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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II [Open] Tsukimi YE 46 - Never Again


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
Asagumo-jo, Port Jiyuu - Kosuke Sector / Tokyo, Jiyuu III

Port Jiyuu​

Sharie System, Kosuke Sector​


"We must keep reaching out, even further, so that there is always a world we can stand on and look to the sky and still see Taiie there." - Motoyoshi Tachiko, Resolutions of the Ghost - Forty-Two, YE 42

As the simulated night descended over Asagumo City, the sky glowed red, marking the time of year when the Motoyoshi, along with the people of the MCS and the new settlements in the Kosuke Sector, gathered to celebrate Tsukimi. This festival honored the harvest moon that once illuminated the fields of Taiie. Traditionally, Tsukimi was one of the few occasions when Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro, with the help of alcohol, would openly share his thoughts on the tragedy—sometimes more than he should, as the celebration included guests beyond just family.

This year was different, however. The responsibility of hosting the celebration for the Motoyoshi and their closest friends and allies had fallen on Taro himself.

The grand dining room of the palace was adorned in opulent splendor, lit by the soft glow of wax candles in place of the usual lighting. The drapes had been pulled back to reveal the simulated Taiie night sky, activated over the city for the occasion. Taro stood by one of the windows, gazing out over the city, having earlier tried to sneak a peek at Tachiko's secret menu for the evening. A fully stocked bar had been set up to serve guests before and after dinner.

Since it wasn't her year to host, Katsuko was expected to arrive with the other guests, despite staying with Akina in their suite on the floor above. Taro stood, waiting for the first arrivals, as soft flute melodies drifted from the nearby Music Room.

Tokyo, Jiyuu III​

Capital of the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector​

Millions gathered in the streets and along the harbor shores, coming together to feast and celebrate the Tsukimi holiday. The city buzzed with excitement, the air filled with the aroma of food and the sounds of lively chatter. Boats illuminated the harbor, their shimmering lights reflecting off the calm waters, creating a dazzling display that added to the festive atmosphere. Along the shoreline, grand stages hosted a variety of performances by YTP Entertainment, drawing crowds eager to enjoy music, dance, and theatrical displays that spanned traditional and modern styles.

This year, however, a subtle yet poignant message permeated the celebration, one that many might overlook—except for the residents of Tokyo. The eight statues of the Emperor and Empresses, both present and past, stood shrouded in darkness. Their unlit presence symbolized the blind eye the rest of the Empire had turned during the tragic loss of Taiie, a silent reminder of the sorrow that lingered beneath the surface of the festivities.

Despite this somber undertone, the streets overflowed with joy. People danced in the open squares, children played games with lanterns in hand, and vendors lined the streets, offering everything from festival snacks to intricate handmade souvenirs. Music filled the air from every corner, as traditional instruments mixed with modern beats, setting the tone for a night of revelry. The energy was electric, and as the moon—whether real or simulated—rose high in the sky, it illuminated a city alive with laughter and celebration.

As the night wore on, the festivities only grew more vibrant. Fireworks exploded above the harbor, painting the sky in brilliant hues of red, gold, and violet, while partygoers toasted to the future, raising their cups in honor of both their shared history and the hope of better days to come.
ISS Yoi-no-Myōjō
Flagship of the Motoyoshi Clan

ISS Yoi-no-Myōjō emerged from hyperspace fold in formation with a number of Orchid Fleet vessels in accompaniment. The mammoth vessel surrounded by its escort flotilla and support ships exiting hyperspace heralded a momentous return from its maiden voyage. Engines calmed to cruising speed, the royal purple and deep plum lighting that emanated from the Evenstar highlighted the flagship against dark voids of space. So much had happened in the time since their departure from the very orbital installation they now returned to. When the time came it was with much reverence that a watch stander went over comms "Port Jiyuu Actual, Evenstar is ready for docking."

Sometime after docking

The blissfully chaos filled, bubblegum pink haired, Deck Officer of the Evenstar smoothed over the fabric of her deep purple kimono with green flowers. Her fingers brushed over the obi that matched those green flowers in color quite perfectly. There were very few in this existence she would venture out of her comfort zone, young though she was. The Motoyoshi Clan had taken her in as an orphan, given her opportunities she could not even fathom. Over time she had grew close to Eidan, Kuroko, and Zabuza. A mix of young love and deep friendship intermingled for her with the three.

Their welcome companionship deepened her existing attachment to the Motoyoshi in ways she did not yet comprehend. Shaking off thoughts too weighted for most of a similar age to bare Yuki gently shook the lengths of her pink hair. She set off towards those gathered to celebrate Tsukimi, her eyes falling across eight darkened statues. For a brief moment her eyes shot wide open as she stilled in thought about their symbolism.
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