Star Army

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RP [Open Event] Candy Festival Movie Night


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Candy Festival

At the center of the foyer of the movie theater was a fountain of candy that kept spilling out of the top pipes while the candy filtered to the bottom until it was sucked back up to the top. There was a glowing crystal chandelier and mirrors all about the large room. There was a snack bar and drinks for those of age such as liquors and sake as well as a soda area.

Oshiro Masumi, a tall well shaped and dark skinned Neko from the YSS Eucharis, walked into the foyer of the theater and immediately went towards the first screening room which was to her left, where the claymation film about a slender man that goes into an alternate dimension was being shown. To the theater to her right Koizumi Aratani bounced on her toe tips as she looked behind her to see the samurai Tokuko walking behind her at an easy going pace. Another movie theater, the third one, that the small pink skinned Taiyou Hoshi led her girlfriend Deio Asuka into was about demons that had turned on the people of Yamatai and come out of the red wells of purgatory in order to terrorize the populace of the normally fearless populace. A fifth Neko walked into the foyer and went to the last movie theater. In it was being shown the scariest movie of them all, about exorcisms and death revolving around a basement.

The theme of the night was centered around the Candy Festival of the Yamataian Star Empire and all that it was centered around. Candy was in every room, on every surface save the floors and chairs, which were plush and could be connected, rotated, lounged on, recline, and more. They also had cupholders. Tonight was movie night in this theater for Candy Night and all of Yamatai and beyond was welcome here.

Karasawa really liked being able to stretch her legs homeside. Don't mistake her, she loved her job. Being able to relax and have a night in the town had its place, though. Especially when holidays came around.

Out of her uniform, her clothes could be best described as loud. Short shorts and a T-Shirt with thigh highs and sneakers, a short leather jacket for the night chill and leather bracelets with metal studs. The brand names and patterns were bold and showy. She looked like a punky thrift store had exploded, in short.

Question was, where did she want to go? Candy was great and all, but she needed more than a quick snack. Movies she liked, but she was more interested in the communal aspect of a good flick. Maybe she could find someone she recognized from the Kaiyo.

Candy Festival

Miles Belmont and Shasse Emiko wandered down to the theater with Miles in a casual shirt and trousers and a loose vest with Shasse dressed in a tank-top and denim jacket with a pair of short-shorts.

The two friends had agreed to go to the theater together and then split up and do their own things for a little while, the pair walked into the foyer and while Miles began looking at the different movies that were showing and keeping an eye out for anyone he knew from the Kaiyo, Shasse bounded over to inspect the candy fountain her eyes wide as she looked between Miles and the fountain pointing excitedly.

Miles wondered weather or not his brother Miko had decided to come to the festival, he wagered that he would never pass up an opportunity like this to catch up with with some of the crew off-duty, he doubted he'd want his older brother getting in the way and decided he'd ask him afterwards if he went.
Candy Festival

Among the chatting crowds of Yamataians milling between the various stalls and cute pop-up attractions outside the cinema, a petite gold-silver haired woman rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet excitedly despite her face struggling not to betray her obvious eagerness. A snow-colored button-up shirt and darkest leather jacket rustled lightly in the breeze of the night, jet black pleated skirt, tie and gloves finishing the outfit.

"Here you go, miss." the mustachioed vendor smiled warmly down at her, offering a toffee apple that shined delectably in the lamplight's aura she was encircled by. "Mhm!" Ani wrapped a smooth glove tightly around its wooden stick, a little of the still-running caramel dripping onto the wood. With a polite nod, the short woman turned and made her way through the bustling crowds towards the packed foyer. Free hand brushing a few of those long hairs of her over one shoulder, Ani gave the sweet treat a tentative lick, passing through the grandiose doors.

As she entered the comfy warmth of the plush cinema, her bright violet eyes danced across the candy fountain, a tiny smirk forming at one corner of her mouth. A few seconds of admiration, Ani hummed a happy tune quietly, stepping to the film listings and leaning towards them, she contemplated what she wanted to see tonight with a hmmm.
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Candy Festival

Polite. Retiring. Deferential. Mehitabel wasn't by any means a wallflower. At least, she hadn't thought of herself that way until the beach night with the Eucharis crew. That had really hammered home just how little use she'd really made of her status as a soldier of the Star Army, and how poorly she had treated her comrades by staying away in her own little corner. This year, with more advanced planning, Bel intended to make the best use of her Caelisolan body and the used closet at the Star Army tailor! Her diligent net searches had given her a model, and a little bit of KS had bought a Type 21 bodysuit in intelligence black to rip at the seams a little. The only thing she had had to purchase was the black/yellow patch with its map-view of Yamatai printed in the shape of a skull in the middle, the rocker above it 'Kokkyō no nai heishi', worn instead of a starship patch.

From her apartment came the GP-1B with its BFA attached and one of those 'cool' translucent magazines showing it was empty. A tactical rig carried her huge Model 38 revolver and the speedloaders, also empty. Finally, on her left thigh was the short sturdy blade of a peltast xiphos, ESN issue. It was a make-do, but there was no reason in her mind to go out and buy a katanna she didn't know how to use.

Her evening was already planned out with meticulous detail that the clerk typically applied to handling the Eucharis command staff's busy schedule. First, there had been a few costume contests. Then the gathering of candy. Now! There was to be a marathon of really schlocky horror flicks at the movie theatre! Even if that had caused an uncomfortable twinge, looking at the empty shelf where Shiho's similarly themed movie collection no longer sat. All the more important for the present, she thought, drawing her drooping wings up in determination!

The best part had yet to come! After a few movies would be a nearly-live broadcast of what was sure to be a glorious mess as always, the Nepleslian Championship Wrestling's annual Candy Festival Chaos pay-per-view. She'd already gotten it ordered. Even if it was a far cry from wrestling she'd grown up with, let alone pankration, there was just something so dumb and compelling about what amounted to a soap opera with sweaty men throwing each other around a room in silly costumes.

The atypically revealing outfit she wore for the night did little of the hiding the duty uniform did of her fit physique. She had none of Tugs' or Bronzi's sheer imposing mass, but, the Elysian was light, well-exercised, and comfortable looking with her bodysuit unzipped low enough to show modest amounts of cleavage. Theater 1 was showing some sort of claymation art house movie she hadn't heard of. That drew her attention, and she entered with a large soft drink and a few smuggled pieces of candy.

Masumi's pink ponytail whipped around as she looked behind her. She had heard some sort of muffled movement. She noticed the winged Star Army of Yamatai personnel —the clerk of Eucharis, no less. She widened her eyes and then lifted her hand trepidatiously in a wave. She moved close to Bel and asked her a question once she was close. She looked at the candy with excited eyes and then back to the black and white haired Elysian as she spoke.

"Are you the only one from the crew? I think I noticed some people. I want to VCE after this and we could get a group going."


Aashi Nath was alone tonight and walked into the theater with loud thumps of her over-sized black boots with their golden inlays and decorations. Her violet dress flapped in the wind of the foyer went out the door. She looked around and put an arm on the Neko Kawasaki Hayami that was close to where she had quickly walked to.

Aashi said, "Quiet and come with me."
Candy Festival

Mikodimus stepped into the foyer and was amazed by all the candy. He was having a fat kid in the candy store moment. So many different things to try. He wondered over to the big fountain. He seen Shasse was just as excited as he was about the candy fountain.
Candy Festival

Kawasaki Hayami had arrived at the movie theater alone, her four bushy white tails swishing over her short black skater skirt as she walked. It was going to be her first time seeing a horror movie that night, and she wanted to have an authentic and dramatic experience. In order to accomplish that end, a friend had recommended that she go to see a horror movie alone. The freshly-made Neko had no idea what that entailed, but she was curious and eager for novel experiences.

As she entered the movie theater, a tall and sienna-skinned Iromakuanhe woman wrapped her arm around her. Her nerves already set on edge in anticipation for the horror movie, Hayami reacted with a high-pitched squealing noise, her tails reflexively tensing up into the air.

When she finally got a look at the woman, Hayami's left eyebrow rose and curled in a shape that quite resembled a question mark.

"Uhh...come with you?", Hayami started nervously, her eyelids fluttering as she took in the woman's elegant appearance. " in trouble?", she asked, unconsciously following after the woman.

"Do you have the ability to open your emotions to me? All you have to do is want that to happen, nothing more, as I touch you, Synthetic." By Synthetic she meant Neko. They reached the bathroom and Aashi ducked into a stall and took the 90 day Neko to the first stall there, too. She put her hand on the Neko's bare thigh and said, "You're not in trouble. Now, let me share myself with you and you with me or else bad things will happen!"
Candy Fest/Theater?

Karasawa recognized both Miko and Miles from the Kaiyo. Thus, she concluded, the best thing to do was to say hello.

So she marched up to the closest, Miles, going "Heeeyyyy." And then attempted to pick them up with one arm. And then she attempted the same with Miko.

"Hey buddies! Whats ya up to? This your first Candy Fest? Its my first Candy Fest. You know any good movies?" She spoke mile a minute. "I'm thinking we get some beer, get a shit buncha candy and popcorn and whatever. Just pick one and we see how many we can cram before they stuff us back on the boat."

As Hayami was led into the immaculate bathrooms, she glanced up at the mysterious Iromakuanhe woman as if she was being led on an adventure through a supernatural dimension. Her mouth formed an O-shape as she sat on top of the toilet with the lid down. When the woman's hand touched her thigh, she gazed deeply into the woman's blue eyes like a child staring at a starry sky, staying completely silent for a prolonged moment before she even opened her mouth to speak.

"Umm...I can open my emotions to you...but...what is your name? Why are you speaking to me? Why...why did I come here with you?", she asked, suddenly coming out of a daze as she glanced around at her surroundings, her bushy white tails curling protectively over her bare thighs as she spoke.
Candy Festival

Shasse stood next to Miko and continued to stare at the fountain while poking him in the arm to show just how excited she was, being a fresh neko she'd never seen a festival before in her life and was overwhelmed at the sheer number of, everything.

Miles had noticed Miko over by the fountain with Shasse and was about to move over and join them when he heard Karasawa calling out from behind him, with no time to turn around let alone react Miles found himself being walked across to the fountain in the hand of the giant red neko. "Well it's nice to see you too Karasawa, I'm not really sure about this plan of yours though I was hoping to meet some people from other crews and ask around a bit to get an idea of the other ships."

Shasse had noticed Miles getting walked towards them at the fountain and tugged on Miko's shirt a little harder. "Uhh Miko, I think shes coming for you too buddy." She said before stepping away with a handful of candy preparing to watch the next events unfold.
Candy Festival

Miko was a little taken off guard being picked up so soon by a Neko. It took a moment for things to click.

"Oh hey Karasawa, glad to see you made it to the fun house. You know me, always down to drink and do questionable things. I got the candy part taken care of."

Somehow in a very short time window, Miko had managed to cram candy into every pocket. He was grinning ear to ear as if he was doing something he shouldn't by sneaking into a movie with this much candy. He smiled at Shasse who was having a very good time. He felt her poke his arm as Karasawa grabbed him by the arm.

He pulled some candy out of his pocket and offered it to Karasawa. After a moment as the candy unfolded, he noticed it was a pair of edible panties.

"Oops, save those for later." As he shoved them back into his pocket and tried again. This time it was some candy sticks. "So about that movie." He looked over to Shasse and took her arm in his. His face was saying, "SAVE ME!"
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Karasawa totally tried to take a bite out of the candy panties. Yes, she knew what they were. No, that didn't put her off in the slightest. Candy was candy and it was only better if it was on eye candy, right?

"I will literally attempt to lift an entire ships crew at once to make that happen." She replied, to Miles, with total sincerity.

"What do you think about the movie on the ads that-a-way? Sure, the Evil Mishu Invader angle has been really played, but its not a sequel. It has that going for it." Karasawa suggested. Then she noticed Shasse and attempted to pick her up, too. Everyone gets a ride on the bus!
Miko hugged onto the Shasse while trying to get away from Karasawa.

"BAD TOUCH, STRANGER DANGER." Shouted then bust out laughing. "Your alright Karasawa, isn't a problem around you can't solve by picking it up. I am down for some Evil Mishu Invader."

Miko grabbed some gum out of a pocket and started to chew it. He had let go of Shasse and offered her some candy.
Shasse looked at Miko laughing at his "struggle" with the large red minkan who stood over a foot taller than herself. As the hand flew towards her she leapt back with lightning fast reflexes. "I don't feel like going for a ride today, sorry. Sorry Miko, looks like someone else got to you before I did so try and have fun." Shasse turned back to the fountain and grabbed another piece of candy and looked at all the films showing, she didn't want to watch something excessively scary and decided she'd wander in to see the clay-mation film.

Miles was still hanging in the air from the nekos hand and decided not to bother resisting, it was a festival after all might as well have some fun. "So we're watching a Mishhu invasion film then, sounds good. I think I'll pass on the cramming of candy and booze however, I'd prefer to stay sober and healthy but I'm down for a film." Miles watched Shasse wander off into the first theater hoping she'd be ok by herself. "So what are we still doing hear, Lets go you big red cat!" Miles tapped her on the arm to emphasize his point.

Mehitabel waved enthusiastically at her in return. She took a seat beside the darker skinned neko, wings folded up tight and small, before answering, "Hello, Masumi-san! I haven't seen anyone else yet, though that does not mean they aren't here."

"A VCE though," she tilts her head, "Something spooky for the holiday?"
Candy Festival

The brutality of Darwin's training could only be followed by one thing: A break. Lucky for him, the festivities of the Candy Festival had begun to build up steam around him, becoming ever more spooky as the month progressed. The human would wander with his hands in his pockets towards the fountain of candy, grabbing a piece and eyeing it curiously while other pieces fall upon where that one morsel once lay. He always wondered how these things work - but I guess it would still be a mystery to him. He unwraps the candy and pops it in his mouth. A wild berry flavor coats his palette, crossed with a slight fizzing sensation to replicate a freshly-cracked soda. Not half bad. He'd scan the wrapper before balling it up and stuffing it into his pocket. He had heard from some other Yonto-Hei that there is a movie theatre near the fountain. Might be a good opportunity to meet some folk?

With hands in pockets to shield them from the late-year chill, he marches towards the theatre. Upon entering, he would see the stop-motion film onscreen, prompting a raised eyebrow and a hum from the man. With a bucket of popcorn now tucked under his arm and a bottle of soda in his free hand, his gaze wanders about in search of a good seat. To one side, he could see a small kerfuffle occurring - right next to the aisle he'd have to climb up to get to a good seat. Well, either go through that or get some crappy vantage point down below... he thinks before making his way up the cinema steps.

Deepest purple eyes finally settling on the last few lines of the movie listings, Feyani's hum continued lithely, the short woman glancing around the packed foyer. Raising a leather-gloved finger to her lips, she gently licked the drop of hot toffee that was cooling there. Mmm..

A commotion caught her attention, some sort of back and forth between a small group. One of them broke off in a bit of a fury, it seemed. Hmm? Ani's curiosity was piqued, taking a small nom on the toffee apple as she trailed over to them. "Hey! Sorry, but which film are you guys seeing? I can't decide so I thought I'd better ask someone.." the silver-haired girl smiled apologetically, apparently oblivious to one of them being currently hanging in the air.

Miles heard a soft voice he didn't recognise and turned his head to see who it was speaking, he saw Feyani and was enchanted by her hair almost straight away, he opened his mouth to speak but choked on his words and his shirt collar that he was hanging by in karasawa's grip.

He looked at Miko and tried to motion with his eyes that he was in trouble as he couldn't use his voice. He in turn also looked with an appologetic look at the new arrival trying to convey that he couldn't speak, to make his situation worse his cheeks had turned red with the pressure giving the appearnce of a blush.