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RP Concluded [Open] Aether Fireplaces Still Burn

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RP Date
YE 47.5
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Yamatai System
Following: RP - (Solo Story For Now) Resilience

Kryso's Report Summary​

Kryso Uaeso Eitan
U.N.N Narsho
360.9 QU, 45.7 Local Date

Our return to the Kagami Galaxy has been quite eventful. Initially, we encountered a problem with our arrival, finding ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, our primary mission objective was relatively straightforward once we resolved this issue. We successfully restored my father's IDE (Integrated Digital Essence) inside the correct body, erasing the personas of Arakan, Seithenin, and Airwin. Additionally, it appears that the signs of his mental illness have significantly improved.

Currently, the U.N.N Narsho is on its way to Yamatai, where I have requested a meeting with Mistress Taisho of the Star Army. This meeting serves multiple purposes: to renew one of Noria's oldest friendships, assure the stability of Tsenlan as a state, and explain the situation regarding my father. Given that our technological advancements are nearly on par with theirs, I believe Mistress Taisho will understand, especially as my father has chosen not to conceal the truth. I find it reassuring that we don't have to deceive an ally I genuinely value.

In summary, the primary objective of Narsho's mission in the Kagami Universe is complete, and we're now working on the second objective. Afterward, we will deliver some mail to the Vahallans and return home for my father's official coronation or re-coronation. I've also extended an invitation to the Ysi from Tsenlan to visit my father now that we've resolved most of the issues.

U.N.N Narsho

Yamatai System

The Norian Migothi-Class Cruiser exited hyperspace at the system's outer edge, causing a momentary display of dissipating plasma as it powered down its hyperspace engines and engaged its sublight drives. This majestic, bird-like vessel then executed a graceful turn to the left and commenced its journey toward the inner system. Despite Uaeso's initial message, Mistress Taisho of the Star Army had not responded yet. This lack of response did not surprise him, given her high-ranking position during a time of war, she likely had a multitude of pressing matters to attend to.

The ship's local time was in its night mode, or third shift, resulting in slightly dimmer lighting on the bridge compared to the other two shifts. Uaeso, seated in the command chair, had just finished a brief communication with his pregnant spouse to check on her. Aenu and Ernal were off duty, leaving the other two seats on the command platform unoccupied.

The helm officer reported, "All engines stopped, and thrusters are set for station keeping." They had received moorage coordinates and updated system information from the Yomawari-Class NavComm buoy, along with a notice to avoid traffic lanes leading to and from the Star Army's shipyard at Luna Bianca.

Uaeso responded in a hushed tone, "Thank you. Inform me immediately if the Taisho responds to our request. Until then, remain on station and cooperate with any Star Army directives." With some time to spare, he reviewed the progress of his fleet within the First Armada back home, most of which was dedicated to Noria's resettlement mission. The images from the planet's surface were truly remarkable, showcasing the ongoing revitalization of ecosystems. The Quaen's achievement was nothing short of breathtaking. As he scrolled through the images, he hoped to catch a glimpse of the region where he had chosen to build his home.

The Admiral briefly considered checking on his father, but he knew his father needed rest, likely with Rin at his side. He dismissed the images and turned his attention to the ship's operations interface to review the technicians' notes regarding repairs made after the minor disruptions caused by their transuniversal jump into an unfriendly system. All that remained now was to wait, determine the location of the meeting, and see if any more Ysi would come to visit his father. He still had to uncover what Rin and Jun had done to keep a certain red-haired aunt occupied while they worked on restoring his father.
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U.N.N. Narsho

Donned in black aest vyrdi with dark purple trim customized in the usual manner of clothing she wore, Aelya entered the bridge of the U.N.N. Narsho. As soon as she had seen the purple smoke billowing something had seemed slightly amiss. It billowed in celebration accompanied by announcements that only furthered brewing suspicion. When she received the invitation to visit her brother shortly after Tetsuya's image had been blasted over communications, something occurred to her. Someone had gone through an awful lot of trouble to keep her away while this was going on. So whatever it was, had to be of such a manner that they assumed she would intervene. Quietly clenched her hands together at waist level in front of her as she approached the entrance to the bridge. "Of course that is why they sent Cheol, they knew such a distraction would succeed." she thought slightly amused. Though there was only one thing they would go to such lengths for, to keep her away while something was done to Tetsuya.

She entered the bridge with an eerily calm bearing, coming to a pause next to her nephew. "Dear nephew, how is your wife doing?" she asked in a carefully curated warm tone. Truly she cared about Naika and Uaeso both, but was seething internally at the two possibilities for why she had been kept away. A dangerously well behaved Aelya kept the utmost civilized bearing as she whispered through connection to Uaeso, "I suspect you did not come all this way just for a family gathering. Tell me Kryso, what has been done to the Sol'Aestaesys?" No feelings of the suspicion she held would reach him. However, if he knew her well enough he might be able to piece together how upset she was.
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Uaeso exuded an air of composure as he extended a warm greeting to his aunt Aelya upon her arrival on the bridge of the U.N.N. Narsho. The noticeable contrast between her dark attire and the palpable atmosphere of suspicion that surrounded her did not escape his discerning gaze. With a refined smile, he offered his response, "Aelya-Eil, your concern is truly appreciated. Naika is in good health, and we eagerly awaited the arrival of the latest addition to our family."

As her whispered inquiry discreetly reached him through their private communication channel, a subtle pang of guilt tugged at Uaeso for having kept her in the dark. He replied in a hushed, contemplative tone, "I must apologize for the secrecy. A rather significant development concerning the Sol'Aestaesys came to pass, one necessitating the utmost discretion. Be assured, that I am committed to offering a comprehensive explanation. I trust you will understand that our actions were exclusively driven by the well-being of my father."

Uaeso extended a genteel invitation by gesturing towards the First Officer's chair, inviting her to take a seat. He continued, his words carrying an air of gravitas, "You may already be aware that, during our transition from our home universe to this one, a certain incident involving my father transpired. This incident yielded an incomplete IDE restoration, manifesting in alterations to his behavior and cognitive faculties. He even began to identify as Airwin," he elucidated with a measured seriousness, maintaining unwavering eye contact. He chose his expressions with meticulous care, adding, "It has come to light that more of our people and assets have endured than initially perceived, including my sister Aerum and her entourage, along with our shipyards and structures at Vespa Lakara."

Uaeso encapsulated his words with finesse, articulating, "We have, in essence, rectified the flawed restoration and resolved the fragmentation that spanned across three distinct hosts. Our primary objective now is to redress the situation in this universe and facilitate my father's return to our homeland." Uaeso's narrative, finely crafted, underscored his profound respect for his aunt and underscored his unwavering trust in her wisdom. He remained fully aware that Aelya's perceptive intellect and profound commitment to familial responsibility would inevitably lead to a more profound discourse, casting light upon the enigmatic events that had transpired during her absence.
Aelya offered a rather reserved smile to Uaeso in response. It was joyous that Uaeso and Naika were doing well, even if other things were amiss. His warm welcome did little to help settle her suspicions as she responded, "That is most relieving to hear, I was quite startled when you two disappeared. Have you felt the little one move?" She mused that by now if the babe was like either of its parents that a great many of kicks had been received by both parties. "If you are meant to return to her, would you like for her collection of historical texts to be sent along with you?" she questioned in an attempt to not be right out upset. She knew the materials Naika had managed to save would likely still hold some semblance of importance. Even though it seemed as the situation back home had changed.

She looked over Uaeso's uniform over in a cold analytical manner.
"Just how much has changed?" she wondered to herself. Though his response to her vesper made her ruby eyes shine with rage. The utmost discretion?! What could possibly necessitate her being kept in the dark? Unless, no it could not be. Aerum had sorted that, or had she? Outwardly her composure remained stoic with the exception of rage bursting forth in the way her eyes shone.

Politely she declined his offer of a seat in the First Officer's Chair, opting to remain standing. Though she listened to his words with all the respect and honor demanded of the position he still held within the YSI. Steadily she held his gaze with the only outward expression of her inner feelings being limited to her eyes.
"I was indeed aware of the fractured nature in which Tetsuya existed. Though his restoral is not something that would need to have been kept from me." she said in a very polite tone. "It is blessed news to hear that so much of our home world has not only persevered, but flourished in spite of it all." The clench on her hands relaxed only to tighten their hold again as she sighed.

It would appear that Aelya was taking a moment to ponder things inwardly as her eyes closed.
"Our homeland nephew? If I am so kept in the dark about a simple procedure that was bound to take place, why would it ever be considered that I would return hmm? How dense does the YSI think me to be? The only reason that I would need to be kept in the dark on this is if Aerum never actually cured your father, your sister or any of them. In which case this means that he has now been restored to his complete state. Seeing as this times with your arrival, you clearly had a hand in all of this. I do wish you and Naika the best, but I think its best if I go. I cannot imagine that the Sol'Aestaesys expects me to cooperate after what happened last time. Do pass on my best to them for me?" she seethed to him through their private communication as she opened her eyes and smiled politefully so as not to raise too much concern with those around. "Do let them know I stopped by, should they need me I am sure they know how to find me. May the Sol'Aestaesys' rest help him completely recover." she said delicately before moving for entrance to the bridge.

Right as she approached the entrance she paused momentarily and reached out to Uaeso through vesper
"Do control your hunger while you are here won't you?"
Uaeso perceived the depth of Aelya's concerns as he met her reserved smile. Her inquiry about the baby brought a moment of lightness, and he responded warmly, "We've indeed felt the baby's movements vividly. It's been a wonderful experience." Regarding Naika's historical texts, he nodded appreciatively and remarked, "Thank you, Aunt Aelya, for your consideration. Having them sent with us is a wise choice, as they hold great importance to her."

However, when Aelya scrutinized his uniform and questioned the changes, her reaction to the term "utmost discretion" was unmistakable. Uaeso maintained eye contact and empathized, saying, "I understand your concerns; I too had my doubts for some time."

As Aelya expressed her suspicion and pondered her need to return, Uaeso took a measured breath and sought to clarify, "I want to emphasize that there is more to this situation than initially meets the eye." He carefully selected his words and continued, "The secrecy extends beyond merely restoring my father. The Quaen, a group of Norians who have lived separately since the Falcon Movement, are currently engaged in the monumental task of rebuilding our Norian homeworld and coreworlds. This secrecy was essential to ensure its success and minimize external interference."

Uaeso left the command chair and approached her, continuing, "Curing what has been ingrained in us since the inception of our Ysi is a complex undertaking. This knowledge has been concealed from most of us, even from you." He wished to share more, possibly liberate her from her entanglement but recognized that the timing and setting were not conducive to such discussions.

"You came here to see my father, and it's only fair that you meet him," he urged, studying her expressions and body language intently. Sensing her bitterness through Vesper, he added, "Your adaptability in Tsenlan has been remarkable. Do you not realize that your adeptness has made you a valuable asset?" His inquiry was thoughtful. "It's imperative that you remain and gain a comprehensive understanding of all that has transpired. Furthermore, you should be aware that Cheol didn't merely volunteer to distract you; he appeared genuinely committed and even suggested it himself."

Sensing her frustration and her intention to depart, Uaeso took a step closer and implored, "I beseech you, please do not leave just yet." However, he frowned slightly and continued, "My hunger is indeed well under control." He quickly returned to his previous plea, saying, "There is much more to discuss, and I promise to provide the full explanation you seek. Your wisdom and guidance are of immeasurable value to us in these matters, and we genuinely treasure your presence here." Uaeso's words radiated sincerity and a heartfelt desire to bridge the gap of understanding. He hoped that by revealing the Quaen's role in the Norian homeworld's reconstruction, he could alleviate Aelya's concerns and encourage her to remain engaged in the unfolding events.
The resemblance she bore while he told her of the child was that of a proud aunt. It brought much needed alleviation to the heavy aura that filled the room. "Do you know if it is a baby boy or a baby girl or is it to be a surprise?" she asked with a genuine smile. Aelya pondered a few additional texts that Naika might find intriguing regarding a certain squishy tentacled monster. "Regardless of what unfolds here today, I will ensure that they are sent with you. Either myself or Nara will have them brought here.l" she said with a slight smirk at the last bit.

Though as quickly as the joyful atmosphere appeared, it vanished. All trace of joy wiped from her face when he pretended to understand her concerns. He was not around the last time she had to disappear to avoid what seemed to be unfolding. It was not necessary for her to be around then, why would it be now?

There was so much compartmentalization of things in the YSI, how could anyone truly understand anything? Granted she was merely a Tal'Cel, but to keep such things hidden from her drove her to madness.
"You cannot understand that which you do not know. As it would seem, I am not the only one kept in the shadows." she paused as Uaeso took a measured breath. His next words causing her to clench her hands together so tightly it looked like she might squeeze them off. "I see." she said icily in response to her inferred likelihood of interfering.

As he approached her she stood as if a pillar of stone, unmovable. Though his statement did raise some concern."US?! What do you mean us?" she raged through private connection. Tilting her head slightly as if silently listening, or so the outward observer might interpret it to be. "I am not that by which the entire YSI seems to be plagued. Unless there has been some masterful prank at hiding what lies within from even myself. Not that I would be at all surprised," she responded with increased anger.

The grip on her fingers relaxed as the pain which her grip caused had become unnecessary. "Oh is it fair that I see him? The whole and only reason for which I tolerate this place? The only reason I came back from hiding? There is nothing fair in our existence, I have gone without seeing him for a decade before, what is another decade in the span of our lives? Surely, if I was truly needed some lacky would have been sent to drag me here by my ankles. Not this farce of an invite" she took a deep breath to still her still increasing rage. "Has it truly? Then why is it I am distracted in much the same manner that contradicted your father's words on those that see me as merely meant to push out babies? Why send Cheol if that was not exactly how I am viewed hmm?" the hurt was evident in her words.

Cheol was someone she had been interested in for some time. To finally have had a chance with him only to find it was inorganically facilitated made her nose wrinkle. She raised an eyebrow side eyeing her nephew, "It is interesting on just how much you know about things that kept me distracted. Though surely your attempts to make it seem as if this was something he genuinely wanted is unnecessary. I am however amused that you were aware of what I do in private." With a heavy sigh she had just about enough, continuing her path towards the doors exit.

When she heard his footsteps carry him closer to her, her ears twitched in frustration as she distanced herself further from him in the most polite manner she could muster. "You would have better luck beseeching a monster to do your bidding." she said in a dark tone. A bemused look came across her face when he inferred that what it was that allegedly plagued the whole YSI was under control. It made her chuckle. "You can promise no such thing, for you know not what it is I seek Kryso." she said coldly. Though he did rank higher than her in the YSI it did not do much to stop her from wanting to bolt out that door. She took a few measured steps back towards the entrance now almost crossing the barrier that would take her out of the bridge.

It increasingly sounded as if he would order her to stay if she did not comply. Though after it all that is exactly what he would have to do. Seeing as no one else present at the time was able to convince her to do so willingly. Cheol might have had a chance, had she not found out his part in this. "There is no need to whisper false words to placate my feelings." she responded letting the sting of her emotions flood full force to him.

For even now with his shared desire to bridge the gap of understanding she did not fully trust anything. Another step closer took her right to the brink of leaving the bridge when she paused one last moment. "If you were serious about any of this, you would have to make me stay, for I trust not a word that comes from anyone. So, you will have to make me, order or otherwise." she communicated with an air of finality via vesper. His shared knowledge of the Quaen's role did little to quell the issues which damaged her hopes for this day. If they had lied and hidden things once, what would prohibit them from doing so again?
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Uaeso responded in a hushed tone, his voice laced with a hint of pride as he spoke of their impending addition to the family. "We've decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise. Rest assured, Jun performed the necessary genetic adjustments," he explained, wanting to share in the joy of the moment.

When Aelya mentioned "Whatever happens here," Uaeso couldn't help but shake his head slowly. "I understand," he replied, even though he found the notion quite absurd. It frustrated him that he had made significant personal sacrifices in the recent events, only for Aelya to express her discontent. The implication that he was no different from the others weighed heavily on his mind.

However, Aelya's comment pushed him over the edge. He responded with a sudden outburst, his frustration surfacing in a way he hadn't anticipated. "You're absolutely right, Aelya-Eil. It's all about what people don't know," he exclaimed, his tone sharp and determined. He blocked her path, determined to make her see things from his perspective. He swiftly slipped a ring onto his finger, a gift from Ujin, and then made a bold move to inject her with a nano-solution similar to the one that had removed his father's inhibitor. His intention was to disengage her inhibitor, not render her unconscious.

"I seek connection, I embrace the truth over a lie, and I'm tired of your persistent misunderstanding," he asserted as a surge of that which occupied him coursed through him, briefly transforming his eyes into a deep midnight hue in the reveal of the symbiosis. "It turns out things didn't go exactly as any of us were told, Aelya-Eil... Ael'actha. It has been with us since Caecyan, and it will remain with us long after. You are an Eitan, not a Caeyara, and it's time for this charade to end," he declared, his resolve unwavering. "We bowed to the lies of a technologically superior race and called them gods, we fought for them we died for them and now we see them for what they are. You have only been betrayed by that, not by us," he stated.

As quickly as his anger had flared, it dissipated, revealing his remarkable self-control. He took a deep breath, his warm gaze returning to its usual honey hue. "You came here to see Father, and you made a promise to be at his side. Just like the rest of us, you don't get to dictate when and if that statement and oath apply," he concluded in a calmer tone, hoping to bring some clarity to the situation and bridge the gap between them.
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Inserted brief edit, sorry if you already read, re-read.
Aelya nodded with a slight smile, that was a miracle given the atmosphere. "I am quite excited for you both. You are going to have your hands full I am sure." she responded happily. Though things took a more somber turn rather fast when she noticed the weigh of her word in reference to the meeting. Her intent was not to wound him, but to ensure that he knew regardless of how things went, that she would never intentionally harm them in any way.

Uaeso's sudden change in demeanor shocked her slightly, causing her head to tilt a bit curiously. No response was uttered from betwixt her lips as she was certain he had more to say. Though when he moved to block her path she wondered what the hell was so important for him to take such a direct approach to keeping her there. Given his increased frustration she could not be too surprised, it seems that both of their emotions were heightened. Though never in a million lifespans would she have imagined what was about to happen.

She barely saw him move before her body registered an intense stinging pain in her neck when he disengaged her inhibitor. Aelya's hand reached up cup her neck gently while she yelped, her ruby eyes wide with shock. "What the hell was.." she was stopped dead in her tracks as waves of clarity rushed over her mind. All of the lies spun by a technologically superior race who presumed themselves to be playing gods were erased. Connections with those she held dear were increased with a vibrancy she did not know possible. The lies many Norians had been raised with were exposed, the truth finally revealed. Uaeso's words came as a narrative in the back ground while realization hit.

The claims made previously in a state of suspicion fueled anger were out of place. Almost everything she had known before was a lie. If this were true then she began to understand why things had to be done in the manner that they had. Though it did not mean she like it, she simply understood. This also likely meant that Uaeso was genuine in his comments about Cheol's actions. Which was much welcomed relief given everything going on, though quite irrelevant to the situation that brought them here today.

With a calm gaze she looked at her nephew to meet his warm gaze. "You know, I will never admit it outside of this bridge, but I am sorry." she paused moving her hands to a more relaxed fold position at her waist. A genuine smile spread across her face at this statement of oaths. "That I did promise. Though you must realize that me promising to be at his side does not mean I am going to live in his lap. At some point I will have to be out of sight." she said with a smirk. An understanding between them had definitely been reached, at least on her end of things. She walked over to his previously offered seating for her and sat down hoping that that would get to see Tetsuya soon.
In response to Aelya's newfound clarity, a profound sense of relief enveloped Uaeso. The discord that had weighed upon them seemed to dissipate, replaced by an unspoken understanding born from their shared revelation. Aelya's willingness to acknowledge her own shortcomings resonated deeply with him, manifesting as a subtle relaxation in his demeanor. Within the veil of secrecy, they shared, her concealed apology held a significance that transcended words, and Uaeso reciprocated with a dignified nod, affirming the depth of their newly forged connection.

He couldn't resist responding to her playful remark, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Ah, Aunt Aelya," he replied affectionately, "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." With a warm smile, he gracefully walked back to his command chair and reclined, infusing the bridge with an atmosphere of mutual understanding. As they awaited the imminent reunion with Tetsuya, the shadows of deception that had once obscured their path seemed to recede, granting them a clearer perspective.

In a reflective tone, he continued, "We're all sorry, you know, sorry for everything we did and sorry for not realizing we were mere pawns. If it weren't for the remnants of Caecyan's line within us, we might have never known the truth. We could have faded into extinction quietly, as our 'gods' were finished playing with their toys," he remarked with a diminished voice. "Once this is all over, you should visit it, you know. Pictures can't truly capture it, but the way the Quaen rebuilt Noria reveals just how much we were held back. Who would have thought that a group of Norians once deemed blasphemous would turn out to be our saviors? To be able to put together a shattered world..." he mused, his gaze sweeping across the bridge, where the crew remained unaware of their exchange, a testament to the discretion of two Imperials sharing such a moment.
VIP Quarters

The room, marked by its understated elegance, was a stark contrast to the storm brewing between its occupants. Amid the gentle glow of antique-style lamps, Cheol found himself seated across a polished vetta wood desk from Tetsuya. The young man's eyes danced nervously from the glass of chacelle before him to the stoic countenance of the Sol’Aestaesys - the restored leader of the United Norian Imperium.

"Well, you've returned, I see. Is this a spectacle of triumph, or is there more to this summons?" Cheol's voice, laced with a cautious disdain, posed the words to Tetsuya, whose return had been a subject of mixed emotions. Cheol’s soft blue eyes, a mirror to his simmering discontent, searched the facets of Tetsuya's expression as he awaited a response. The silence spun out, each tick of the clock seeming to stretch the moment as he watched Tetsuya savor a sip from his glass before placing it down with a subtle clink.

"I've often found your disposition puzzling, Cheol," Tetsuya remarked, his voice measured as he took another delicate sip of his chacelle. "The folks of Killiper Hills are known for their graciousness, yet you stand as an anomaly. Your grievances with me have always clouded our interactions. Yet here you are, presuming I’d slight you once again,” he sighed, leaning back against the plush leather of his chair. “I wish to clear the air, Cheol. Despite our different bloodlines, we are bound by the legacy of Ysi.”

A sarcastic chuckle escaped Cheol. “A revelation a century in the making? How quaint. Your newfound acknowledgment comes at a time most opportune for you, as you bask in the glory of your reclaimed status. Save your chacelle; I’ve acquired a taste for sake,” he retorted, pushing the untouched glass back across the desk with a disinterested gesture.

Tetsuya exhaled a soft sigh. “I regret the withheld truths about your lineage. I'm sorry my father won't tell you or me the information you want. However, despite our turbulent past, I believe you are the suitable choice to lead Tsenlan in my stead. My duties call me elsewhere, and our alliance with Yamatai necessitates a capable leader here.”

Cheol’s face registered disbelief. “Me, at the helm? You hold the mandate. My reign would bear the shadow of puppetry.”

Tetsuya’s gaze was unwavering. “A new epoch beckons, Cheol. We have the power to redefine the mandates that govern us. I envision a prosperous Tsenlan under your guidance, and you’ll have the support of an ambassador from the imperium as well to maintain our accord with Yamatai. Furthermore, I intend to negotiate giving a foundation fund with them to aid Tsenlan’s transition from its refugee status.”

Trepidation gave way to a hesitant acceptance in Cheol's demeanor. “Very well. I shall embrace the mantle and even vie for the Senate. But I yearn to behold our homeland, rejuvenated as tales have conveyed.”

Tetsuya’s face broke into a warm smile, the first semblance of ease painted the tense tableau. “I commend your decision, Cheol. Your role as a liaison between the Imperium and Tsenlan is invaluable. And rest assured, should I unearth the truths you seek about your lineage, you’ll be the first to know. You're welcome home to visit any time.”
It greatly relieved Aelya that things between herself and Uaeso were resolved due to the understanding that now shared. His silent nod affirmed to her anyone except possibly Naika would ever know she had apologized. It made her grin a bit thinking about the adorable relationship they had, it certainly suited the two of them quite well.

Commentary on where she would sit seemed to elicit some amusement from her nephew which made her smirk a bit. His naturally was off limits due to the nature of his preferences, though it didn't stop her from wondering what wonders such a seating arrangement might bring. Luckily such thoughts were kept to herself with nothing but the smirk still gracing her face to betray her thoughts. Instead she winked mischievously, "As you should nephew." smiling warmly in return as she watched his journey back to his command chair. The view of the unattainable certainly did not disappoint.

Aelya's ears twitched curiously as she listened to him talk bout pawns, lines, and remnants. So many surprises all in one day sure made a girl hungry and not for food. Where was Tetsuya and Cheol? "You know our "gods" did not even bother playing with us in the fun way" she said with a semi serious tone to try and lighten up the conversation. "It would be my pleasure to visit! I will have to bring something for your little one. Though seeing as you will likely be enjoying private moments with your wife, was there another supervisor in mind to keep me out of trouble? When I do decide to see what it is the Quaen have done to rebuild our home, that is. It is always in the shadows that the most expected things happen, though I am grateful for what they have done for our people." she trailed off watching him look over the crew on the bridge. "Perhaps a handsome member of your crew could make sure I don't get lost?" Certainly someone on this vessel was capable of keeping her occupied.
Uaeso reclined regally in his command chair, his demeanor carrying an air of dignified composure as he contemplated Aelya's playful banter. The bridge's ambient lighting softly accentuated his features, emphasizing the warm, affectionate smile that graced his lips. Their newfound understanding had transformed the atmosphere between them, infusing their interaction with an unmistakable sense of warmth and connection.

With a deliberate and measured tone, he responded to Aelya's desire to explore their revitalized homeworld, "Aunt Aelya, your enthusiasm to visit the rejuvenated Noria is truly heartwarming. Rest assured, we can readily arrange for a capable companion to accompany you on your exploration. Our crew boasts an array of talented individuals who would consider it an honor to assist you in discovering the wonders that Noria now holds...When you go that is," He gestured subtly towards the bustling bridge crew, alluding to the diverse pool of capable personnel at their disposal.

A soft, contemplative gaze fell upon her as he continued, "And as for the little one," his voice carried a gentle, affectionate note, "I have every confidence that you will find a gift for your new niece or nephew, it would be a source of immense joy for Naika. Your presence and generosity bring a sense of completeness to this reunion." Uaeso's eyes sparkled with anticipation, mirroring the palpable excitement that pulsed through him as they awaited the imminent arrival of Tetsuya and Cheol. The bridge of the U.N.N. Narsho had evolved from a battleground of tension to a sanctuary of camaraderie, a testament to the enduring bonds of their family. That well-placed suggestion that if Aelya intended to visit Noria she would need a gift was perfect, just the right amount of presumption and suggestion.

His honeyed eyes exuded a mix of thoughtfulness and anticipation as he spoke, his words carrying a tone of careful consideration.

"Perhaps they are momentarily delayed, engrossed in a discussion of great significance," he suggested, his voice a tranquil river winding through the depths of contemplation. "Father has extended a substantial offer to Cheol, one that bears the weight of leadership over Tsenlan," he continued, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

The revelation continued as he spoke of his father's intentions, a confident air enveloping his words. "And as for you, dear Aunt Aelya," he paused for dramatic effect, "Father intends to appoint you as the CEO of the esteemed Lo'ken Institute. I may be preempting his announcement, but I believe it is well-deserved information that you should be privy to, regardless of the formalities." His sincerity was palpable, a testament to the familial trust that bound them.

Uaeso's graceful rise from his chair was a fluid, almost choreographed movement, and he continued, "Given that they are still entangled in their discussion, how about we indulge in a meal? It has indeed been some time since I last ate. Naika's Omat's culinary prowess has elevated my palate to new heights," he remarked with a hint of wistfulness, his warm smile suggesting a shared appreciation for fine cuisine.
The aura from the bridge had changed for the better, Aelya leaned back into the First Officer's Chair her arms placed regally upon each side of her. A joyful expression graced her features as he responded to her inquiry about a supervisor if she were to visit Noria. Softly she chuckled, "Oh is that so?" she paused following his gesture with her eyes to ascertain for herself the suitability of the varied crew. There were a few she would not mind having accompany her on a personal tour of the wonders that Noria purported to now hold. Her gaze returned to Uaeso her eyes brows raised as she tilted her head to the side with a smirk. "We must arrange for that trip to be sooner rather than later then." she said softly.

Her interest turned to that of the soon to be expanded family as he mentioned his and Naika's child. The expression turned from one of mischief to a gentle smile accompanied by the twinkle in her eyes. "Of course dear nephew." she said with a nod. It seemed like they had been waiting for a minute for someone to arrive, yet it still remained just the two, plus the bridge crew.

Uaeso's change in expression drew the attention of her ruby eyes with great focus. She thought by they that he had meant Tetsuya and Rin. However, when he mentioned it was Tetsuya and Cheol her eyes lit up with fiery excitement. Each of her hands gripped the armrests to keep herself from falling out of it at the mention of their names. Tetsuya her beloved brother and Cheol her favorite distraction. Each elicited the same reaction, albeit for different reasons. After all she practically had a heart attack from shock the last time her brother hugged her. "I see." she said thoughtfully in measured response to his explanation of Cheol's position.

When he paused for dramatic affect she folded her hands into her lap calmly, hanging on his words with great intrigue. The revelation that she would be able to remain involved with her passion project made her quite pleased. In such a revered position, she only hoped she could would do right by it. Quietly she nodded, sharing her sincere happiness with Uaeso through their shared connection.

Aelya followed her nephew's rise in a similar fashion. "A meal sounds delightful! What do you have in mind?" she asked. She could not remember the last time she ate, but she did know that she was absolutely starving. A delightful hum could be heard when he mentioned Omat. "I am happy you two have each other. Now let us find something to eat before I shrivel to dust" she said with playful affection. She readied to follow him to wherever it was he was hiding the sustenance.
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