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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

@Luca: would the Havoc's point defenses take out the drones? Otherwise I'll just fire a few rounds at them.
Your point defences could work, but sustained fire from the 20mm machine gun could work too - or if you're really feeling mean, a round of grapeshot would really fix their wagon - its a tank-sized shotgun!
It looks like I've taken the reigns but really I'm just making flavor.

Its intimidating but its still Luca's beast, don't worry: I'm just set dressing.
Apologies for the delays in the next Phoenix post - my web mysteriously conked out for the better part of seven hours. I think the internet exchange blew a fuse because of the warm weather - usually the culprit.

I'll try and bang out a post for 4Q in the next forty minutes or so.
Guys, what is the hold up? Posts, please!
@ShotJon (The tank is still running, and we don't have a mobility kill on our hands, Luca ordered it to move)
@Born-On-Board, @Lamb (You two have cooking to do!)
@OsakanOne (Need Rebeka action, also you said you were going to post something you put on a pastebin and showed me)
Ah right, sorry ignore what I said yesterday. I missed a whole fucking GM post, because I am an idiot. I will post within today.
And I totally forgot because I'm' a terrible person.
@Phe0n1x, you haven't posted in a while. Can I get an update on what's going on or can I auto Makari firing?

I intend to post for the loud mission tonight. The tank doesn't do much unless it guns too!
@Phe0n1x the machine is down. Osaka's post said so. Also there's a nuke going off. Or some other type of horrible splosion.
Yeah. Somehow I missed that. Durp. Fixing, thanks @Moogle . And yes, @Eistheid, Makari is going to try to diffuse the nuke by blowing it up first. lol
Its not a nuke: A nuke works by getting a nucleus to split up, unleashing a small number of electrons from the atomic shell, the main source of energy from the blast.

What we're faced with isn't the energy release of energy from cracking an atom: Its the total death of the entire atom - a perfect conversion of matter as we know it into energy, carried by radiant photons as radiation.

All matter has a nucleonic half-life, not just an electronic half-life. The simpler it is, the longer it lasts.

There's a special kind of magnet here, called a monopole that causes an "error" in matter, causing it to mass-cascade fail: collapsing again and again and again until nothing is left.

Unlike antimatter, there isn't some equal reaction: it isn't like burning wood, going out when the wood finally runs out of fuel.

Its more like a black hole. It swells and gets worse. And worse. And worse. Growing exponentially in size, sinking into the planet and then only stopping when the monopoles finally equalize electrically with the planet's magntosphere.

There isn't a reaction here. You need to understand that.

In fact, what's happening isn't some triggered reaction either but a controlled orchestrated containment failure.

Shooting at it has a high risk of making things even worse. Or slowing the process, giving you a few more minutes.
I wrote out a large thing pointing out how reducing the reactor to smaller scattered bits is better for the crew on site, however I realized it was a waste of people's time since they don't care.

What it comes down to is Luca decides how this scenario plays out.
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