTL jump out of the system. it was gone in seconds, and suddenly, the station turned back to normal, the lighting turned on and everything seemed normal. Except of course for the frame which was suddenly shut down. whatever had been there had been doing some form of jamming, keeping Ged from communicating with the frames, but now the Atuan's computer locked up all the frames within his range. "Okay, no one else gets hurt. the guy trying to rough 'em up better come out and surrender or he's going to have a bad day."

"I'll answer your questions when we get back on the Atuan." Kelly, smiled as his Frame's cockpit opened. Climbing out of his seat and standing on the edge of hatch, Kelly pointed a ODM 10mm at it's cockpit hatch as he keyed up the Atuan's frequency; his green, black, and blue piloting suit protecting him from the dangers of the environment. "Ged, this is Ensign Williams. Can you open the cockpit of the remaining rouge Ashigaru?"

"Ensign Williams. Such a handsome name for a handsome man. I'll open it if you say the magic word" Ged joked. But the cockpit of the rogue frame opened up anyway, revealing a very angry looking woman with an SEP, which she pointed at her face. She smiled, a demonic smile that could only be on the face of someone who knew they were going to die. Before anyone could react, the pulled the trigger, a number of pulses slamming into her chin and face, causing it to boil and vaporize, deforming into a mashed pulp of bloody mess and cauterized wounds, with a few flashes of light coming out of the back of her skull. "Whoah! Holy shit!" Shinji roared over the comms at the sight.

It all stopped before she could really have fun. In reflection, it could have been worse. And better by that same logic. Maybe I should have just burned it's legs together, instead of wrestling...oh well. She relaxed in her seat, and looked over at Kelly. "You know, I hope they weren't smart enough to have suicide pills or a gun or something like that on them. I mean, it's common sense right?" before anyone could answer, she squeaked, "Sorry! I hope I didn't just Jinx us! Sorry, sorry!" This one had better not have taken the easy way out; Yoshiko already had a borderline tolerance of bittersweet things. Any further and she might flip. Nope. No luck. The woman blew her head off as Yoshiko watched. Here eye twitched. "F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" she screeched, punctuating each word with a strike. As she calmed down, she spoke again, "Sorry." Though they couldn't see her from the inside, she was now blushing from embarrassment. "Umm. Ged? Did you, umm, get where that ship was going?" Please say yes!

Williams sighed as he returned his pistol to his quick-draw shoulder holster, patting the weapon as he sat back down in his cockpit's chair. "Well Ged, seems my plan didn't work. Are we clear to return to the Atuan?"

Ged answered Yoshiko first, by stating "Calm down, little miss. You couldn't help it. but I know which direction the ship headed off to, however, I doubt it would head straight for its destination, these people seem smarter than that." Simultaneously, Ged informed Kelly "Yes, you are clear to return to the Atuan once you've retreived the damaged frames. we need you three to carry the other three back. You each also need to pick up Arah, Linda, or Kensuke, and bring them with you. More security forces are doing crowd control and calming of the guests. I hope they got a good show."

Shinji huffed, turning his nearly undamaged frame around and heading for Meena's downed frame. It appeared she had been knocked unconscious. Arah walked up to his fram and climbed up his outstreched hand before mounting his frame's shoulder as Shinji dragged Meena's frame toward the Atuan.

"Well then, I guess I get the job of picking up Linda. Yoshiko, Shinji, you two get Arah and Kensuke." Williams reactivated his Ashigaru, speeding through the activation sequence as he grabbed the rogue frame, before urging his frame over to grab Linda.

"Yes Ged, yes Kelly." Yoshiko replied. She carefully walked her Ashigaru over, and made sure not to squish anyone as the hand went down. "Climb aboard, Sir." As Yoshiko's Ashigaru knelt over to pick up Kensuke, she couldn't help but glance at Zenny. Funny, what happened to his unit? "Zenny? Is it broken? Zenny? Uh oh..."

Ged spoke up over the Comms "Don't worry, Yoshiko. Zenny's unit was merely sabotaged. he is perfectly fine inside, but I would not want to be near him when his cockpit is pried open." Shinji laughed over the comms "'E deserves it. Guy's too cocky fer 'is own good." He continued towards the Atuan, dragging meena. "Juss, be careful, I can't get that lady outta my head. 'iss a bit much, yannow, 'snot waht I signed up for" Shinji kept rambling to himself as he walked.

Picking up Linda, Kelly opened his cockpit, reaching out to give her a hand inside. Letting her in, he closed the cockpit, he turned his frame, heading down to the Atuan. "Okay everyone, get back to the Atuan."

As her cockpit opened, Yoshiko shot her hand out and pulled Kensuke in. "Sit." She quickly had him do just that on her lap. Her feet, or Ashigaru 's, crunched as she walked back. Another table was destroyed, as well as all the expensive liqueur on it. "I hope I don't get my pay cut due to this..."

The six frames (three walking, three being dragged) made their way to the landing bay the Atuan was located in, and within a few minutes, had been mounted in their racks, and the pilots had been removed. after a while, the doors closed and the Atuan powered up, Arah giving the order to leave Hinoki pagoda and head towards Dawn station. Hopefully the tab on the repairs in the pagoda would not come out of her paycheck. "That would suck" she thought, as the small Mecha carrier burst into FTL towards origin's headquarters.