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RP: Section 6 Operation Ice Breaker: Lower Base

The Desert Rider rolled backwards as Vier's shield pushed forwards, making some space between the motorcycle and the fearsome PA. As the floor began to crumble, Essex bumped the bike right up onto the now horizontal shield, feeling rather comfortable in her position. There was a gaping hole underneath her, water threatening to flood in, and armors apparently climbing the walls. But she seemed to be doing just fine for now.

"Is that Jack? Oi! Jack!" The machine wiggled its front wheel, but wasn't really able to go anywhere. Essex hadn't really noticed the flashbang, since she didn't have those senses in the traditional sense. Or feel pain or even discomfort. Between sensors on the gun, bike and Vier's drones, she still had a fairly good view of the area. "We found your bloody kid! Let's bunk off already!" She continued shouting over the various sounds of battle, seeming unconcerned and somewhat bored. Well, she hadn't gotten to shoot anything all day, after all...
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Jack would receive a transmission. "Hello there commander. We have some of your men here. If you want them back alive you will let us leave without incident. Some are already dead however as they didn't want to comply. The others' fates are in your hands."
Lazarus was about to drop below when the message came through, momentarily pausing before dropping. He would hit the floor plates below, leaving them bend with the sound of strained metal, "Grrrr, You seem to evade combat again. Fine,..Agent Weiss, we must wait for him to comply, or continue."

Jack stopped as well, the PAs doing so as well, a few from his teams either injured, or dead. Not changing his stance he spoke to all units, "This is commander Pine, all forces cease fire. Enemy units have temporarily ceased hostile actions. Await for further orders."

"You have my attention. We are here with your prisoners as our top priority. Release my men, and don't hinder rescue operations and your people and forces can leave peacefully. You should be getting alerts that my units have ceased offensive actions, are we in agreement?"

Mark one moment had been in a firefight, then a stare down the next as they had moved to outside the holding area where Amit had been found. The squad he was with waited outside as he followed the waypoint to where Amit had been seen. Looking into the cell with visor shielded eyes, he saw a man.

He rechecked the marker again, and again, "Vier, I think you need to do a diagnostic. I found where you claimed to find Amit, but it's an adult male here."
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The Psychopomp forces would quickly pull out and head to the shuttle Bay. Jack would then receive anianot transmission. "Thank you for understanding your men are at these coordinates. A quick heads up the cannon is overloading the AI feels that it is the only option to allow a successful escape but it too late to stop it now. Stay on the lower floors and you should be fine. The prisoners are yours but some of them might not want you to 'save' them."
Ace would then give the retreat order to any stagglers left behind.
The sounds were a surprise, what the hell could be going on here? The man didn't assume anything great but they were soon going to see what was going on. A man appeared with some sort of visor over their eyes, and he raised a somewhat disinterested brow at them. They seemed to move on though...that is...till they came back again and repeated the process.

"You lost or something?" Amit questioned, growing annoyed at seeing the man walk back an forth in front of the cell. "Amit's my name, what's so hard to believe bout that? Considering what those assholes do down here..."
She glanced at Lazarus, moving over and putting her back to his, deep blue eyes scanning around the room. Keeping an eye on Jack. Though the command came and they were allowed to leave. A sheathed knife, before she raised her hand. And circled it twice. The men in Shadow company breaking cover and moving over to gather their wounded and dead. Withdrawing towards their reserved shuttle. Weiss pushing herself away from Weiss, flicking the baton around and pushing it back in.

It wasn't today she died, it seemed like.

She snorted softly, sending one last, vile glance at the entrance, before moving out with Shadow One.
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Having rendezvoused with Kilo, Jay's unit now contained about a dozen troops despite casualties. Hearing Jack's orders, he reacted swiftly.

"First things first," he said to the troops around him "keep your eyes open and don't let your guard down. Set up a perimeter just beyond the farthest lines of sight to where I am standing. Keep your helmets on, but try not to set them off. Everybody understand?" As he said this, a message would appear on the group's HUDs.

[[Keep your guard up. Don't let them see it. Expect an ambush.]]

Jay now sent a secure message to Jack.

[[Lieutenant Nagato requesting orders. Commander Pine, with all due respect, do you really expect them to just do nothing?]]
It would take a moment for Vier to process how she felt about this. Ultimately, her objective was to bring back Amit alive so that a proper backup could be performed. This appeared to be the best course of action to achieve that so she decided to feel accepting of the outcome.

"We should secure the area first, and make sure that PP has left the facility before taking Amit out for the standard physicals and a Manchurian test." Vier said, her ears still ringing from the flashbang.
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Psychopomp would finish pulling out as the ships would take off and head out to orbit for a jump. After the jump the EM cannon would finally overload and melt down destroying the upper floors and surdasu as well as take out the main power grid. The elevator would be ruined and the secondary generators would start up granting power for the next 24 hours.

Within one of the holding cells a man would mentally go over his mission again before speaking. "Hey you guys are here to get us out right?"
Mark heard the man from another cell but ignored him for now.

"That's funny because my ten year old nephew is named Amit. I know Jack would be just as skeptical as I am now. Because I see a man, and not a boy.", Mark said getting a sinking feeling.

Jack watched them go before deactivating his blades, "Yes, Nagato. I am aware and vigilant, but priority one are those prisoners."

Lazarus reluctantly followed his allies before pausing, "Remember father, the truth is still out there.", He said with a cold chuckle before leaving.
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Jack? Nephew? What...?!! Amit's eyes widened slightly at this.

"Do you even know anything about your nephew? Cause I sure as hell don't recall having a uncle." Amit retorted. "I have a aunt named Sara, who has a wife. Never knew of a uncle, though...the asshole who dragged me here had one ugly mug. Worse than Jack Ass, yet he looked just like em."

Amit leaned against the cell wall, listening to the other prisoner chime in. Oh yes, just ask the obvious.
Jace was just getting his hearing back "Agreed but i think i need to get patched up first" he said to Vier looking at himself and holding the bullet hole on his stomach then he felt the huge explosion from the top level as it shook the facility and looked to Vier "tell me i wasnt the only one that felt that" he said a little worried
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Mark's breathe caught in his throat.

"Squad Tesla, open these cages. Fucking now!", Mark barked as the facility rocked.

After the five troopers passed, shooting out the locks and freeing the prisoners, directing them down the hall. Mark took a step back and gripped his blade handle, and with a slight twist activated. The metal segments popped out rapidly in sequence along the sheath, giving a static crackle before the plasma katana was drawn. With a blur the blade was swung twice, slicing through the door lock with a sizzle before being re-sheathed. he stepped in and embraced the man.

"I'm your uncle Mark, i'm your father's brother. We need to get you out of here, everything can be explained later, can you walk?", Mark said after stepping back slightly, but still holding by the shoulders.
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Amit was surprised that the man opened his cell eventually but more shocked at being embraced. The skinny man tensed, no longer used to such a affection and part of his more feral side was clearly agitated by it. Sure he was a dog in that other form but due to what he suffered under, even a dog could go feral and not like to be touched.

"Okay....get off." Amit replied, feeling his feral side pushing forward but it relaxed when he was mostly released. "Yeah, I can walk. And last time I saw someone with Jack Ass's face, they weren't a good person. You expecting me to believe that you're actually his brother?"

Amit stood up,though his legs a bit weak due to having not been in this form for very long along with getting over the disorienting shot from earlier. He was up although on somewhat weakened legs. The dark haired man was no longer a short child, but a man standing at six ft five with a rather thin scrawny build.
"I don't like being ignored. You're Mark Oaklen, 23 years of age, a clone of the man called Jack Pine created by Psychopomp. You're a samurai fanatic and have a strong sense of justice. The man in that cell is Amit a Geshrin mutant, recently aged by Psychopomp after being kidnapped by Lazarus, another clone of Jack Pine with some major dady issues. Amit has a tendency to change forms between that of a geshrin and something akin to a werewolf." The man would say smirking. "Name's Dee Jay Highly trained in the arts of espionage. Psychopomp wanted that and gave me the enhancements I have now. Thanks for the save."
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Mark gestured for Amit to follow, "That was entirely correct except one part my friend who knows a bit more than should and therefore not really willing to trust just yet. I am not a clone. But that as said can be explained later. Right now...run like hell.", Mark said before taking a breathe.

Troopers were still directing prisoners towards the way out, and assisting those who had trouble moving on their own.

"Right this way! SABER of the USO is here to help!"

"Please leave the cell and proceed in an orderly yet quick manner! We have transports waiting to come and extract you!"
Dee would sigh. "You do realize that that tremor means that we're stuck down here right and it seems the main power is off. we're on backup generators and the subbay works on a cycle system that draws quite a bit of power we won't be leaving unless we either swim through a breach or you can manage to fit us all in 2 vehicles."
Amit was surprised but annoyed by the man in the other cell. His green gaze narrowed at them.

"Do you ever shut up? Or do you just blurt everything out?" Amit questioned, his annoyance clearly in his tone of voice.

Lovely, way to have you're entire self just thrown out there to the world thanks to someone who can't keep their mouth shut. If only the guy had a muzzle, they could tie it shut. Shaking his head in annoyance, he left his cell for the first time that wasn't for some new experiment. Course, the young man didn't really see much of a chance. There was a lot of people down here. Quite a few, there was no way that they could fit all these people into two vehicles.

"I hate to agree with him but, you ain't getting all these people into two vehicles." Amit said, making sure not to look in Dee's direction. "And don't ask me for help with this place, I don't know a thing in regards to it. They kept a strict schedule for me."
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Dee would chuckle. "No it's bad to reveal information but I don't have a job so I'm proving myself. I need to earn cash some how."
Vier would examine Jace's wound,

"This is not the place to care for that injury. Continue to apply pressure and remain awake. I can have a medic see you and provide pain management while we return to the ship's in orbit.

We can still leave through the breaching pods. While this facility will not remain intact long, it should remain intact long enough for us to withdraw."
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