Star Army

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OOC [OOC] - Senate of Yamatai Discussion

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
Figured this would be coming anyway.

Um ... I had a senator once, but she, er, got killed on Taiie. Don't suppose I can get another and represent someplace else, Wes? If not, s'cool.
Yangfan said:
((OOC: No problem. Let's think up an IC explanation for this... Maybe each representative can represent a cluster of systems? To better reflect population densities?))
That's how it is currently set up. See the senate page.
I saw that those worlds were open on the wiki, so I went for it. I'll kill my character and proposal then, and start over.

Thanks for letting me know.
Naw ... I really had the farmer character in mind, a more frontier kind of character. I'll come up with something new.
Questions don't really have to be addressed.

I have been considering some changes, though:

1) Possibly removing or modifying Item 1 (the 2 month thing)
2) Adding something about SSPs
3) Allowing prison sentences rather than always using execution
That is not really the point, the point is that Kim's intent was apparent opposition from what was stated, and the statements relating to such were promptly ignored and the thread locked. :| Kinda bias if you ask me.
I personally don't like the idea of prison sentences for serious crimes- we are basically paying to care for people that have a blatant disregard to our laws and the rights of other people. and of course, in the rp setting here, it would just lead to serious criminals eventually breaking free or getting released by their followers.

I guess we could get around some of the problems by hacking their brains and deactivating all the cool stuff that'd help them escape and then put them into stasis in some obscure facility on a very hostile planet.

Actually now, that I think about it, such a place might make for a really good rp scenerio.
Could make a proposition of designating a star system as a prison system... anyway, the ideal thing would be to skip the stasis and the general caring and just dump criminals on a planet and ensure they have no access to methods of escaping by sticking an automated sensor network in the system to watch over things.
Isn't the newest proposal basically pushing the civil war button? The whole every fleet is its own political body thing sounds a lot like independent rule.

Also, can Nepleslia have a diplomat to the Yamataian senate as Yamatai has a diplomat for the Nepleslian senate?
Yes, an ambassador is fine.