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RP [Origin] 15 Years; A new start


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 45.1
RP Location
Dawn Station
Fifteen years had passed, perhaps a little more, since Kai Nakamura left his childhood home on Tami. Hearing of an enemy called the Mishhuvurthyar, horrible tentacled beasts that were tearing apart the Yamatai Star Empire, the young man enlisted in the Star Army, with hopes of being a gallant hero. He had gotten his chance, tasted his first love, and then tasted the bitterness of death. His own. Death was not permanent in Yamatai, but neither did it leave one unscathed. Lost memories, lost time, lost love. Kai Nakamura became detached, forgot what had made him join, and became almost a drifter, barely awake in life, just going along. He made it through the war, changed assignments, and then it happened again. they came back, harder and faster this time. He heard of his family, pushed from their home as the planet he grew up on was invaded. They survived, but he wasn't around to help. it bit at him, dragged at him, gnawing at what was left of his feelings, but he continued.

Now in charge of a group of soldiers, Kai did his best to lead them. Etching a forced smile onto the helmet of his Daisy powered armor, he could not bring himself to sport one on has actual face, fake or no. and yet, slowly, he became something. He rose in the ranks, until he was at a point where he was important enough to do something, but not important enough to be stuck doing it. So he lead his soldiers. For the majority of his career, he lead. From the front, ignoring his rank, Kai was there for his squad, or his crew, or whomever was around him when things needed to be done. Throughout it all, despite being a Star Army soldier, he formed a bond with people from a particular company. Representatives came and went, aides and technicians, people who worked with the things that let him do his job; powered armor.

And so, as Kai Nakamura made it to that finish line that many soldiers hope for; that time in service that allows them to push a button and graduate from soldier back to Civilian, he received an offer from that company. For years of service, for leadership, for his time spent working with, and on, armor. Origin Industries was that company, and its products and people had been present in his life for ten of his fifteen years in service. So he thought about it. He could continue; continue to serve the Star Army, continue to just flow through life, continue to be just another number that nobody cared about except for the people he stood in front of daily. Or, he could chose a different path. So he chose. He pressed the button. He made the calls, made preparations. No Longer was he Kai Nakamura of the Star Army of Yamatai.


The shuttle carried him swiftly, away from the Fifth fleet, away from the soldiers he had spent most of his time with, the sailors of the space navy he had come to know as they transported the infantry around, and away from what was at this point, half of his life. He traveled to the 'galactic north', though that was a bit of a misnomer, as it was only north from a certain point of view, and space was highly subjective, after all. It wasn't a bad choice, all things considered. he'd been here before. On leave, visiting some of his family members who had traveled to this particular sector after their home was taken from them, though many had returned to Tami after it had been liberated, a few still lingered. It was a city floating above a planet. a space station, a busy hub of industry and commerce, the galactic headquarters of Origin Industries, known as Dawn Station.

When the shuttle finally set down, it was a new yet familiar sight, and while Dawn Station was the same bustling place as ever, it had also changed since the last time he'd been here, but such was the nature of the beast. He gathered his things; old Star Army bags in an outdated pattern stuffed to the gills with his every belonging, and hefted them along as he trudged from the landing area to the terminal, and then outside to hail a cab. the unpiloted car showed up, and the historically stoic man smirked a bit as he chuckled. The vehicle was scratched all over, a bit dented in places, with signs of use and abuse, but it worked flawlessly. the doors opened smoothy and silently, and after tossing his things, they closed with a solid thud. the interior was likewise covered in the signs of constant use, but it was clean, and even smelled nice. Why replace it, when you can maintain it, after all?

His ride took him from the sector six and through sector nine, past the residential areas, and into the central hub of the space station, Sector ten. a dizzying number of turns, level changes, and checkpoints brought Kai Nakamura to what looked like an apartment building, or maybe a hotel, though it seemed to have been built into a wall more than being a building of its own. The fare for the automated taxi deducted from his account, the blonde grabbed his bags once more and stepped inside.

"Well, this is going to be a bit different," he muttered, and checked into the first part of his new life.
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