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Approved Submission Orb Weaver Power Suit


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Personal Prototype armor
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:kataoka_yori:power_suit_2

Faction: Independent
FM Approved Yet? No FM, but GM for the plot it'll fist be in is @Legix
Faction requires art? No but it has some anyway

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No, I'm pretty sure the Black Widow went through approval
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No, however it is an upgrade of a suit already submitted

Notes: Yeah I'm on 'fire' today.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
My only input (I mean, I don't have much since I'm just the GM of the plot rather than a setting mod) is that it seems to reference stuff but doesn't link them, such as Blister Drones.

And that it has a dick-shaped battery. What about a dick-shaped gauntlet? (This is the silly input part)

It would also help to probably give a bit more of a detailing on how something like this came across and when it did. If she's joining Dig-It, it'll be useful to have a timeframe if this is set to appear when she premiers or whatever.

But yeh: balancing wise it's totally up to the submission peeps. I don't mind that stuff is made, so long as it seems logical and chronological to the timeline and junk. Just figured I'd come and drop that input.
Thank you for that that was a typo, fixing.

As for the time frame, It'll be aroudn mid YE38 that this would've likely been finished
Well the only things on this submission that are acutally DR related are the actual armor and possibly the whip. Once DRV3 gets approved I can easily slide it over. I just realized I did the armor rating wrong though, it should be SP 2 and SP4, not "DR" but yeah that slides over easy to T1 and T2 respectively in the new system.

Edit: So you can go ahead and look it over.
I can see why you didn't attach DR to those weapons; they don't really get above PDR 1. Can you put those on there, however? You can, as you say, slide them to the new DR if it is passed.

Can we get more detail on the welder unit? What energy type does it use, how far can it cast said energy, how hot does it get? How is the user protected from the heat it provides?

On the inertial amplifiers: 150% is a contextless number. You're saying it can push an NH-type bioroid's inertial abilities up to 150 kph? What can it do for a Nep with cybernetic inertial capabilities? The same question goes for the strength amplifiers.
I'll put the DRs for the weapons.

As for the welder, I'm picturing a small plasma welder, the energy only extends a few (like 6 at most) inches from the unit. As for temperature, I don't know much about welding, and even less for SARP, but it's supposed to be capable of standard commercial welding jobs.

As for the two assist systems, I was picturing it as sort of like those 'strength assist' systems that are in development today, but with more 'synchronizing'. I guess I should write out more on the strength enhance on page, it's pretty much stimulating and supporting your muscles as well as offering structural support to assist. Inertial control is similar, but I don't know the exact principles behind it. It's essentially biological 'overclocking' and that's why it doesn't give a hard number, cause it only gives what your body can handle with support.
Hmmmm. Yeah, OK. I can understand those.

Go ahead and make your desired edits, then bump. I'll give it another look at that time.
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