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RP [Open Event] Candy Festival Movie Night

Miko locked eyes with Miles and knew exactly what to do. Noticing he was blushing knew it was up to Miko to talk with the new girl in place of Miles. Poor guy still was not good around girls but Miko would be the one to save the day.

"Hey there" Miko said looking at Feyani. "We got drafted to go see some evil invader movie. Feel free to join, more the better."

Karasawa gave a big shrug of her beefy shoulders, letting her friend-slash-captives ride on them. It was more comfortable for all involved than just holding them like a pack of beers. Which reminded her, again, she still needed to procure refreshments. Pre-movie, during movie and post-movie refreshments to be exact.

"All in good time. We need more than the three of us for a proper spooking." Karasawa pointed out. Which was about when Miles started getting soft on the new cutie. She grinned, marched right up to the newcomer. Four people would be just about right.

"We're gonna see Orifice Crammer From Antares! Come on with us!" She'd almost holler.

And then she tried to pick up Feyani and give her a seat on the 'Sawa Express.
He'd watch as a woman lifts another onto her shoulders with unparalleled might - adding to her ever-growing collection - almost dropping the soda from his hand in the process out of sheer bewilderment. Guess that's what's to be expected from a Nekovalkyrja - especially one of her size. He blinks, bewildered before clambering up the steps to prop himself in one of the far less occupied rows. While the view isn't the best, it seems to be clear of any madness or tomfoolery. He raises an eyebrow at the scene in the film. Guess he came in a little too late. The exposition has long since passed. He crunches down on a kernel of popcorn, letting the salty taste fill his mouth. Been awhile since he sat in one of these. He's been too busy with work or with training to ever take a step back and go to a theater - besides, renting a film is always cheaper. Frugality has always been one of his mother's more... hard-pressed strong suites.

A patch of dried soda would glue his boot's sole to the floor for a couple seconds, squeaking as it released its grip only to be met with the crunch of a dropped kernel of corn. Perhaps that's another reason why he rarely went to the theater. Always so filthy. But what's to be expected from a dark room filled with tons of eager moviegoers all nestling their popcorn buckets and nacho cups and boxes of sweets, staring with jaws agape at a silver screen. The only silver screens that truly do films justice. Guess that's how the appeal remains.

Aashi nodded to the young Neko. "I am Aashi and I'm here with you because... Well, that's better explained with an exchange. This will be more than just feelings," Aashi said as she had recently gotten a saturation type endosymbiote that gave her enhanced empathic abilities.

She put her hand on the Neko gently, touching her for a moment before sharing with her. And then Hayami saw what Aashi's morning and afternooon's standout memories were. Hayami would see a Aashi looking down at her hand as it tangled itself in her husband's and then the view of someone chasing the two of them. Their hands untangled and they began running away.

The memories changed to later, where the Neko Hayami could see Aashi entering the bridge of the ship, her ship, the Devata. Hayami would hear the muffled gasp as Aashi looked at her command chair and found a sleeping white-haired, fair skinned, and naked Neko.

Shifting again, the memories showed Hayami the face of the Neko awake, now, as she told Aashi, "I'm wanted by them, the..." she trailed off until she looked directly into Aashi's eyes with her own yellow ones, which Hayami would see in a fuzzy, daydream-induced sort of way. "The Ikemen."

The Iromakuanhe woman's memories went further, Hayami would be able to tell, but she had paused in the exchange of memories to make sure Hayami was alright by simply giving feelings of calm, a much more typical Iroma gesture. The sharing of memories, not just feelings, was new to Aashi and she tried to take a deep breath. She looked a little paler than she had been a minute earlier. She had also received memories from Hayami. Aashi had seen whichever ones she felt like opening up to Aashi at the same time that Aashi had been showing her memories to the bright pink haired Neko.


"Yes," Masumi said, "I've never VCE'd with the majority of the crew and it could be fun. Wazu and I did once. There are theme nights at the cafes and they have different realms on those nights. I'm pretty sure they will have a spooky themed realm going on. Let me know if you spot anyone and we can tell them about the VCE thing." All of a sudden she had nothing else to talk about and went dead quiet while looking at the knockout Elysian. She looked away, to the bowl of candy and then back to the screen showing previews.

Chlorate, now with a body that looked like her holographic self, save for it having antennae instead of ears and being actual size, saw Shasse enter a theater. She decided to follow her, entering the same movie. The metal-footed robot began walking, with each step she made a rather noticeable "CLANK"ing sound. Annoyingly, it was somewhat interrupting the sound of the movie, but at least it stopped when she made her way to Shasse. Her glowing yellow irises were clearly visible, being lit up, but fortunately they weren't bright enough to create much of a light disturbance. The metal and plastic android stared at the movie, her eyes analyzing the screen. She wasn't quite sure what purpose of this claymation was supposed to be, but she watched the movie anyway next to Shasse.
Shasse saw, or more accurately heard the clunky robot enter the theater and stood up to help her sit down quickly to avoid making a scene and drawing attention of the other viewers. "Chlorate!" She half whispered half screamed, her face lighting up and her mouth turning into a huge smile. "I didn't know you were coming tonight, I could have helped you at least get a costume or some nice clothes on before you came out." She popped her last piece of candy into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. "Although I can't say the way you look now is too far off being a costume."

Miles was glad that Miko was able to cover for him, untill he realised he'd most likely get teased over it later or blackmailed into doing something he wouldn't normally do, or worse. As he was shrugged up onto her shoulders Miles gasped from as his limited air supply was suddenly restored without the hand gripping the collar of his shirt any longer. "Thanks Karasawa, much easier to breathe up here, and the view was certainly worth the extra rent each week." He carefully reached down, plucking a few pieces of candy from the fountain and stowing them in his pockets as he started getting into the festival mood.

With Miles blushing profusely, the Iemochi resisted the urge to laugh, the young man gesturing wildly to his neck. As Miko spoke Ani took a big bite of her apple, nodding as she heartily chewed the juicy fruit and replied warmly "Mhm! That'd be nice."

Ani's violet eyes widened a fraction in surprise as the titanic Neko thundered towards her. "Wh-O-Okay?" the silvery-haired woman was taken off-guard by her tone, having no idea what was to come.

With that, a hand wrapped around her and quickly lifted her upwards - "Waaa~" Ani flailed, instinctively holding onto whatever she could grab on her way upwards. Being forcibly settled down, she appeared slightly frazzled. Leather gloves holding on for dear life, she looked between the surprisingly at-ease Miles and Miko. "Did.. that just happen?"
The android sat down and turned her head that had radio antennae attached to it to look at Shasse. She tilted her head, confused. "Clothes? A costume? I do not understand." She wasn't even wearing any clothes, only her metal and plastic robotic body, though it might be mistakable as if she was wearing something from a distance. She looked down at her body made of black metal and white plastic. "Am I a costume?" she asked.

Kawasaki Hayami's tails danced dreamily in the air as she became locked within Aashi's memories. Her tails and expression shifted with each scene, eliciting a different emotional and physiological response from the young Neko. The event that triggered the most drastic response from her was the image of fair-skinned, white-haired, and, naked Neko. All four of her tails briefly stopped waving in the air and her back extended outward. When Hayami was presented with the face of the Neko appear before her, her breath caught in her chest and her mouth formed an 'O' shape.

Being as young as she was, Hayami had some difficulty sharing her memories with Aashi. At first, Hayami presented her memories as quick flashes of events that had impacted her in some way. However, it did not take long for her to regain control, her tails waving in the air as she relaxed and resettled into a trance-like state.

Aashi would see the long list of 'firsts' that the Neko had experienced in her short life. The Iromakuanhe woman would see the first time her dream partner had entered a Mindy, the first time she had kissed someone, the first time she had made love, the first time she had shot a bow, the first time she had a deep conversation with someone, and finally, she would experience Hayami's first steps into the world and the activation of her personality.
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"Ooooh, that does sound fun!" Mehitabel clasping her hands together, soda safely in a cup holder, "I will pester anyone and everyone I know that we see!"

She also turned her gaze up towards the screen for the upcoming flicks, unwrapping one of her hard candies. Trailers were almost an art in there own way. One heavily focused on editing, of course.

"I am the view." Karasawa boasted, with full confidence.

Now bearing a new retinue of shoulder crew, Karasawa approached the two near the posters. The bird she attempted to hoist on her shoulders. Maybe she could get a nest started while she was up their. The pink-haired Neko was out, though, since she only had so much room.

"Hey, wanna see Orifice Crammer from Antares?" She piped in, all enthusiasm. "I figure we got enough for a good spook group. Hey, better thought - You guys can get seats, I'll raid the snack vendor?"
Aashi leaned back on the countertop nearest her suddenly and bent her head down, suddenly overwhelmed.

"Saints help me..." Aashi said, loosing the end of her sentence in between gripping her cheeks with her hands.


Masumi sat tensely bunched up in her chair and she felt anxiety sweeping over her as the previews kept going and she clenched her stomach with a hand a little for half a second before straightening in her seat.
City of Kyoto
Candy festival

Making his way downtown, moving fast, faces pass as Abart'huse Theisilis zipped through the busy streets of Kyoto. He was on his way to the theatre, and admittedly a little late for his renzdevous with a friend. The smooth, sturdy scales on his serpentine lower half slid across the slightly cold pavement, which didnt please him too much, but it was normal for this time of year, so he just dealt with it.....

Despite many pointers and instructions, the little fusses in the yamataiyan public transport system weren't his strong suit. Looking at the time, he knew he had to at least let the other person know where he was...
-[YamaChat v1.027]-
EpicScale joined room
EpicScale: Heya there! Sorry, i'm late!
EpicScale: Public transport's not coöperati g...
EpicScale: coöperating*
EpicScale: will be there in a few minutes.... ^^;;

Aerlia Lei'Shela slithered carefully between the bustling crowds and merch stalls as she looked around for somewhere to wait for her penpal. That constant low chatter that always filled large public events grew louder as she weaved towards a towering stone statue depicting the Empress of Yamatai in the center of the cobbled square.
A large step-up rimmed the square base of the visage, which she surmounted easily with the help of her muscular chalk-and-coal striped tail. While normally a Separa would draw a few looks, especially as she took her vantage point with a coiled jump, it seemed the crowds around her were too absorbed in their candy and conversations to look up.
-[YamaChat v1.027]-
ThatOneVenis joined room
EpicScale: coöperating*
EpicScale: will be there in a few minutes.... ^^;;
ThatOneVenis: Oh you nerd ><
ThatOneVenis: I'm by the big statuey thing
ThatOneVenis: D'ya want me to grab some candy while you get here or are you about to show up?

The big statuey thing... right. From his last visit to Kyoto a few months back, one thing that Abart had learned was that yamataians looooved their statues, and especially in a big city like this there were bound to be a whole load of 'em. His monorail ride to the city center went past three of them already. In the distance, just over the heads of the crowd he just happened to spot another one. it was in the general area he was headed to, so it might as well be it.
-[YamaChat v1.027]-
ThatOneVenis: I'm by the big statuey thing
ThatOneVenis: D'ya want me to grab some candy while you get here or are you about to show up?
EpicScale: depends, is it the large stony one with the uh..... fancy kimono lady on it?
EpicScale: if so i'll be right there^^
EpicScale: (candy's still good tho o3o)

Aerlia raised her head, looking up to the chin of the Empress that towered over her. Yep, fancy kimono lady she was. From her elevated position, the Venis cast her gaze across to the chocolate fountains, shooting stalls and apple bobbing stands around the statue. As she stood deciding what treat Abart would like the most, her tail flicked lazily from side to side, tapping into her communicator.
-[YamaChat v1.027]-
ThatOneVenis: D'ya want me to grab some candy while you get here or are you about to show up?
EpicScale: depends, is it the large stony one with the uh..... fancy kimono lady on it?
EpicScale: if so i'll be right there^^
EpicScale: (candy's still good tho o3o)
ThatOneVenis: Yip yip!
ThatOneVenis: What sorta candy shall I grab?
Epicscale: Hmm i dunno, the sweet kind oVVo
Epicscale: not like we don't have all evening to try everything! O3O
Epicscale: also watch a movie i guess, maybe
EpicScale: almost there!
EpicScale: gonna surprise ya with my costume *fancysnek* ovvo
ThatOneVenis: costume? OvvO
ThatOneVenis: you didn't tell me we had to be in costume >w<
EpicScale: well you don't HAVE to
EpicScale: but it's da candy festival! it's fun to do o3o
Epicscale: seen a lot of other amaze costumes too ovvo
Epicscale: some are a bit more eye-catchy than others though....

From within the crowd, the statue was just a few dozen feet away, and Abart could at last make out the elongated physique of his Separa'Shan companion. Just for the heck of it, he tried to sneak up on her while she was busy with her communicator, going for a spook most befitting for this time of year. "Hehehe~..."
Unbeknownst to the dark skinned Venis, busy tapping away at her communicator and brushing some of that long hair of hers behind an ear, Abart snuck up unhindered and undetected. Her tail flicked around behind her and curled around the Empress' ankle anxiously while she waited.
"Hmmmm....boop!" A quick poke to the back of her neck made his presence known to Aerlia, careful to not touch her long, squiggly noodle body. "Found you~!"

A rather unSAINTly "eeek" escaped the snek in question, surprised by Abart's boop. Spinning to him, she looked annoyed yet amused. "Abart!" she began, about to point out Venis weren't surposed to say "eeek" before stopping herself. "Hey Mister EpicScale, long time no see!" Aerlia smiled a little, only beginning to register his costume.

"Heya." With a little wave and a not-so little smirk he greeted Aerlia properly this time. Before her stood the 6'3" tall snakeman, dressed up in what seemed to be a long crimson cloak, held together by a thick, derker red belt with large silvery metallic buckle, and a thin silvery chain across the chest, topped off with two cross-like decorations at the ends. Under that was a skintight black sleeveless shirt, with several light grey trims to accentuize the abdominal muscles present on the well-trained infantry Separa. The collar of said shirt was also finished off with a hefty buckle in front, lining up with the popped collar bits of the long red cloak.

Anyone familiar with the series would almost instantly recognize him as Archer from Fate:Scalo, as Abart's usual hairstyle is nigh identical to Archer's, aside from the small brraid running down his right temple.

Instead of the usual yellow/black sleeve he wore over said braid, he instead went with a pure black one with some silvery chains wrapped around the outside, to match the rest of his rather refined outfit. Not many people knew that he'd spent weeks up in his cabin making all the little metallic decorations himself whenever he got the chance. Being able to show them off like this, especially to a lady, was more than worth all the effort. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long..."

Aerlia gawked as she looked him up and down, grabbing the upmost corners of the cape by the nape of his neck in amazement. "Woah! You look exactly like that warrior from Fate:Scalo!" She looked geniunely impressed, amber eyes glittering as she took in the detail he'd put into it. Her tail flicked behind her happily, then she pouted "Aww, I shoulda come as something.."

Aerlia seemed to realise she was probably looking a little strange with a start and slithered back slightly, playing it off. "C'mon then, let's get some candy before the night's over! I've already waited long enough." she met his eyes, brushing a lock of hair over her shoulder and turned to face the nearest stand below them.

Aerlia's astonishment at his expertly made costume made his eyes sparkle with pride and joy as well, blushing slightly with his tailtip exitedly swishing about behind him. Fron this distance he could feel her warm brwath tickle his face slighlty, giving a brief, tingling moment of relief from the cold evenig air. "T-thanks~!...." Moving over to her side, he followed the coal-skinned Shosa to the stand and check out their wares. "Hmm, always wanted to try out one of those candied apples."
Movie Theater, Parking Lot

A cherry red Advent hovercar riding way lower than usual pulled quickly into a parking spot. Stepping out of the car in an apparent hurry Candon quickly pulled off his blue FSCorp branded T-shirt and tossed it into the back seat in favor for a maroon button down shirt made of cotton that featured black tribal designs. The shirt would blend in well with all of the costumes around. A quick check in the mirror and he had his hair fixed.
His gray cargo pants would have to be alright since he was around 100 light years away only an hour ago

Movie Theater

Scanning the audience for his date yielded quick results as her endless pink hair was impossible to miss. While a devious part of his mind couldn't wait to see her outfit he was mostly just happy to see her. He would have brought Masumi with to the frontier but there was a certain danger inherent to the unsettled world that he hadn't made her ready for.

Traversing the aisle Candon found his way to the seat on Masumi's right. He placed a tender kiss on her cheek as he sat down and telepathically spoke, "I missed you out there."
Masumi turned her cheek a bit to press into Candon's lips as he came in close to kiss her. A soft smile had crept onto her pink lips and the scientist's eyebrows went up slightly when his mouth met her skin.

"You had me worried," she told the SAINT operative. "You're good at doing that." She brought her hand up and let it fall so that her hand was resting in Candon's lap, palm up and fingers spread as if asking to hold his hand.
Movie Theater

Candon laid his hand in hers, his fingers squeezing gently as he stroked with his thumb. Her concern was valid. He had shown blatant disregard for safety many times. Living on the edge came as natural as breathing to him. It was only now that he had a reason to be more cautious.

"It really is important work, if all goes well it may cripple the Kuvexian war machine," he replied telepathically, "it's not all bad out there. You should come with me sometime."
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