Star Army

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OOC [OOC briefing] "Master and Servant"

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
OOC Briefing -- "Master and Servant"

The Situation:

An SMX fleet has appeared between the 5th and the planet Murf. The fleet's origin is untraceable. There are also five unidentified ships to go with it. The SMX aren't moving; all major systems appear to be powered down. No communication has been transmitted from them, and they do not respond to any hails.

As if that weren't bad enough, the 5th's Iori Star Fortress is apparently under the control of someone called "Ichiro." Ichiro has a defensive screen of LAMIAs around the Iori that fires on any ships headed toward it. Somehow, 20 SMX attack pods got onto it and landed in a secondary bay.

It's pretty dark on the Iori, as there's only emergency power. Only some of the doors work, leaving soldiers trapped where they were when the power first went off. It's hard to say where the Mishhu went after they landed their attack pods. But there are 80 LAMIA armors that were not launched outside the Iori. Reports of Nekovalkyrja ... changing ... have also come to the attention of the PCs.

According to Suzuka Yukari, who was the only one to get any outside information, it is possible the Iori's KAMI is under someone else's control.

Resources at disposal of PCs

Only what your PC had on them when the power went out; from there it depends on where they are and where they intend to go. You can assume that it wouldn't be hard to get to an AMES. You've also got your NSP and your knife, if you carry it. A starship wouldn't help much, but a power armor might be very sweet.

Questions answered:

What do we know IC?

It depends on your first move. If you stayed put during the few minutes the lights went out, you probably don't know much. If you were lucky enough to be near one of the first unlucky NH-17s, you'd know that something is very, very wrong with them.

Who can we interact with?

As this will include quite a bit of SPing, you'll have the ability to interact with NPCs more than normal once you enter a setting. Take into account their rank -- Santô Heis aren't going to know a hell of a lot, and officers are pretty rare. Also pay attention to their "class" -- a cook might not be very helpful, but a power armor pilot without their power armor isn't either. Those two things should help you filter out who it would help to talk to. There's also the problem of people not feeling very talkative ...

Well, what can we do then?

Survive, in the beginning. Enemies will be around as well, so you'll have some fighting ahead of you. You could gather weapons, find a way off the ship, maybe try and warn someone of what's going on, or just go hunting for enemies. Careful not to go overboard.

What's the goal?

It will change, but for now, finding an officer would help.

I've heard our characters could die. For real. Are you serious?

You'll have to find out. But rest assured, if a character could die, the player would know in advance and would have agreed to it.

Anything else we should know about?

While this is a thriller-type plot, it's also a puzzle of sorts. It is linear in a certain fashion, as you cannot avoid the endings, which are static. But you can get there a lot of different ways, and as I've implied, there's more than one way this could turn out.

You're really new at this stuff. Do you really think you can pull this off?

With a bit of help? Absolutely. You work with me, I work with you. And that way, we can make this kick some serious ass.
A note to both players and casual readers:

Mild controversy has brewed over certain technologies, including teleportation. I understand some players are not happy with this tech and its potential, and in the new 5th plot "Master and Servant," teleportation appears to be used.

To the players: I ask that you reserve conclusions for the end.

To readers: If you want good, confirmed canon on teleportation, please see the Sakura plotship, starting here. I ask you do not use events in the 5th for confirmation of teleportation, as it has not been done yet IC.

Thanks folks!
Another note to players and readers:

"Master and Servant" is using a little posting trick I came up with that, as far as I know, hasn't been used before. I don't have a name for it, but essentially it works as follows:

The GM puts up a post creating the set for each player.

Players respond in kind.

Then, once all the players are ready, the GM posts a response to each character in a single thread. The characters are separated by their name, which is red and bolded. It looks like this:

Kurodai Ryuuza

Roving the corridor near Suzuka's room, a LAMIA hoisted its shield in front of it, aether rifle switched to sword mode. Quietly hovering, its sensors locked onto the lifeform coming closer and closer to it. Invisiblity was not necessary; the blood-eyed NH-12 inside the LAMIA knew she could deflect anything the lifeform had. A feral, fanged grin spread across her face as she waited.

The aether blade glowed a dull pink.

The players then respond to their pieces, and the cycle starts over.

Hopefully this makes sense. Please let me know if it does not.