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RP [Open Origin RP] Looking for somewhere to prove

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Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 45.2
RP Location
Planet Ake
In the short time since Kai Nakamura had taken over as head of Origin Armor Works, he had discovered a few things. One; Origin industries was simultaneously more organized and relaxed than he could have ever imagined, and two; Since working on the Daisy II Project, OAW had basically done nothing but Mecha development. While the Daisy II was a fine machine, and had saved his life countless times in several wars, it was over a decade old, and Origin's own armor, the Impulse, was even older. Thus, with their contributions to the Mecha market firmly ingrained and bringing in proper income, it was time for OAW to focus once more on Powered armor. First, however, He needed to know where they were at, and where they needed to go. He had a team working on market research, as well as embedded engineers with the Fifth fleet doing what they could to quantify what worked and what didn't, what was and was not needed, and what sort of changes had come to the state of the art in the intervening decade or two.

And so, it had become his prerogative to set up a testing facility for ground operations. Space, that was already taken care of- they had a star system, an immense asteroid belt, plenty of ships and technicians on Dawn station, so it would be easy to test things there. But, down here on Ake, they had a nice opportunity. some of the harshest survivable conditions, mixed with rough, undeveloped terrain, open spaces, and no real ecosystem to worry about destroying. He just wanted to find out where, exactly, the best spot would be to turn into a testing center. Sure, they had orbital scans, and had already pre-selected a few locations that might be a good fit, but there was nothing like getting out and exploring and seeing things for oneself.

So now He stood at the spaceport in Origin city, having freshly arrived from Dawn station, breathing in the not quite fresh air as despite Origin's best efforts the scent of ammonia still lingered, and it would only get stronger the further from the city he traveled. A Dearglass Light Cargo awaited the newly appointed CEO with a small crew loading several heavily laden off-road motorcycles, Prototypes from Origin Motors they had been asked to field test, while boxes of other supplies were also being loaded to ensure they could set up some sort of base camp out in the wastelands. Not wanting to be useless, despite his position, Kai hefted his own pack over his shoulders and made his way to the small cargo pad they were taking gear from and grabbed a Motorcycle to wheel up into the cargo craft. It was already packed, loaded with a number of supplies, including survival kits, survey gear, camping gear, and even extra bottles of fuel for the fusion generators that powered the bikes.
After rolling the Motorcycle into the cargo bay of the Dearglass, Kai handed it off to one of the loadmasters, who busied themselves with strapping the bike down, leaving the new CEO of OAW to find something else to do. first, he walked out and grabbed another of the motorcycles, outfitted just like the first, and brought it in to hand off to another loadmaster before making his way to the front of the transport. A simple ladder led up to the flight deck, which the former SAoY officer found to be quite spartan and utilitarian, though it still contained a small lounge where he found a space to stuff his pack for the moment before looking out the cockpit's viewscreens. The windows themselves were simple transparent Durandium, and showed a bit of weathering due to use, but everything seemed to be in working order.

When the pilot came in to start his checks, the tall blonde Yamataian waved, and greeted him, before descending the ladder once more and making his way through the cargo hold and back out to the staging area. It was there that he noticed a second ship that would be going with them; a starbryte shuttle which had been configured for passenger use that most of the base camp and exploration crew would be flying on. curious to see if he knew anyone, or to simply try and match names to faces, he asked the shuttle's pilot for the manifest, and began to look through and see if he could find any of these people out and about on the busy ramp.
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