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Approved Character [OIF Reaper] Ventriss

Pirates operating in Yamatai orbit is extremely unlikely. After that battle there were still thousands of Yamataian military ships around Yamatai, sending their Mindy teams out to clean up the leftovers (e.g. capture or kill surviving Mishhu, etc).
Okay. Maybe somewhere on the frontier would work. The former UOC was rife with piracy.
Okay so I edited just a few words to state that it was frontier space, any other issues you see?
Well, Minkan normally heal up completely instead of scarring but if her scars are something she chooses to keep on purpose it's OK.
I think the character sheet looks good now. Is she intended to be Security forces primarily and double as an engineer? Considering her combat skill is higher on the list of skills I'm guessing that's her primary?
Fair enough. I suppose either way it works. I'm satisfied with the character. do we still have Character mods or is character approval up to GM's now?
Gosh It's like everything changed in the 3 years I was gone and I've forgotten the process or something.
Well, she looks good to me. I say the character is approved, though that note about her 'custom rifle' might have to be dealt with- either by getting it approved or something.

you also might want to add OriSec standard issue items to her inventory.
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