Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Ok.. Enough is Enough Lets be honest.

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DEFCON Everybody Dies
Ok lets begin with me knowing I'm one of the shittier players on the site, I've got quite a bit of history here some of it good a good chunk of it bad. I'm not reliable, I'm usually a giant headache to those who work with me but I was hoping to make something interesting and... well. Lets begin with all the tom foolery that I've seen happen in the last few days.

I understand I should have communicated directly or at least sent a PM but decided since he rarely responds more then likely it would have gone unnoticed and considering how he does things it would have become obvious as I worked on it via the wiki edits but things seem to have come to a head.

Above all one of the things that annoys the crap out of all of us is when moves are made to preempt technology or roleplay situations that are in character knowledge yet. Unfortunately the Asuran fort situation is yet another example of this and despite the negative input on its continued existence or even waiting on it until the RP starts it was inserted into the setting regardless without submission to the NTSE or discussion. Secondly and probably the greatest annoyance for me is the continued interference with a yet to be submitted wiki article, which has been continuously ninja edited and moved without my permission or knowledge.

So it all boils down to this Wes, do you want this to happen? Do you want an interesting RP scenario that several factions and player plots can participate in? Or do you want to continue to interfere as you see fit in order to fullfill your view of how your faction would operate (and more or less use it as a player character) and turn this into a Uwe Bowl movie?
If by "he" you mean me, I don't think I respond "rarely" since I'm almost always here.

I still don't actually know what your RP plans are, so I have no idea whether or not I "want" whatever you plan to happen, but I do want to promote RP, and I think between us, we've already laid groundwork for such a scenario.

You call it "interference" but I'm just roleplaying my faction doing its thing.

Would make a longer post but I'm meeting Kyle and have to get on the road.
Unfortunately Wes I'm done with Asura and you've already seen what the idea is, planetary warfare and proxy warfare between major factions, the sad part is I can't use it if your going to be like this and honestly after all this I doubt anyone else will with the giant mess this has turned into. So make your fort, do whatever you want, but the art, the stats, and the surface factions are going elsewhere. I leave it up to you to revert back to the old article or transfer the information yourself but the art and what not aside from the generic garden world image is being moved.
To be honest, I think both of you are at fault.

Two wrongs don't make a right, and though Arieg did not contact Wes when he made his changes, directly interfering with a WIP Plot is probably far worse. The fact that the action was In-Character is no excuse for this Wes. Out of character, we need more plots to handle any influx of new players. If they don't have a place to go, they'll get bored and leave. As a result, the site won't grow, and our small but dedicated playerbase remains as-is; with several people stretched thin over several plots and at risk of burning out. Not only that, but players were interested in this yet had their entire plot preemptively rejected. Their enjoyment - the whole entire point of being here - was denied. I do not know if the plot will be salvaged, but I must be very clear. Your actions have most likely harmed the site Wes.
From an outsider's point of view, I'm not interested on who's at fault. I'm interested in what will make things better.

How about the finger pointing gets skipped and that you focus on being constructive?
I'm most interested in being constructive as well Fred, so let me make sure I got everything straight.

Arieg had created a user-sandbox page with his own version of Asura which was a WIP and yet to be submitted for approval. Wes then took that WIP version and merged it with the current official Asura article, but with his own inclusions. Arieg and Wes then went back and forward, editing, unediting and reverting each-other's work. Wes then made an In-Character forum announcement regarding his version of the article, making it 'official'.

If this is all correct, we need to address these problems so that they do not happen again before moving on. Otherwise, there is no point, as these things will keep on happening like it did with your own plot, and now this, setting us all back further and further each time. First, I believe Wes should apologize to Arieg before stating - very clearly - that he will not do so again. The reason for this is that not only are Wes' actions in this instance likely to be distasteful to new or prospective players, but also highly discouraging to preexisting players, as there is little or no motivation to produce any new content for the site if what they make can or will be arbitrarily taken and altered, as demonstrated by this event. I next suggest that, provided that any player interest in the plot or GM willpower to make it remains after these events, that Wes and Arieg work together to hammer out the details of the WIP-plot. Most importantly, Arieg needs to state very clearly what the intended end-result of the plot and its related meta-plot will be to Wes, as he is deeply concerned about Yamatai's well being.
Asuran-Tenth Fleet Special Agreement

The entire reason why this plot is possible and honestly the only real way Asura is under even a hint of Yamataian control (without everyone fleeing to the far reaches of the setting) is an RP'd agreement which involved a very limited scope of operations being allowed to SAOY forces. Perhaps the largest is the restriction of Yamataian military units from the surface (our plot making special control zone an accepted but illegal thing) and from orbit under all circumstances with the exception of extra-solar invasion by another military power (IE a repeat attack of the squids). For this Yamatai is mostly limited to small interstellar patrols and are restricted from blockading the system against civil or military goods.

As a result while things haven't quite been easy with the planetary government collapsing and the flood of corporate interests and resulting controls on the surface they've retained their freedom from Yamataian rule and control (and given us a delicious playground). However with the rise of the new planetary factions and ones goal of returning the planet to Yamataian rule with or without the cooperation of the other powers things are starting to get tense.

Out of character I'd like for us to agree that anything Yamatai commits to the special control zone can be hit and or targeted for the sake of plot without a large scale counter move, effectively in the event of war the Special Control Zone is on its own outside of (REASONABLE) logistical support.

With that aside we already have our generic three belignerants, the pro-Yams, the anti-Yams, and the fence riding faction that doesn't want the boat to be rocked. Of course we also have a fourth in the form of the various corporate zones outside of these national borders which are effectively lawless outside of those who can afford security.

This gentlemen is our battlefield and the intent is a winner takes all slog fest between the two extremes of the scale which could end in several ways that I will get to later. But overall the goal is large scale sub-orbital combat between these regional powers struggling against the other's ideaology and all the suberfuge and underhanded tactics and methods that would come along with it. Not only can it be a play ground for 'special' volunteer SAOY units (black book?) but it could turn into quite the battle between intelligence agencies as various pieces of tech are commited to the battlefield by shadowy benefactors.

Outside of plots that may become involved in one way or another I intend to make a new post from a neutral viewer (Radio Free Asura?) once a week concerning the situation as it progresses over the year I plan from this meta plot to run.

Endings... will mostly depend on what happens between now and this time next year, how the battles went, how many lives where lost, how many political views where destroyed in the cold face of reality. The biggest three are as follows,

1. More the likely it will simply be a fall back to preexisting lines and life goes back to normal.

2. The Pro-Yams win and steadily move to reestablish their vision of rule on the rest of the planet perhaps triggering an exodus of those who still value their freedom.

3. The Anti-Yams win and fight their way right to the border of the special control zone which could go one of two ways, either Yamatai's involvement has been minimum and theres no reason to proceed or the involvement has been major and the Yamataian forces and remaining pro-Yams are forced into the sea or into orbit. And of course they'd still be in this odd state of being a Yamataian planet by the pro-Yam influence has been pushed off with the agreement still in place.

4. Variations of the above scenarios.

Any questions?
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