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OOC [OOC] 4th SF Discussion

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Hmm, maybe different definition of shockwave, to me shockwave is more the traditional blast and heat, but I guess you're right, I'm just too terrestrial in my thinking.
pretty much the same thing, just no atmosphere as the medium of transfer.
Ehem! Honoka is a Nito Juni! Not a hei! Unless that was intentional at which point Honoka would be deeply insulted.
Nah, that was just a cut and paste error on part.
Sorry for such an underwhelming post, but I've sat on it for two days, and have yet to produce anything better.
Thanks Kai, knew it existed, but the Nadare crew was never issued the Newest Mindy.
Ha! Proof I still exist!

Yeah, as I begged you guys to understand on IRC (and not kick me) multiple times, I've been holding out posting to not intterupt the action scene you guys were doing. The post feels unfinished, and I need to work on the "Neko in the back" joke (no punchline ><) some more, but I was afraid I'd not get another chance before Nash swung a post my way.

As usual, hit me up on IRC for any complaints/comments/deaththreats.

This concludes my Tenure as the GM for the 4th Standard Fleet, Kiyoki, Jimmy, SSharp. It has been fun. I hope you folks enjoyed bringing this plot to a close.

Gentlemen, Lady, it has been a pleasure RPing with you. We may not have had the best run this time, but we made it, and surprisingly still alive. I look forward to annoying the crap out of you all at another time.

Nash, thanks again for stepping to the plate, you are credit to team. Sharp, if you want I can have Silic carry out his promise(/threat) and build a unique item for his suit, although don't expect anything OP. And Kyoki, thanks for putting up with my antics, and putting a cap them when needed, you're the sweetheart of SARP.

See you next plot.
It's been good guys. As it is, I think Arkase will request to be sent to an Academy after asking for Kiyoshi's recommendation perhaps, and then fade off until I have need of him again. He has a lot of personal problems to deal with.

Jimmy, it was fun being in a plot with you. I hope to catch you in another at some point -- otherwise, we'll be stuck to IRC and Etherpad

Kyoki, I have to admit it was fun attempting torture, even if Arkase (and I) never really got around to it. You did well, and I hope to catch you in a future plot as well.

Finally, Nashoba, thanks for taking the reins in Lilly's absence. Without you, we would never have had this epic close. (Silic Saves the ship, Arkase saves the girls on the bridge, and Honoka/Kiyoshi both save South Gate!)

It's been fun guys and girl. Catch ya'll later.
Woah. It's over.

It's been great fun guys, though sorry about my apparent lack of attention to this and SARP in general.

Nashoba, thanks for taking over in our time of need. It was a great service you've done!

Ssharp and Jimmy, you guys were awesome too! Keep up the great work.

See y'all around.
It was my pleasure. Not knowing exactly what Lilly had planned I wanted to give you folks a good run for your money.

Needless to say if any of you are welcome to join any plot I run.

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