Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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[OOC] About the Open Roleplaying Forum + Thread Ideas

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Open Roleplaying Forum
"No Red Tape"

Designed to be a "fast and loose" roleplaying forum for roleplay in the Star Army universe, this forum does not require any prior approval for plots or characters and the threads are open to everyone to participating in without asking.​
The Open Roleplaying Forum is a place for:

  • New plots that are just taking off and only have one or two in-character roleplay threads. The forum gives visibility and makes it easy for players (especially new ones) to find fresh plots they can join. No GM experience is necessarily to make or run a thread. Note: Once plots mature and complete their first mission or two, proving their success, they can "graduate" to being given their own plot forum if requested.
  • "Starting point" threads for new characters that were not made with a specific plot in mind, such as: A recruiting thread for interviews and assignments for the Star Army of Yamatai, Space taverns where independent characters can be introduced and find jobs, etc.
  • If your character is part of a plot that died out, you can also use this forum to continue roleplaying with that character and make new connections.

Is it canon? Unless otherwise stated by me, plots here are considered "soft canon" which means they are eligible to be considered to be part of the the universe's lore and official history. Thread participants can ask me if the events of the thread become canon. Unless I have a reason to reject the thread (such as failure to adhere to the already-existing canon), I will allow the thread to become canon and then you can add its events and such to the wiki. You can still submit characters and other articles to the New Character Biographies and NTSE forums while running/playing in your thread if desired.​

Floodwaters is the moderator of the Open RP Forum.

She's here to help! As moderator, her job is...

  • to encourage RP in the Open RP forum by setting a good example for members.
  • to subscribe to and respond to the [OOC] Open RP Moderator Requests
  • to monitor the Open RP forum and report rule violations to Wes/staff
[OOC] Ideas for Open Roleplaying

Here's some thread concepts I've come up with for Open Roleplaying Forum threads (feel free to use them if you like them):

  • Battle scenes
  • Gun shop
  • Coffeehouse meetings
  • At the Nekovalkyrja factory
  • Military training RP
  • An information broker
  • Recruiting stations (I made one for Yamatai already)
  • Bar Talk (I made one so far)
  • Chance meeting at the onsen
  • Space taxi, transport, or cargo hauler - characters meet while stuck together for a long a shuttle ride
  • Historic threads

Anything that puts characters in a situation where they're likely to interact with each other is suitable. If you have a thread you'd like to see, or an idea you want to share, please post it in this thread!
Re: [OOC] About the Open Roleplaying Forum

:D I have been thinking occasionally of starting an RP thread / plot based during a historic setting; specifically, during the ancient rebellion of humans and other races against the Black Claw Empire a millenia prior to the current period in which we are all roleplaying; while its still technically within the SARP universe -- given that there's little information available for that time period provided -- as GM for the thread I could probably use my own initiative to quickly fabricate additional setting and plot elements, ie alien races, technology, worlds etc to make the RP more interesting without having to go through the normal setting element approval hoopla that new submitted materials generally need before being added to the SARP universe.

Additionally, while the thread also wouldn't be canon unless approved by you Wes, even if its not approved due to something I've added, with it being set so far in the past and it being mostly indirectly related to the rest of the SARP continuity, that probably wouldn't matter so much.

I kinda like the idea of pitting roleplayers against a big bad enemy that's far more powerful than they are -- gives me a kind of Star Wars Rebel Alliance versus the Galactic Empire feeling :P
Please start each post with its location!

Pisces Station <-- Location of the RP post

In a secluded section of Concourse D, the two Reds sat down to plan... <-- Your post
I am so glad you implemented this Wes. I remember when I first approached the subject with you, and now it is here on SARP. This is so awesome. Nice to have our little Tavern in the woods.
I cannot help but feel the "Star Army Recruiting Center" thread has devolved into a bitching contest.
*shrugs* it fails as an easy entry point for newcomers to the site to get recruited by the Star Army, which was obviously it's intended purpose. Then it's mostly a matter of DocTomoe coming in and presenting an non-jingoistic holier-than-thou argument against the Star Army that Wes responded to with his typical brand of finesse.

This was a bitching contest. A cowboy and indian game of "I shot you", "no, you didn't" and the only thing stopping Tomoe from presenting the Empire further in a bad light by putting up his presented characters as bleeding heart martyrs is Wes wizening up and doing something about it that's not nearly so PR damaging on his side of things.

At the same time, Gardener goes in and stokes the fire because fanning flames is typically what he enjoys. And the rest of the people involved are either professionals eyeing the trainwreck situation and choosing to rationalize why they don't touch it even with a 10' long pole, or normal soldiers coping with the situation in the most normal, comprehensible, figurative fashion: by facepalming and wondering how somehing like this could even happen.

So, yeah, I do think the 'naturally born normals' versus 'superior military people' debate is interesting. I just think it should've gotten its own thread rather than hijack something else.
Floodwaters is now moderator of the Open RP Forum.

She's here to help! As moderator, her job is...

  • to encourage RP in the Open RP forum by setting a good example for members.
  • to subscribe to and respond to the [OOC] Open RP Moderator Requests
  • to monitor the Open RP forum and report rule violations to Wes/staff
Congrats, Floodwaters!

And it seems like everyone who posted in the recruiting station thread is having fun so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Go on Floodwaters!

It is interesting because Yamatai is different then people who are naturally born. Plus people are ha---what raz said.
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