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Oncari Industries "Helping build worlds"


Inactive Member
The port of Nassau is the home base of the Oncari Corporation. Founded in YE28 the corporation handles the sale of private star craft to planetary security forces, companies in need of interstellar craft, and private citizens. Based on a modular design Oncari products are flexible, rugged vehicles that are priced to be afordable to smaler companies and local governments. Their main shipyard is located in high orbit the planet Nassau orbiting the larger of it's two moons, raw materials for their craft are generally collected from contracted asteroid mining firms in the system. A smaller production facility is located on the planet's surface to use local resources for smaller craft that do not require construction in zero gravity. Ships capable of atmospheric flight can also be constructed planet side if material transport costs vary greatly enough to warrant it. The range of materials in the Nassau system provides an adequate source material for the manufacture of their craft making hauler traffic into the system minimal. There is also a small sales and refitting shop on Yamatai that handles a majority of their advertisements and orders. It also servs as a central port for minor refitting.

In thd past year the company has produced the Corax destroyer as it's flagship design. (The first interstellar design from Oncari) Oncari Industries relies heavily on the civilian market, To avoid the label of a warship it is sold without weapons but is still capeable of mounting them. Earlier designs from the company were centered on atmosphearic and planatary area craft until early YE27 when they acquired the ability to produce fold drives. The company conducted tests on intersteller and interplanatary travle resulting in the Corax pattern destroyer in YE28. Rumor has it Oncari plans to release a new escort sized ship as well as a fighter interceptor.

Being a public company the CEO of Oncari industries (Jane Falkland) retains controll in the company thru majority shares. Oncari is not an arms dealer. In fact no single Oncari ship to date has come with any offensive weapons. However due to the modular nature of the designs Oncari has become adept at creating mounting systems to service nearly any desired armament per ship class. Likewise the company has not engaged in any military contract work, and their intentional reluctance to self produce weapons has kept them out of military manufacturing for the war. Ironically the ability to customize a ship has lead many owners to adapt Oncari designs for violent ends. (Exact technical specifications are listed on each model)

Cheep, rugged, easy to repair, and modular are the mainstays of Oncari's design team. Though the company's main production line still is located in the Nassau system the company has grown no larger than other independent rivals such as Gillian Manufacturing. Heavy automation of the construction facilitys provides Oncari with a small personal staff mostly core designers and systems experts. The legal and management are also conducted within the company. The remote Nassau system lies just beyond the Great Lighthouse in freespacer territory. Keeping their main shipyard well out of proverbial earshot of most regional governments.


"It hit me. It couldn't have hit me harder if I was the one who been shot. You are going to the restaurant business because people are always going to have to eat. That was the day I realized my destiny lay in fulfilling another basic human need.â€
I am pretty certin that anyone producing and selling guns to terrorists openly advocating violence twords the YSS and other forces would draw much more grief than a company that makes unarmed staarcraft.

Yes the Last Star is a rogue ship (or will be once the SL gets off the ground) but no ship is purpose built for piracy. (unless of course you live in harlock's universe. but in there starships are built to sail the proverbial 7 seas, and intersteller zeplins are a regular sight.). So what if they pay taxesno big deal. millions of companies pay tax.
There may be a third option.

When I started Optimum Technologies, my character had a large warehouse, a salvaged computer core, several synthysis machines, and two employees. The YSA granted OpTech a plot of land on Yamatai and the ability to build what the CEO wanted. Ariah Jal funded the company with his own money and, in the time it was around, OpTech built commissioned technologies (though most were never released) and were looking into expanding their operation into weapons and automated interstellar craft manufacture before it was destroyed (my decision, not Wes').

Ultimately the plan was to be completely independant, so it is not impossible if you start _really_ small. And, trust me, if the founder of your company is rich enough to hold a majority share, knows the right scientists and developers, and owns her own land (like that location on Planet Bob), then she can start with a well-off automated vehicle construction line and build it to ship-yard status within a year. Things move very fast around here.

If you need a scientist character to create your company's tech IC (and a player to defend that tech in the tech approval forums), I'm sure you could find some volunteers. As for defense of your corporate property, that is made easier if you start out with a small operation.

First, no one would want to take you over.

Second, a single small compound are easier to defend than several larger ones.

Third, outsourcing does wonders ^_^ If you can't manufacture something on-site, request it from another companies (the more you spread out the requests between different companies, the less likely those companies will figure out what you are trying to make), then customize and assemble the parts in your own facilities.

Finally, if you own your territory or piece of planetary surface, you will most likely be able to mine your own materials, thus bringing costs down from what you would be spending buying those materials from outside organizations.
thanks for the info AJ but i wasent planing on attaching a RP character to the corp. let alone one of mine. i just dont see the nessicity to have all this extra buracracy for something players wont ever interact with (outside of purchaseing or seing a ship)

the constanylu growin workload is really unessicary for it's purposes. and the "newer" the company gets the more work has to be done.
It looks pretty good now. Let me know when it's finished.
Actually, I'm taking (Bob system) off the table because Millia made it clear that Oncari will not ICly provide aid to the Star Army by constructing ships for them. We can't justify Yamatai giving a corporation an entire system if said corporation doesn't want anything to do with Yamatai.

New terms:

I have my own plans for the (Bob system), since Millia doesn't like the terms attached to it.
Jesus, the hostility is just flowing out of this thread. Tone it down, please, it's really bothering me. >_<

Anyway... Yeah, I suggest a YIM discussion on something this heated.
I am not asking them to be sole owners of an entire system. That would be way too recless and overpowering. i am just saing that is is in A system not that the corp owns it.
I support these terms.
as far as i can figure this submission is done. unless theres anythign i missed this is the final revision
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