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SYNC Op Ed Piece - Our Differences....


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
I must say I find it very amusing how persons feel empowered to write articles they think are so scathing while they hide behind the anonymity of open news.

Yesterday, I found a rather amusing article, one in which the poor writer was attempting to cast baseless aspersions against Yamatai.

So, I was motivated to write an Op Ed to address some of the misconceptions this person had.

First let us start with the term Society: a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

This term applies to everyone recognized nation in our region of space.
Why does this AK person claim that it is wrong for Yamatai's people to share a common bond, culture, history, while our neighbors do the same?

AK alludes that Yamatai is a cult. But most cults that I have seen have these traits. Generally religious in nature, but not necessarily, are typically controlled by a single charismatic leader or elite group, demand total obedience, exercise complete control over all aspects of its members life, and the members are not permitted to leave.

There is only one faction that I am aware of that even comes close to that definition. That would be the Lorath Matriarchy.

Certainly this does not apply to Yamatai, after all any citizen who decides to leave the Empire need simply pack up and go. The government does not exercise complete control of day to day life. Yes people are expected to abide by the laws, but that is true in any society.

So sadly I must say, that AK missed the mark completely on that, Yamatai is not a cult. We have a royal family, but the people have a say in their government. Our senate allows our people's voices to be heard, and their will made manifest.

As for the Ketsurui themselves, they are just as flawed and fallible as the rest of us. Each ruler has made decisions, good and bad during their reigns. But AK forgets, there is nothing in our laws that says the Ketsurui will always rule. Read our constitution, the current monarch can appoint a successor. But that appointment has to be ratified by the Senate which is the voice of the people.

I do have to agree with AK on a few points, the term EVIL is purely subjective. For example, I do not think anyone would argue that the Mishhu menace is a good example of evil. But from their perspective, they are not evil and they probably believe that we are.

"A society in which all citizens share the exact same morals and opinions is an undesirable thing due to not just its lack of diversity but simply because of its commonality with cults and military regime because no new opinion or discovery can take place."

I can say that to my knowledge, and experience that this does not apply to Yamatai, Nepleslia, Elysia or Gatargens. It does apply to our enemy the Mishhu. And one has to wonder about the Lorath and their singular hatred of all things Yamatai.

Lastly, unlike AK. I freely attach my name to this article. I do so without fear of reprisal, and with pride that I stand behind my beliefs.

As for AK, please continue you to write your angst inspired rants of drivel. I can always use more paper for when I am done in the bathroom.

Saiki Kouan.
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