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SACN Openings in Salvage Ship


Inactive Member
Due to a critical illness of the planned CO, openings have opened on a Sojourner-class vessel, which is one of the ships under my command. The ship is as of yet unnamed and unfurnished, though I do possess funds to refurnish the vessel.

The following are requested for service aboard the unnamed Sojourner, though some may also be hired for service aboard my main ship, the SRSS Yggdrasill.

Commanding Officer:
Previous Command Experience Required. Former Military Service a plus (Yamataian, Nepleslian, or Elysian. Honorable Discharge, Officer standing prefered.)

First Officer:
Previous Command Experience Preferred. Former Military Service a plus (Yamataian, Nepleslian, or Elysian. Honorable Discharge, Officer or Higher Soldier standing prefered.)

Engineers can have varying fields of training and expertise, will be considered by submission. Starship Engineers will have a basic grasp of STL and FTL propulsion, Power Systems, System Control, Sensor Repair, etc. Salvage Engineers can be as various, though military service and/or formal education are always pluses. Knowledge of multiple races' technology is a major plus.

Medics must be able to act quickly to heal the injured we sometimes rescue on our salvage runs. Must be trained in a variety of medical equipment and procedures, as well as in on-site First Aid. The more races one can treat, the better.

Power Armor Pilots:
Power Armor Pilots are needed to gather and inspect salvage before it is brought on the ship, recover fragile items, and even defend the ship from hostiles. Weapons Knowledge a plus. Former military training a plus.

Pay is weekly with opportunities for advancement, as well as pay in salvage. Generous bonuses in starting wages for former Military personnel.

Yuki Toshiro, Commodore, Yggdrasill Salvage Team
SRSS Yggdrasill (SRSS-001)
SRSS Alucard (SRSS-001)
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