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OOC Operation orical


Inactive Member
Dr. Alan Kurt

A disgruntled researcher, angry about what appears to be an inevitable dismissal from the Seraperum has contacted an unknown ban of pirates in an act of revenge. Their reward is a data cache, which Dr.kurt stole from the high level areas of the facility; officially only saber and the Researches know what’s in this cache and Both state that the data cache; code-named Oracle. Holds some serious weapons tech research, which could make living like a king a real possibility for these guys. So far they have only the first three floors and the docking bay secured the lower floors they haven't manage to access. Saber and the Researchers at, the Seraperum wish to keep it that way. We will insert in specific key LZ 's; surrounding the Facilities area; from there we will work to flush out the pirates.
Note that their vassal's are on station, and they will most likely try to flee in an worse case scenario. You’ll save Navcom a headache if you prevent their attempted escape, to do that attacking the docking bay will be ideal but not completely necessary. Overall the enemy forces looks to have some experience, but certainly not professional in any way shape or form. Organized but messy at best; these pirates launched an all out attack on the Serpeum with a large force. Non-surprisingly; what little reports we have gathered, most of their attacking force is gone, and only a handful surviving pirates remain; an exact number is unknown but estimates are at-least 40 or more. Expect some CQC fire fights inside, and try not to shoot up everything you see; keep explosions to minimum , if at all try not to use them. Also expect hostages and the occasional trap,. These guys are sloppy and untrained not dumb so don't try and push them too hard too quick. The main attack will be held on the main bridge but we have flanking options, to take here; so make sure to look them over before heading out. Otherwise happy flying and hunting.

1st: Land in LZ specific areas and move to designate Check Points. Then move to attack and clear the facility.

•2nd: Locate and secure surviving researchers, and data cache code named Oracle.

•3rd: remove enemy forces presence from the Seraperum. (Enemy escape may be possible, depending on how the mission plays out)

•Opt 4th: Find and detain Alan Kurt, gather all Intel he may have on the pirates operating within the area. Prevent Pirates from escaping if possible.

•Opt 5th: Capture Pirate Captain alive and or prevent their escape.

Rani V

The planet itself is mostly barren rock exempting a few valleys that has green grass. The oxygen level are low do to the lack of greenery and all around life on the planet, making breathing extremely monotonous if not impossible without a helmet. The planet occasionally has heavy rain sessions, typically making it difficult for Kodaks to land in. The planet is also prone to flash flooding in certain area's. The Seraperum itself is built into a mountain area called the Serpents eye. The facility itself has two primary levels. Upper levels have three floors and are mostly just an common area and non-confidential weapons research. The lower floors hold more confidential areas for research.

A medium sized facility with two levels. Though it was supposed to be a low key, off the radar facility. The sudden betrayal of one of its researchers has exposed it to pirates, thus leaving it vulnerable. It houses the staff and its 20-man security forces, 15 units of Loki Mechs and well placed ceiling torrents. Otherwise the facility is largely defenseless; and relies more on its seclusion rather than heavy defensive forces. Alan Kurt has sabotage the controls of the local Turrets making them unfriendly to outsiders. However the Pirates seemed to have botched the loki mechs they are largely defunct.

First floor: the Sky-raise the top floor it is both used as the communication area, and, the primary living quarters for staff. It has a small Eden garden, for the workers comfort and provides extra oxygen for them as well.

Second floor: house the weapons design area and offices

Third floor: Is the common area, the infirmary is also located on the floor. It has the power generator room: as well several main offices.

Lower Facilities

Primary Weapons Research & Forge

Energy field testing

LZ Echo: Echo is placed in a open area, just 300 yards out from the Seraperum and is to the southwest. This routes has two, benefits. First, a small squad can use stealth more effectively. Enter on the 3rd floor and proceed from there to provide the second benefit of a surprise attack and completely flank the enemy forces. Giving the facts of the traitor it can be assumed that the Pirates are aware of this route, and have laid traps to prevent entry and possible flanking, but a small force should go unnoticed and sneak pass the traps unharmed if careful.
LZ Beta: This Lz is located in a valley mouth and has some cover upon approach to the first outpost. This will give a shot to take the docking bay area and shut down any route of escape for them. However once we engage here; the Pirates will no doubt attempt a swift counterattack. On top of that the enemy will know we are coming and will be prepared throughout the entire facility once we engage. This area will most likely have strong defenses, heavy fighting will also likely occur here as-well.

Extra data:

Outpost Secondary:

Rests on a riverbed just before reaching the bay area, it’s a small location and largely just a guard outpost, and serves as an adjacent storage facility for the mechs. Clearing this place is ideal before moving to the bay and docking area. It has a small draw bridge to cross the river., it necessary to reach the docking bay.

Outpost Main: Another guard outpost medium in nature and obviously a guard station. It has a small armory and will most likely be under enemy occupation. It over watches the front entrance area and controls to the main drawbridge bridge is located here. at least ten men backed by well placed turrets
Escape route:

A 285 yard long narrow tunnel, that is meant for an emergency evacuation for the staff. Its has few corners and is basically a straight shot. It has a station area located at the primary exit; housing several dozen rovers and a few mako's for escort.

The Docking-bay: Over looking the river that runs past it, as well as the secondary Outpost. The docking bay is little more than an large open hole on the side of the mountain spanning almost half the mountain itself. It doors are typically closed until arrival of a ship. The bay is large enough to hold several ships at once or one large ship small enough to enter and dock. It also doubles as a cargo and supply area.
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