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OOC [OOC] Medals Competition!


Inactive Member
Hey dudes and dudettes,

I've noticed a lack of medals to give people for all these crazy missions we've been going on in Bahram, and I'd very much like to remedy the situation. I'm setting up a contest to design the various medals and awards the Astral Vanguard issues, with extensive backstories, requirements and art (gasp!). I'll be taking as many applications as possible, with the winner getting an art piece I'm going to commission from an IRL friend of mine in the very merry month of May.

All applications must have:
-Art for each medal (try to keep it in-style for the Iromakuanhe)
-At least 12 medals
-Some history for each medal to make them unique and relevant
-Some cool poetic names (like the Crimson Desert Moon or the Hand of the Ancestor Stars)

People may apply in groups, in which case I will make this a group shot for every person who contributed a non-insignificant amount of effort to the application (spellchecking or adding a line or two doesn't count, though, and I will be checking logs).

People from outside the faction can also apply, though I'll be taking flavor of the medals into account too.