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Astral Vanguard Orders [Orders] Alia Jyotsna

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OGNEIR\\SECURE.net>>Graiv Haidan>>Fort Jarizas: Personnel Management

Senshirin Alia Jyotsna,

You are being reassigned from your normal Mechanist duties at Fort Jarizas and will become the chief Mechanist for Bahram Wing. You will report directly to the Master Mechanist as usual, but defer to the Wing Commander on issues of frame maintenance and modifications for his wing.

As well, you are being assigned two junior Mechanists, Vayshirin Khiyai Sahrzad and Vayshirin Ghinn Rwadac. Treat them with a kind, but firm mentoring hand.

Good luck! I hear the new Wing Commander is a real frozen saint, and an old friend of the sandrat we work for.

As always, tread lightly when the ice is melting.

-Sentulri Yaherao Nifrijis
Fort Jarizas Personnel Management
OGNEIR\\SECURE.net>>Graiv Haidan>>Astarte Battlegroup: Personnel Management

Senshirin Alia Jyotsna,

By order of Graiv Haidan commander Idrast Sazehki, you are being transferred to the VSV Astarte, assigned as the Chief Mechanist for the Wing's 1st Squadron. Although you have adversarial relations with one or two members of that unit and have an unusually strong attachment to the units VANDR your care, you remain the best choice for that squadron .

In addition, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lanbalri.

Touch divine on your success!

-Marranr Serhan Nejem
Executive Officer, VSV Astarte
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