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RP [Open RP] Activation of Aquarius Star Fortress : Love Day and Dolphins

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RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Aquarius Star Fortress
Aquarius Star Fortress
Koukotsu System, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector

The completion time of the Star Army's newest Zodiac-Class Star Fortress could not have come at a better time; the announcement of the end of the war and the still spirited celebrations of victory that still carried on throughout the Yamatai Star Empire. Aquarius was like no other, a working luxury combined with a functional space station made it a gem for the fleets. Chujo Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano had just got the decision of Taisho Yui in regards to her promotion to Taisho before she had arrived, the business of the First Expeditionary Fleet didn't stop. For her, there had been no Victory Day, only the battered hulls of the ships they had sent and a severely damaged YSS Tokyo that had returned to Gemini. The opportunity to go to Aquarius to oversee the activation and opening of the new Star Fortress was a sort of blessing, although it likely meant a lot of comm interruptions from Gemini. Hopefully, in a day or two, some of the repairs could be re-routed and Aquarius could get to work. For now, though, she stood at the base of the massive Mighty Kraken, its tentacles curled around the hull of a broken Viking ship as it towered over the transportation HUB of the Fortress. She held her hands behind her back in a relaxed stance as she looked up at the scene captured in the display.

"Amazing, isn't it? Welcome to Aquarius Motoyoshi-Yamada Taisho," Kurosawa Hiroshi, a Shosho and the new commander of Aquarius approached her superior officer with a formal greeting.

Ayano nodded, "It is, and thank you Hiroshi. I'm looking forward to seeing Aquarius take her proper place." The new Taisho offered her subordinate a warm smile. "The aquariums in the concourse are something spectacular...well..." she turned and noticed the other wall of the HUB was also a massive aquarium with the tubes that networked through the entire fortress running through it, "...everywhere I guess. Absolutely fantastic." She watched as a pair of NH-33M drifted through the aquarium hand in hand, their free hands lifted to wave towards them.

Aquarius was open for business.

The first ships would hopefully arrive soon and those inbound to celebrate a little leave on the new Fortress for Love Day would be more than welcome.
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Ternifac, Planet Yamatai

Thia admired the simple red dress that lay on the bed in front of her. She smiled a little at the thought that the dress was hers only as of a few hours ago, and the bed would no longer be hers in a few hours from now. Then she looked down at her still-sore ankle which she had wrapped in an ugly medical compressor cuff on her doctor's orders. She thought about it for a minute, then glanced back at the dress and saw what she needed. She untied a ribbon that had been intended to go around her neck, and instead proceeded to wrap it around and hide the cuff. Once the cuff was sufficiently hidden, she tied the ribbon into a pretty bow.

Satisfied, she pulled the dress over her head and smoothed it over the slender curves of her dark-skinned body before she looked in a mirror. The dress clung tightly and was longer than she was used to, extending to just above her knees but a slit up one leg to her hip allowed for a wide range of movement and she thought that it made her look damn good while doing so. Bringing a hand up, she ran her fingers over her usually straight but now curly permed black hair. Next, she slipped her feet into a pair of golden flats. Despite her already above-average height of 5'10", she enjoyed every opportunity to tower over those around her, but she had been warned against wearing high heels after nearly breaking her ankle last month in a bar. She pulled on a long, fluffy white overcoat that fell almost to her ankles and made her feel like she was a polar bear. Normally, she wouldn't mind the cold, but she reached into her purse and pulled out a datapad with an itinerary that showed her spending long periods at several public transit stations on her journey. It read:

Aquarius Itinerary
Train: Ternifac -> Uesereryan Fields
Train: Uesereryan Fields -> Teisenjou
Elevator: Teisenjou -> Amatsu-Yamatai
PAINT SA 009: Amatsu-Yamatai -> Jiyuu System
PAINT YC 003: Jiyuu System -> Koukotsu System Note: get off at Star Fortress Aquarius

The Nepleslian woman groaned slightly, both at how complicated the trip was and how much time she would be spending in space. But she wasn't one to let things like that keep her from having fun, so she put her datapad back into her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Having done so, she was now wearing everything she owned, so she turned and nearly made it out the door before she stopped and remembered to pull her apartment keys out of her purse and toss them onto the bed where her now ex-landlord could find them.


Star Fortress Aquarius

Thia stepped off the Spirit of the Colonies commuter ferry, which had carried her for the final leg of her trip and breathed a sigh of relief. She realized, of course, that she was still in space, but the massive star fortress was certainly more like a planet than the starships she had been on for the last few hours. The Nepleslian woman no longer wore the fluffy white overcoat she had brought for the cold weather, having traded it in Jiyuu to someone who was travelling to Yamatai in exchange for a big pair of black sunglasses, which helped her get some rest and went a long way to hide how tired she felt.

"Alright, Aquarius," she announced before taking a deep breath, then continued in her best approximation of a prima donna. "I'm ready for my inspection now."
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Setsuka still hated traveling threw space but she was had found her next job. The journalist had been hired to attend the opening and photograph the celebration. The Neshaten knew there weren't likely to be any more of her kind present at this event though she had heard a rumor that many more had survived and even flourished elsewhere in the galaxy. Stepping threw the doors and off the shuttle she followed the directions on the walls till she found other people. Her camera once again hung around her neck but this time her silver hair was pulled up high in a bun and she was dressed in much more formal attire than her last public appearance.

She wore a long black Aline dress that whisked against the floor as she walked the slit along the right leg extended quite a bit higher on her hip giving the illusion she had some curves. The whole dress fit snug against her very small frame. The dress had no sleeves and the heart shaped top on the dress was connected to a mesh like fabric. The thick black hand that pressed against her neck held the sheer fabric to her body. The young lady chose to wear flats she was rather short so a lot of the people their towered over her. She had a small case hung over her shoulder that held her cards and extra lenses.

Hirohito had encouraged her to look her best. It was a love day celebration after all. He loved to tease her about finding love and settling down. She groaned just thinking about it. She made her way into where the festivities were taking place and looked around.
Flanna Rose, a redhead starship operator, smiled and gave a polite wave to Setsuka and Thia. "Hello, I'm Flanna. So this is where the party is at?" she asked. Flanna was a newly-minted Shoi courtesy of the Accelerated Officer program and this was her first time out with her new white pin rank on. She was still getting used to the occasional salute. "I mean, if nothing else there's probably some free food," she grinned.
Thia watched the other people from behind her black sunglasses. Though she wasn't here on business, she couldn't break her habit of sizing up each person based on how much information they were likely to have and how easy it would be to get them to share it.

Her eyes fell upon a small woman with white hair, black fox ears, and a fluffy black tail with a white tip. Her black dress suited her black and white colouration and made her look very classy, in contrast to Thia's own bright red dress which simply demanded attention.

When Flanna introduced herself, Thia politely pulled off her recently-procured shades to look her in the eyes. The information broker hoped that she didn't look as tired as she felt after her long journey.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Freckles. Call me Thia. I'm supposed to report to the station's panties, but I think yours may have to do instead. I'm not sure we can really call this a party yet. All of this..."

With a sweeping motion of the hand that still held her folded sunglasses, she gestured towards the Internal Aquarium Environment nearby, in which there was a group of miniature nekos swimming along and making faces at them.

"...makes me terribly thirsty."
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"Welcome to Aquarius! Your visitor passes have updated, have a swimmingly great day! I will remind you of your access as you move through the station." A volumetric emoji of Aquarius appeared in front of Thia and Setsuko, gave a thumbs-up, and sparkled back into obscurity.

The notification chimed on the train: "LRS 002 inbound Tentacle One, Station T1-2"

It was not uncommon for a Star Fortress to have vetted civilian traffic, often an arm would be devoted to such; just that happened a while after the station opened; the Taisho had approved several civilians the first-class tour though. Ships had already arrived as they diverted some traffic from Gemini, which still had its hands full with repairs from Glimmergold. It was love day, and already the station's restaurants were hopping with activity. The Tokyo Brewing Company's locations were permitted roped-off sections in part of the concourses in front of their establishments to permit additional patrons. Taisho Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano stepped off the LRS train ahead of her Shosho, the station's new commander Kurosawa Hiroshi, "There is no rush on the docking modifications to Tentacle One, it's going to be months before the Tokyo is ready," Ayano said as they walked, slowly going over some items which still needed to be completed on the station's checklist. Hiroshi noted the Taisho's comment.

The duo approached the small group that had just arrived, Ayano wanted to welcome the arrivals that had taken the time to reach out to her directly, the black-haired Neko smiled warmly and said, "Welcome to Aquarius, we're thrilled to have you. I am Taisho Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, and this is Shosho Kurosawa Hiroshi, the new station's commander, and our official host," she introduced herself and her subordinate. She regarded the starship operator as well with a slight nod.
Thia blinked her mismatched brown and hazel eyes at the sudden appearance of the volumetric emoji that gave her a thumbs up.

"That was so cute. I wonder if I can get that emoji on my devices."

When the pair of Star Army higher-ups joined them, Thia unabashedly looked them each up and down as Ayano was introducing herself and their green-haired host. This action was usually something she did for her occupation. It was helpful on video playback to have a full-body image of each person she interacted with. Alas, the video and audio recording functionality of her cybernetics was deactivated for the duration of her stay. So on this occasion, she was eyeing them up strictly for her own amusement.

"I remember your name from the message I got from your panties, blue-eyes. Call me Thia. I'm so happy to be here. This place sounded amazing when I heard about it. I can't wait to get the tour. That said, would you be a dear and point me to somewhere I could freshen up and change out of my travel clothes? I feel so underdressed when you all look like you're ready to arrest me."

Thia winked and playfully held her wrists crossed in front of herself as a visual demonstration.

"Though I certainly wouldn't mind if you clapped me in irons and had your way with me if that's on the agenda."
"The what?...oh, yeah," Flanna said, rubbing a fist against the back of her chin-length, feathered bob of red hair. "It's nice to meet you, Thia." Then her eyes widened hen she heard Thia's very forward offer. "That's hot," she quietly said. She then snapped to attention and gave the Taisho a salute. "Just sightseeing, ma'am."
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