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RP [Open RP] Banzai!: Training House (Prelude)

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RP Date
YE 44.2
RP Location
Tatiana, Fort Ingestrie, School of Advanced Infantry Combat
YE 44.2.22 0530 hours

Camp Yamato Cadre Barracks
Within numerous rooms within the barracks for the school's cadre, the familiar sound of alarms could be heard awakening their inhabitants. The equally familiar grumbling of a number of the non-morning birds could be heard as they started to perform their daily ritual of making their beds to perfection, putting on their Exercise Uniforms, and shuffling their way to the exercise fields to combat the awaiting mosquitoes wanting that sweet Neko and Nepleslian blood. Just because Giretsu were hyper professionals did not mean they particularly loved this part of their job. But there were exceptions.

One of them being Joto Heisho Masashi Hansen. A big burly dark skinned man, the massive Minkan of half ID-SOL origin delighted in engaging in hard exercise in harsh environments. And he directed this desire into his trainees since being transferred to the school from his previous post. As he conducted his pull ups, his thoughts took him to his short time as the Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Giretsu Century of the 75th Legion before it was stood down in YE 43. From the defense of their training outpost in the 3rd Battle of Nataria to when his old Centurion was transferred to an exchange position in the NDC, the experience cemented in him what he thought being Giretsu actually means: even when you are short handed, the mission is always on.

Finishing with exercises for today, he quickly made his way to his room to perform hygiene tasks and to put on his uniform. But instead of putting on his standard Rikugun uniform, he instead donned his Olive Green cadre shirt. In black letters, instructor was written on the back and the front of the shirt displayed a large black triple Sakura Blossom patch on the chest of the shirt. He rounded it out with a nataria green ball cap with his rank patch centered on it. Today was pick up day and he was excited to train the next batch of soldiers.

Giretsu School Main Building "The Nest"
Fort Ingestrie has largely remained the same since it was first built in YE 39 out of standard prefab modules. But in YE 43, a number of permanent buildings designated "Camp Yamato" were built to free support personnel at the base from needing to share space with the school's cadre. One of them was the school's main building nicknamed the "The Nest". Located near the main entrance of the fort, it would be the main location the trainees would be at during their first phase of the program.

A simple double story building with large sliding transparent durandium doors with the School of Advanced Infantry Combat's emblem on both doors with the Giretsu emblem centered below it (with room for others), looking through them a large courtyard could be seen past another set of doors. Before the main doors, 100 crimson pairs of footprints could be seen on the concrete surface formed up into a standard 5 by 20 formation. The drop off point for transportation from the receiving station at the fort for service members was 150 meters from the formation area. It doesn't take too many guesses as to why it was designed this way.

Joto Heisho Hansen could be seen waiting by the door with 5 other instructors that formed the cadre for Class 27. Nito Heishos Homma, Kamiya, Zhang, and Ito as well as Itto Heisho Ryu. Hansen looked over them while he waited for the transport to arrived. Nito Heisho Homma and Zhang were known among the cadre to be highly profienct in their occupational task and drills, with emphasis on hand to hand combat due to their old Centurion being a Ketsurui Samurai that decided to commission into the SAoY. They were equally as quiet as the Ketsurui Samurai as well which always unnerved him a bit. Being Nepleslian, some things just die hard.

Then his gaze looked over towards Itto Heisho Ryu. Despite having the cultural fit to be Giretsu, he knew enough about her clan's history that they felt a blood debt to the Star Army of Yamatai. Almost to the point they take their business acumen and focus it into refining something in their training. For Itto Heisho Ryu it was marskmanship, becoming the designated marksman during her time with the Giretsu Century of the 14th Legion. But then his gaze landed on the 4th heisho keeping some distance from the rest. Freshly graduated from the instructor course, Nito Heisho Kamiya seemed like the wild card out of the bunch.

All he knew about her was from her service record due to her being assigned to Class 27 just a day ago. She was a survivor of the doomed 2nd Legion and their Giretsu Century's proof that the Kagai Assault Ship was not suited for the Giretsu or acting as a carrier for shipboarding forces. Psych evals stated she was a bit of a manipulating hot head, though he could not sense any of that from her thus far. Perhaps her time as an exchange service member to the Nepleslian military matured her. Or maybe she was just the quiet before the storm of fecal matter. Only time would tell with new instructors.

Hansen's eyes finally looked over towards the holocameras of the embedded journalist team and he held his sigh in. Busy readying their equipment to capture all the moments of mayhem, defeats, and victories of the trainees; it was clear someone wanting more press coverage and PR for the Rikugun and the Giretsu. He just wished he was not the senior instructor tasked to make sure himself and the cadre keep the journalists from digging too deep into areas they shouldn't be and to make sure the cadre still feel they can train to the standard without looking like they are just being mean. He just sighed to himself.

Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

Located on the coast near the large island containing Fort Ingestrie, the train terminal/recieving station was the location arrivals to the fort needed to embark on boats and hover transports to get there. Transport Bay 8 was reserved for the School of Advanced Infantry Combat Gathering outside of a SSCC-XL Passenger Module modified to cram the 100 trainees and their duffel bags into. Painted in the colors of the Rikugun with black accents, it was designed to stand out among the standard colors of Star Army vehicles to honor the trainees commitment to endure Giretsu School. Boarding time had not commenced yet, thus the trainees of Class 27 were scattered around the Transport Bay. Some were sitting quietly on a bench going over the various task and drills of the Giretsu they had been studying before hand. Others were chatting with various people located in the bay. Some were talking to their fellow trainees, others were with their sponsors and family members serving in the SAoY that were there to see the off.

Taii Suzuki Akira was one of them, a long time veteran of the Star Army. She was surprised so many on her ship were willing to make the effort to push themselves in the defense of the Yamatai Star Empire. She felt it was the least she could do was accompany them on their first step of their journey before she spent the rest of her long leave in Inuyama City deciding on things and waiting to pin their Sakura Blossoms if they make it all the way.

"Any questions before they start to herd you into the Cattle Box?" Akira asked to her enlisted crew members.
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Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

Yayoi stood there amid all those brave soldiers, ready and willing to push herself, and ready to gain new training. She thought about what Sanda told her, about them being badass Rangers once they concluded the training. Her eyes closed as she emotionally took it all in and then as the Taii spoke she turned to her. “Promise the Resurgence and her crew won't get into too much trouble before we return, right?” she asked almost jokingly something that was a first for her. “While I personally want to go into this unaware of what we are up against, I hope that we’ll be able to return when we are done training as Giretsu trained soldiers.”
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

"Te quiero Tia Sandy!" Came the reply out of the woman's com unit. The woman smiled. "Te quiero mucho Elanor Aeon. Adios." "Adios!" The little girl yelled as her mother took back the com. "So we'll see you in eight week when you graduate." The woman with the lighting tattoo that covered the left side of her face sighed. "You don't have too. It's not that big a deal, besides your pregnant." "What does being pregnant have to do with it? I've been pregnant before. Yes this one has been a little harder on me. Having a four year old and trying to run a business while your husband is away is tough but I'm a strong woman. Besides. it IS a big deal. Graduating from the Giretsu School is a big deal. You went through Ranger training with flying colors. You'll do great there too. And I want to be their when they pin that cherry blossom on you. I'm very proud of you Sanda. Mom and Dad would be too."

Sanda was silent a moment, thinking about her parents. On her last mission she had discovered that they were alive. She had had no word on them for almost 20 years and then she discovers they were alive on some backwater planet. She had left her contact info with a local who promised he would deliver it to her parents when they returned but as of yet she hadn't received any word from them. As soon as her last mission had concluded, Sanda had traveled to Jiyuu III where her sister lived and shared with her what had happened. The two had spend several days discussing it. There was too many unknown factors to form any conclusion as to why their parents had never contacted them after they had been sent away. The two girls had grown up believing their parents had died during the Nepleslian Red and Green civil war. It really wasn't something Sanda wanted to deal with before going to Giretsu school. It would be physically, mentally and emotionally challenging enough without the added stress of wondering what had happened to her parents.

"Gracious hermana." Sanda finally said. "Guess I'll see in eight weeks, unless I wash out and it's sooner." "You better not wash out." Estrella warned. "Elanor Aeon is already asking me to add Cherry Blossoms to her cape and telling everyone her Tia is a Giretsu Ranger. You don't want to crush her hero. Honestly, one day she wants to be a Starship Officer like her papa, the next she's decked in camo saying she's a Ranger like her Tia." Sanda laughed. "Got'a go. Te quiero Estrella... Brilla como las estrellas." "Golpea como la tormenta de truenos." The com went dead and Sanda stood alone on the edge of the platform a moment. "Golpea como la tormenta de truenos." She repeated slowly before turning back towards the waiting group.

Sanda was very happy that her friend and fellow Ranger aboard the Resurgence was also doing the Giretsu training with her. Supposedly Zanven had also applied but Sanda hadn't seen him yet. She didn't know Zanven very well. The pilot tended to keep more to himself. She hoped he would be able to cut it. Hell, Sanda hoped she would be able to cut it. Certainly she was excited for the opportunity to push herself with the best of the best. But unlike Ranger school when it had all been new to her, she was now a veteran. And in her experience, veterans sometimes were the hardest to teach. What she didn't want was to go into this thinking she'd cake walk through it. That was how you washed out early.

The tattooed Nepleslian moved through the crowd towards where Yayoi and Akira stood talking. Did Yayoi just try and make a joke? Sanda thought smiling. "I for one am very excited to take a break from the ship for awhile. Eight weeks planet side. Fresh air." Sanda said as she approached. "Hopefully, all the problems will work themselves out while were gone and when we get back they'll all be take care of." Sanda set down her duffle bag and stretched before asking Akira. "Any words of advice for us cattle?"
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

The only one on the transport with First Expeditionary Fleet rank, with a patch on her shoulder that identified her as a Medic despite the Starship Operations Grey on the Type 42 bodysuit peeking from under the olive drab of her Type 37 Field Jacket, Motoyoshi-formerly-Takeda Tachiko kept to herself on the trip to Tatiana. She remained so after arriving. Naturally the quiet sort, she preferred observation over participation in social settings, and was eager to get the military training part of it all underway. That was where she was more comfortable: with a mission. Professional relations were much, much easier. A little bit of tapping of one jika-tabi-shod foot was all that betrayed her anxious turmoil.

Originally a perfectly average Neko from an era when Nekovalkyrja were more standardized, her perfectly average weight and perfectly average build were modified by the intensity with which she pursues fitness and martial arts, though the field jacket does a good job of hiding what the bodysuit would otherwise show off. Her perfectly typical Neko appearance continues with fair skin, and black hair is bobbed above her shoulders, with bangs cut level to keep her deep, brown eyes clear. Those deep, brown eyes wander over the groups of those who seemed to know one another already, and Tachiko frowned a bit at her own isolation, both from her being the only representative of her entire fleet, as well as her newly-minted Chui rank. And her Starship Operations occupational color panels. That had got her more than a few glances from the majority-Infantry trainees, until they notice the Medic patch, at least. And furthermore, Tachiko knew that as an officer, she'd likely bumped an enlisted Infantry soldier that somebody else here knew from their slot. Too many eyes on her for her tastes.

When the Nepleslian Ranger addressed the woman Tachiko thought was Cadre, there was a twinge in her stomach. This was going to go somewhere she'd rather that it not. Even if they did ask "Any questions?"
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Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

The first person Del told that she had gotten accepted into Giretsu school was of course Kinie followed by Mia. She didnt tell Thad she was still quite cross with him over being a fool. But now here she was with her fellow shipmates, the nekos tail betrayed her excitement. She trailed behind Sanda her own duffle slung over her shoulder. The gear she couldn't bring she entrusted to Resurgences quartermaster.

"I agree, things need to get sorted."
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

Zanven stepped off the transport ship, last to arrive to the fort and he was going over a checklist on his datapad as he was seeing the work they were doing on his Nodachi in real time. He adjusted his duffel and then put away the datapad before moving to join the rest of his fellow crew, faces he was happy to at least see since he was on the same ship. When asked if there was any questions he simply shook his head in response before keeping his stoic look. "Ready to do this." He said as he looked and noticed Sanda and Yuuki, then the faces of his other crewmates...they really did not have a lot of time between transitioning to the training house.
Fort Ingestrie Recieving Station, Transport Bay 8

Akira looked over at Yayoi with almost a shocked look. In all this time, she legit thought the Ranger was created in the image of the first generations of Nekos. Few of them were capable of cracking a smile if it didn't involve the death of someone. But the joke was on Akira, she was a lowly Taii and those that survived were of the ranks Taisho and Chujo (active and retired).

"I am sure the ship will not implode without their key infantry element..." Akira said before pausing. "Mostly." she finished, hinting at the pair of individuals they all would know. She then looked over towards Sanda.

"After the first 3 weeks, you will likely have a very different opinion on what fresh air and water." Akira said, starting to respond to her. "The key advice I would give to all of you is learn to truly listen to instructions. When they are pushing your to your mental limit, one of the things they will be testing is your ability to listen. You will be amazed at how hard that is actually is to do even when you are not being pushed.

After that, pay attention to your environment and remember you are part of a team. No heroics, no assuming everyone knows what you are going to do if you didn't communicate it, none of that. If you don't fall for their mind games and truly work as a team, you will succeed."

Akira stopped herself before she started to give a long speech.
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8
Yayoi fought hard to not visibly react to Akira’s shocked reaction o her joke. Though it was true, she’d been created in the image of the first generation because she tried to be serious when she was at work as a Ranger the kind of soldier that could be counted on. At that moment she technically was off duty and thus she thought it would be acceptable to make at least one joke as a trial.

Akira she noted was shocked, but Sanda seemed to be smiling. It did leave her confused a little on how she should take her joke, so instead she chose to look around, immediately spotting Tachiko immediately recognizing her from the news, and she’d heard good things about her. Zanven was soon spotted, but she made no reaction mostly because Sanda had asked a question and she glanced over to listen to Akira’s response.
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

Sanda remained smiling as Akira mentioned having a different opinion of fresh air after the first 3 weeks but didn't comment. For her, there was nothing better than being off the ship and planet side. Sometimes she wondered if she had chosen the wrong career path. When she had first joined she had wanted action and a chance to fight. Being assigned to a ship seemed, at the time, to be the fastest way to get into combat. She sometimes wished she had remained with the Rikugun.

Anyway, she was prepared to spend the entire eight weeks training outside in any element if she had to. She did listen closely to the other advice Akira had though. It was good advice. Her father had always told her, you have two ears and one mouth. You should listen twice as much as you speak. She had always tried to follow that advice. "Thanks for the advice Ma'am." Sanda said, bowing her head to show she meant it.

Sanda looked around at her other crew members who were also going to Giretsu school. She hadn't decided yet how she felt about almost half the Res infantry crew also going to train. Part of Sanda like the idea of training with people she knew, but at the same time she had also been looking forward to taking a break from the Res and it's crew. Well, at least the Res's problems hadn't followed her to training as well.
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

It had taken Frank some time to get used to his new body, but it was time he enjoyed. No longer looking like an old man and more like someone his age. the 29 year old Minkan would wait quietly on a bench nearby green eyes and ginger hair standing out as he waited for the transport to arrive. listening to others as they talked about themselves he couldn't help but smile. To frank this seemed to make him think back to his days as a young recruit back when he was just a auged Nep, stressful times in bootcamp but the comradery gained was something he always looked back on fondly.

Listening to the advice frank nodded his head happy to test his mettle on this new experience. Frank would make his way to Sanda Giving a bow. "Its good to see some framilure faces showing up to this too."
Fort Ingestrie Receiving Station, Transport Bay 8

Sanda frowned as some seemingly random guy walked up to her and bowed. Sanda just raised a tattooed eyebrow and looked a little confused for a moment before it finally clicked, "Frank?" The last time she had seen Frank was right when the Resurgence had docked. Frank had asked Sanda to accompany him to get his android body fixed by some 200 year assassin. She had went along, though it had seemed straight forward enough. The whole event got weird for her when Frank's ex-wife and daughter showed up. Sanda had left them as she really wanted to go and visit her sister before Giretsu training began.

Sanda was quite surprised to see Frank here, almost as surprised as she was that he had gotten a new body. Sanda and Frank had briefly butted heads their last mission when she had been given temporary NCO status to she how she did with command. Sanda had had to chew Frank out a couple of times for some pretty stupid comments the big guy had made. Frank had later confessed to be struggling a bit readjusting to military life. Sanda just supposed that because so many people from the Resurgence had signed up for Giretsu school Frank didn't want to be left out. Or maybe it was he needed to get away from Cassie after he pissed her off the last mission. Either way, Frank was now here and Sanda hoped that he would make a better start than he had on the Res.

Sanda smiled at Frank and said, "New body, new start hu Frank?"
Frank chuckled at the Greeting Sanda gave him, in truth they didn't get off to the best of starts when they first met. "That and It allows me to give Cassie time to cool down so she doesnt kill me, While I try Giretsu school. Also I'll admit I forgot I augmented my self in the past to be taller.....Being just short of six feet tall is irritating." Frank said while shaking his head. "Sorry, Im going to go sit and wait for the trasport. It was good talking to you Hoshi-Hei." Frank said with a bow before going to find a seat to sit at and wait.
Tachiko began to realize that the Taii was no SACI Cadre, but rather a Giretsu who had served with the other group. The knot in her stomach thus untangled, she stood from her bench at the station and began to walk over to the group. Stopping short of approaching their circle, the Chui stood just outside of range, straightening her uniform, insomuch as someone could straighten a bodysuit and field jacket, before addressing Akira. She first laid down her Star Army Kamidana Kit, shrugging the carry strap off her shoulder and lowering the case containing the miniature Shinto shrine reverently to the ground. It was the only thing she brought with her besides the uniform and NSP she wore- no duffelbag, no other personal items. Everything she needed would be issued, she knew.

Once Tachiko's hands were truly free, she took a breath, then stood opposite Akira where she could catch her eye. Tachiko saluted, but did not speak. Instead, she used that peculiar Nekovalkyrja wireless communication colloquially dubbed "telepathy" to communicate with the superior officer, holding her salute while sending her service profile and history along with her encoded words:

"Taii Giretsu, Chui Motoyoshi Tachiko reporting. Are these trainees your crew, ma'am? I might have some questions of my own if it's all right with Taii-san."
Delmira was suddenly grateful for her talent to follow multiple conversations at once. She was unsure how it would help but after hearing Akira's advice she smiled and nodded her head. "I can do that sure." She said before heading over to Frank. "Dont think i saw your new body."
Akira looked over towards Tachiko and returned a very crisp salute to the Chui. She then looked back at her fellow crew members, deciding to respond to Tachiko in kind. She segmented a portion of her attention so she could continue to listen and respond to Sanda, as well as talk to Tachiko. She sent back her own service record and history to the Chui. It was the polite thing to do. She raised her eyebrow a bit when she saw the new Frank. Her curiosity for the switch would have to wait.

Just as she sent it, a number of admin mint paneled Nito Heishos entered the bay. "Listen up! We are preparing to load you up onto the transport." a female says, projecting her voice for all to hear. She then picks up a data tablet from a neat pile on the grav sled she was pulling. "Before you can go, you must read and sign a waver form understanding what you are about to get yourselves into. If you are getting the jitters, you are free to go. It will not look negative on your record!"

"If you are still going to do this, make two lines and pick up a waver. Read it, sign it, and give it to my associate at the transport before boarding."
She continues, pointing at an unusually tall dark skinned man waving at the crowd. Both had the Giretsu pin on their uniforms, indicating they were or currently are assigned to a Giretsu Century.

"Yes, these are members of the infantry section I am currently in command of on the YSS Resurgence. Considering your past and recent achievements Motoyoshi-chui, I shall help however I can. Not many old school Nekos around to lead the young. Don't worry to much about quickly getting your waver. It is going to be a long read, but I am sure one or two idiots will skim through it and get a rude awakening at the school." Akira responded in with the encryption key Tachiko provided. There was a bit of a grin as she turned to look at her team.

"Looks like it is show time. Be sure to thoroughly read that waver and don't fall for the mind games."

On the waver, it was a fairly standard form. It listed the responsibilities the School had to maintaining the well-being of the trainees, who to talk to if abused, etc. But there was also a lot more written on what was expected of from the trainee, the types of reasons for wash-out, and how they must behave at the school. The short of it was, there was no guarantee that you were going to pass and it was going to suck.
Zanven was called to attention with the rest of the group that arrived as they were all told about getting onto a transport, then to form two lines so that they could read through and sign a waiver for the training that they were about to receive. Of course there were a few that seemed like they might be nervous about it all but Zanven was ready and slung his bag over his shoulder before getting in line as ordered. He waited until it was time for him to read through and sign, but he did not go through the entirety of the waiver...he was analytical...but he did not want to hold this up any longer than what was needed. He signed where he was supposed to before waiting to board the transport with the rest of the crew that was joining this training.

When the transport would arrive, Zanven would take a seat near the middle and sit and wait for the crew to join in before they were to take off.
Zanven would find the transport lacking in seats. There were plenty of overhead rails and a few poles to grab on to. Considering it was nothing more than a XL sized Standard Shipping Container with plasma thrusters, it would not take much imagination to see how tightly together the trainees are going to be.

A conspiracy theorist might think it was part of a sinister plan. One of the trainees, after skimming the contract, imagines a green haired Neko Taisho twirling her mustache.
Sanda heard the orders to line up and sign the waver before boarding the transport. She turned back to Akira and said, "Thanks for the advice, Ma'am. I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to be." Sanda was smiling and there was a look of determination and a little hint of cockiness on her tattooed face. She had requested this, had wanted to push herself and see if she had what it took to be the best of the best. Sanda saluted then slung her bag and playfully slapped Yayoi on the shoulder. "Lets go get in line, Blade."

Even though there was a lot on the tablet, Sanda read every word of it. Some parts twice. Who knew, some of the stuff on here might come up in some test later. She signed the tablet and handed it to the tall dark man with a Giretsu pin. Maldita sea, esos se ven bien. Sanda thought as she eyed the cherry blossom pins and stepped onto the train.

Growing up, Sanda had always enjoyed riding trains and rail cars. She would take a stance in the middle of the car and see if she could maintain her balance without holding onto any hand rails. Even now, years later, that little girl habit would surface although she was wise enough now to not show off. She took a spot near the doors and by one of the poles that ran from the ceiling to the floor. She leaned back against the wall wedged her leg against to poll. This left her hands free to hold her bag. She could still reach out and grab the pole for balance if she needed to, but she preferred to keep her hands free. While she waited she stuck an earpiece in her ear and began playing some rock and roll music. It helped to release any remaining jitters she might have.
Delmira would get in line shortly after Sanda. The neko was going to try and stick with her more experienced ranger comrade. She took a waver and read it over twice, she wanted to make sure she had understood everything. She was unsure about the transport however, the thing looked like a death trap and seemed like it was a trap after all. The small neko however boarded it and grabbed a railing to short to grab one of the hanging hand rails.
Frank would get in line to sign the waver and read the tablet he was itching to get started when he hopped onto the transport he chuckled before stating. "All aboard the sardine can." given that there's a waver and all these rules and guidelines Frank guessed that a good number of injuries and probably a few deaths happen in this group, Which made sense for a speacil forces group.
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