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RP [Open RP] Trip to the Scrapyard (YE 46)


๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Game Master
Thad reached up and rubbed his thumb across his lips. He had planned on having one too many drinks and getting into trouble that way. Fate would have it that instead he'd be getting into trouble another way. He knew just the place which was not far from where they currently were located. Thad had been there a few times when looking for ship parts and other odds and ends.

Though before they headed to the junkyard they would make a small put stop. He wanted to swing by the Doki Doki YSA! to say hi to a few friends. While he no longer visited this location often, the friends he made over the years before he settled down were life long. Plus he figured what harm could come from a quick stop.

Thad waved his new friend scrappy to tag along with him. "Going to make a quick stop at a place I know first." He said as they walked along in the busy city. It only took a few minutes as the destination was near by. Outside the place was a large lit up sign, an inviting sight to see. As Thad neared one of the ladies standing outside spotted him. As they neared both would hear, "Oh my gawd, THAD!!!" As the young lady jumped up into his arms. He spun her around like it was nothing before putting her back on her feet. "Oh how long it has been since I last seen you Yuno. I see your still working at this hole in the wall place still." He said with a big grin. "Oh please, beats farming any day." Yuna said before she paused and took notice of Scrappy. "Clearly you been busy plowing, when did you have another kid?" She asked as she leaned forward to take a closer look.

Thad looked at Yuna then back at the D3, Scrappy. "Oh, yeah, I guess it would look that huh." He said before rolling in laughter.
D3 headed out of the bar with the man, he knew where to get this hands on ship parts and maybe even had tools, that meant she could make a Trouble Bubble or at least something akin to it that allowed for space flight. Granted Her current means of getting around was working but the main issue was finding ships willing to take on a nonpaying passenger, who would work for passage, some wild allow it some would not, this was good information for her to gather for later at least.

Following along after him D3 took note of where they were walking, after all if she wanted to find the place later it was best to memorize one path there if she had to get there alone, though he did mention wanting to stop somewhere first and when he asked about it she gave a thumbs up and nodded as she scooted along after him, now to most people the signs likely meant a lot, but to D3 each sign really didn't tell her much about the establishments at all since she had no clue what kind of businesses where in the area, but the man named Thad seemed to know so she followed along silently, simply scooting along after him, though the sight of the small female and the excessively large man was eye catching if only for the size difference.

The man named Thad was then accosted...no wait it was just a greeting.. he was greeted by a female that seemed to know him and the two talked a bit, seems the girl used to do Agricultural work but now worked here? maybe her hobby changed? then again people around these parts seemed to use currency a lot so likely it was in pursuit of that? Ether Way D3 remained silent as she scooted on up to the conversation and the woman seemed to infer that She was one of the large man's Progeny, D3 waved a moment before typing out on the pad Thad had given her typing out a message before turning it around for the woman to read.

"Hello I am Scrappy, and no I am not this man's Progeny I am a traveler and Thad has offered to help me procure parts for my ship, However he asked to make a detour to this place, it's nice to meet you!" the message read as D3 gave a thumbs up, her face staving as passive as always as she looked up at the taller woman. though when the woman looked closer it was clear D3 wasn't a child, Youthful looking yes, but her still clearly not a child, though likely the odd lighting of the place caused the confusion.
Thad reached up and waved his hand side to side. "Nah, not my kid. Though maybe could say an apprentice." He shared with his friend Yuna. After a few more minutes chatting the two headed back off on the quest for the junk. Though the place they were headed was well established and would not look much like a junk yard. The trip to the next location was uneventful.

Once there one could clearly tell this was a place to buy stuff. From the outside it looked like just a hanger. On the inside it was a place filled for odds and ends as far as the eye could see. Thad walked up to the counter and stared at the person on the other side. A few moments passed as they sized each other up before locking hands. "Ahh, still running this dump huh." Thad said to the guy. "Beats farming, so when you coming to work for me." The old man asked. By now the two had taken an arm wrestling position. Clearly they have done this many times. The battle looked hard fought then without warning Thad slammed his hand down, beating the old man. "And another one for the farmer. That makes us 30 to 29 correct?" Thad asked of the old guy. "Yeah, ya got me today. Which by the way, who is the younglin?"

Thad tipped his head to one side. "Ran into this one at the bar." To which the old man just laughed. "You always seem to find trouble at the bar. Alright, come I am sure I have something around here of interest. I just got in a beat up star fighter for example." Without wasting time the dude ran off, quick for someone of his age.

"Go on, see if you can find something. Can put it on my tab this time, my treat for hanging out with me." Thad then reached over and gave a pat on the head of Scrappy.
The confusion cleared up D3 Left the two to talk for the time being as she studied the buildings exterior to understand its possible use, it seemed to be perhaps a recruitment area? but looking in she noticed a lot of girls in uniform serving people, a service place for military? She really didn't know, perhaps she could ask Thad later when she wasn't to busy with what she was already doing, or had a lull in the work? Regardless They eventually left the place and so D3... or Scrappy as she was now being called, Waved tot he woman Thad had been talking with and she scooted after the larger man.

Going along with the man they eventually got to a place that looked like a hanger, and all the things inside made Scrappy blink and try to get a better look, thought the two men did seem to know each other but at first Scrappy was worried it way in a bad way till they started talking and that was cleared up and it seemed they were just in friendly competition and she watched the match and when That Won she gave a thumbs up before she waved tot he old man that owned the place when he asked about her.

She nodded when he mentioned the bar and she blinked a bit when the man called her trouble but she took out the datapad and wrote on it though as she was writing the old man mentioned a star fighter and then headed out into the building and Scrappy looked up and was about to head after him. but then Thads hand came down on her head and Scrappy just stood there eyes closed and staying a bit longer to let her head get patted a bit longer, letting out a little puff from her nose before she gave a thumbs up and scooted rapidly after the old man.

Finally catching up to the old man Scrappy was taking stock of what she was going by but she had to keep up with the man since he seemed interested in showing the star fighter he was talking about, and that would be a good base to build off of, since if she could get it working she would only need few things to get it into that condition was a likely hope.
All around Scrappy was every item would could need to make a ship. This included the base ship the dude was very happy to share. "Here she be, best ship in the entire place." He called out while patting on the side of the hull. A moment later part of the hull clanged to the ground as the ship fell apart. From behind them both Thad yelled out. "Boy, that ship is a piece of junk. My gawd, can't you find the girl a ship that is like not that?" He asked as he stepped closer.

Before them was a Wayfarer-Class Shuttle and it was in need of some love. It looked like the last mission had seen it dragged through an asteroid field. Thad walked over and kicked the hull. Another panel fell off and crashed to the floor. He had reached over and had moved Scrappy slight to the side as to not get hit by it. "Well, what do you think Scrappy? Believe we can get this thing fixed up?" He asked with a smile.
Scrappy scooted along taking note of everything in the area, and looking to the ship she scooted right on over to it, and when it started to fall apart she took note of that as well and she looked over to Thad when he called over, the falling apart wasn't a big problem to her she figured she would have to do work on it after all, she was getting used and broken parts after all, she just needed to do the work to secure things and likely the parts should be available in the area and if not she could likely make what was needed if the tech was similar enough.

Scrappy was scooting around the ship taking in what would need work though she was picked up and bodily moved by Thad to not get smooshed by the falling panel, then she circled it once more to take it all in once more before she scooted back to the large man and gave him a thumbs up and took out the data pad once more typing up a message as she looked around the junk yard to see what was available.

After taking stock she nodded and turned around the pad to show him was what written on it "Looking around at the damage it's mostly superficial, anything more damaged there seems to be parts available here for replacement, though it won't look pretty and some calibration would be needed to get it all to work together it would still work out with enough time, I would need tools as well, but it should work as long as we can get it flying and making sure the powerplant is stable and the engines work" she stood there to let him read as she pointed to the parts that likely would be needed.
Thad reached up and rubbed his chin. He was impressed with how quickly Scrappy was putting a plan together on how best to fix the ship. There was no doubt in his mind that she knew a few things. A big smile crossed his face as this was about to get fun.

Thad reached down and tossed the part of side armor that was on the ground. "Welp, lets get to work on this." He tossed the large panel over his shoulder, causing a large crash to echo through the hanger. He then just started grabbing parts and tossing. "Hmm, do we need..." Followed by whatever he was looked at to crash to the ground. "The fu...oh, OK, power cell." This also ended up in a pile. "Hey, that is the keep pile." He called out to Scrappy. The old guy from before had come back to the crew and had with him a large tool chest. "Have fun you two, try not to break..." He was cut short as Thad chucked glass onto the ground. Where that came from was anyone's guess.
Scrappy nodded and scooted away to a pile and started to slowly drag a few Power converters over to the pile, as well as a spare capacitor, and a few additional engine parts, which some would consider weird but Scrappy figured it would need an additional set of engine parts as it only had what she would consider to be a very small engine and powerplant so she needed to bulk that up and get some real power going through the ship, she also looked around and blinked a bit before taking out the datapad and writing out a message before scooting over to Thad and gently poking his arm to get his attention and showing him the pad.

"Is this ship Jump capable? and if so what kind of drive does it have for it? and are there any additional parts for that type of drive around here? you may be more familiar with the tech here so I figured I should ask you" the message read and after she was sure he had read it she scooted off to gather more parts like additional armor and plating for the hull and for cowling for the parts she was considering to attach and she would have to get in and look over the system which she did getting up into the ship to look through it's specs and figure out what could be attached and worked in and Scrappy was a bit surprised to see that it's system was oddly lacking... wasn't it missing an engine? it only had one small one... she would have to look into this.

she hopped out and would show another message to Thad "Is there an engine or powerplant missing? this can't be all of it right?" she pointed to the ship, she was sure there was meant to be more to the engines and powerplant of the ship as she wasn't to knowledgeable about the tech here as most of the work she did was cargo work or something like that rather then engineer.
Thad had made his way into the core of the ship. He checked round and as expected, did not find a jump drive. He poked his head from out the bottom of the ship. "Nah, no jump but seems to have a power cell." He then popped back into the ship and started to tinker. A few sparks, cussing and well placed hammer hits caused the power system to activate. A few moments later one of the thrusters let off a blast. it knocked over a pile of scrap beside the ship with a loud crash. It echo through the entire hanger. "I meant to do that." Thad yelled back through the ship.

Thad popped out of the ship and walked over to Scrappy. "Nice, got a good start of items to work with here." He said reaching over and giving her a pat on the head. "Powerplant is in there but for sure lacking. Power system is running which just saved us days of work." He then walked over and leaned over her to tap away at her data pad. An image popped up of what looked to be the ship they were working on. "Should give you an idea of what was there before. Though I picture you plan to make a few mods right." He said with a wink as he walked back over to the ship. "Man, stilling to take days to get it working. You don't happen to have other friends around here to help would you Scrappy?" He asked with a big grin.
Looking over the ship Scrappy was starting to figure things out about it, and the confirmation from Thad did mean it was missing components, but considering where it was located that was to be expected, likely whatever was very important or in much better condition was stripped out but she didn't have a list of what that could possibly be... but it Seemed that had a decent Idea given how he reacted to the gathered items and tools, so work on it shouldn't be to hard to do, at least for the moment, granted having specs would make the work a lot easier at least.

But the good news was the power system worked, Thad had apparently checked that, though the pat on the head made Scrappy freeze again and simply close her eyes and let out that little puff from her nose once more till he stopped, but once that was done, Thad also provided a picture and some small amount of data on the ship and she looked at the datapad and started to read, her eyes darting quickly along the words as she studied them. There would be a lot of work to do not to mention seeing what systems were missing or needed replacing, at the moment there wasn't much she could do about a missing jump drive, but at the very least she could fly the thing...maybe.

After reading the information on the Ship she scooted into the craft once more and started to look over things, except unlike before she now seemed to know where to look and for what, and she started to make a list on the data pad about the missing components. she scooted through the ship looking and everything she could before finally scooting out with an estimated repair time calculated and a list of the components that were missing that needed to be replaced to make it usable for travel. Scooting over to Thad as he asked about more help She shook her head and entered an additional message on the data pad before turning it around to show him.

"Unfortunately At the moment I am the only one here that can work on it, though it will take time I can get it done if I work at a steady pace, so there is no worry there, just means it will likely take longer then originally thought. I have done a inspection of the ship as well and have identified important components that will need to be replaced, rebuilt, or recovered to make the ship workable again, failing that manufacturing them could be done with the right resources, tools, and time" She then scrolled the Data pad to the list proper.

"The sensory system will need to be repaired. The Control surfaces are all gone or damaged save for the emergency controls, these must ether be replaced or remade, however control should still be possible through the Emergency controls. It appears the shield system is still intact however the power pathways will need to be repaired to make use of the shields. A new Jump drive system needs to be installed. Oddly the Stealth system is still intact and only needs to be reconnected and powered. All weapons are currently missing but are not crucial to travel but may be needed for defense against pirates. The distress beacon system was removed. as well as what seemed to be an emergency rations storage was empty. The communications system was taken out. these all need replacement or refit" She then showed a new note.

"Oddly the Galley, bathroom, First aid station and medical kit are all perfectly fine, and seem to be in once piece, at the very least someone could use it as almost a home while on planet but any space travel would be very difficult, especially without a jump drive available, all told if the parts can be acquired the repairs could be done in under two years but only if I can find all the parts required, if I am required to fabricate them, repair time will be far longer, but Doable. However I would need a place to stay and a workshop to do the repairs both of which I do not have on this planet as I only just got here not to long ago. I could live in the ship but I have no where to move it to, and I lack the fund to pay for accommodations. Thank you for your help and your offer to purchase the parts gathered here and the ship itself however, I may have to ask the owner if I can live on the premises in exchange for labor so I may work on it unless I can find alternate arraignments"

She waited for him to finish reading what she wrote and she looked back to the ship, it would take a while to get working if she worked on it alone but she had the time, at least for the moment, it's not like she had much other work to do anyway so she would only have this ship to work on.
Thad just reached up and waved his hand at her. "Giving a list that big and make it sound like this will take forever. Good eyes though on getting the details. We can give the list to my buddy at the front desk to have things dropped off at the farm." He said to her with a smile. It then clicked that he had not even asked where she was from. Maybe she already had a place to stay. Then he was informed she did not in fact have a place to stay. This is when the idea hit him.

"Tell you what, I have a spare bunk house and barn you can use for a workshop. Well, I call it a barn but it is an old starship hanger. Prior owner use to be in Star Army so had a place to store his ships. I been working to fix the place up. I am sure we can get that ship up and running long before two years." Thad then stuck out his hand. "So what do you say partner, ready for an adventure?" He asked grinning ear to ear. He just hoped Mia would not mind him bring home another friend he thought to himself.
Scrappy looked up at the man as he made his comment on the list, the good news was it seemed the man that ran the place could perhaps find the parts needed if they give him the list, that was a good thing to find out and so she nodded at the suggestion, though he mentioned it would be dropped off at his place of residence, that would mean she would have to ask where he lived and go pick up the parts when she could, though she had no means to pay him for that other then what money she had on her now, granted she had managed to gather that doing her little odd jobs for people while hopping aboard ships to even get here, but she could just find more work to try to pay for the gathering of the items.

That was the thought going through her head before he offered her a place to stay and a place to use as a workshop, she blinked a bit hearing this but he seemed set on the idea and so she nodded and gave another thumbs up to him before he stuck out his large hand toward her and she looked at it a second clearly not having any clue what he was doing for a second till it seemed to dawn on her and she reached out and shook his hand, sounds like she had a place to say but she did write out a new message to make sure she understood "Thank you for a place to stay though I don't know how I would pay you proper recompense for the work area and the living arraignments, I currently have limited funds on me" she showed the message to him after saving the list to show to the man that ran the place for later.
Thad once more reached out and place his large hand on the head of the D3. "Don't worry about the money. Sometimes the adventure is worth whatever it costs. Plus you can keep the kids company to give Mia a break." He then thought for a moment and continued. "That would be my wife, real firecracker that one be. Though real sweet too. She more than likely bring you in like one of her daughters." Which at this point Thad noticed how late it was starting to get. He knew that his little sweet heart wouldn't be so sweet if he was gone too long.

"Come on miss, lets get some things packed up and head home. My little lady will tan my hide if I get home too late." He then let out a deep laugh. He started to toss a few items on the hover cart he located near the ship. "I'll have my buddy tow the ship to the house. We can work on it first thing in the morning." Thad rolled a few more items onto the cart and headed towards the exit.
Scrappy looked up at Thad as he answered and as his hand rested on her head she closed her eyes once more and let out that little puff from her nose, but she didn't move away seemingly content to just stand there with his hand on her head as he spoke though she was listening to him, a place to stay and she only had to help out? And she would get the space she needed to work and a corner to sleep in? That was going to work perfectly, she did hope she wouldn't be in the way of them however, though the mention of helping watching kids made her give a thumbs up still unmoving from beneath the mans large hand.

Though once he started talking about packing up Scrappy nodded and scooted around to pick up the parts she had gathered and put them on the cart, scooting around rapidly so her new Benefactor wouldn't get in trouble with his wife, and with the items accounted for Scrappy nodded and followed along rapidly behind him, scooting along and taking note of other things in the junkyard, things they might need later and she would note them down for later checking for compatability.

As they reached the exit she took out the list of the things the ship would need and she handed it to Thad's friend giving a little salute to the man as she did so before holding up the Data pad "These are the things I was hoping you could keep an eye open for or try to acquire for me, it's what I will need to get the ship ready, thank you very much" she blinked up at the large man, well many were larger then her due to height but that was beside the point.
The short man lifted an eye brow as he took the list from Scrappy. "Thad, I think you might have found yourself an apprentice." Thad paused what he was doing and gave a look towards Scrappy. "Yeah, I believe you are right about that. Well if that is the case going to need to give her a proper name." He said with the biggest of smile. "Well since she does seem to enjoy fixing things, how about we call her Yoshimi. Can then call her Yosh or Mi for short." The old man did a chuckle. "So Mi and Mia, now you have two woman in your life to keep you on the straight and narrow huh." Thad reached over and hit the guy on the arm. "Say that like I go out looking for trouble. Please, trouble finds me." Thad said in a huff. "Likely story, officer, his face ran into my fist. Honest." By now the old man had slipped off into the junk pile.

"Alright Mi, lets head back to the old farm house and get to work. This ship isn't going to build itself after all." Thad then jumped into the seat of the hover cart and waited for Mi to join him.

Trip back home was a quick adventure. As the cart came to the top of a hill, Thad reached his hand out. "And there we have it, my little slice of life." He called out to Mi. From this location it looked like it might had been an old run down airfield. Maybe it was used to service the farms in the area. It had a few hangers and a large control tower in the center. As they got closer she would see little kids rounding around with someone chasing after them.
Scrappy apparently got a new Nickname she would have to add it to the list, apparently the people around here liked to give them out, this was good information to gather for later, and she took out one of her little signs while the two larger men talked, noting down her new nicknames, Scrappy, Yoshimi, Yosh, and Mi before putting the sign away, so she would have it ready for when people asked her name now since she now had nicknames to go by around here so introductions would go smoother no doubt. It was then the two men seemed to finish talking and the newly Christened Mi looked up at That and nodded as she hopped into the seat next to him in the hover cart and road along with him.

As they road back Mi was taking mental note of everything along the way so she could find her way back if needed, she had been doing this since getting to this planet so she hopefully wouldn't get lost, but there was a lot of places once could wander into that they don't know on a whole planet, but every little bit helped to ensure you could find something you may remember.

At the top of the hill Mi looked over the buildings and the land That had and it seemed rather nice, clearly work was being done on some things though, but likely Thad was already working on that, perhaps he was trying to get the place up and running again as a airfield? Regardless she would have a lot of work to do on the ship once it arrived. She did notice smaller figures running around being chased and she blinked a bit and pointed at the disturbance.
Thad no more jumped off the power cart before he was attacked by Mia. The big man spun in place as he held tightly on his little lady. "Oh my, did someone miss me while I was gone?" He asked of her. "Clearly!" She called out before giving him a big kiss on the lips. A moment later, the kids had started running around the cart yelling, "daddy!!" They also started to bang on the stuff in said cart as well.

"Hey kids, stop that before something blows up." He called out trying to swat the kids away. It was in this moment that Mia locked onto Mi, who she finally noticed. Her eye twitched for a moment before she spoke. "Long lost daughter from a secret woman?" She asked under her breath as she started to choke Thad. Though she was strong his thick neck was only passed by his even thicker skull. "No dear, new helper." He shared as he gave her a big bear hug. "I learned my lesson not to tempt fate." He said with a grin as he booped her on the nose. "Come now, let us meet your new helper." Thad announced to the crew.

The kids quickly rounded up and stood in line. The oldest waved towards Mi. The next oldest, managed a wave before falling on her butt. And lastly the baby just did a giggle towards her. "And there we have it, my little troop of trouble." He said in a proud dad voice. "And this is my lovely wife. Don't mind the blood lust in her eyes, its a feature." He said with a laugh before he slapped her on the behind. Mia let out a yelp before she spun around and punch Thad on the arm. "Ouch, you big bag of bolt, now go, get this mess cleaned up before dinner." She scolded as she pointed towards the hanger near by.

"You heard the boss, lets go get this pile of stuff in the hanger. Of if you like, you can go help Mia, choice is yours."
Mi watched the greeting between the two and the call of the smaller members and it confirmed they where his children and his wife, so that explained all that, though when he had hopped off he had left the Cart technically in neutral and so before the children started clambering all over the cart and banging on the contents Mi changed the cart to stationary so it wouldn't move without changing the mode, for the safety of the children, and then resumed sitting there as the group of children smacked the components around.

At she doubted they could actually damage anything there, and nothing had power going through it at the moment so Thad's caution wasn't required, but she assumed it was for their protection and to keep some semblance of order. Turning back to the happenings Mi's eyes met the woman's eyes and she blinked a bit as the woman looked at her, before tilting her head to the side in a puzzled manner when he question came out, then she looked to Thad who was currently being accosted, but he didn't seem distressed in the least so Mi assumed it was a normal occurrence between the two, especially since it didn't seem to cause any harm. And when he mentioned Mi was a new helper Mi raised her arm and gave a little wave.

The group lined up and when she was waved at Mi returned the wave and then once more, before blinking a bit at the youngest falling over, but it seemed they were okay so she didn't move, she then looked to Thad as he began speaking. Tilting her head once more in that puzzled manner when he mentioned bloodlust in his wife but she assumed it was meant as a term of affection before a quick physical exchange between the two and request was made.

Mi looked back to Thad as he mentioned the lady was the boss, something Mi would note for later, it was good to know the hierarchy of the place she would be staying after all, and she gave a little salute before lifting up the Data pad for everyone to see so they could see her greeting message.

"Hello everyone I am Scrappy, Yoshimi, Yosh, or Mi. Thad has given me many different names, He found me in a place called a bar and said he would let me stay over while I work on my spaceship. Thank you for the welcome and the hospitality, I will do my best to make myself useful while I am here, please feel free to call me any of the nicknames Thad has given me!" she then gave a thumbs up to everyone before she put the cart into drive and waved to Thad showing the pad once more.

"Just lead the way I seen you drive this so I think I can handle it now" she then gave another thumbs up as she waited to drive the cart where it needed to go
After reading the board, Mia reached over and slapped Thad on the arm again. "And this is why I named the children." She commented doing her best to hold back a smile. Mia then spoke up. "Go on and have your little adventure. Just, try and keep the kids out of trouble." She then looked to the oldest boy. "And that one has been nothing but trouble." To which Aiden replied by sticking his tongue out at her. Thad let out a small chuckle at the action. "Yeah, I will work him so the only reason his tongue is sticking out is cause he is dog tired." To which Aiden quickly sucked his tongue back into his face and stood at attention.

"Alright Mi, lets go drop this off at the shed over there." His big arm lifting up and pointing off into the distance. Stood a fairly run down looking shed, though given the size it was more like a barn. Around it was all kinds of stuff, most of which looked like junk. Thad started to walk over, with the kids closely following behind.

Once at the door Thad stood proudly. "This here is my workshop that has all manner of toys inside." Thad then popped out the double doors. On the inside was nothing like the outside. There was high end hardware and equipment one might find in a shipyard. "My little home away from home. Place to keep me busy so I don't drive the wife crazy." One of the kids with muddy shoes then ran into the place. "Hey hey, what have I said about bringing dirt into the lab." Thad shouted out to the boy. "I know Dad!!" He called out. The kid then wondered over to a robot that was cleaning the floor. It paused for a moment and scanned him from top to bottom. Then a bluish beam emitted from broom it was holding. A wipe later and his shoes were spotless.

"Welp Mi, make yourself at home. There is a place to sleep up in the loft there. Has a full kitchen and bathroom. Speaking of, do you need a shower?" He asked tipping his head to one side.
Mi listened to them and it seemed Thad's naming sense wasn't the best, though she did still get a nickname so people could call her something, so it all worked out. As the child was commented on and they stuck out their tongue Mi blinked a bit as she looked at the boy, then to the family again as Thad made his comment about the child's behavior, This seemed to have the desired effect of causing Aiden to behave a bit.

Regardless Mi's attention was called by Thad and she gave a nod and a thumbs up before pulling away with the cart, making sure to make a bit of room between her and the walking group to avoid any accidents, and soon she was at the barn like building with a lot of junk around it, and apparently it was the workshop Thad had mentioned before, with the cart parked and engine turned off Mi hopped down, and looked up at the building blinking a bit before looking to Thad and giving a thumbs up,

It was likely a good Idea to keep things being worked on far from the house after all the noise from working alone could bother someone, so it made sense. Then Thad chastised his child about running in with dirty foot ware and Mi looked at her own shoes, and sure enough they were dirty as well, so she watched the kid and they got their shoes cleaned by the robot and so Mi walked over and did the same.

Only the Robot seemed to look over Mi, up and down for a moment before the light on the broom got very bright before it basically started to brush Mi from top to bottom, Mi's arms flailing as she tried to wriggle away from it, but it chased after her brushing the whole time, until it managed to corner her and finish the job. after a few moments Mi can scooting back to the group nearly sparkling with how clean she was now, and the Robot returned to it's place seemingly happy with it's job.

Taking the pad out Mi answered Thad's question "Well I hadn't had a chance to get a room since I landed really, so have been mostly sleeping wherever I could, as for a shower I don't seem to need one now thanks to your very thorough robot, but I might have one anyway just to make sure if you don't mind?" she held up the pad for him to read and blinked up at him, granted her clothing and skin looked a lot cleaner now, again she was practically shining.

With that she scooted around the workshop putting some things away from the cart before taking a good look around the place, though other then putting thing away she didn't touch anything since she didn't know what work was being done and what was delicate from what was laying around
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