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Laz Public Network [Open Thread] Talk the Universe


Inactive Member
Jeez, would you look at the political mudslinging going on lately? It's been barely a week since Himiko got into power, and she's already promising the world and denouncing her opponents at any chance they get. Hell, she abolished the senate as an aside.

(You know why I think she did that? The senate has been trying to go over the head of the Imperial Family and the YSA ever since last year, despite being appointed. A democratic system might, ironically, not violate their wishes so much.)

And of course they're denying all that Mishhu stuff. The plague, whatever, I don't care who caused it at this rate - Elysians, Useu, PNUgen, whoever. Enough people have died since then, but man, I know people who died in the Mishhu war, just a few months ago.

Not that I think the UOC is much better. They've been rather coy, passive-aggresive, baiting the Ketsurui into making statements. I can't even look at my news ticker anymore without seeing some statement by one nation or another about how cool they are.

In any case, Himiko says she's changing things - that's fine. I don't see it down planetside, though, and I don't see how reducing the military is gonna help anything. Halna wasn't a matter of ships, it was a matter of stupid management.

Feel free to say what you like. I rather like this new network. Wish I'd thought of it.

- Anzalez Dastravi
We've been keeping to ourselves for the most part--most of this doesn't involve us and it doesn't interest us either. But we're getting a little worried, seeing what happened at Halna.

Khorsovarolor stands as pretty much the only barrier between Yamatai and the rest of the galaxy, worlds we know are out there but which we've left unexplored. The Khorsoi don't view those planets as our territory and if there are other races out there we don't have any interest in planting our flag on their soil. We just want to be left alone and are sure that they want the same.

I for one, however, can't ignore the fact that there are peoples and nations moving towards us; inexorably, it seems, as now Essia bears the flag of the Yamataians and I am concerned that Nassau and Magdalena (what the Yamataian map lists as an unremarkable star system) will be the next to fall beneath the shadow of imperialism.

If they come for us next, will it be in our best interest to fight? Or should we pull up our roots and disappear into the void? It's damn sure that they won't be ceasing their expansionist attitude any time soon and open rebellion against them, or disdain for their practices, tends to be met with overwhelming force.

I'm going to stop writing now; every moment I'm connected to this network is costing me more than a day's pay and access isn't granted casually.

Waiting to see what happens,
- E. Knight
I don't think the Ketsurui need baiting, I mean, shit, look at how they interact diplomatically. Did you see the farse of the International Peace Summit when the Ketsurui started bickering with the Lorath representative and the Mishhu lady?

I'm still not sure what to make of the new "kinder, gentler" Yamatai with their death penalty for desertion and their shotgun politics. The UOC... I haven't seen that much out of them that sets them apart from the cloth they were grown from in Yamatai. I see a lot of promises and politics but nothing solid. I'm not sure we can really trust either nation since they are doing the exact same things right now.

Democracy is in fashion and you have to give Nepleslia create for starting the trend first. I'm not sure how things are gonna go, there seems to be a storm on the horizon. Is there much else we can really do though besides watch Nepleslia very carefully to see which way the jump next?

- S.A.L.
I'm still not sure what to make of the new "kinder, gentler" Yamatai with their death penalty for desertion and their shotgun politics. The UOC... I haven't seen that much out of them that sets them apart from the cloth they were grown from in Yamatai. I see a lot of promises and politics but nothing solid. I'm not sure we can really trust either nation since they are doing the exact same things right now.

Speaking as a former soldier, I can say that the death penalty for desertion is not uncommon--in wartime, that is, and I don't see Yamatai at war with anybody.

There are some very relevant issues here, especially considering that Yamatai and its fellows aren't the only ones that are going to be affected by the habits of the YSE, NDI, and UOC.

We're sending a message to the galaxy by the things we do, or fail to do; and just because we haven't encountered them yet doesn't mean they're not out there watching us.

On the whole I think the people of the Settled Regions need to watch themselves carefully. We don't know what tomorrow will bring so it's in our best interests to tread carefully lest the bridge we built collapse underneath us.
What you now witness
Is empire building at work
It is all around us.

Your world is so strange:
You fight over almost nothing
Why do you do this?

I don't understand.

-ADDR 52-65-62-65-6b-61
OsakanOne said:
What you now witness
Is empire building at work
It is all around us.

Your world is so strange:
You fight over almost nothing
Why do you do this?

I don't understand.

-ADDR 52-65-62-65-6b-61

Ah, the Sourcian. News of your infamy travels far, if you know where to listen.

The answer is simple: resources. It may not seem like it from far away but the need for resources is at the heart of every struggle. People may try to mask it with ideology or social reform, but the fact of the matter is, we have and they want, and so long as they continue to want, despite being able to support themselves independently of trade, they will make war on all who stand in the way of their goals.

That is, if they can't buy the planet that you're sitting on, or coerce you into an unfair trade agreement. They want to be top dog, and stay there. The formation of the UOC was a blow to them, and they're going to cling ever more tenaciously to what they have left, so don't be surprised to see them do a face heel turn and set themselves up as warlords again.

In fact, I'd stake my reputation on it.

-T. Gillian
I finally had to say something directly to both a SAoY Officer AND a UOC National, I'm one of those undecided they're trying to convince to pick a side...and their current tactics aren't helping either, really. I had to go to Nepleslia just to avoid having one in each ear!

The UOC is being a bit more tactful than Yamatai, but their reasons for disliking Yamatai run deep...fortunately, they're technically neutral, and I know they won't attack anyone. Yamatai...

...It all depends, really. I think we should keep a close eye on the Ketsurui Military Sector. If this progressive stance Empress Himiko is taking doesn't pan out, it's not too hard to reason that some KMS groups may try to fill the power vacuum left behind by those government officials who defected to the UOC. Without a senate, it would be quite easy to declare martial law and take rights away from the people. Uesu-sama is obviously still respected by Yamatai's core government, and may use that and family ties to change the opinions of his granddaughter should he truly wish for a return to the old way.

We must be vigilant, and ensure that these progressive policies do NOT fail to transform Yamatai, even if we assume for a moment that they were started with ulterior motives...or we may wind up with a messy situation on our hands.

I only pray that the worst scenario doesn't come to pass.

Kage Yaichiro
You are so distant.
Speaking over such distance.
This is new to me.

News of your infamy travels far, if you know where to listen.

I do not know where.
I ask: Where does one listen?
Where does it travel?

You referrer to me by noun (I am known?)
What is "So-ur-ci-an"?

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I have a name now?
One created by your kind?
Why did you do this?

-ADDR 52-65-62-65-6b-61
FROM: Terry Gillian
TO: Rebeka

I know the one you travel with. The one that you are. I follow my friends closely, I search for news and I keep a record of where they've been and what they've seen. MEGAMI and KAMI aren't as all-seeing as they would have you believe...

All things must be known, if not now then soon. Time is flexible and if one knows which strings to pull, listening across hundreds of light years becomes as easy as standing in the same room.

Not that I know how to do such things. ANUBIS read your movements through PANTHEON and KAMI alike. They saw you flee the Great Lighthouse, and once you sent your message here it was easy enough to track you down.

I wish you'd come back to me.