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OOC [OOC] Asamoya Scheduling

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I may or may not be I am not sure yet for tonight. Tomarrow however I should be around.
I'll be here tonight, though I might not be around when everyone else shows up. I need to run some errands before the night is through.
This is like crack for you isn't it gamer? *squints at you suspiciously.* We can have another, and continue where we left off tonight at 8:30 if everyone wishes to.
I'll be around. Working on a pic of Nana and one of Sumaru, but other than that I have -nothing- do do. :3
Mommy...riiiiight. Ok, I've been in the hospital for god knows how long, and I am hankering for a JP. So, tonight we're having a JP. 8:30 p.m EST. :geek:
Sorry about last night, I really needed to crash after partying for way too long.

I'm good for a JP tonight, but tomorrow night I'll be busy meeting up with some old friends.
Well your in luck then! I'm feeling pretty good and rested right now. (14 hours of sleep does that ) We'll have one tonight. 8:30 p.m EST.
Hokay. We're continuing tonight. Pain or not I'm damned determined now. >.> 8:30 p.m EST.
I've got class tonight but I should be free for JPing (finally!) tomorrow night. =)
Fly is our UPS man of the internet. ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉

And I learned a new trick of absolute niftiness. That symbol? Awesomeness in a silver bottle.
Well, Im not sure how many of you remember lil ol Yaganori Ranji, but Kim is saying he can be reinstated as a PC, and I'm trying to have him assigned to the Asamoya (kinda need flu's ok though). Just a heads up
He can, but right now we are on mission. I plan on getting as far as we can tonight however.
It seems people had plans for me. o.o I will be around less than I thought I would be tonight. o.0;
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