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RP Operation Gonads: The Search for Callaghan


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 45.9
RP Location
NSS Episcopus
Captain's Suite

"I look forward to when you are delivering me news," Admiral Violetta said to Commandant Leo Taylor as he arrived into her chambers aboard the Shaika-class. At his arrival into her office she pushed her glasses down the crest of her nose.

"News about the calamari out there attacking one of our colonies of deer ladies." The commandant stood near the closed door, looking as if he had one foot in one foot out on the green shag carpeting. "We've sent a squad of zoomies out to get whatever prelims, which turned up to substantiate reports."

"They're deer women, not ladies. They haven't the manners to be called such." Violetta said as she dropped her shoulder and pulled up a pair of gloves and pushed on one single finger at a time.

"Aye, sir."

"Time to really join this war, then." Violetta said as she tugged on the last finger of the sky-colored gloves and stood, pulling her jacket from the back of her chair up with her. "This task is more than suited to the Fourty Ounces battlegroups and the second assault fleet's flagship. Thank you for keeping me apprised earlier and thus ready to sortie. We'll have the NSS Pimpilicious and the old ball 'n' chain on standby. If you wouldn't mind resuming your command duties from there, that would be splendid."

"Roger. Sounds like someone to fight that we can't feel bad about putting out of its misery," Commandant Taylor said.

"Yes, unlike slavers, apparently," Violetta said bitterly, recalling one of the Nepleslian Admirals shirking the same task when it had been Kuvexians. She was already drawing the cuffs of her blue blazer taught as she came around the side of her stout wooden desk. She pulled her datajockey with her as she headed to the door.

"We'll ship out within the hour. Oh and Commandant?" Violetta asked, stopping to look up at Taylor.


"Did the records indicate Callaghan?"

"Roster says it, Sir." Leo Taylor said as he tapped the datajockey at his waist. Through line of sight, a file was sent from his to hers. She pulled up her own datajockey and made a slight tap of it toward her temple, as if saluting. He opened the door for the both of them and they stepped out onto the bridge's raised platform. She saw Taylor tapping away, likely relaying orders, even as he jogged down the steps away from the suites.

"He makes a better XO than you," Violetta said in a low voice as she looked towards Nero Ramani's room, then down to the handful of bridge crew. Below her dozens of consoles sat unmanned, but Violetta knew that would change in the coming minutes. At her behest, she changed the large screens on the walls to show the outside of the ship. Breathing in as she looked at the stars that surrounded the Episcopus, she smiled. Before marines arrived, she wanted to read what Leo had sent her about Callaghan, though, and she looked back to her datajockey and tapped her gloved finger to the screen.

Titled starkly in the field for operational classification was the word Gonads with the Captain Callaghan's name just below it. But what made her smile truly fade was what she read below within the after action report.
OOC Notes
Green-Blooded Space Stories
In Orbit of Adoe
NSS Episcopus

The steppes that the Elefirn had taken up residence along were made up of long plains between built up cities. The Elefirn women had found the planet much to their liking for grazing during the day and retiring into a different town or city every night. There were many populations by now, each group traveling about on a daily basis to the cities they maintained and loved in their own transitive way.

Even though this planet was closer to the Kikyo Sector and wasn't their home planet nearer Kuvexia, the Elefirn women agreed that it was as if all the best qualities of their past planet Adir had been condensed into its best parts to make their new home of Adoe. They had found this lifestyle, coupled with Nepleslia's laissez-faire style of governance, much better than the harsh subjugation of Kuvexia.

That is, until the Mishhuvurthyar had come. A small arriving force of NMX had come to descend upon the Elefirn. In their haste, the Mishhuvurthyar hadn't realized that the all female populace were spoken for by the Nepleslian people. Slowly at first and then all at once, the Elefirn's society and way of living had changed for the worse. When the distress calls clamored in, Nepleslia had sprung to action.

Now atop the bridge surrounded by the bustling atmosphere, Violetta De Luca clasped her gloved hands together atop her baby blue pencil skirt. The frenetic typing and talking of the Shaika she commanded from was only shadowed in excitement by the screens around all of them and what they showed.

On them were ground troops moving in to the dug out trenches. Some of the trenches were wider and deeper than most rivers, large enough to house racks of armors next to their tank counterparts. Violetta watched the scenes unfold as some of the marines made their way closer to one of the numerous cities that they were descending upon while others still manned those trenches. Once every few minutes a squad would crawl away on their bellies towards a ridge of hills on the steppe or a patch of trees, intent on finding as many civilian Elefirn as they could during the first few days of this crisis.

"Has the Area Commander had Rickett's men branch off yet?" Violetta asked the blue uniformed mission operator.

"That platoon has not moved from the defensive lines yet, Sir," he replied to De Luca.

Violetta had frowned slightly, making her pale, soft skin furrow ever so slightly below her lip. But she regained her look of compelled stoicism to nod to the blue uniformed mission operator.

"Please tell Lieutenant Rickett to move his men off this open field and towards the steppe's plateau where scans found cave pockets. The wisest of the deer women will have wanted to find cover." The Admiral closed her violet eyes, then added, "With haste. Those Elefirn"

Some screens showed the Nepleslian Space Navy's efforts against the ships of the NMX. The Mishhuvurthyar with their endless swarms of battlepods and Nepleslia with their massed positron arrays spewed excited subspace anti-matter and missiles into the face of their enemy's ships. Though Nepleslia and the Mishhuvurthyar had little commonality, they shared in their dogged perseverance. Anybody with eyes —even Violetta with her poor vision— could see that on the battlefields above the Elefirn colony today.