Star Army

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SYNC Onee-chan to the Rescue


Harbinger of Naproxen Addiction
Inactive Member
((OOC: Let me know if this is either inappropriate or in the wrong spot))

To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Big Problem!


I seem to have found myself in a situation that I cannot easily extricate myself from and I am in need your advice. However, I also need you to promise me you will not discuss this with anyone; not mom, not dad, and especially not Onee-san or Ayame-nee.

It is imperative that I find a solution as I seem to be losing my mind over this.

Please help!


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Are you ok Ta-chan?! Are you sure mom or dad can't help? I'm away on deployment right now!

And why are you worried about Nee-chan or A-chan finding out?

Anyway, I gotta run! But I'll promise as long as it's not something mom or dad needs to know. Just don't scare me like this!

Take care of yourself!

To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!


Presently I do not wish to alert our parents as I have yet to ascertain my next course of action in regards to the situation. As for our sisters; they may ridicule me for what is happening and Ayame-nee, especially, may never allow me to live this down. It would be mortifying...

The truth is, I believe I am developing feelings for a girl in my class and I am unsure as to what to do about it. She has matched or exceeded my test scores in chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology. She is also inspiring beautiful; not only in spite of, but because of those same ears Ayame-nee acquired.


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

This better not be about one of those terrible dating sims you play, or I'll beat you to within an inch of your life when I'm home next on leave...

To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Nana-chan, I have completed all the special and secret ends, in all the games I have, ten times each. If that were the situation I would consult a walk-through, not bother you for your help.

She is very real, sits next to me in class, and I smell her perfume every day! (It is like irises in the rain...) I do not know how to deal with this!!!!!!!


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Wait, seriously?! Damn you for making me promise! Mom and dad would be thrilled and relieved if they found out about this - tremendously!

You understand, you WILL say something to them eventually, right?

So what's her name? Have you talked to her at all, or are you still just taking sidelong glances at her when you think she isn't looking?
To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Yes, Seriously! And I do not want mom and dad to know, especially dad, because I do not want him dragging me out to that cave again to drink. He already did that after my first storm at the helm and it was awful. I will only speak to them about it when I actually have something worth reporting.

As for her name, I do not want to you looking her up and calling her, so I am not going to give you that. Which links into no I have not spoken to her and therefore do not want anyone saying anything to her about this before I do. I also believe this will be the case for some time as it is currently summer vacation and I have yet to come up with a valid excuse I can use to speak to her.

Anyway, that is also part of the problem. Without contact, what can I ascertain about the quality of this feeling?


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

OK! I get it. No talking to mom or dad, no talking to your little girlfriend. But how are you going to know what to do if you don't find out about her? What she does, what she likes, never mind how she feels about you.

I think summer vacation is the perfect time to just invent an excuse. Do you have any mutual friends or acquaintances?


PS: I'm jealous dad took you to the cave. I know what he drinks there!
To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

That is all part of what I would like to find out as it is also some of the most pertinent information found in a walkthrough. However, since life seems to be this extended mess of events and lacks a decent walkthrough, I am forced to consider those who have experience as the next best option. I have chosen you, because, frankly, you tend to not ridicule me beyond reasonable limits, you give decently executable advice, and you always seem to win.

You do have to ask the difficult questions, though, don't you. I cannot say I have any particular myriad of friends like you did; however I have been spending time with some of my acquaintances from the Science Club this summer when ever I am ashore. One of our female members has been working to get her to join through befriending her and getting her interested.

I do not see how this can help; however I shall defer to your judgment if you believe otherwise.


Sent from my "secretary".

PS: You and father can have it all to your hearts' content. I cannot believe he is able to possess such swill on Yamatai...

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Perfect! Organize a beach meeting and ensure she's invited. You're all young still, I'm sure you'll all find the chance a good distraction from Kyousou's heat.

Try setting that up and see how it goes. And I WILL be awaiting a progress report, Ta-chan!

To: FreefallDancer
From: JThorsson
Subject: Your Brother

Hello Asrid,

I know you're likely out saving the galaxy somewhere, but something's come up and I can't think of anyone else to ask at this point.

See, apparently your brother's started to act a little strange and as much as I don't see it myself, your mother won't let me hear the end of it. Normally I'd just let it slide and eventually she'll find something else to go on about, but she's been at it for over a month now so I'm starting to think it's serious. Also, apparently he was talking to a girl on his comm today, not like that should be a grand revelation (hell, we ought to be damn happy), but it seems this now means I'm not allowed to get any breaks. (I'm writing this from the cave right now.)

Please tell me you know what the hell is up with Lars and that it's something that'll bring peace to the old lady. I'd like to sleep in my own bed some time this week.



To: JThorsson
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Your Brother

Hi Daddy! I'm on shore leave right now, so it's ok.

What's mom saying? Has she asked Lars about it? Have you?

Not sure what could be wrong with him at all really - well other than Lars being Lars. :P

But him talking to a girl? Was he running a fever today? Did you or mom get a name?

I can't wait to hear back! Lov ya!


To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!
Attachment: YourBrother.eml

Taaaaa-chaaaaaaan . . . >_<*

In his quiet bedroom, a young Geshrin is packing a bag for a beach trip, only to feel a shiver run up his spine.
To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Nana-chan! Please manage your killing intent, I can feel it from here!

Honestly, had I known this were happening I would have been more mindful of my actions. I suppose I should have suspected when father took me for that drive the other day - he talked about meeting mother of all things, too. What should I do?

I was speaking with Morisato-senpai to offer the suggestion you recommended. She is the Science Club President, so it would need to go through her first before such an idea would have a chance. Oddly enough, though, Senpai was much more enthusiastic about the beach than I would expect - so much so that we have been ordered to be ready for pickup by Mizuno-sensei the day after tomorrow.

How do I deal with mother and father? I seem to be the only male member on this trip, so they will be bound to suspect something. They will make me too nervous to speak to my classmate and possibly embarrass me in front of her, never mind the club.

Now what do I do?


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

I am, Ta-chan, and it is your "being mindful" that gets you caught. That little bit of worry starts to show up and you start minding your actions like a criminal attempting to cover up his crime. You need to relax, just like how I showed you that day at the helm - a still heart makes a still ship on a rough sea.

It's good to know that you managed to arrange for the trip; but why are you the only guy going? You're not the only male member of a club full of girls you conveniently ignore, are you?

Maybe let father in on the information about the beach party and see if he can run interference for you. Say it was an idea you had because of some good weather coming up and you are practising to take initiative. He'll love that, and you won't have to admit to looking to date any of them - so long as you come clean with him once you have the girl.

And there, father is taken care of and he'll take care of mother. No problem! ^_^

Let me know how it goes!

To: FreefallDancer
From: JThorsson
Subject: Re: Your Brother

Please don't tease your old man. At what time, on what planet, in what reality have you heard your mother ask anyone anything even remotely directly? I took him for a drive since a good man to man was needed and it helps to not be outnumbered.

I didn't get much out of him; but that's usually par for the course at his age. Can't say he was hiding anything in what he said or didn't say, regardless of what your mother says she sees. She thinks he's been running off with some girl that he "shouldn't be with" and the rabbit hole just gets deeper from there.

He was, apparently, talking to a girl today in his full health. Also, your mother says that he was calling her "Senpai" a lot, which has her head just spinning on her shoulders - I'd laugh if If it didn't mean I'd be in the dog house for it.

You sure you don't know anything?

To: JThorsson
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Your Brother

Dad I don't. And as surprising as mom finds Lars talking to girls, he is social enough to be part of a school club, is he not? And last I heard, he's going to the same school I did, which happens to be co-ed.

Honestly, knowing him, it's probably someone from a school club or project he's involved in and, therefore, needs to communicate with now and then.

Besides, mom isn't the only one bad for dancing around the bush. Ask him directly about the call - he'll either answer you or try to evade. That's the best I can give you, dad.

Love you.
To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

I do not recall anything still or calm about what you showed me back then. Actually, what I do recall is the distinct language father uses when he has stubbed his toe on something solid. It surprised me at first, such words coming from a girl.

I am not the only male member, though we are slightly outnumbered. Gintama-senpai currently has some family business to take care of and Smith-kun is volunteering on the other side of the world. They have both however, threatened me with violence if I do not properly document the proceedings.

As for discussing this with father, it seems he has misunderstood me in the worst way possible. Mother seems to be giving me the silent treatment now and a box of 'protection' has found its way onto my dresser. This is not what I need prior to the up coming situation!

This is only getting worse!


Sent from my "secretary".

To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

I spoke too soon, Kaicho just asked me to help her shop for a swimsuit tomorrow... Help!


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

OMG, Really?! This is getting better by the minute. I wish I was home to see this!!! ROFLMAO

I'm thinking you will need to bare with this until you take off for the trip, and that this may turn out better than you expect. Father's reaction seems like he will most definitely stay out of the way, and happily. Mother, on the other hand, you will just have to sort out after you get back from the beach - she loves you the most, so she'll forgive you.

As for swimsuit shopping, you had better go unless you wish to offend a young maiden on whose good graces you are relying.

To: FreefallDancer
From: JThorsson
Subject: Re: Your Brother

Asrid, thanks for the help. You're mother doesn't seem to happy about what's going on, but it seems your brother just might be becoming a man and she'll need to accept that at some point.

To: JThorsson
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Your Brother

Glad to help dad!

Love you. XOXOXO
To: FreefallDancer
From: YaYaGurl99
Subject: OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Na-chan, OOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is crazy! I can't believe it! Can you believe it? OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!

Guess what just happend with Ta-chan!


He just got dropped of by a giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl! And guess what he called her! Senpai!

OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!! I'm gonna tease him foreeeeeeeever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^

Oh btw, what's wrong with mom?! She's like talking to nobody... She even ignored me when I came home for dinner! ><*

Oh, and how's life? Kill any bad guys yet? ^_^

Anyway, still eating. Mom's mad, but her curry rice is still to diiiiiiiie for! ^o^


M. Ayame
From my pretty little head. Savour it!

To: YaYaGurl99
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey A-chan! I'm ok, though I can't say anything about people I have or have not killed.

It's actually about damn time he did, though. Dad's cheering him on from the sidelines, but mom seems to be having trouble with it. Remember, Ta-chan is her baby; she hasn't had to deal with this yet, like dad has.

Now curses on you for having mom's curry without me! Meanie! :P

Since you're home, did Onee-chan show up too?


To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Nana-chan, I have been corrupted.

Mourn, do I, my violently murdered innocence; strangled to death, it was, by what seems to pass as a bathing suit these days. No longer shall I look upon a womanly form with purity again.

O is me...


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

And this is the one you ignored for over a year? Give your head a shake!

Now give me the details! :twisted:
To: FreefallDancer
From: YaYaGurl99
Subject: OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha! Well if you weren't so insistent on chasing down bad guys who may or may not exist, you very well could be here enjoying mom's curry with us! :P

Onee-chan is still in Kyoto working on her internship. I'm so glad I didn't get tempted by the money, I would have died from all the work!

Speaking of Onee-chan; remember how dad bawled about her first date? He tried to grill the poor boy, but she just grabbed her date's arm and dragged him out of the house. What a scene! I still don't bring boys home because of it.

And what about you? Still chasing guys off with a stick or have you graduated to a gun? I know the rumours about you at school were pretty bad; but you're trillions of miles away now. You're not likely to have someone approaching you because of what people say you've done, so make sure you ask questions before shooting him.

M. Ayame
From my pretty little head. Savour it!

To: YaYaGurl99
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know the best out of everyone why I had to do this. I'd still be sleeping with that stick if I hadn't of joined up. And no, I'm not chasing people away anymore.

Anyway, take care of mom and dad for me and say hi to Onee-chan if she stops by.


To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Nana-chan, I'm serious! There are things I saw today that propriety does not allow! How does our Empire forebear from outlawing such indecent scraps of fabric?!

Then there was Senpai going on about how a bathing suit is a girl's greatest weapon. At what point did I step out of reality and into a manga?! I'm beginning to fear this plan to go to the beach was a horrible idea...

I know! I can pretend to be sick tomorrow, that's what I will do! I will pretend I am sick and I will not have to contend with such horror!

You won't tell anyone, right?


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Hold on. Let me call dad and A-chan. They will wish to know of your cowardice...
To: FreefallDancer
From: Rikagami1123
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

No don't! I will go, just don't tell anyone about anything I have not already discussed with them. Please, don't.


Sent from my "secretary".

To: Rikagami1123
From: FreefallDancer
Subject: Re: Big Problem!

Ok, but you better go. I don't want to hear about you missing out on the rest of your life. I do and there will be trouble.