Star Army

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RP: Origin [Origin] A Second Sendoff

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Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Tami, Yamatai
Origin Headquarters

The SS Raider sat at its berth, hanging from a mount next to the factory that had built it a year previous, and, more recently, overhauled it. The first time the ship had left this spot, it was a dull Grey, overloaded with internal sensors and test equipment, filled to the brim with engineers and crewman, sporting a few unique systems and a few bland ones. It had been originally captained by Vanhe Sturmohl, A shorter man, but was now captained by Aerin Tatst, the even shorter Yamataian CEO of the company. This time around, the exterior sported more weapons, a sleek green paint scheme, more sophisticated sensors, and a few slight changes necessitated by replacing the communications fin. Inside, it had a bit more space. Rooms previously filled with computers were now open, returned to their original purposes. Crewmembers had more luxurious accommodation, as well as more personal space, it now had less than a third of the people it carried previously. The sensors were more powerful, as was the computer; a fully Automated suite that was nearly a military grade system, and was actually built for a much larger ship than the Raider.

As before, there was little fanfare. A few employees, some technicians, some of the crew's families. Suddenly, the ship started making some low humming noises, and the clamps released, dropping the ship a few feet. It then lowered itself a little more, hovering over the ground, slowly inching it's way to freer air. With a call from the captain "All systems go!" A signal was returned from ground control; the raider suddenly roared off into the atmosphere, soon breaking through and making its way into space for the second time, but certainly not the last.

It was big. It was open. It was there for the taking.

But that would have to come later. For now, Aerin's focus was on making this ship do what it was originally designed for, to learn where she had made mistakes, and to make certain she could use that in future designs. The next focus would be those future designs. Designs that she hoped would take over the 'world' so to speak. To make her rich so she could devote time into more research, more technology, better designs, more money, more resources. A cycle that would continue until the Yamataian felt that she had learned enough to conquer space itself!

In any case, Space was where Aerin was. More specifically, she was on the Bridge of her starship, the SS Raider. It had been years since she had allowed herself to command a vessel, and this was certainly the largest she had ever been at the helm of. Sure, she could pilot the beast, but command? this many people? Daunting yes, But so was her previous lifestyle, and she had survived. New things were what Aerin lived for, and starships were part of that life she lived. Ever since she was a little girl, ever since that accident. Still, the woman wasn't entirely sure what to do. The crew were all 'volunteers' handpicked for their ability and loyalty, She could do almost anything and feel safe, so long as she let no one down. So now, She got to work.

"Aether taps?" she asked. A prompt reply, in a mechanical, Androgynous voice: "Working." "Weapoms?" "Online, Ma'am" "Communications?" "Green" "Sensors?" "Reading perfectly. Area clear" "Good. Remind me to give the team that designed you a raise" Aerin said to the voice, which was that of the ship's AI and computer system, a Destiny AI 'King' suite "Of course" The voice replied.

Aerin looked at the computer panel in front of her. "I suppose you could use a name. And a voice." "As you wish. I'm all ears" "All ears, eh? You need a better vocabulary. You sound too stiff. Even your attempts at being casual fail." the Captain giggled, laughing at the computer. "I have to develop a personality" the voice offered. "Yes, yes" Aerin muttered, waving the AI off. She sat in thought a few moments, ignoring the light activity around her; people at their stations doing their own work as she made sure the ship's computer was socially acceptable. "How does Roke sound?" "Roke, Ma'am?" "Yes, as your name. I like it. It has a ring to it." "I detect no ring in the name 'Roke' " "Oh, you're hopeless" Aerin finished, rolling her eyes. "Roke it is. Welcome to the land of the living, Roke." "I don't believe I am technically alive, Ma'am." Another eye roll.
Several more hours of checks followed the initial checks; launching a new ship was more than just pomp and circumstance, and launching a refitted ship was no exception. After finding everything to be in proper working order (according to both Roke and the ship's technical staff). Aerin sat for a bit, just wondering where to go. Finally, she decided a run over towards Halna might be a good idea, regardless of it having been taken over by Yamatai not too long previously. She figured some old friends and contacts might be there, and a touch with her past might help to ground her, as well as give the crew some time to get used to the ship without endangering themselves.

Setting the course, she decided that she would try to go the easiest route possible, skimming the Ketsurui Nebula, but not anywhere near close enough to hit it; hitting a Nebula at FTL speeds meant instant death. sure, she could plow through it at Sublight speeds, but she didn't want to take that long, especially with such a hot rod of a ship. Calling everyone to stations, the Pirate turned engineer turned starship captain sounded an all ahead full, the Raider correcting its course slightly before blinking out of existence with the CDD bubble activating and sending the ship to Superluminal speeds.
(short JP with Wes)

Halna, Yamatai.


A small streak appeared in the Halna system, materializing into a smaller green starship, bearing the call sign "SS Raider", which was registered to one "Aerin Tatst" As it closed in on the system, Roke, the ship's AI picked up a large number of contacts, quickly identifying them as ships belonging to the Star Army of Yamatai. Aerin remembered hearing about the attacks on Halna, but had figured a few people might still be there. With the sensors reading nothing but Yamataian ships, however, she was a little concerned. Tentatively, she sent out a message: "This is Aerin Tatst, Captain of the SS Raider; I've come to this system to try and see some old friends, Might I be able to pass?"

A Yamataian Taisa answered after a moment. "This is a restricted area. Please state your ship's affiliation and destination."

"A restricted area?" the captain muttered to herself, before responding. "We are affiliated with Origin Industries, a Yamataian corporation, and were headed for Black Moon to see if there were any prospective customers, but I suppose if it's restricted then we need to move on." After cutting off, she asked Roke for any recent news about Halna, having not really read in depth about it previously. What came up surprised her.

There was a short pause. Then, surprisingly, the response Aerin got was,"You are cleared for landing."

A short pause from Aerin as well, before she muttered "interesting" to herself. Having Roke bring the communications back up, she responded. "Thank you, we'll be coming in as soon as we can." And with that, the ship kicked into gear, taking the bath that had been sent, and coming in for a landing. It was the Raider's first landing anywhere other than Tami, and thanks to the pilot's skill, the ship made a smooth landing in one of the large elevator shafts. "SS Raider is docked as advised, any further instructions?"

"No," the Star Army captain replied. Meanwhile, some locals came out to welcome or investigate the ship.

(not so short JP with Me, Kokuten, and Revolver)

Nassau System

After spending a few hours on Black Moon, Aerin returned to her ship, satisfied with how business had gone. She felt that this would be a fairly stable source of income, at least for a while. Sending off, she was easily let through by the Yamataian guard, and headed off towards Morant. She had heard some news from an old friend (who did happen to be on Black Moon after all) that there were a few good, quality people on Morant that could use employment. Figuring it was a good Idea to get a crew for her ship rather than simply 'commandeering' Origin staff, she made her way there, a short jump compared to the previous trip. Before long, the SS Raider appeared in the Morant system, which had no real presence of of ships around it, according to Roke. The woman gained landing clearance easily, simply mentioning her friend's name. Landing where instructed, she made a few queries, and discovered that some of the people she might be looking for hung out at a nearby bar.

Aerin Headed to said bar, and went up to the counter, ordering a drink and looking around at the occupants.

"-so there I am, slicing up some vegetables for lunch, and BAM, the ship shakes. Turns out bandits wanted to raid a middle-class cruise liner. So needless to say, I lost my job." grunted Tadarius, the young man tapping an empty glass on the bar. He was leaning against it instead of using the stools.

The fiery redhead sitting in the seat next to Tadarius nodded at his story as the bartender refilled his glass. "At least you're still finding work," Tira countered, taking another drink from her own glass, "I'm barely making it by as it is. There's no money in freight and I'm blacklisted at Divolis after what happened with HiGA."

Aerin could not help but listen in on the conversation. Taking a sip from her drink, she looked over at the two, eying them a few moments before speaking up "You guys need a job? what are you good at?"
Tadarius was about to take another swig of his freshly filled drink before Aerin interupted. He looked over, his green lense eye's light intensifying for a moment. "Who wants to know?"

Aerin looked around, seemingly unperturbed by the man's comment, before turning back to him. "Looks like me, I guess." was her response, as she took another drink and smiled at the man.

Her return seemed to insult him, making him look back at Tira. He thumbed over at Aerin, and gave the redhead a look like he was asking if she knew her.

Spinning her to face the unknown woman talking to her and her friend, Tira sized Aerin up. "Well, we don't know who you are," she said, placing a hand down on her left knee, as if to show off the fact that the bottom half of her leg was a metal contraption instead of flesh and blood. Not the cheapest in cybernetics, but probably pretty close to it. "Did that bastard Kenichi send you?" she asked, venom dripping in her voice.

"Kenichi? Who the hell is that? I got sent by one of my old contacts, but you don't need to know him. He said there would be some good people for a ship's crew here, so I figured i'd give it a look-over." She turned to face them better, gaze locking each of them for a few seconds with intricately designed eyes, before starting again. "In any case, I might as well start asking if I want results."

The redhead glanced over to her drinking partner and then back to the five foot nothing lady with the crazy eyes. "Well, I'm a pilot, and he's a cook," she said, thumbing over at the tall, dark-skinned Nepleslian standing next to her. She laughed and took another swig from her glass and slammed it, empty, down on the bar. "Now, what did you say your friend's name was?"

Aerin thought for a few seconds before deciding that it could be useful, in case these were the people he had spoken of. "The guy goes by Marin Ara, but I don't actually know his real name. Said something about people from a place called HiGA?" She looked about the bar again, taking a sip. It was a nondescript place, the kind that you really only saw in crappy movies or old novels. "Hearing you two talking of lack of Employment tipped me off that you may just be who I was looking for."

"I havn't been with HiGA for over a year." Tadarius said, with a bit of spite on his tounge. "I'm really not sure who your buddy is, but I'd like to know why he kept tabs on me from that far back."

"The man has been sort of Isolated since Halna was attacked, so that isn't oo much of a stretch for his information to be old. Still, you WERE with HiGA at one point, Yes? and are now Unemployed?" the woman's insistence was a little strange, she was trying to bridge the gap between her old and new lives, that of an underhanded pirate, and that of a legitimate businesswoman.

"Yeah, that's true." The Locklem said sullenly.

"Marin... Ara?" Tira repeated, trying to remember if she'd heard a name like that before. "You'll likely find a lot of former HiGA people running around here on Morant," she explained, "Between Divolis and Oncari things haven't been going too well for them."

"Well, All the more reason for me to pick you guys up for a job then, eh? No need for good quality people to go unused because of a silly squabble." she said, smiling to herself. "I happen to be the CEO of a fairly new company, Origin Industries, and have a Test ship that needs a crew. Sound interesting?"

"A CEO? Hah!" Tadarius elbowed Tira a little bit, "A CEO, you getting this?" He looked back over at Aerin, "Oh yeah, I forget to mention, I'm the Zesuaium Chef!" The former marine laughed heartily with his reference to the high cooking honor.

"I like that show" Aerin said, smiling sweetly. "Never saw you on it, and i've seen the last fifteen seasons." she continued, taking another sip. "If you don't believe me, I could show you my ship. Also, I'd think the fact that I'm wearing a Uniform might tip SOMETHING off in your head." the Green-eyed Yamataian finished simply.

"Yeah? I'll take the ship, cause your uniform does not mean too much if I've never seen it before. You might as well be a little stripper from the skin bar across the street." Tadarius seemed a little bitter as he spoke, taking another sip of his drink.

The Geshrin joined in with Tadarius' laughing. "Look, lady, you own your own business. That's nice. You got a clean uniform, something half the blokes in this place have never seen. But you expect us to believe that you're just traipsing along looking for two people 'just like us,' to work for you?"

"Actually... Yes." she answered, Truthfully. "I'm used to not working off a lot of information, and the one time I do have information, it's not going so well. Go figure" Aerin said, looking at the two. "In any case, You guys need jobs, and I have a crew to fill. Perhaps we can work something out? though, by your attitude so far maybe I should just leave and put a note up for people to not hire from Morant, because the people there aren't very useful".

"Maybe they should have sent a note to your mom to teach you some manners." Tadarius nodded at her, a smirk on his face. He tapped his glass on the table, signifying it's emptiness.

"Oh, Believe me, She's tried" Aerin chuckled, unperturbed by the man's comments.

"What? Couldn't hear her from, oh," Tadarius stood up a moment, holding his hand high above her head. "Up here?"

Tira snerked at Tadarius's snarky responses. "Why don't you tell us what you really want and maybe we can come to an understanding. We have to pay for these drinks somehow."

The Bartender gave an odd look at Tira, and then went back to polishing a glass.

Aerin simply laughed at Tadarius, and, using her internal gravity manipulation, floated up to the height of his hand "This better?" she asked, before answering Tira, somewhat flatly, "I need a Crew to run my ship, because I don't feel like paying my Regular employees overtime to do something they aren't trained to do"

Tira glanced over to Tadarius, unsure of how to deal with this crazy floating mini-woman. She turned around to chastise the bartender for not refilling their drinks, but after he insisted he see some sort of payment for the drinks they had already consumed, she reluctantly pulled out some cash she had on hand as proof. After checking the bills for authenticity, the bartender happily refilled their glasses.

"Hey! Look at that!" Tadarius pointed at Aerin. "She can float." he sounded unimpressed, and then grabbed her arm, giving her tug that sent her spinning real fast.

"Ha!" Tira laughed as the self-proclaimed CEO spun around in the air. "Look at her go."

"Hm?" Aerin intoned as he grabbed her arm and spun her. It was rather fun, she found, despite the little squeal she made. After a few seconds, she stopped herself, facing the wrong direction, and then spun herself back towards them. "Whoo!" she said, seemingly unperturbed. "That was fun! Now, shall we get to business? I'll sit back down if floating here is too much of a distraction, whatever your name is."

"That's Red," Tadarius pointed at Tira, "I'm Buu," he thumbed to himself, "And I'm guessing you're Short?" he pointed at Aerin.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Buu, Red" she said, proffering a hand to the two of them. "My name is Aerin, not Shorty, if you must know."

Tira grabbed her refilled glass and had a drink, watching Aerin introduce herself and pointedly ignoring the proferred hand.

"Aaron? Naw, that's a boy’s name, I like shorty." Tadarius grinned, gripping her smaller hand with his larger, darker one.

Aerin cocked an eye, shaking the man's hand. "Anyway.. Red, Buu, My offer still stands. How does getting back into action sound? and a weekly paycheck, to go with it."

"Okay, you come in here, offer us jobs, claim you're a CEO, fly and spin around while giggling like a little girl, and still expect to take you seriously?" Tadarius shook his head, leaning back against the bar.

"Gotta be on something," Tira suggested. "Maybe that's the fun new thing for kids? Dressing up in costumes and getting high in public?"

"Well, Origin Industries is a public company, and my information isn't all that hard to find, so verifying who I am should be pretty straight forward" she answered, looking at them again. "But i'm not a Kid, In any case. I'm 28, and have been CEO for almost two years now." she said, making a little face. She was way out of practice with this sort of thing; living out of her office had obviously paid a toll on her negotiating skills.

"Well, let's see some I.D." Tadarius held out his hand.

"Psh," Tira said in disbelief, "I could get you some I.D. that said you were the Zesuaium Chef, Buu."

"Red, you only have to taste my cooking to know I'm the Zesuaium chef." Tadarius chuckled.

"I.D.??" she muttered to herself, patting herself for pockets as the other two talked. finding what she was looking for, she pulled out a business card and a Passport bearing her name and the stamps of several nations, as well as some other information. "All real, Here's my card" she said, holding up the passport and handing out the business card.

"Alright, I'm sold." said Buu as he nodded approvingly of the identification. "I doubt someone would go through this much trouble to get us in if they didn't mean it." He looked at Tira, "What do you say, Red?"

Tira shrugged, slid off her stool and finished her drink. "Let's at least see this ship. I'd believe that before I believed some cooked-up documentation."

Aerin watched the two once more, before hearing Red's decision. "Alright, Follow me then, my ship is docked about two docks over from here, so it shouldn't be that much of a walk. Follow me" she said, dropping back to the ground and paying the bartender for hers and Buu and Red's drinks. She then walked out towards the door, and turned right, walking along the walkway towards a decently-sized ship which was floating next to the dock, a loading arm extended to one of the lower doors on its side. "This is my ship, the SS Raider" she said, waving a hand towards the starcraft.

Tadarius gave a low whistle, "It's nice, and green."

"Well, it's certainly a ship," Tira observed, cocking her head to the side, "Larger than I expected."

"Well, It's pretty much the Civilian Equivalent to a Sakura-class Gunship in fighting power, but considerably roomier, and a bit larger" She said, obviously proud as she walked towards the ramp. "Would you guys like a tour?"

"You're not going to skip off into some mouse hole and leave us lost in here are you?" Tadarius chuckled, following Aerin.

"I'm more worried about them having ladders in this thing," Tira mused as she followed behind Tadarius.

"Not at all, Buu" Aerin answered, stopping at the bottom of the ramp, before assuaging Red's concerns with a quick answer of "We use elevators in this one, so don't worry, unless you want to be an engineer"

"Well, lead the way, Captain Inch." Tadarius gestured to the ship.
"As long as there's some way for us non-flying types to get around," Tira responded as she continued to look about at the ship.

"Hahaha. I only hover" Aerin responded, walking up the ramp and into the ship, they would find themselves in a small hallway that lead to an elevator, which sat open, and ready for them a map next to the elevator told them they were on the bottom deck, near the rear of the ship, and the elevator they were standing in front of could take them to the bridge, which, within a few moments of the others boarding, did.

"Isn't this how that one movie starts?" Tira asked while they waitied in the elevator. "Crazy aliens kidnapping people and whatnot?"

"Yeah, but those were aliens not leprechauns." Tadarius answered her.
"Which movie? I think I may know the one you're talking about. Where they take them hostage and try to steal their souls and use the bodies as slaves?" Aerin commented, ignoring Tadarius. before long, they actually arrived on the bridge, a large room with windows on three sides, and a number of stations which controlled functions of the ship. from seemingly nowhere, a slightly masculine voice sounded "Hello Miss Aerin, I see you've brought some guests"

"They do say it gets lonely out in space." Tadarius asided to Tira.
"I suppose so," Tira answered. "At least the ship recognizes this Erin person."

"Hello Roke" Aerin replied, as the two prospective crewmembers spoke among themselves. "This is Buu and Red" she said, pointing to each in turn "I'm giving them a tour of the Raider. Perhaps we will get to know them better as time goes on" she said, smiling at where she knew a camera had been placed for the AI to keep track of things. "Well, this is the bridge, in case you couldn't figure it out. What was it you said you did, Miss Red?" she asked.

"Call me Tira," the Geshrin said as she was eager to check out the pilot's seat, looking over it eagerly. "You've got to be kidding me, if you're trying to tell me I'd get to fly this thing."

"I'm not kidding you at all, Tira" Aerin said, switching to the new name rather quickly. It suited the girl rather well, as did her nickname. "You can go ahead and check out the pilot's chair, It's that one" she said, pointing to a forward facing station that had a set of controls and several screens. "I'm assuming this means you are a pilot" the CEO noted to herself.

"That's what I said, wasn't it?" Tira asked, looking over what sort of controls the ship had. They were more advanced than the freighters and delivery ships she had flown, but the basics were all there. A little familiarization lesson and it'd be all gravy.

"I think so" Aerin answered, following the girl to the station. She saw how Tira looked over the controls, and hoped that she approved; Aerin had designed them herself, hoping that they would be useful and ergonomic. "You like it? I designed these stations myself" she noted.
"If it's got wings, I can fly it," Tira bragged. "But this is nice. Too nice. What are you doing on Morant looking for a pilot?"

"I just like my Diamonds In the rough" Aerin said, shrugging. "There's plenty of good people everywhere, you just have to know how to look" she offered, patting Tira's shoulder before turning to Tadarius. "And You, Buu, what was it you did again? You said you cooked right?"

"I learned from Emello Locklem, himself, I'm probably the best cook in this Sector." Tadarius said proudly, crossing his arms. The cybernetic eye seemed to glow rather intensely.

"Well, then, I think I have something you might like on my ship" she said, walking back towards the elevator. "Are you coming, Tira?" she asked, beckoning Tadarius towards the elevator.

Tadarius shrugged and walked towards the elevator.

"I suppose so," Tira responded, tearing herself away from the console and following the two towards the elevator.

"Allright!" Aerin said, bouncing a little. when the other two got in the elevator, it went down a few levels, Aerin never touching a button, though a set of buttons did exist next to the door. She was simply communicating with Roke via her Yamataian 'Telepathic' abilities. In any case, once they arrived at the proper level, Aerin lead them down a hallway similar to the one they had entered, then turned left and lead them down another, before opening a door into a kitchen that could easily be mistaken for one of a high-caliber restaurant. "How about this?" she said, watching the dark-skinned Nepleslian to gauge his reaction.

"This is ridiculous," Tira remarked to Tadarius as they looked at the kitchen laid out before them. "What is going on here?"

"Is this my Kitchen?" Tadarius said flatly, appearing unimpressed.

"It could be, If you take the job" Aerin ansewered tadarius, Not entirely certain why Tira found it ridiculous. "Nothing's going on here, I'm just showing you what I have and hoping you guys have the skills necessary to utilize it properly" she answered the girl simply.

"Could be? Or will be?" Tadarius was still looking at the Kitchen itself.

"If you take the job of Head cook, then Yes, It will be your Kitchen, to run however you like. Hell, You could even charge, so long as you use most of that money to service the kitchen and buy supplies" she said, hoping the man would like it. the real test would come once they were underway, and she could see how well they performed. hopefully she wasn't making a bad choice with these two.

That comment kept Tadarius quiet for a few moments. After his silence he raised his hand, pointing at Aerin, the prospectful cook still looking at the Kitchen. His fingers hopping a little, beckoning her up. "Could you turn on that gravity stuff you have so we can speak face to face." said the man, who was still looking out into the Kitchen.

Aerin obliged, quickly rising to be face to face with the man, but this time making sure to root herself this time so he couldn't spin her as easily. "Yes?" she asked, looking towards him as he continued to look at the kitchen.

Tadarius turned to face the Aerin, and then embraced the tiny captain. "I take back every short joke I made about you," he let her go for a moment, placing his hands on her shoulders. "You've bought me, Tadarius Buushaw Locklem is your Head Chef."

Tira shrugged, with a bit of a laugh. "I guess that means that Tira Gambizan is your pilot." She looked over at Tadarius, "Let's see where this boat goes."

Aerin laughed with Tira. "Good to hear! seems I made the right choice." She was rather happy, this trek had been successful, despite being a bit awkward for a while. She continued the tour with the two, and let them sign on to be official crew for the SS Raider. while they went and got their personal gear, Aerin found a few more crewmembers and had similar interviews and tours, nabbing a few more of the people of Morant to Crew her ship.

(Me and Revolver)


The SS Raider appeared near the Kohana cloud, Aerin at the controls. It had made a short layover at Tami to get the new crewmwmbers uniforms and to finalize their contracts, and dumped most of the Origin regular employees that had previously Crewed the ship. It was now on another test and training run, getting the new crew used to the unique starship.

Tira stood just behind the pilot's seat, watching Aerin control the ship, noting what the tiny captain was doing with a datapad in her hand to take notes.

Aerin let go of the Yoke, speaking up to Tira. "Okay, your controls are live now, Miss Gambizam" she said, nodding to her new Pilot "Just take it easy for now, she's pretty responsive. Bring her closer in to the cloud, and plot a course through the Asteroids. Don't hit anything; the Shields can only take so much"

The basics were familiar enough for the Geshrin in her spiffy new uniform. "Alright," she said, taking ahold of the controls before her and adjusting the ship's heading, watching as the computer layed out a line of their projected course.

The projected course was fairly simple, and easy to understand, the line of the course worked in tandem with a representation of the ship, showing her orientation compared to the plotted course, and sometimes notifying her when adjustments needed to be made. The ship moved forward, asteroids coming closer as it neared it's proposed entry point. a shift in the massive rocks prompted the computer to react, shifting the course and notifying the Pilot.

Tira struggled with the controls a bit, not used to having the computer handle so much. She clenched her teeth as she tried to manually dodge the incoming space debris. "Roke, can you show me the projected asteroid paths instead of the suggested course through them?"

"Of Course, Miss" Roke responded, cordially. The display changed, the line disappearing only to be replaced by a projection of where the debris would be in 5 seconds; about the time at which the ship would pass by them. "You seem to be doing well, so far" Aerin commented from her seat, which was slightly raised above Tira's.

"Well, it's bigger than what I'm used to, that's for sure," Tira admitted as she used the new data setup to steer at her pleasure. Computer projections were fine, and usually safe enough, but there was something to be said for the intuition and gut feelings of a person. "Also a lot smoother. It's almost weird not being able to feel every little shift."

"Well, It has a lot more mass than a shuttle, and probably quite a bit more maneuvering thrusters, as well. We've also got a very nice Artificial gravity system, so you'll only really feel it if we either hit something, or go suborbital" Aerin said, watching the girl's progress. Roke was also watching, in his own way, recording the data and putting it up against the projected "perfect" course for navigating this asteroid field. He would give them the information at the end of the exercise. As it was, she was doing well, but her caution due to the different feeling was cutting it a little closer than Roke's course would have.

Being more used to cargo ships and freighters, the Raider was quite a beast compared to what Tira was used to. "Roke, can I get a window of the front view on screen? I'm really more used to seeing where I'm going."

"If you wish" Roke said, Overly formal. The computer had yet to gain much of a personality, and acted like a house servant, simply treating anyone on the bridge as his master. He did not care, it seemed, and rather enjoyed being whom he was, odd as it was. In any case, he complied, moving the Main holoprojector down and out of the way of the window, while switching it to a vew from sensors on the nose of the craft. It now appeared as if the Geshrin could see through the front end of the craft.

"Oh, that's much better," Tira said, flaring her fingers to stretch them out and make sure she had a good grip on the controls. Now it was like she was the ship, flying through the stars and dodging the asteroids with her own body. "Thank you, Roke."

"It's my pleasure" Roke answered, a hint of pride in his voice. that was another thaing that had changed in the day or so since Tira had first boarded the Raider; Roke was now definitely Male sounding. Aerin smiled, seeing her new Pilot 'become one' with the ship. The minuscule CEO had made a good choice with this one.

Now that she was more comfortable with the controls, Tira maneuved the ship much more smoothly than she first had. Perhaps it was Roke better reacting to her commands, or perhaps it was just her 'feeling' out the ship more. Either way, the grin on her face made it clear that the Geshrin was in her element.

Roke did indeed note this, and he found her course to be coming closer and closer to his projected course. Aerin, on the other hand, decided it was time to start heading back, and asked Tira "Would you mind adjusting the course and turning the ship about so we can head out? I think this is a good Halfway point" She smirked, wondering how this pilot was going to handle turning a 1000 foot long ship around in an asteroid field, where 1000 feet was a common distance between certain asteroids.

"I hope the gravity control on this thing is good," Tira said with a grin as she disengaged the main ion thrusters and engaged the foward maneuvering thrusters to fire up while the rear thrusters brought the back end down, flipping the whole ship in place, being careful to tilt the ship to miss any stray asteroids showing on the display.

While the view out the window and on the screens got flipped about like a ragdoll, inducing nausea on anyone whom had not experienced such a thing, the internals of the ship remained exactly the same "Yup" was Aerin's only answer as she watched gleefully at the pilot's skill. As large as the Raider was, it was a very nimble ship, making the maneuver Tira performed a cakewalk, especially to her experienced hands.

Tira was surprised at the smoothness which which the huge ship performed the maneuver, and the fact that she didn't feel her insides flipping about was quite strange. "Impressive," she complimented as she re-engaged the ion thrusters and maneuvered the ship towards the edge of the asteroid field.

After the ship turned around, Tira would notice that the course behind it had shifted, and, now being in front as well as different, posed a slight problem. Two of the larger asteroids had hit one another; too far away for the Roke to care at the time, but the sudden turn-around had sent the ship in a head-on course with the small bits of rock now flying towards them. Roke did not enact the emergency auto-pilot, instead, he would continue testing her, as Aerin was commanding him to do. already a bit of the debris were hitting the Raider's forward shields, distorting the view forward slightly with small rings as the shielding vaporized the bits of rock.

"Hey Roke, what happened with those paths?" Tira asked as she rolled the Raider slightly to try and avoid hitting furthur debris. "I need to know where things are all around the ship, so don't hide 'em even if they're at our backside."

Roke complied, Silently this time. he had been defeated by this pilot, In a way. He then procured the ship's previous path, showing how it went through what was now an asteroid. He also put a small window in her station screen, showing what was behind the ship. "Do you require any more information, Miss?" he spoke up, sounding peeved at himself. Aerin giggled, as he explained to her what had happened over the captain's telepathic link.

"Just keep keeping me up to date and we'll be fine. There arn't any other ships or non-asteroids out there? Because I want to know about those too," Tira joked.

"I would Notify you if there were" Roke said. "Currently, there are a few ships on my sensors, but I do not believe they know we are here, and are definitely too far away to bother with us, especially in the asteroid field" he informed her. Her maneuvers were working fairly well, and the amount of distortions on the shielding lessened, as well as a more open course appearing in her new heading.

"Haha, alright, alright," Tira responded as she continued to steer the ship towards the edge of the asteroid field. "Feel free to volunteer any information if something new pops up."

"I will be sure to, Ma'am." Roke replied, highlighting an asteroid that was moving considerable faster than the others, and which would cross their path soon unless Tira changed it.

"Thanks," Tira responded as she began correcting the Raider's course to avoid the speedy space stone. "You might want to be careful, Captain," the redheaded Geshrin mention to Aerin, "I could get used to this." She laughed as she eased the ship into it's new course.

"The Asteroid dodging or the piloting?" Aerin questioned, in a joking matter "seeing as i'm paying you to pilot my ship" The Raider continued along the corrected course, unhampered by everything, and getting closer to the exit. Roke began compiling the flight data with the Optimal course, comparing the two and scoring it.

"Manual control," Tira clarified. "This ship is a dream to fly."

Aerin beamed. It made her feel good to know that someone enjoyed her hard work. "I don't think it would bother me if you always flew manually" Aerin said "Just as long as you enjoy doing it. I'd rather you earn your pay by working than by watching a computer do your work for you." Within moments, the Ship broke out of the main section of the Asteroid field, a few stragglers floating near them, but nothing serious. "Once you move completely out of the field "Aerin said to the pilot "stop us so we can give you your piloting score"

"Rodger that, Captain," Tira responded as she turned the speed up. No need to go as slow now that they were on the edge of the field. "Roke, set a nav point where I can park."

"Yes Ma'am" The AI complied, setting one approximately fifteen hundred Kilometers from their current position. along with it came notes of a heading which would make it easier to navigate the jump back to Tami, A 'personal touch' from the computer.

"You're too kind, Roke," Tira told the computer when she saw the navpoint pop up on the display. As soon as the Raider was in range she shut off the propulsion and turned towards Aerin. "Well, Captain?"

"Hrrmmm..." Aerin said, poring over the results "You fly better than I do, that's for sure" she said, nodding, getting to Roke's conclusion. "Seeing as you shut off Roke's normal assistance, basically doing it on 'Medium difficulty', you did very well, your score is Eighty-five per cent, as compared to Roke's 'Perfect' course. Compared to what an average pilot would have done, however, you scored one hundred and fifty percent. I'd say you get to keep your job, Miss Gambizam!" Aerin said, smiling at the woman. She sent the Dat to the pilot's station for her to look over herself, then moved control back to Roke. "Allright, Roke. Take us home"

"Hot damn," Tira swore, apparently having difficulty remembering that she was working for a classier outfit now. "Excuse me, Captain. I mean, thank you." Her face was plastered with a fat grin. Now that she'd proved herself to Aerin, it looked like she was going to be flying once more.

(Special thanks to Kokuten for Editing)


The SS Raider appeared in Yamatai space, near the planet. asking for all the necessary permissions, Roke soon got the ship to a nice waiting spot, synchronizing its orbit with the planet's own rotation, and sitting directly above Kyoto. Tentatively, two shuttles were launched from the shuttle bay. One, Piloted by the Handsome Hurgh Fuglynaim, headed straight for the Gozen Clan's compound, to pick up Knsuke. The second, piloted by Tira Gambezam, and containing Aerin Tatst, waited for a few moments, as the short CEO got into contact with this 'Irene Ceres'

"So, just send us your location and we'll pick you up" Aerin said, finishing a short conversation with the woman. she looked at Tira, waiting for the navigational coordinates to come int.

The console in front of the peglegged pilot beeped. "We've got the co-ordinates, Captain. Ready to head in at your command," the redhead reported. "Roke, let's see the traffic out there," she commanded, and the computer responded by displaying the paths of any objects that lay in orbit between the Raider's shuttle and it's destination.

That is Origin's new model of shuttle, then. Irene thought to herself for a moment, setting her leather briefcase on top of her trolleycase for an instant to unruffle her clothing, which consisted of a plain white dress shirt and an ankle length navy blue skirt. Her dark brown hair was only slightly past the mid-point of her neck, and for the most part, a little too wild or rough cut to be considered pretty, but at least elegant by virtue of being functional. "I am here to be picked up, Miss Tatst."

"Let's go down and get her, Tira" Aerin said, after recieving Irene's response. she herself moved into the back of the shuttle, so as to better be able to greet Irene, but left the door open so Tira could still communicate.

The Onset breached the planets atmosphere, threaded through the maze of sky traffic and landed smooth as a baby's skin on the landing pad. "Welcome to lovely Yamatai, Captain," the pilot said as she opened up the rear door of the shuttle. "Where the catgirls roam free and noone has to live with the body they're born with." Tira started the Onset on an automated Self-Diagonstic and rose from her seat, "Now then, she'll be ready to go again at your leisure, Captain."

"Thank you, Miss Gambezam" Aerin said, Smiling at her pilot, before brushing off her uniform (the hat left in her room on the Raider) and walking out the back of the shuttle, and towards the woman she assumed to be Irene Ceres, which she vocalized with "Irene Ceres, I presume?" holding out a hand for the woman to shake "I'm Aerin Tatst, Captain of the SS Raider. You're to be my doctor, yes?"

"Hello, Captain Tatst." Irene said, giving a small nod as the young CEO came into view. The pacing of her words was almost mechanically precise, while the voice sounded like a perfect imitation of human speech, but betrayed itself as an imitation by virtue of being too crisp and resonant. "My name is Irene Ceres, and I wish to be employed for that purpose in your organization."

Aerin slightly raised an eyebrow at the voice that was just a little off, and the fact that the woman did not return her handshake, but rather bowed. Putting her hand back at her side, Aerin returned the bow, quickly. "So, shall we go up to the ship? My cook is supposed to be whipping up a rather nice dinner for us, and I'd love it if you could join us, perhaps we can talk business there, as well?" the woman said, signalling towards the shuttle.

Tira followed the Captain out of the shuttle, her metal leg clanking at every step. She stopped at the rear entrance and kept an eye out for any trouble. Not that there'd be any trouble on Yamatai, but with Aerin, one could never be too safe.

"This body..." expends more energy processing food than it receives. Cyrene thought to herself, unconsciously continuing her line of thought without saying it. She tugged on large stack of baggage behind her and nodded, preparing to follow the woman into the shuttle. "I would... like that, Miss Tatst."

"Allright then!" Aerin said, smiling. she bounced a bit before turning around and heading towards the Shuttle, where Tira was standing on the ramp of. Speaking to the pilot, Aerin said "Get her ready, we're going back up." and sort of shooing the woman into the shuttle. once Tira had moved, the CEO then unfolded the padded benches from the walls, and offered one for Irene to sit down on.

Tira trotted back to the pilot's chair and took her seat at the helm. She looked over the results of the diagnostic and seeing no problems, began pre-flight proceedures.

Irene complied, taking a seat and setting her trolley case at the left of her feet, while clutching the small leather briefcase in her lap. "Are you interested in interviewing me, then?"

"Yes, I would Love to interview you. Our ship needs a doctor, and you were the only one who answered the advertisement I sent out." she said to Irene, Simultaneously snding a text message to the shuttle's console, telling Tira to close the door and head up for the Raider. "What about my ship caught your Eye and made you want to join, may I ask?" Aerin questioned, smiling at the woman across from her, and leaning forward, looking a little bit eager.

The back door of the shuttle closed as Tira finished up the pre-flight check. She grinned as she heard Irene's question and lifted the shuttle from the launch pad. "Roke, visibility is shit down here. Overlay the viewscreen so I can get us out of here."

Roke complied, sending a number of sensor feeds from the Raider down to the shuttle, as well as telling the shuttle to boost its sensors to counteract the conditions. A small screen popped up to overlay the viewscreen, but it wasn't anywhere near as nice as the ones inside the Raider's bridge.

Small blueish lines traced across Irene's cheeks as the other woman asked question that seemed rather forward to her, the luminescence of her artificial eyes increasingly slightly for a second. "I... I had been keeping track of Origin's progress in stocks and asset acquisition for some time, after a co-worker at the Foundation purchased some of your stocks and made a tidy profit. That you posted a network just as my division was dismantled was simply... good fortune." The young cyborg explained, her eyes not even pausing to blink as she spoke.

"Roke, you piece of shit. I can boost the sensors myself. I wanted you to send me some better data from the Raider's sensors you nitwit," Tira would've kicked the console if she tought it would have any effect.

"I'm glad you see it that way" Aerin grinned, nodding at the woman's story. "So, what sort of job did you figure you'd be doing here, If I may ask?" she continued, still looking at Irene. If she hadn't said previously that she was a full-conversion cyborg, Aerin might have been freaked out by the unblinking eyes and odd colors flashing just beneath the woman's skin, but she held her tongue, waiting for Irene's answer.

"I expect to treat injuries... and illnesses, control the distribution stimulants and painkillers and catalog new specimens... that the crew may chance upon." Irene said, explaining what she thought might be relevant to her duties. "I was a lab assistant at the Foundation, in spite of my qualifications, so this may be... more interesting."


The first shuttle that had launched above Yamatai sped on towards its destination, the handsome nepleslian at the controls crooning to no one in particular. He made his way through traffic with a bit of a flair, pushing the little shuttle to some of its limits. Once he got within range of the Gozen campus, however, he slowed down to a hover, and called out "This is Hurgh Fuglynaim of Origin Industries. I'm here to pick up a 'Kensookay Moorawkawmi?' he said, mispornouncing the name a bit, Yamataian names had never been his strong suit.

There was a moment of silence, the Gozen owned ATC tower getting confirmation that this was, in fact, a scheduled visit. "Origin shuttle, you are cleared for landing. Murakami-dono will greet you shortly."

"Awright, thanks, baby" the Nepleslian pilot returned, guiding the shuttle to the provided coordinates and dropping down gently. the rear ramp opened and out walked a tall, dark, and handsome man, wearing a crisp Origin uniform. seeing Kensuke standing there, he held out a hand "What's shakin' baby? I'm Hurgh Fuglynaim, here ta pick ya up"

The rather tall Yamataian male bowed to Hurgh. Behind him, numerous nekovalkyrja servants, wearing blue and red Kimonos, and with pale powdered faces were carrying his stuff. Well, almost all of his stuff. At his waist, Kensuke had two swords. One was a fairly average looking katana in it's sheath, and the other was it's companion wakazashi. "Greetings, Hurgh Fuglynaim."

"Greetin's" the man responded, bowing back a little awkwardly. "Juss load up all your stuff and hop on in, we're meetin' some new people fer dinner, apparently." Hurgh said, walking back towards the shuttle, muttering to himself that Kensuke didn't shake his hand.

Kensuke motioned to the neko servants, then followed Hurgh(hehe). The obediant servants immediately began to load Kensuke's items onboard the shuttle, including what looked to be a case carrying an Armor sized katana.

Once everything was loaded, Hurgh called from the cockpit "Say yer goodbyes then get up here", but before Kensuke could really comply, the Nepleslian raised the rear ramp, giving the Yamataian just enough time to wave before it was shut and sealed.

Kensuke silently sat down on one of the available chairs, hands rested in his lap contently, waiting for the trip to be over.

Satisfied that Kensuke was safe in his seat, Hurgh punched it, blasting into the sky as quickly as the shuttle could manage, much to the dismay of the Gozen's gardeners, any nearby plants were likely a bit frazzled by the wash. Quickly the little shuttle rose towards the atmosphere, headed to a currently nonexistant point that was still too far to be seen. "So, watcha do exactly, mister Kensookay?" Hurgh asked of his passenger.

"I am the head of Origin Armor Works."

"Oh, hey, cool" Hurgh said, looking at the man "Guess that makes me your personal shuttle dude, I was hired to fly shuttles and stuff for tha OAW" he continued, beaming, the smile making his handsome features just that much more stunning, not that kensuke would really notice.

Kensuke nods, staying stoic. also, Kensuke is more handsome than Hugh, his cold exterior only magnifying his features through a magnifying glass of ice.

"Oooo-kay" Hurgh mumbled, looking out the viewscreen. The Raider was fast approaching, a dark green shape barely highlighted against the black of space. Soon, Hurgh brought the shuttle into the bay, bringing it down on the floor with a flourish, and not even so much as a bump. "Here we are, Mister" he announced, looking out the window as another shuttle came into the Hangar, carrying a new crewmember to the Raider itself.


The Onset containing the Captain and the new employee touched down back in the safety of the Raider's shuttle bay. Tira began to shut down the various systems as she opened up the rear door to the shuttle. "Here we are," the redheaded Geshrin announced to her two passengers. "Welcome aboard the SS Raider"

As the Bay doors closed up behind Tira's shuttle, Hurgh opened the ramp to his shuttle. "Awright, baby, out ya go, We're officially on tha SS Raidah now" he said, unbuckling his straps and heading out the back of the shuttle, past all of Kensuke's baggage. He walked over to a small niche in the wall and grabbed a coffee, he was on his break and would get the stuff moved later. Kensuke was left to his own devices, however.

Kensuke stood up, staring at his bags. He was traveling light, well mostly. The Power Armor sized Katana may be a problem. "Well then."

Aerin popped up "Well, Miss Irene, it seems we're here now" she said, sending another text to Tira's console thanking her for the good job.

"Very well... Captain Tatst. If there is any immediate need to unload heavy cargo, you may count on me." Irene replied with a gentle nod, tugging along the baggage stacked atop her wheeled trolley case. "This body has an upper bound of five hundred kilograms."

The female pilot rose from her seat at the helm of the Onset and grabbed the small bag stashed off to the side. She made her way out of the shuttle and headed over to the man enjoying a cup of joe, glancing only momentarily at the serious looking passanger that Hurgh had picked up. "So, how was your flight?"

"Ehh, It was okay. Mister sunshine over there is very talkative" Hurgh said, sarcastically, taking a sip from his mug. "I hear you were invited to tha dinner. Put in a good word for me, eh, sugahlips?" he said, with a bit of a flirty tone to his voice.

"Eh, I'll probably just hang out in the kitchen. Listening to the Captain's bright ideas every five minutes gives me a headache half the time," the Geshrin laughed at her joke. "But hey, your name's been coming up on the duty roster a lot for the big seat, so I don't know how much more good words you really need."

"Oh, that won't be neccesary" Aerin responded to Irene, moving towards the ramp "Let's head to the wardroom, shall we? my cook has something special planned, I think."

Kensuke grabbed the large sword, and pulled it over his shoulder, momentarily losing balance and nearly falling over. "This is heavy. Too heavy. Need to make it lighter for mass production." Kensuke used his free hand to grab the rest of his bags, trudging off the shuttle's ramp.

Irene glanced over at the Yamataian man as she passed him by with her luggage, and paused a moment, looking intently at the sword. "Pardon me... would you need assistance carrying that weapon? My capacity exceeds that of even bio androids such as yourself." The cyborg asked curiously, without any kind of apparent malign intention, her intonation swinging between mechanical precision and a nearly pleasant sing-song.

Kensuke grunted under the weight of the stuff, his knees close to buckling under the pressure. "No, I'm perfectly fine, i don't want to bother a beautiful girl like you with th- oh kami I lied!" Kensuke grunted loudly in pain as he collapsed, falling over the floor to be buried by his heavy luggage.

"Oh shi-" Hurgh muttered, before Tira could answer, rushing to Kensuke "Oi, i'm s'posed ta be takin those to yer room later, Mister." he said, grabbing one of the bags "Right now you're s'posed to be gettin to the dinner, I think"

Irene picked up the weapon sitting atop Kensuke with her left hand, making a small nod as her arm calculated the weight and density of the weapon. "I see. A Yamataian-styled blade for power armored use, built using modern alloys, correct?"

Kensuke grunted from under the pile, trying to stand up. "Correct. It's a prototype for something being made by OAW."

Aerin soon caught up with the group "Ah, Kensuke, It's nice to see you again. We only met once before, I think?" she greeted, pulling the man fully upright and giving him a quick hug. "I see you've met Irene, our new doctor and- Ooh... That's pretty. A new project, Kensuke?" she said, in a flurry of words.

Kensuke blushed at the hug, then stood back, bowing deeply to Aerin. "Ah, yes. Our designers needed a melee weapon for our upcoming Ashigaru. Currently, we have two things on the drawing board." He pointed to the large Katana. "The Origin Katana, Kusanagi Pattern, and the cheaper Origin Lance, Izanagi Pattern."

"The shield projectors and power field will make them much more effective against armored subjects, but this weapon still requires that you close within two meters to make an effective attack." Irene said, letting go of her luggage trolley and placing her hand to her mouth as small glowing lines traces up and down her cheeks. She felt rather embarrassed for saying something so strange when she was just a ship's doctor, and so decided to play it off. "Forgive me for saying this strange nonsense. One of my coworkers enjoyed playing as a swordsman in sim games, and those of us who had picked rifles tended to spend the game hunting him down for easy points."

"It's only intended for close range use, of course. Well, close range use or for Glory." Kensuke smiled, picking up his bags. "Now, I need to get everything stored where it needs to be stored."

"I'll do that for ya, Sir" Hurgh said, grabbing the bags from Kensuke and hurrying off towards the elevators, to place them in the man's VIP room. He didn't mind acting as a porter, even though he felt it to be more menial compared to piloting. He just figured he better work to earn his keep, as he got payed to do mostly nothing a lot of the time.

"Irene, could you please carry that to the PA hangar?"

Similarlly, Tira was technically on the clock still. But luckily enough, her only duty right now was being Aerin's chauffeur. She stole Hurgh's coffee cup he left behind and drained it. No sense letting it cool off and go to waste.

"The PA Hangar is just one floor down, Miss Irene" Aerin said, looking at Kensuke for a moment "I doubt it would hurt to leave it next to the shuttle for someone to take down though, I'm sure Mr. Locklem is waiting for us with his dinner right about now" the CEO chimed in.

"Well, I..." haven't even set up shop, but I guess my offer from before is being called on. Irene mumbled her reply to Kensuke. Aerin's words only confirmed things. "Yes, Captain Tatst." She nodded, heading to the elevator to drop off the weapon she held in her hands.

Kensuke turned to Aerin, bowing again. "Captain, we need to talk, somewhere private, where we can't be overheard by prying eyes."

"Of course" She responded, walking after Irene towards the elevator, which would take them to their destinations once it returned from Hurgh's chore.

Kensuke followed the captain, one hand on his katana. "We have run into problems developing the Ashigaru."

The redheaded Geshrin tossed the empty cup into the trash recepticle, hefted her bag over her shoulder and fell in behind the other crew.

"Ah. Such a pity, I thought it had been going well. I heard you had gotten a frame to run with most of the components mounted, but I suppose there must be some issues with the finalization of the machine" she said, reaching the elevator, which dinged and opened, allowing the group to enter. it quickly dropped one level, to the smaller Powered Armor hangar, and opened for Irene to put the sword inside before closing and moving back up to their previous level, this time with the side opening up to let them into a hallway.

"We don't want to use a military grade Aether generator, but we can't fit anything else in such a small space."

"And then there's the problem of movement in Zero-G."

"It bounces, doesn't it?" Aerin responded, looking a little concerned. "Perhaps we will simply have to make it bulkier for the time being, and refine it with experience. Similar to a design i've made based on this very ship" Aerin said, patting a wall as they walked down the hallway."

Kensuke continued to follow. "How is the Rebel project going, miss Tatst?"

"Very well, Actually. The designs have been finalized and the first prototype is in the construction phase. Currently the manufacturing building isn't enough though. the Gravity on Tami is giving the manipulator arms trouble with such heavy pieces" the captain looked sour for a moment "If only we could get that Behemoth the MAP flying, we would have Zero-g assembly capabilities, and construction would be faster." She finished.

"We still need to develop missiles for it."

"True, but it's capable of firing just about anything, so that is a secondary concern" Aerin rebuked, as the group made it to the wardroom. She opened the door, beckoning the group in. Near the kitchen was a table obviously made for them, decked out in origin colors and with a silk tablecloth, spots set for 10 people, though there would obviously not be that many people partaking.

Tadarius walked out of the kitchen, pushing open the double doors in a rather glorious manner. "Ah! It's about time! Come in, come in. Take whichever seat you like, however, please avoid sitting in the taller chair, that one is for the Captain." said the Chef as he walked over to them and gave them a flourishing bow.

Kensuke returned the bow to Tadarius. "I thank you, for preparing this for us."

Tira's hand hit her face at Buu's overdramatic flair. That guy, she thought. Oh well, it's his feast.

"Why thank you, Buu" Aerin said, returning the man's bow in an almost comically exaggerated way. She walked to the table and stood next to her seat, waiting for everyone else to find a spot first.

Kensuke stood behind his seat, next to the captain, hand still on his katana.

Tadarius put a hand to his chin, rubbing the neatly groomed facial hair. He appeared excited, and began to gesture to the chairs.

"Now now! Go ahead and take a seat!" Buu said with a grin, "We need to get underway, or your food will be getting cold in no time. I have salads ready for whoever wishes to partake. Though, now, I'll be taking drink orders." He clapped his hands together, eagerly awaiting their responses.
Irene arrived a few moments later, setting her trolley case out of the way as she approached the table. The Raider was actually much larger on the inside than she had expected, and the walk from the armor bay had been rather scenic, in the sense of making her a little late to things. It was a relief, as at the very least, she was not late enough for her behavior to be considered suspicious.

"Captain." The Doctor said with a nod, taking her seat.
Aerin nodded to the returning Irene, and watched for everyone else to sit down. Satisfied that everyone was in fact, sitting, she sat herself down and prepared her seat for the meal. "Why don't you serve our guests first, Buu?" She suggested.
"Ah, alright then..." Tadarius nodded, looking at the two new faces in the room. He looked at the both of them suspectingly, and then continued on.

"Well, we have the traditional house salad to start everything off. Now, if you don't like greens, we can cut directly to an appetizer, Blue Cheese Turkey Rolls. Very delicious." The Head Chef said, kissing the tips of his fingers.
Aerin smiled at the Chef's display of interest in his profession, holding back mild laughter, because she found his actions amusing. "I think I'll have the salad first, If you don't mind, Buu" The woman said turning back towards the table before saying "I would recommend anything he says he can make, he's a very good chef, as far as I know."
Kensuke stayed silently aloof, as if he wasnt paying any attention to the conversation, a stoic expression on his face as he sat. The Yamataian suddenly spoke up, following Aerin. "I also wish to have the salad first. You made the trouble of preparing it for the sake of tradition, and it would be insulting to not have it."
"This body does not receive any additional nutritional benefits from eating salads..." Irene said cooly, pausing for a moment as her expression became slightly less matter-of-fact, verging on a degree of vulnerability as she thought of how her statement would sound. She actually liked the taste of fresh greens. "...but it would be a shame to miss out on this part of the meal. If only because I rarely can afford fresh lettuce because of my maintenance costs."
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