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Oncari Industries "Helping build worlds"


Inactive Member
The port of Nassau is the home base of the Oncari Corporation. Founded in YE28 the corporation handles the sale of private star craft to planetary security forces, companies in need of interstellar craft, and private citizens. Based on a modular design Oncari products are flexible, rugged vehicles that are priced to be afordable to smaler companies and local governments. Their main shipyard is located in high orbit the planet Nassau orbiting the larger of it's two moons, raw materials for their craft are generally collected from contracted asteroid mining firms in the system. A smaller production facility is located on the planet's surface to use local resources for smaller craft that do not require construction in zero gravity. Ships capable of atmospheric flight can also be constructed planet side if material transport costs vary greatly enough to warrant it. The range of materials in the Nassau system provides an adequate source material for the manufacture of their craft making hauler traffic into the system minimal. There is also a small sales and refitting shop on Yamatai that handles a majority of their advertisements and orders. It also servs as a central port for minor refitting.

In thd past year the company has produced the Corax destroyer as it's flagship design. (The first interstellar design from Oncari) Oncari Industries relies heavily on the civilian market, To avoid the label of a warship it is sold without weapons but is still capeable of mounting them. Earlier designs from the company were centered on atmosphearic and planatary area craft until early YE27 when they acquired the ability to produce fold drives. The company conducted tests on intersteller and interplanatary travle resulting in the Corax pattern destroyer in YE28. Rumor has it Oncari plans to release a new escort sized ship as well as a fighter interceptor.

Being a public company the CEO of Oncari industries (Jane Falkland) retains controll in the company thru majority shares. Oncari is not an arms dealer. In fact no single Oncari ship to date has come with any offensive weapons. However due to the modular nature of the designs Oncari has become adept at creating mounting systems to service nearly any desired armament per ship class. Likewise the company has not engaged in any military contract work, and their intentional reluctance to self produce weapons has kept them out of military manufacturing for the war. Ironically the ability to customize a ship has lead many owners to adapt Oncari designs for violent ends. (Exact technical specifications are listed on each model)

Cheep, rugged, easy to repair, and modular are the mainstays of Oncari's design team. Though the company's main production line still is located in the Nassau system the company has grown no larger than other independent rivals such as Gillian Manufacturing. Heavy automation of the construction facilitys provides Oncari with a small personal staff mostly core designers and systems experts. The legal and management are also conducted within the company. The remote Nassau system lies just beyond the Great Lighthouse in freespacer territory. Keeping their main shipyard well out of proverbial earshot of most regional governments.


"It hit me. It couldn't have hit me harder if I was the one who been shot. You are going to the restaurant business because people are always going to have to eat. That was the day I realized my destiny lay in fulfilling another basic human need.â€
I'm not sure setting your company up with several years worth of history and a reputation let alone having the status of providing a "great deal of private star craft sales to planetary security forces, companies in need of interstellar craft, and private citizens."

When you start a company it is usual to start them as very small and as something which only recently was established, or at least only came to peoples attention recently.
I am just triing to make them seem more real to the world rather than invented on the spot. besides the history is only a few years old.
your talking about a galaxy of trillions of people. a few thousand small ships is nothing. not exactly talking about the Ford of the SARP world here.
Excuse me? The entire Third Expeditionary consists of about a hundred ships, most of them escort ships. Space-worthy ships are expensive to build.

Please address the following issues:

1. Any IC player corporation requires 2 players to RP in it.

2. You cannot submit a corporation "already in existence". It (usually) badly interferes with established IC facts. For example, Kennewes is currently a war zone. Player characters would have seen Oncari ships and structures by now (and said structures would be on fire). In addition, it's generally considered not sporting.

3. As follows from point 2, any new corporation should start out with at most a single ship or small station (which have to be submitted and approved separately), and a few NPC personnel at most.

4. What is the corporation's product line? Anything non-trivial the corporation sells have to be submitted and approved separately. (Anything that cannot be manufactured in 21st Century Earth, or is not already in existence in the SARP universe, should be considered non-trivial.) It's fine to just start out with one product, or even none.

We're not trying to be jerks here. People have taken advantage of our trust in the past. Also, we're making it a lot of work because it takes a lot of work to independently run a corporation (just ask Thomas), and we want to know if you can put up with the amount of work involved.
the reason I am submitting it as a work in progress is to get an idea of where in the universe it can fit. Things can change be adapted and molded into a new idea. If Kennewes is in ruins than threes no effort in changing the text to move someplace else. It is background information. does anyone really think that Incom had a full history, background, ceo database and 38 million volumes of tax records before a single X-wing ever hit the screen?

What were writing in here are stories if I am correct. And until it's needed for Story reasons why does a simple idea such as "Oncari is the name of the developer, it's a ship company that's spread out over several systems, here are some facts about it..."

For a bit of reality the universe of SARP seems way too small for what's going on inside it. I haven't said what they produced in total or how much of what kind is available. But if threes no room in the sarp for anything older than a few months it has no feeling of legitimacy no weight to it at all. If there are literally trillions of people in the universe on varied sides it's just not feasible that only a handful of people make space faring ships. With that many people in a setting individuals are just bit players in a grand scheme. Yes they are stars in their own right but the world is bigger than them.

For all I care the Corax could be their first interstellar design. maybe it's the older model of 2 total designs and the rest of their products are interplanetary craft. In all honesty what do you think is more entertaining, a simple universe where everyone flies around in the same crap. or one where you see something new regularly? It doesn't have to be Brand new just new to you.
Not to steer the thread off topic, but if you're just looking to have your pirate ship produced why not just contract another corporation to do it? Seems a bit of a waste to create a whole new corporation for a ship.

Of course, if you're looking to make this a long term thing and produce more ships in the future, disregard what I just said and accept my apologies for my silly suggestion.
I was hoping it would become a producer of other content rather than having to write content for some one elses corporation and have to redesign things to fit their style repeatedly. It makes more work in the long run to basicaly ghost write someone elses corp. It also removes some of the spontinaity from the design process.
Millia said:
the reason I am submitting it as a work in progress is to get an idea of where in the universe it can fit. Things can change be adapted and molded into a new idea. If Kennewes is in ruins than threes no effort in changing the text to move someplace else. It is background information. does anyone really think that Incom had a full history, background, ceo database and 38 million volumes of tax records before a single X-wing ever hit the screen?

Yes, but then you're going to run into something else that conflicts with established canon, and then something else, and then something else. Unless you're like Chigusa and can claim to have read every IC post in the forums, you'll have to forgive me for doubting your ability to write about events that supposedly occurred in YE 25 without repeatedly shooting yourself in the foot.

Worse yet, it might be something that we fail to notice until it had already created a plot hole the size of Texas.

And this isn't Star Wars. George Lucas didn't have to worry about a few dozen contributing writers, for starters.

Look at the established corporations in the SARP universe: NovaCorp, Emry's Industries, CSEIA. Anything that's not a government entity had to be built from the ground up.

Millia said:
What were writing in here are stories if I am correct. And until it's needed for Story reasons why does a simple idea such as "Oncari is the name of the developer, it's a ship company that's spread out over several systems, here are some facts about it..."

We used to do things the way you described, only asking for enough information to understand the stories, and VERY BAD THINGS happened as a result.

We learned to be paranoid the hard way. Believe me.

Millia said:
For a bit of reality the universe of SARP seems way too small for what's going on inside it. I haven't said what they produced in total or how much of what kind is available. But if threes no room in the sarp for anything older than a few months it has no feeling of legitimacy no weight to it at all. If there are literally trillions of people in the universe on varied sides it's just not feasible that only a handful of people make space faring ships. With that many people in a setting individuals are just bit players in a grand scheme. Yes they are stars in their own right but the world is bigger than them.

There are a few monolithic institutions that squash most attempts at competition, yes. Most of them are military contractors that dabble in civilian products. Sounds pretty authentic to me. People want established brand names when they're buying ships that will be taking them to the inhospitable void of space. You would too.

One of the on-going themes of SARP is "oppression", by the way.

Millia said:
For all I care the Corax could be their first interstellar design. maybe it's the older model of 2 total designs and the rest of their products are interplanetary craft. In all honesty what do you think is more entertaining, a simple universe where everyone flies around in the same crap. or one where you see something new regularly? It doesn't have to be Brand new just new to you.

Not true at all, or else this submissions forum would be a barren wasteland. And offense taken. :/

And I'm not trying to stop you from submitting this corp. I'm just raising my objections to the details of your proposal and asking that you fix them. I'm also informing you of the amount of work expected in running a corporation.

Lastly, I come here for the stories and interesting characters, not the endless ship designs that get thrown in the submission forums. (No offense to you ship designers out there.)
It's not the location. It's the entire history. Hell, I'd be happy if you just toned it down, but I don't know if people are going to be strict about the "ground-up" rule.

If someone's been around a while, that's a good indicator that they know what they're talking about (not to mention the fact that this isn't the first Star Army forum: some of us date back to ezBoard and bloodycatgirl.com). Ignoring their advice will likely decrease this submission's chance of approval. The concept's fine, just tone down the history and you'll be good to go.

I'm sorry if I'm reiterating. I wouldn't know anything about a suitable location.
I am asking how you tone down history.

Still your not providing ways to make it acceptable, only satateing that it isnt.

An idea i had is that it could be from a fringe world popular in its own sector for a while before making intersteller ships then moving to produce ships elseware.
For the record, here were the terms I offered Millia:

1. Your company is one year old. It's founded in YE 28.

2. It has only developed atmospheric craft so far, but they were good products and your company is considered a "rising star" in commercial atmospheric aviation circles.

3. Your current design, the Corax, is the first interplanetary AND interstellar ship design the company has produced.

4. Being a one-year-old company, the corporation has only a modest manufacturing center + HQ at (Bob system), plus a small sales office on Yamatai.

5. Due to the generous gift of the (Bob system) from the Yamatain government, Oncari agrees to craft ships and structures for SAoY upon request. Said crafting may be done in lieu of corporate taxes.

The terms were refused. We'll re-negotiate in the morning/afternoon.
Terms were quite insulting. Removing everything that made the company idea unique. That is not a "History" that is an addition.

the very word history implies that it has already happened. I find it impossible to belive something that extencive can be acomplished in the short timespan of one year. And lastly and most insulting of all requireing the company to produce military hardware is an outright slap in the face to everything I tried to make. 100% non military influenced ship manufacturer.
Good luck surviving in a setting dominated by enormously militaristic forces then.

It may be hard for you to believe but Yangfan is actually one of the most moderate people here.
It's true that it'll be very difficult to make a 100% independent corporation while remaining under what is effectively a monarchy/dictatorship.

When I was designing the concept of CSEIA and trying to make it completely free of government influence, I realized I had two choices. Make it wealthy enough to produce its own military force (obviously difficult if you're just starting a corporation) or ally with a non-government/military faction. Hence CSEIA currently has alliances with multiple pirate factions in order to defend themselves in order to remain 100% free of both government and military influence.

Of course the system isn't perfect, which is why not many people do it, but it works somewhat. Pirates can be unreliable allies, which is why CSEIA maintains a turret grid and swarm of defensive drones. But overall it works because few pirates will actually turn down the opportunity to receive a steady paycheck while still being able to earn money by pirating non-allied ships. Anyways, I'm starting to get off topic.

If you want to be completely independent of government influence, perhaps you should consider a similar arrangement with the criminal sector? Plus, it would give you a realistic explanation how such a recent design managed to fall into the hands of a wanted criminal.

Just my three cents.