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Approved Submission Open-Cycle Aether Reactor


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Aether Reactor
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:4th_elysian_celestial_empire:opencyclereactor

Faction: 4th Elysian ectect
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: The IC answer to 'Why do those ships look like that?'

This is a component article, so I'm trying to keep it isolated to just being about the reactor. Its implied that you can use this as an engine, weapon, ect but the usage of the reactor is going to be left to the ship or station article that uses it.

There isn't anything really new here, just fluff as to how the reactor works and how it is 'technically different than other aether reactors but as far as gameplay is concerned its the same thing'
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
@Zack Shouldn't there be a separate submission for the "Baal-Hamon design cluster," given that it's (thus far) been mentioned in this submission and the Capricious Watchmaker-class Starbase article?

Also, shouldn't both articles be in the wip: namespace, seeing as how they haven't been approved yet?
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No, since you don't make something by making it all at once.

And no, since this stuff is ready for approval now. I'm pretty good at cleaning up after myself on the wiki and it hasn't been a problem before. The wip:namespace rule seems to be more for helping clear out half-finished articles that don't get approved and end up lingering.
No, since you don't make something by making it all at once.

Exactly, which is why one is - to the best of my knowledge - supposed to submit a component's sub-systems and the corporation that produces them before submitting the component itself.

And no, since this stuff is ready for approval now.

That is not for you or me to decide, @Zack.

I'm pretty good at cleaning up after myself on the wiki and it hasn't been a problem before.

The following images (taken from the sitemap of the nepleslia: namespace), in my humble opinion, prove the above statement to be false.

The wip:namespace rule seems to be more for helping clear out half-finished articles that don't get approved and end up lingering.

This page says differently, @Zack.

Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand.

  • What type of barriers do these generators create, anyways?
  • What happens if the barriers are knocked offline?
  • What generates the "powerful electrostatic and gravitic fields" connecting "this control ring... to a starship or starbase" - and how does the ring even transfer the power it generates to these fields in the first place?
  • How is this system controlled? As far as I can tell, there aren't any communications or computer systems mentioned in the article - so are we to assume it's governed by magic or something?
What are you even talking about Frost?

The point of this forum is to post things for approval. That is why this is posted here. I don't understand the point of posting a long list of articles from the Nepleslia name space that are properly organized and mostly done by me. I mean, yes, good job, I write a lot of high quality stuff with art that gets approved.

WIP namespace stuff has never been a problem before, I've been submitting stuff both ways lately and this seems to be easier for me since I don't have to bother staff about a page conversion later.

WIP namespace? I mean this page isn't unfinished or approved. So I guess thanks for your support in that?

What type of barriers? I mean, you answer your own question two lines down in your own post so I think you read the article. I also don't think I need to do a writeup about what happens when something is broken... I mean, it breaks... I think its also safe to assume that shield generators are the things generating the shield just like how it is safe to assume that basic electronics and such are in the sub system as necessary.


I mean, I'm happy to answer questions but don't you have your own Elysian faction to run? This is supposed to be a small NPC faction and its seen a ton more use and wiki articles than the main Elysian faction.
Frost is still FM of the Elysians, so in this case he can bring up these points, but due to the fact this is included in your star base submission that is located in a planet not yet approved by NTSE and placed into canon; I will be putting this ON HOLD for now.
Frost is FM of his Elysians, I'm FM of this group of Elysians. They are two separate factions.
As far as I'm concerned, unless a separate FM tag has been gifted to you, the overall decision and content of the Elysians will ultimately defer to Frost.
I understand that this is your baby child and that it is also something you have worked hard upon, please try and work with me here as I attempt to speed up your approval of these submissions.
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