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OOC [OOC] - Senate of Yamatai Discussion

Only slightly, as I said I am no wordsmith. Regardless of the direction of this bill, Fujiko is likely getting a snap recall election on Yokota, lol.
I agree.
I rather have six rounds knowing exactly where each person wishes are known
I dunno man, Senate RP is already arduous and takes time away from telling more worthwhile stories about sci-fi soldiers fighting against various evil space aliens.

But if you guys want to poll each different version of the same amendment, more power to you. Would the plan be to require every system that has already voted for the proposal submit a vote for every different version of an amendment? Then we reconcile which has the most yes votes and use that paragraph (and have to wait until everyone participating votes on each amendment so that the count is fair)? And then when one ties we re-vote again?

Only asking because stuff like that is why I've presented at least one possible shortcut. Making the Senate a bigger distraction than it is doesn't seem fun at all, and fun is why we're here RPing.
I think everyone secretly knew I would rather be RPing "stories about sci-fi soldiers fighting against various evil space aliens" and didn't want to post in the senate thread again so made as many mistakes to do with xiuluria as possible in order to keep me coming back. Guys if you want to RP with me that bad, join my open rps hahaa (I am going insane) haha
Regarding the withdrawal, I think there was some confusion between what I said OOC here and what my senator said IC.

Yusuke's last comment simply expressed dissatisfaction that the Elysian senator had amalgamated several different amendments and changed all of them in minor ways (or got them wrong in the case of Xiuluria), without even having a vote on the prior amendments. My OOC idea was to count "seconds" as votes to amend, but in-character I was literally going with what was suggested here that we procedurally vote for every single separate amendment.

Remember not to mix IC with OOC, guys.
I was rather enjoying the less action focused aspect that is Senate RP. I'm just not as good at it as I'd like to be. I'll run some corrections between flights tomorrow and see if anybody takes the recess idea or if he's just throwing out 123.
@Wes - assuming @demibear (as they wrote the original) and @HarperMadi (as they mentioned something about submitting it on Discord iirc) are okay with it, may I re-submit Proposal 123 as Proposal 124?

Edit: Nevermind, Wes said here that β€œhe didn’t want to go through it again” on Discord.
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