Star Army

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Abandoned Submission Order of Genesis Ship 'The Darkforge'


Inactive Member
This is currently a placeholder for a ship im comming up with which is basicly a Ship/Automated Ship Factory which also has some other interesting abilities and of course its big...and if you guys want to know what Genesis is i will post on thaxarian thread or a completely new thread on them.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Im gonna try discussing the idea with wes today when he gets on if not then Ill try and figure out how to use the template
Well don't you think you should have posted something to the effect of your having problems understand the ship design template? The entire thing is fairly self explanitory and the people on the site can help you out with things when Wes isn't around.

(Edit: just found out linking a picture from starchan is most difficult.)
Wtf? ack well I got the idea from Star wars K.o.t.o.r. (Knights of the old republic) and decided to create something similiar but with limits but it is basicly a Ship/Automated Ship Factory/Base with the ability to find veins of ore and planets with usable resources and plant itself on the planet and collect sources of fuel, Metl and other resources and yeah
That dosen't sound unreasonable, there shouldn't be a problem with having a ship like that. I just wanted to know whats keeping you from putting it into template form.
Well here is part of it for people to see but it's still incomplete...

About the Darkforge/ History and Backround
'It comes, it claims, it feeds, it bane's the existance of those who whitness it. It conquers, it rules, it devours, it moves to where to forge it's dark path next...' - Inscription on a stone pannel in the center of the ship. The ship was long thought to be a gift of the gods to aid them in smiting all who perform acts against their god's whims. It once went by the name of 'The Iron fist of Viashinox' and they conquered 3 worlds 1. being filled by unnecissary violence, 2. the second planet for heeding to slavery and much other perversion and the third for defiling their land by building huge technological towers and completely destoying the once beutiful landscape but in destroying the three planets commited far worse crimes and were punished when a unwelcome race arrived and conventional technology was not killing them as easily as they would have hoped. they then attempted to purge the land of their defiled land by plumeting the 'Darkforge' into it but it missed them. Now that Genesis has it they have big plans in store for the thaxarians and any other inhabiteed planet ripe for invading but they must first make a worthy fleet and that can be arranged with the Darkforge. It is fully capable of building ships and robots via Automated facilites deep within the ship and Collect recources via small Ship/robot hybrids that goto their Asigned place and mine, escivate and capture various recources.

Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Organizations Using This Vessel:
Order of Genesis
Type: Automated Ship Factory, Long Range Exploration Ship, Recource Gatherer, Base.
Empire of the Iron Blade (no longer exists)
Order of the Raging Fist (no longer exists)

Manufacturer: Ship cult (No longer exists)
Production: 1

Crew: 150
Maximum Capacity: 250
Appearance: A Enormous sherical shaped ship making it difficult to land on Planet surface.

Length: How long is the ship?
Width: How wide?
Height: How tall?
Decks: Number of floors.
Mass: Weight of the ship or mecha in 1G.
Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): Preferably in a percentage of c and km/sec. Best to give acceleration time, too.

Speed (FTL): (If applicable)

Speed (Aerial): (If applicable)

Speed (Water): (If applicable)

Range (Distance): Almost limitless if it is capable of finding a planet full of plentiful resources to take.

Range (Support): Almost limitless if it is capable of finding a planet full of plentiful resources to take.

Lifespan: Tremendous outside resistance but can easily be destroyed from the inside out.

Refit Cycle: Often

Inside the Darkforge
Cargo bay:
Supply Depot:
Ration Storage:
Extra Fuel and Energy Storage(Protected with energy barriers to prevent
any fuel leaks in combat.):
Ammo Storage:
Main Controls:
Secondary controls:
Communication Station:
Ship Storage:
Automated Ship Assembly:
Research station:
Automated Weapon Assembly:
200 Living quarters:
Automated Robot Assembly: