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Astral Vanguard Orders [Orders] Mridula Ituri Osei

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Inactive Member
OGNEIR\\SECURE.net>>Graiv Haidan>>Astarte Battlegroup: Personnel Management

Vaytulri Mridula Ituri Osei,

I'm not particularly into these fancy orders threads, but I'd just like you to know that we're sending you on the newest of the Vajra-class cruiser, a ship named the Astarte. The crew are familiar, since the XO lead the unit that saved you and Mareyn during the attack.

They're hunting down the remnant secessionists, and we need one of our people on the front lines to keep the prototype machines running at optimal capacity, feed data back home and get first-hand analysis of enemy salvage.

We're paying you handsomely, and the Vanguard is going to give you a nice stipend for hanging around.

Don't die out there! We'll all miss you, and the labs won't have that necessary amount of sexy.

-Kaerl Solan
Head, Solan Staryards
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