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OOC Operation Chevalier: The Round Table

Please add the plot to the list of active plots.
ah, i had the feeling i'd forgotten somwthing.

EDIT: this question goes out to my players: what is your initial reaction to being involved in more than one, or even two, missions at a time?
That all depends on how often people post. If people are posting every other day, having more than one or two missions might get difficult, but if posting is only once or twice a week, multiple missions would be a lot more manageable.
I've got no problem with one post a day minimums, I've just had a busy week. Got hit pretty hard but should lighten up by next.
Just for clarification, are we only operating one unit? And what weapons are they armed with? Also, is it clear that the robots are active, or can they play dead for a little bit.
Terribly sorry for any delays, family had some record-keeping issues and my access was pretty much nonexistant.

Since Acadia is getting archived soon I decided to use that banner style to save some time.

No, we haven't, but Ira has. I've been waiting for him to post and this was his second chance. I should have something up on Monday night assuming life, writer's block, or death does not intervene.
Looks like it was death this time, or rather taxes. Anyways, sorry for the delay, everything's been very busy lately. Give me a moment to consult with my peers and we'll see if things start chugging along.
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