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RP [Operation La Prossima] Wastin' Away Again


Well-Known Member
RP Date
YE 46.2
RP Location
Port Xenn
After a few moments of fumbling to undo the latch, the bamboo gate to the open air onsen of Tsukimi-so was rudely kicked open. Oodori Tsumenaga lowered her bare foot after clearing the way, wearing nothing more than a towel at the moment. Her two companions, Orianna Paddenmour and Ryuko Takashashi, were dressed similarly. And currently draped over the tall Neko's arms. She needed her hands free, of course, to carry the multiple cases of beer, sake, and other alcohol she'd requisitioned for their post-mission celebration.

"Alright, ride's over ladies!" Oodori stepped up to the edge of the water, wiggling her shoulders to attempt to dislodge her passengers, before squatting slightly to lower the even more precious cargo carefully to the ground. "Room service should be delivering snacks any minute now." She glanced back at the gate that led to the hotel they were staying at, ensuring that it had swung shut on its own.

Whether the others were already there, or were yet to show up, that wasn't really her concern. She'd been tasked with herding these two around town today, and that'd been more than enough responsibility for Oodori. After a job well done, she was ready to dive in, relax, and do her part to ensure not a drop of alcohol was wasted tonight.
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After fairly significant repairs to her rebreather implant, Thorn would have been happy to just lay down and avoid people for a few days. Frankly, such repairs to her body always left her stressed and annoyed, especially those repairs she couldn't do for herself. Not that she could find filter cartridges for her implants, anyway. The device had been outdated when some ripper had torn her open to install it. Twenty odd years later, it was obsolete, if not outlawed. And the scar it had left was an unpleasant sight that she chose to cover with a full body skin suit that left only her hands, feet, and head exposed as she followed the rowdy trio of soldiers into the onsen.

"If you ladies don't mind, I'll probably not partake of the alcohol, tonight. Just had some bits worked on. I'll be DD. Besides, never been to an onsen, so I'd like to observe, if that's okay." She offered a small smile as she started climbing over the edge to get into the water.
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Ryuko was grinning with glee as she waited, her excitement barely contained. Her squadmate, Oodori Tsumenega, as she opened the gates to the open-air onsen of Tsukimi-so. The sound of the gates creaking open was like music to her ears, promising relaxation and fun.

As soon as the gates parted, Ryuko couldn't hold back any longer. She activated the levitation ability inherent to her Nekovalkyrja body. With a swift, graceful motion, she soared into the air, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Ryuko aimed for the center of the onsen, where the water was the deepest and the steam rose in thick, inviting tendrils. She felt the cool night air rush past her, mingling with the warmth emanating from the onsen. Her heart pounded with exhilaration as she hovered briefly, savoring the moment. Then, with a playful twist, Ryuko curled herself into a tight ball, her limbs pulling in close. She felt a burst of pure joy as she began her descent, plummeting towards the water below. The onsen's surface rushed up to meet her, and she hit the water with a resounding splash, sending droplets high into the air.

Her high-pitched laughter echoed around the onsen, a sound of sheer delight and carefree abandon. The warm water enveloped her, soothing her muscles and washing away the stress of their missions. Ryuko surfaced, her grin even wider, as she shook the water from her face and looked around for Oodori, eager to share the moment with her team mate.

The tranquility of the onsen combined with the exuberance of her splash created a perfect harmony. Ryuko floated on her back, gazing up at the sky, dotted with stars. She felt completely at peace, her laughter still bubbling up occasionally as she enjoyed the serene environment and the company of her trusted squadmates.

As she floated, Ryuko's head turned towards Thorn, their helms officer. Ryuko's eyes met Thorn's, and she nodded in understanding as Thorn informed the group that she wouldn't be partaking in any alcoholic beverages. "That's okay, Ryuko doesn't mind," she said in her typical third-person fashion, her voice carrying a tone of acceptance and camaraderie. She gave Thorn a reassuring smile before returning to her relaxed position, her body drifting gently on the water's surface.

The onsen's warmth seeped into her muscles, easing the tension from their recent missions. Ryuko closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the gentle rise and fall of the water around her. The steam from the onsen mingled with the cool night air, creating a misty, dreamlike atmosphere. The stars above twinkled brightly, their reflection shimmering on the water's surface.

Ryuko opened her eyes and glanced back at Thorn, who was now settling herself on a comfortable rock at the onsen's edge. As Ryuko floated, the onsen's serene environment fostered a sense of relaxation and openness, allowing them all to unwind and connect on a deeper level. With a content sigh, Ryuko let her body sink a little deeper into the water, feeling the soothing heat envelop her. She stretched out her limbs, her fingers and toes barely breaking the surface. The onsen's magic worked its charm, melting away the stress and leaving only a blissful tranquility.

For a moment, Ryuko allowed herself to daydream, imagining the adventures that lay ahead and the challenges they would face together. No matter what came their way, she knew that they could overcome anything as long as they had each other. Returning to the present, Ryuko turned her head once more towards Thorn and the rest of her squad. "Ryuko is happy," she murmured softly, her voice filled with genuine warmth. She let the words float on the night air, knowing that they were heard and understood by those around her. And with that, she closed her eyes again, letting the soothing embrace of the onsen carry her away.
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While normally Orianna would be busy training at this time, or doing something like walking a trail or some other Physical activity, she instead found herself picked up and carried by Odi, and considering the direction they were traveling she knew why "Darn it Odi you know you could have just asked if I wanted to go right?" she said as her friend finally let her down, and the Taller woman stretched a bit as she looked at the Onsen, it wasn't anything like back home, but then again she was from a place that had these kind of places as a tourist spot, but it was still nice.

And then Ryuko dived into the water and Orianna had to smile and shake her head, before going to the edge of the water herself and slipping in "don't worry to much about it Thorn, I am not gonna drink to much ether, not big on getting drunk Odi can tell you that much, but I don't mind a single drink to nurse slowly over a night" she added as she had a feeling most of the other crew, at least Odi, would be demolishing the drinks so there wouldn't be anything left over anyway, and if there was likely Odi was gonna be the one to take it home to finish it off.

Relaxing in the water she made sure her hair didn't touch the water, done up in a large bun high on her head to do just that, traditional use of the place to simply relax, though she wasn't about to admonish Ryuko for swimming in the place, she didn't own it and if no one else cared Orianna sure as hell wasn't going to rain on the girl parade. Instead she simply relaxed and let her body soak in the hot water, her soreness from all her exercises and training from earlier in the day slowly going away.

Orianna had some scars on her, likely from younger years of training with her families weapons, though none were nasty looking, they were fully there, but clearly not from battle due to the shallow and small nature of them, and in the heat of the onsen her muscle tone was a bit more noticeable then it normally would be, "Other then that really I am surprised we get this kind of down time" she added as she watched Ryoku float by her.
Mikodimus was excited to be taking a trip to an onsen once more. Some of his fondest memories were during his times in the onsen. In typical Miko fashion, he entered the room like he was at a broad way runway show. With a pep in his step and a swing to his hips we approached the team. "Oh, my gawd, that water looks ammmaaaazing." He commented in a feminine. For these evenings viewing pleasure, Miko decided to be more modest and wear an outfit. Granted it did little to hide anything since it was a thong that looked to be a size too small. Where the string had gone was anyone's guess.

"Oh nice, we already have drinks provided. It is good to keep hydrated while having a dip." He took a moment to dip his toe into the water to give it a feel. "That is nice, and the view looks great." He said with a smile as he looked at his team. He slowly dropped himself into the water. His leg slowly floated up in front of him as he relaxed his body. Miko looked over towards Orianna. "We best enjoy this time off then, since next mission we might end up stuck behind enemy lines." Miko reached up and placed his arms and hands behind his head. "So what is the story with your scars? Hard not to miss them on that toned body of yours." He asked of his team member.
Seeing Miko's display of 'excellence', Barone thought to himself how much he loved having a crew again. Freshly cleaned from the showers he approached a stool and placed his towel on it, folding the loose article neatly as he set it down in the smoothest, most practiced motion conceivable. He took up a tray full of ceramic cups from a table in one hand and approached the edge of the onsen where he took up a bottle of fine sake and stepped gently into the heated water. His lean body sank like a rock as he entered the water where he set the tray down, it's bamboo design floating on the surface. Opening the bottle he poured it's content into a sake heater. "Miko, behave," he chided teasingly, "but yeah, Orianna. Do you sleep on a bed of razors or something?"
"You're just determined to be no fun, huh?" Oodori shook her head as multiple participants refused her offer of prodigious amounts of booze. By now her passengers had been let down, the tall Neko giving Orianna a smirk as she complained. "Hey, I was only following orders. Take it up with the boss, he said to carry you here if I had to." Maybe she was exaggerating just a bit, but it'd been the easiest way to get them both here on time.

"Speak of the devil." She noted Miko's arrival, but it was Barone's appearance that caught her attention. She raised a beer to him with one hand, before unspooling her towel and sinking into the onsen near Orianna a moment after. "It's not her fault, she's only human." Oodori seemed quite used to teasing her roommate about this, keeping a friendly tone. Settling into the warm water to get comfortable, looking over everyone assembled so far as she cracked open her drink.
Orianna smirked as she looked at Odi as she slipped into the water next to her, then to Miko and Barone as they apparently took the time to look over her scars, Miko's comment on the view also didn't go unnoticed. "Odi you know I don't like dulling my senses to much, it's how I was raised, been that way for the longest time, besides just means you get to make the excuse you need to drink for the both of us" she laughed a bit while taking one of the drinks not drinking it just yet as she wanted to enjoy the relaxation first, not that she planned to even get drunk, hell she wasn't even aiming for barely buzzed, just something to enjoy the flavor of the drink really.

"As for the Scars, funny enough none of them are from opponents, these are all from my time training since I was a kid... Nine Section whip... Rope dart accident... got caught by the chain on one of my Meteor hammers to get this one here... Messed up while training with the Hooked swords and caught my leg here... I basically have a scar from each of my families eighteen weapon styles that I trained in" she explained as she went through her scars and named the weapon that caused it.

She then looked to Miko "Also for someone commenting about the view you seem the bashful type to be wearing something to an Onsen, traditionally you shouldn't let a towel, hair, or clothing touch the water... or swim in it" she said looking over to Ryoku before shrugging and smiling at the Neko "But hey I am not about to tell people how to use the Onsen, though it is considered impolite to stare" she said the last part at Miko rather well aware of his gaze from earlier, well and Barones now. but then again looking over everyone she likely was the only one with so many scars, well maybe Thorn had more but she wasn't showing them, To Orianna it was just part of her and not really something to hide since it showed her time training with her Families weapons. One thing she did take notice of those was the fact that she was the largest there out of both men and women, and was also really the only human.
Miko reached up and slicked back his hair using his hand. "Oh, I am not bashful, just wasn't sure about going in the buff out the door. But you do make a valid point so." He then stood and removed his bottoms. "There we go, proper." He commented as he slid back down into the water. Using his bottoms as a rubber band proceeded to flick them across the room. "Will have to forgive me for taking in an eye full. Just so happy with my team here. We are just a group of sexy bitches, yeah baby, we are switched on." He then leaned towards Orianna. "Plus your mastery of all these weapons is most interesting. I may have to learn a few to further hone my own skills. One never knows when one needs to rope dart dinner from across the room." He then gave her a small wink.

"Barone pleasure as always, I also like where you are going there and shall grab myself a drink too." He had reached over and grabbed some sake. "Oh, if only I had some fish to go with this." He then took a small sip and smiled. "Mmm, mmm, that is some good stuff. Cheers Oodori, may we drink till our moral compass points to good." He lifted his dish then took a drink. "Oh but behaving is so boring. Though promise to only stare just long enough as to not break any Onsen rules. I do not need to give Orianna a reason to practice her pretzel bending style." He laughed then took another drink.
"Perk of the contract, I suppose. I would rather be at a dig site or in a library right now. Or on a technology development contract with a developing world. But nothing beats Yamatai's accomodations and medical insurance. Even if most will beat their pay." Thorn shrugged in response to Orianna, considering the warmth of the water. It was a challenge for her to truly feel anything, anymore, but that didn't stop her enjoying it. Still, she half hoped no one would notice her suit as she slipped deeper into the water.
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The onsen's warmth seeped into her muscles, easing the tension from their recent missions. Ryuko closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the gentle rise and fall of the water around her. The steam from the onsen mingled with the cool night air, creating a misty, dreamlike atmosphere. Around her, her squadmates in the La Prossima Task force spoke of drinking alcoholic beverages. As Ryuko thought of it, she didn't see the appeal in those kinds of drinks.

The gentle murmur of her teammates' conversations floated through the air, mixing with the soft sounds of the night. Some were recounting old tales, their voices punctuated by bursts of laughter. Others debated the merits of different sake brands or the unique flavors of local spirits they had encountered in their travels. Ryuko listened with half an ear, the sound of their camaraderie a comforting background hum.

The onsen was nestled in a secluded mountain village, surrounded by towering pine trees and the distant sound of a flowing river. The stars above twinkled faintly, their light dimmed by the rising steam, but still offering a glimpse of the vastness of the night sky. Ryuko felt a deep sense of peace here, a stark contrast to the chaotic and dangerous life she led as part of the elite task force.

She opened her eyes and glanced at her comrades. They seemed so at ease, their usual guard dropped in this sanctuary of warmth and tranquility. The stress of their missions, the constant vigilance required in their line of work, seemed a distant memory in this moment of reprieve.

Ryuko's thoughts drifted back to the topic of conversation—alcohol. She had tried it once, out of curiosity rather than desire. The sharp, burning sensation as it slid down her throat had not been pleasant, and the subsequent lightheadedness and lack of control had been even less so. In their line of work, clarity and control were paramount. She couldn't understand how her past teammates found joy in something that dulled the senses and impaired judgment, even temporarily.

As she pondered this, she realized that for them, perhaps, it was a rare indulgence—a way to disconnect from the weight of their responsibilities and the ever-present threat of danger. It was a ritual of relaxation, a momentary escape from the harsh realities they faced. Ryuko, however, found her solace in moments like these—in the stillness, the soothing embrace of the onsen, and the quiet companionship of those who shared her burdens.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp air mixed with the earthy scent of the hot spring. The sensation was grounding, reminding her of her strength and the resilience that had carried her through countless challenges. While her teammates sought their comfort in the bottom of a cup, she found hers in the serene simplicity of the natural world around her.

Ryuko dove into the water, feeling the cool embrace of the onsen on her bald head as she swam closer to her teammates. The gentle currents caressed her skin, a welcome relief after the grueling missions they had recently undertaken. As she neared the others, their conversation became clearer, and she caught a snippet about their plans for the evening.

Ryuko surfaced beside them, her presence marked by the ripples spreading out in concentric circles. "Ryuko isn't going to drink either," she chimed in, her usual habit of speaking in the third person bringing a familiar smile to her teammates' faces. "Didn't like it when Ryuko tried once, so..." She shrugged, the memory of the unpleasant experience briefly flickering across her mind.

Just then, the arrival of two figures caught her attention. Barone, their commanding officer, stepped into view, accompanied by another man. Ryuko's curiosity was piqued as she watched them approach, her head tilting slightly to the side. Barone was a familiar sight, but the man beside him was not. "Ooh, new friend?" Ryuko asked the group, her eyes twinkling with interest. She didn't remember seeing this man, Miko, before. Ryuko studied him for a moment, trying to get a read on the new addition to their team.

"Nice to meet you, Miko," she said, her voice friendly but with an underlying hint of scrutiny. "Ryuko hopes you'll find our team to your liking."
"There are definitely some advantages to having an extra decade or so of experience." Oodori nodded along at Orianna's story, before rolling her eyes as the thong went flying across the room. She was content to sip her beer and listen for the moment, one hand patting her head to make sure the complicated braided bun was remaining in place.

"The snacks should be here soon. They don't like letting people eat in here, though. So I had to promise we wouldn't get any food in the water." She watched the floating sake dispenser wobble atop the water nearby, but didn't comment on it. "I don't know about you, but I don't have any problem following the rules. Or sleeping at night."

Thorn seemed like a hard nut to crack, but if she wanted a bit of space, Oodori didn't mind giving it to her. She definitely stood out amongst the group. The mercenary had been here well before her, though, so Barone must have a good reason to keep her around. The only real worries Oodori had at the moment concerned how the three of them would polish off the supplies she'd brought.
"There are definitely some advantages to having an extra decade or so of experience."
Hearing this Barone became quiet, seeming to zone out a bit as he lost himself in thought. 'If only she really knew how true that was'
A gently beep from the sake heater returned the veteran warfighter to the present. Pouring the sake into individual ceramic cups he commented on Oodori's mention of following rules. "It's been my experience that rules should only be followed when advantageous and/or enforceable. It's not an ideal philosophy and certainly has it's problems, but it allowed my predecessor the ability to achieve more than anyone could have ever hoped to achieve by following the rules," offering her the first cup, "At the end of the day success is what really saves the day, and I think you are good at making the rules work for you."
"Speaking of following rules, Barone, could you help me with my rebreather later? I think the doctor put a filter in wrong and I'm having a little outflow leakage."

She hoped the excuse of a minor implant malfunction would allow a more private discussion later.

"At your convenience, of course. All the bypasses are working right for once. But the SAINT techs took my damn fogger. I can't ink, anymore. So maybe take back my statement about Yamataian healthcare. I paid a lot for that mod. I'd like it back. But for now, I'll settle for non alcoholic beer or sake. Not that if I did drink, I'd be much help taking down that order. I weigh like 85 lb. More than three drinks and I'm hammered."
Miko smiled towards Ryuko who had greeted him. "This is an awesome team. Can bring the damage when the event calls for it. What more could a person ask for." He declared giving her the biggest of smile. "I am more shocked by all the Neko holding back drinking. Are completely immune to the effects and every day is a safe day. But even so I can't stand by and have my crew being thirsty." He said as he turned to wave down one of the servants walking by. "Bring a few drinks, non-alcohol versions." He said in a snappy voice. As he slipped down back into the water his booty did a quick flex and jiggle before it vanished back under the water.

"So, Thorn, what is the story behind the body suit? I can't say I took you for the bashful type. Honestly it is kind of cute to think about. Rip and tear on the battlefield, shy and blushing in the onsen." He could help but giggle at this thought. "But I can say you sport the look very well." He then lifted a toast towards her of his sake. "Talking about rebreathing, you in that suit be taking my breath away." He laughed some more as he took a sip.

"You are awesome Oodori to already have the food on the way. Thinking ahead and following the rules. I admire that about you." Miko once more lifted his dish of sake towards his crewmate Oodori. "Here is to us finding out if we reach our limit and forget about the rules. Here here." Miko called out putting down the dish and taking a drink straight from the sake jug.

Miko looked towards Barone with one eyebrow lifted. "Sir, you might not know this but that could be a quote out of my brother Alastair's play book. Man knows the rules inside and out so he can tease almost crossing that line. And this is a powerful skill to have. Guess this is where we come into the picture. Getting the results so command doesn't need to ask or care how." He said with a bright smile.
"Yeah training with a weapon, or many in my case, gives you a real Idea of how they work and how they function, the high school also meant I was able to use them on other people in a relatively safe environment, though I think I scared a lot of people with just how many weapons and styles I seemed to have even if they all actually stemmed from one style in the end... never understood the whole 'queen' titles there though but meh" she shrugged thinking back to the school "Now I think of it... I didn't see a single other human there..." she honestly stopped to think a moment on that.

The speedo going flying made her grimace a bit at Miko but she said nothing, though she did look to Ryuko "Yes they are our new team members, or rather I guess we are theirs since Barone is the one in command technically" she said as she waved Ryuko over to join them.

"Filters? Orianna asked as she looked over to Thorn as she mentioned as much"If you need help with something like that I can likely get you the parts you need... or make them myself since I have the training, also I am quite used to working on older tech" she mentioned to Thorn as she looked over to Miko and his horrible lines.
"Rules are made to be broken and all that, huh?" Realizing he was about to offer her another drink, Oodori tilted her head back to chug the rest of her beer, crushing the can in her hand before setting the flattened disc of metal aside. "Hopefully they bring a trash can or something." She mumbled to herself, before leaning forward and reaching out to take the offered cup with both hands.

On cue, the gate opened again, admitting a group of employees that began pushing carts near the edge of the onsen. Oodori was happy to see bins for their trash, as well as hand towels and other supplies to help them avoid making a mess of the beautiful space. "That's why they promoted me, always thinking ahead." She began to raise her cup towards him, before wincing painfully as he drank straight from the jug. "...cheers."

Sipping the drink to help banish her grimace, Orianna helpfully gave her a distraction for the moment. "Ori's had more time to train than me, and she's got a wider pool to draw from. In a fair fight, she can usually beat me." Although her tone was genuine and respectful, it was obvious the 'fair' modifier was doing a lot of heavy lifting. Returning the cup to Barone's tray with a nod and smile as thanks, the tall Neko turned to face the food carts. Floating up out of the water, dripping on the ground nearby as she dried her hands, Tsumenaga began searching for snacks.
Ryuko glanced over to Oodori as the other commented about there being advantages about having a extra decade or so of experience. Indeed, as a Nekovalkyrja, Ryuko was only a year old or so, and she was born in a Hemosynth tank, which created her as an adult with maturity and everything, though some may not get maturity quite yet. Ryuko turned her focus to Miko who responded to her words and smiled back at him. The water cascaded off her form as she stood there. Then giggled at his comment about alcohol, “Ryuko drank that once, she didn’t like it” she said in her typical third person fashion. Oriana’s wave caught her attention next, and she turned and proceeded towards her.
"I was a worker slave. Growth inhibitors to keep me small to fit in tight spaces, implants to keep me working in Hell. Never allowed to grow up past twelve, but I still grow old. I'm sure your family would love the implications about you being attracted to my body. Whether you have a scar kink with a taste for ripper doc surgical scars and illegal cybernetics or just like people my size." Thorn didn't raise her head as she responded to Miko with neither hesitation nor malice. "Either way, good people don't look at my body without some level of revulsion, so I'd spare you the trauma. There's also pity. Which is worse."

She glanced to Orianna, tilting her head at the offer. "That would be very much appreciated. Pretty hard to find parts these days. Problem is that my body was pretty heavily modified when I was a kid. Barone pulled me out of a retirement that was pretty much just staying out of trouble and waiting to die."
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"Either way, good people don't look at my body without some level of revulsion, so I'd spare you the trauma."
“Thank the stars for that,” Barone muttered facetiously, walking a fine line between audible and inaudible as he sipped his sake awaiting the results of yet another thread pulled.

Barone shifted slightly towards his communicator on the nearby chair as a message was received.

“Ah. She’s here,” he stated then announced as he poured another cup, “as everyone knows, this task force is by invitation, and those invitations are still being answered. She knew me by my previous alias when I served Eucharis. If I time this right, it’ll look cool. Welcome to Taharial Chasen!”
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