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Only planets with over 1 million? And that got changed when? Since my senator is from system that only has 125 000 people and i do not plan to swap systems and really would like to continue working with her.
Yes, because otherwise Yamatai's senate would be dominated by backwater frontier mining worlds with barely any citizens on them. It's an IC rule, but it wasn't roleplayed that I know of.
That's definitely a valid political reason to have such a rule in place, at least ICly.
So, if Jiyuu is deemed available and they need a senator, should I go ahead and make a post in the character submission forum creating the NPC with a short bio page?
So, don't want to nag, but what say you on guest senate speakers or something of that nature Wes? How would you guys feel if a non senator was able to contribute if X amount of senators agreed? Like I've got an idea I've shown 4 people who play senate figures that they might all be fine with having added to the Population thread.
Well I guess I just meant it's one thing to have someone post your words and another to post your own and even though Lamb may like my stuff he might not want to always be the one to put it there despite approving of it IC and OOC.
I guess I could always make a senate letters thread in SYNC people can embed a link in their posts to if they feel like it.
How about a sticky thread in here where anyone can post IC letters to individual senators or the whole senate and anyone playing a senate character can reference them or just ignore them? That way we still only have actual senators posting in discussion/voting threads, but ordinary citizens are free to submit ideas and anyone is free to use them.
Yeah that is a good idea. That way anyone can express themselves even without needing to make a senator.
Oh and @Wes, I do see the problem with low population worlds. But. Would it be possible let's say for several small worlds to get together and get one senator for several planets let's say if all those planets would come as million people together? It is just a thought really.
Would it be possible let's say for several small worlds to get together and get one senator for several planets let's say if all those planets would come as million people together? It is just a thought really.
I suppose if we had a whole sector that was unrepresented this was be a feasible thing, but since each sector has at least 1-2 major population centers over 1 million so the smaller worlds likely end up petitioning the larger world's existing senator...
I hope that's adorable enough to be sufficient persuasion.
Besides letting any characters/players express their views a letters thread would also help deter people from making a senator if they aren't serious about it and it'd help avoid having someone want to make one and needing/wanting to take a spot from someone that hasn't been active for a while who is likely to come back at some point. Like I wouldn't want to write from the view of Elysians or Phods and I wouldn't want to dethrone Kim's senator either. I think you might get more senate activity in general if there's a place specifically in here for regular characters to say their piece because people might find it a lot more interesting/accessible when they can start off writing with a preexisting character that they already have a good picture of in terms of what they stand for/what their views are. Once you get used to writing character opinion posts then you can move on to actual legislation ideas.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but now that I have an approved Senator I was considering introducing a piece of legislation from the people of Jiyuu to create a volunteer naval policing force to act as an auxillary arm of the notably small 10th fleet in securing the dangerous spacelanes of the Yagumo cluster. Think like a Peacekeeper Coast Guard. It would be a joint task force operation involving the Lorath Matriarchy, specifically because it would rely on them to provide a few mothballed Ayana-class escort vessels and perhaps an Ionoche-class light carrier from their storage surplus depot facilities that were once operated by the UOC to be recommisioned and brought back into service for this task. This would be a great gesture of DATA treaty cooperation between the powers, and also increase Jiyuuan morale that they can provide for their own defense (with appropriate SAOY oversight and a restricted charter). It is also cheap, as it requires no new ships or major resources from Yamatai itself other than securing the vessels to be transferred.
Lastly, the main point of all this is it would set the stage for a future plotline I plan to run. What do you think?