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Astral Vanguard Orders [Orders] Reovan Mehta

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OGNEIR\\SECURE.net>>Graiv Haidan>>Fort Jarizas: Personel Management

Vayshirin Reovan Mehta,

By order of Graiv Haidan commander Idrast Sazehki, you are assigned to Fort Jarizas under Wing Commander Serhan Nejem of Bahram Wing. A transport ship will be leaving Kaeshun City tomorrow at dusk. Do not miss that flight.

Touch divine on your success!

-Sentulri Yaherao Nifrijis
Fort Jarizas Personnel Management
OGNEIR\\SECURE.net>>Graiv Haidan>>Astarte Battlegroup: Personnel Management

Vayshirin Reovan Mehta,

By order of Graiv Haidan commander Idrast Sazehki, you are being transferred to the VSV Astarte, as a member of Bahram Wing. Your skills are impressive and the actions you undertook at Ghoroun, choosing to protect civilians in the face of an unknown enemy, are in the spirit of the Vanguard. Although you have shown limited improvement since that day, your priorities are certainly correct and you deserve your placement aboard the Astarte.

You are hereby promoted to the rank of Marbalri, and given full status as a Frame Runner.

Touch divine on your success!

-Marranr Serhan Nejem
Executive Officer, VSV Astarte
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