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OOC [OOC] Pirates Discussion

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It was part of the investigation for the threads which were lost (threads that should not have been lost in the first place) and part of he necessary evidence for tracking the issue; this was posted up on the GM board. I quoted the part which addressed the subject matter.
Correction: It was posted only in the Staff Operations Center (Investigation of Deletions of IC Material). In the future, please don't post Staff or GM topics outside of their protected areas (at least without permission), Fred, as it defeats the purpose of them being hidden and (like Chris said) could cause a percieved breach of privacy.
I thought it'd help out. It's not like Rine managed to get his plot working and no one was really lending him a hand, so, the excerpt seemed to be a effective way of going by it, since it contextually fit.

My apologies.
*is kinda waiting for Cora to kill the old plot himself, since he doesnt know what the old characters name was, anything about the old plot (can't exactly find it out, can I?) and thus, doesn't know how to kill it icly*
I'm kind of hearing that people are waiting...please, just start something new. A plot hole is better than no roleplay at all.
I could do a "rocks fall, all the NPCs die" scenario, Wes. We can leave the fate of the PCs up in the air so that players can re-use them if they want to. Would that be okay?
There is now a post in Mick's thread, giving anyone's character who would be waiting for the other plotship to leave a chance to hop ship. If you are still interested in the roleplay, please post your character getting to the ship from wherever they have been killing time.

In a few moments, I'll be adding several locations as well, just so everyones not coming from the bar.
Since this is primarily the Osiris forum now, I changed the forum name and made Concerto the moderator (and also gave him access to the GM's nook).

Concerto: I need a forum description from you.
Well, Osiris now has a good excuse for some work on the ship (upgrades?), lol.
Also note that you have a great opportunity for roleplay here, if the ship breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The environmental systems are blown up, as is the power system and the repair bay - so the Osiris is in trouble, and could end up adrift without fresh air. That would allow you to explore the ship's emergency systems and supplies, plus put characters in a survival-type situation for a while (good for development).
It is, and pending I get new players to sign up (I haven't really been looking e.e) I can kill off some NPCs.
Alright let's get some activity here. Wes, if you can spare a player or two to come over I'd really like the help.
Concerto said:
Alright let's get some activity here. Wes, if you can spare a player or two to come over I'd really like the help.
What do you mean? I don't control what plots that players join--that's something they choose themselves.
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