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Approved Submission Organosilicon Tissue


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Technological Basis/Background Information
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=royal_defense_initiative:organosilicon_tissue

FM Approval: Yes
Faction Art Requirement: No

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
New Art: No
Previously Submitted: No


This article is best referred to as a 'fluff article' - it gives background information on some of how the organic technology used by the faction works. Currently, there are three unapproved sub-articles however; two of them are factional, being the Government itself, and its Military, which for the time being, I haven't figured out the best way to write them out yet and believe to be unnecessary for the tech article itself. The third however, is technological, which I will be putting up on the NTSE soon.
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