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Opportunities in Nepleslia


Inactive Member
I am currently looking to flesh out the different "ethnic groups" in Nepleslia such as the Kuznyetski that I believe @Lamb worked on.

This is an opportunity for SARPers to contribute to fleshing out Nepleslia as a faction and to add more flavor to your PC's background.

PM me with your ideas. I am accepting all submissions, just keep them in line with Nepleslian canon.
Do things need to be added to the Kuznyetski, by the way? I have a pretty strong notion of them in my head, but I think what's left vague about them is vague enough to give players freedom when creating Kuznyetski characters. So, y'know, they aren't all the same guy.

That out of the way, I've got a ton of little ideas in my head for Nepleslian "ethnic groups" and orginizations that just aren't long enough for a wiki article. Examples include: The Association of Mutated Peoples or AMP (a semi-political organization for the advancement of muties), descendants of original Nepleslian colonists on Delsauria basically being upper-class British Empire style folk, a few cloisters of elves who moved to Nepleslian space to escape the plague (cool, cyberpunk elves who don't carry bows or plant trees), and proto-Yamataians who are basically descended from the same racial group that left long long ago to settle Yamatai (I've been thinking of it, but avoiding it because, well, we already have Yamatai).
There are established Chinese populations in Yamatai and Nepleslia (e.g. Taisho Henry Chen) and even space Jews (Yosef Elohim). I think all the cultures of Earth are probably out there somewhere, although they may look very different since thousands of years have passed since modern times and also countless alien races have also been in the mix sharing influences. Basically we should try to avoid stereotypes or copying real-world cultures exactly. It's probably safer to use them as inspiration for new constructed cultures.
Aye, well, it was never intended to be a huge rip-off of existing cultures. Simply, I cannot imagine how to describe things without the context of: "They're like a bunch of Mexicans who speak with perfect upper-class British accents." Sure, I can change 'bunch of Mexicans' to 'dark-skinned, swarthy people'; but an upper-class British accent is very hard to describe in any way other than its name. The Kuznyetski are not Russians. However, they have Russian naming conventions and a funny little Russian accent. They also have Gypsy(Romani, not Pikey) traditions, traditional Celtic food, and a supercharged Nepleslian gun culture. Not really a direct rip-off of Russians, right?

Anyhow, I'm posting in this thread again because I've got an idea for a new 'ethnic' group. I don't have a name for them yet, but I'm thinking they're very tribal. Perhaps the descendants of ancient settlers who crashed in the Northern Expanse, now re-integrating into mainstream society as the mapped galaxy grows and expands. Loose morals pervade Nepleslian culture, and these guys are in my head very justice-oriented. To the point of vigilantism. Not exactly quakers, but certainly more chaste than the typical Nepleslian. I've already started writing notes on one segment of their society, the Oath Keepers. The Oath, by the way, is not just figurative. It's the name of the weapon they carry.

The thing is a hook-blade of sorts, like a reversed scimitar with a weighted head that has a blunt surface interrupting the sharped edge. And these jerks; well, they're basically the upholders of justice. They have set of rules which must not be broken, and very strict punishments for violators of those rules.

"A thief must have the flat of his hand hammered once with the blunt of your Oath."

"If you are detained by a just keeper of the law, you must surrender to him."

"One who inappropriately harms a child must have a ring carved around his fingers by the edge of your Oath."

And so on, and so forth. These dudes will be sitting in jail, peacefully awaiting their release so they can kill the next drug dealer or remove the ear of the next pawnbroker selling faulty merchandise. They will be a uncommon, yet frequent enough to be recognized sight on street corners. With their strange clothes and ever-present Oaths, they'd be just another odd facet of life in Nepleslia. I'm still working out the rest of the culture, though, and I'd really like a name for the bastards.
A few things.

There are currently several articles on DION systems that need fleshing out. I am enlisting anyone interested in doing so. Ideally, have 1-3 months experience in the Nepleslian faction roleplay. Follow this link to which ones are still open and the rules regarding it.

Also, I am aggregating a list of Nepleslian Ethnic Groups here. This is an open invitation to create your own specific ethnic group - make sure to follow canon. You already have one example made by @Lamb with his Kuzynetski ethnic group.

This is a good opportunity for new and older players to get actively involved in the Nepleslian faction.
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Hey @Gunhand4171, we should try to add to the list. I don't have any good ideas, but I am sure there's plenty of SARPers who would help. Only one ethnicity seems a bit strange for a diverse place like Nepleslia. I like Lamb's idea of these tribal moral enforcers. His Mutated Peoples idea is pretty badass too.