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OOC OOC: Important Sites in the Destiny

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Inactive Member
This thread is for the landmarks and significant buildings of the Destiny.

Buildings include:

Town Hall - Where the Mayor works. Most of the day to day running of the city happens here.

Central Archives - This is where the great source of information on the Destiny is stored. Huge volumes of history and fiction are stored in both an electronic and paper form.

Central Bank - The central bank stors all significant amounts of physical and electronic money. It has highly significant security.

The museum - this huge museum contains many exibits including the development of space travel, and the rise of the Geshrin and Yamataian empire.

Please post any other ideas
Seems to me like you are going to need some sort of apartment complex to house the crew (if it is not done in one of the other levels) and quite a few many commercial outlets. If this thing is going to be a 'city', then it needs a bit of capitolism and such. Y'll also need a jail or somewhere to hold criminal offenders (if we have any) and an 'Armory' of sorts to house the weapons. (As to the weapons part, though you've got a bit of a fleet going, you're still going to need to defend yourself from boarders.)

I'd say 'Plank' but that would be just... sorta... strange.

"Arrgg! Walk the plank!"

"...*Gasps for breath, floats off*"


But in all seriousness you'll probably also need space for cars or trucks (Do you have that? Roads, I mean?)
There's at least got to be some sort of mass transit rail system, I'd think.
You also need industrial jobs, supporting this many people would require a massive system to handle the recycle needs of the city and its inhabitiants including the mantinance of HSCS pipes and whatnot. That should generate quite a few blue and white collar jobs as well as some sort of control building to co-ordinate it all.
There is a mass transit system, it's described in my latest RP, I feel somewhat embarrassed about not putting it in sooner. It criss-crosses the entire ship, and underlines the entirety of the city.

As this was a city I didn't think that writing about ever sky-scraper and are of accommodation would be worth it. As shown in the description of the Destiny, they are present, and dominate most of the city.

As for an armory. Most of the population of the ship are colonists, and a good proportion of them are Nepleslian. You don't want to give them easy access to weapons. Therefore there are armories and weapons lockers in the areas where the crew and military forces live. There are also weapons lockers around the ship, but they're protected from casual access.

As with boarders, it is not that easy to reach the Destiny. It's gravitic shield is extremely powerful, and very few ships could reach it, and this is while it's escort ships are blasting at it. I'm sure it could, and likely will happen, and this is why there are internal security systems, automated drones, and the security forces.

I didn't really think of a jail. I suppose if might be needed, there are Neplesians after all. There will likely be a single large institution which can serve the purpose as wither a detainment centre, where you can hold someone for a short amount of time, or a long term prison and re-education centre. Or it could use the more draconian StarArmy system, not that used on Neplesia though, the Destiny isn't like that.

As for cars, trucks and roads, I'm not sure. I was thinking pedestrian streets, if you need to go far you can use the mass transit system. Large load, construction duty etc.. would use a more heavy duty version of the transit system, and would likely get drones to do it.

Under the job category, although we could simply have drones, such as the NovaCorp construction drone, to take care of it, I see that having a job like this might be beneficial, so maintenance duties might be spread between the drones and the colonists. The engineering corp. will take care of all the really major events, with the help of the AI and drones.

Thank you for the advice.
Most of the population of the ship are colonists, and a good proportion of them are Nepleslian. You don't want to give them easy access to weapons.
Many Nepleslians are more than likely to have brought their own, and lots of them. The Yamatai Star Empire's laws actually state that citizens have the right to own and operate guns (including machineguns and heavy energy weapons), though I'm sure the colonists could be legally bound (for safety reasons) to limit their functioning arsenals to weapons that wouldn't structurally damage the ship or the skyscrapers inside it. This would allow the Nepleslians to keep their weapons (just have to have them take apart their rocket propelled grenade launchers and stuff) but keep the ship fairly safe. The Yamatai Empire's citizens are armed to the teeth and the government appears to like them that way.
I had taken that into acount, apart from the not letting to carry RPG's, which makes sense, but I thought that the armouries and weapon lockers would contain some more high powered weaponry, SA or advanced No- type weapons.
Sure. The ship should probably maintain a decent number of power armor squadrons, too, for defense. The armories would best be located near the bays, with a few emergency armories (with power armors for emergency use) scattered throughout the length of the ship's interior and cities in case of an invasion by enemy forces.

(Going to bed now)
An idea was offered to me, due to the general lack of a command system on the Destiny as of yet, to perhaps make an HQ Building for the crew, soldiers, and officers. Along with this building there would be offices and apartment complexes. The HQ would probably be the main embassy (providing that nobody else wants to construct something specifically for that purpose) and would receive any new 'species' we find upon our travels. From the HQ, paperwork would be heading in and out and in short order regulations would be set down and enforced as well as meetings being held for the general construction of the ship. A chain of command would be established that would be more efficiant than people running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and I am myself ready and willing to begin construction on the HQ building or take hold of one of the already made buildings to use as such a building.

The original idea for this came from the brilliant Wes. He, of course, thought up the idea for an HQ and informed me of the state of disorder the Destiny is currently in. My character is the type of person who would want people to know what they are doing, and as soon as I get ahold of an engineer I plan to 'enquire' about what it would take to get it started, and then order its construction, all willing.
Currently there is a town centre where the mayor works. The mayor controls the civilian/colonist part of the ships population, while the captain controls the military, crew, and the ship. Thus all of the beau racy to do with the city would be drawn up in Town Hall, but likely all major actions would be shown to the captain before their implementation due to the possible ramifications on the ship itself.

However your idea is interesting, I would like to hear more and would not be adverse to its implementation.
I suppose I'll call the HQ the... *Drumroll*

Destiny Personnel Headquarters!

Assigning the military personnel to different tasks and temporarily managing the day-by-day going-ons and assignment of personnel, giving them actual jobs instead of letting them run around randomly and taking list of all of them.

I've already taken that list, and I've posted it (Yay for me) up with their current assignments, ranks, and what-not. No way representitive of the chain of command, but then again we are going to have a meeting about that very subject when the officers on the YSS Destiny feel ready for it.

Basically the Capitol seems to be doing things with bigger orders, and the HQ is more intimate with the micromanagement so that the bigger orders might get done quicker. It's like sunlight, a peice of paper, and a convex lense. Sure, the 'Sun' (or the Mayor's Office) can get to the paper (personnel), but to focus the 'light' you are going to need the 'Lense' (HQ).

That, and I don't think we've been assigned a captian yet.
What about a gym. You know to work on your character pyhsical appearance.

Target Range.
Swimming Pool.
An intresting idea Daniel. There is certainly several physical work out stations. These would include a gym, swimming pool, and a shooting range, and would be in the manner of a spa. When someone wishes to RP in them YIM me and we can discuss the details.
What are the main areas of Destiny? Just so i know if i want to use them.
The main locations that people hang out in?
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